HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0061�J �J �:jr. J. 1i 4 1 01 17'�AL 'IFT" IF A"1,J!',rq rv.'4! I -EIC, V 141i .-L `7,j!`L TIHE� T Cim PEE t`i i -,.Lj I 1-v , Ii J:L V MJF` 77 .+- 7 D S () F T 7 T7 "I '"i 1 -717 7,17 0 F '9'rU FLTU 177. (3 A S TFA T 2 0 CA T, T r,:) FL'�T 11 Lj L ,"-, 1 7,7, 7 �,D I t7l -,N-j OF A -T 3 Tr jD;-r-' ?!,T 'r �-N T I L, 0. •Z T� T T":j PC A�ND. 141 L4 IT 4 r A P OT' A C,�q 1 .,G iJ7WD L) "T 7 T 7 T TIC , 1 ""P'F TTy7 3' 7 'C', j- T , 7 7T, V�17'Hi -77-, IS t-1 -, 1 1-1 (.) I LfA TAI LL 'r �-A!.L`,, "IT -7 031" 'I'm 7-71'RTI-17" -A-7 APPI T. 4 k -j 11 1 v -V .t L'Ll I '1 1; 1 1 YK, T TZ'.77AC, a o a `= 1 election was he" he day A Y CLE of A `A32 in. ac c, -rd ar, cc io: i iii t I i -, Tp r o v JL 3 i,:) n C Lt r u u -* - — f C, L,-entc- Of Ord.Inun.ce ITO. of aid 'ity, cu 7 line;, r°;vidin a iv -In g notj JL o, -0 c 'L su%ch el e ot i cn , r 00 o cf., to a i d c --(,d inar, c,-", further being healc filade; and TUTLEREASS it has been detort-ained by a canvazse of U16 rns. of said elect ion by tho 7�oard o 'L T rkA-zt�?,es of sa-id City made Vlay 1913,, and enterad ir, f-111.1 upon the of Oa` d -'% L I -.0. t h uch z,11,11co,,al .Lica %1i tu he i.-currin of a 'Cly nded indebt,%,Uh,.e�z; of said Cit -v for the purpose and to 'Uh-L, amounto sta-t,-1--,.d vvas au."),orized by t!ie af-0j.rYda,-jVM VG to -rg, -than twG-thirias of the vo11-,1-..c.-,, now., t"Jeref �Ij , : The ?oard of Trust..ft-ras of the City of Bur"Ling"ame do ordain as foljoL�jWS : Y L 16V Sect ion, I That ts-io loc nds, of tric i -L U C t t c I a I.J. for n 1 a ,xill be is -sued in a6cordance with thO. -Ce;,u16t Q f e 0 1a 1 0 0 t in said (43 i t on t he "'G- h a-,1, o f A �-,r .) u U ; L Itat, e I n, -Lat-Li of the IS cf U 31.'.L..< WP1 i�;., VV v - v fornia anA the cj rd n zea. ri c e, 0 zz --11 11 t 0 4 V L portaa L a t a, 21 o j i -J T 11 'RondNs -h a I I 7b v r'l y - 2 in number c f i'! e We A tion of One Thousand (1000) Dollars each and shall be nw-.-ibcd f I) to trvwienty—f ive 25) �, both in chis ive consecutively ficoii'l one - and '�-hall be Payable. On4Vhe"oof onee Thousand 11000) Dollars � �O C% Year from the date of said bonds beginning with the lo-v�,est IL; number, and One Thousand (1000) Dollars thereof of the i'lext hic-,heVnumber, of the same day in each succ=eeding year until all .0 of Said bonds shall be paid. All of the bonds issued as herein provided., shall be of the form and oharactac known as They shall be datcd May let, 1q13, shall bear interest at the rate. of -five (15) rrar cantum per annum, payable serfii—annually on the first days of May and November of each year until the maturity `U -hereof; and t!L-.,e principal and interest thereof shall be payable in lawful money of the, United StateO of Anaric;i, at t1le office of the 'Treasurer of said City. Section 2. Said bonds shall be signed by the Executive of said City ole' 12"urlingar,le,, being the President- of the 73oard of M 1rustses, of said City, and by the Treasurer of said City; and countorai�ned by the Clerk of said City,, and the scal of -said City o'i'Lall be affired thexato,, '2i'aid bonds ohall be substantial ly in the following No * UNITED STATES OF AMERICA State of Cali-j"ornia City of Burlingame. For value received, the t"'ity of 'Durlingwi-,e,, a muni— ipal co r - o rat ion cr L- -airted and e X" s + rt- under the laws of x �LXA J, V L� Uf I gat . I., ' •1, '1 +'y1 c. A7, n 0"% 00 A One Thouo-ind (ii3-0C) Do1aars -,X t h int ereat thereon at of five, i,:er centum 1.,ex a:.-nuiii payable seilli—annuallys 14tav lat and 1',ove.-mber is t, on f;rcsentation and S,a:r ,.cdcr of the cou,n;011a M hereto at tached as thay relopectively becotile due, bc4V-!j-. pril-loipal, 7 -nd int, -rest being payable in Lawful ruoney of the United Stat -n-, of America at th-1-3. of'. -fire of the Tjr%-kasu�cor of said Thll.s 0ond is -d issued unldcr and purzuanju- to -'U-he 'laof Cali'crnia, and under land i o- n and L; 4.; a t u 1, of the LOle J. .L er, of caid City Clu-IlLy adc-ctcd pui�3-6ant to cr,'inances, aL-.,d procee"lin A;' - and, and a voto -and assent of more than two-tliirdo of all t1le, qvalificd said City voting a a special al-eOcti-on duly and legally called and held fox: that pur,-,-ooe, It is ha2eby ;esti fried, recited and declared that, all t 3 conditions and thingo zequired by law to exist, har.,,pan and .L: bl-11 perf or.,aed p2ecandent to a-Wd in the issuance of thi-S bond hava existed., *happsned and been perfor.,[-,ed in dlue thrie., form and manner as re"uired by lLt,LV t '0 and. that the amount of this bond tc,,,,.. nor .1 %d ' said amity does not exceed aliv "Uf,-tI* t i,r�,ith all ot'1%cx indabtodneso o -.LL 40 L t., said stato, and that by the cc-,stitution or otatutoo of P ovL,,,i%-*n nae boon made as required b-, luha% cc-.,1stitut;iiOn and Ostatute.s of zaid mato for the collection of an wani;al tax suffi- cient to pay the interest on this bond as it falls date, and Moo provision to constituto a sinking fund for tile ruyment Of the -rincipal of this bond on or before matu2il-Ay. Tlia f-al,1 faith alilx o:em%wdit of" said V"ity are hereby pledged for the �,aay,:,! 4 e, n t - of the principal and in-teroot- of this bond. ,i,d ^itv of Burlingaiie h xc c w,: o- a, d 5.1)is bcnd to be ea.xecut.a.d under its COrTl')orati, seal., signed by its a -f the '3-ard of Trustees and Treasurer, and co-Lmtersi Li -Ike, d J by 'Lv- "'Ierk; and has caused tie interest coul,,ons he -Leto a.0 ttaol b 13 r d t o 1) P, d a -1.-) 30 d th zn1. 1c- d 1:)% z r 0 f n -:1 t 1 L 1 .01 Ccunt.,ersig-Ined, F C. TiTes Mid—ellf-b-T-flIF F-!(-)a—.rd7, rity Clerk* A. 3 t4 T L,ection 3. int0rast coui,_ons shall be att'jacli-le-od to saol.-, bond to the nurvibax of the nur.ibc x of ycaxe s -,,-,ch bond wil"I run tintil the iiia. ,,_irity and in the arfGunt of Twenty -fits e Do-.1-lare, efacT-Ij whioh sum will be the amount due for interest on such bond for soixmonths ; siich coupons shall be n—mbr-d from one CA u-­vvLL.,,ds and each -,,h,7,,'A. 11state the nuriciber of the bond to -tvhich. it is attached. Such coupons shall be Signed by the Treasurer of said City, by his engraved or lithogral-hed signature, and be Q 6 1 thel , following form: subs tant"I'a"lly in U L FOR"'A OF COUPOTTO t 725 - 00,, - On 10 the City of Durl.i.-rigame, Califorlr'iia will pay to the bearer at the offiCa of J_ a "rr; -),:)urer of said City., Twenty-fiv oney 7 L ka I., _L o Dol lars in la1W+.0 Irl of the Unitet-I States, being six mnnths interest -then Gn its I`ty Hall Bond lated May Ist3, 1`71)13., 'T"Tumber I.; I A -I 7 M 5711=7.1�0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a * 4 0 0 a flection 4. For the 1_>urposc of Laying the -r,_,Anci­kal and X_ in te. re.s t of z; a it.1 --jr rid oQ J.LA the Board of Truotn%Wes of the City of -ball at the tii-ins of fixing 'Uhe g -'neral tax levy., E-creral tax levy CA evo, and j o 1 t c,- I-, e f! n d artier -­�.—vJ-10 f a'- 0 r rz -L� i"r eary Q J tY Uarart fcrJA U suf 'ic 1,t itleet all suras b eco,14,ging d-.,). e f or the ri-ncipal rd interest crL .L said bonds a tax su.-f-17icient tothe annual or., s�iid 1, . bonds,, and also such part of t1lie princ­*Lj�al thereof a.s shall .a be owe 41 before th,%,:3, time for fixin- the Z_.; U. A. 0 ` �, - r, xt ­,..rcral %.� 4�� J -ax levy• L ? Said tax shall be in aadilf.-ion to all other taxes levied fo r fix..nioipal r,ur-r,oses -And shall be co"Ilect,5d at the same t`f.,.ke and '.' A 3 - k.W L %., 0 L '.0 Ii ir. sage manner as other i-ccani.-Apal taxes are collected, and as collZ!,.oted shall lta f'2'orth,,..v'Ith -Paid into the. fund for ,f;" ic' the sane as 1 a v i e Ja 1. 1 e c Uad; that such fund !halbe JasiEnate' "bond T n tv res t and Rsdemptfion ''and, 1913 " and all sums to becoe�ik.. %,-A'ue for prinoir�ai_ and interest or, said bonds shall be 1_,aid from Such "und. Section 5. The -t of President he board of 'gyrus eves and %0 L U tille T:cea3urer carm.- haraby authorized and directed to fill in the 101cank e'.aces in accor.dance -vvith this ordina �ce and to sim a! I said bonds on behalf of said city,, C,,."nd the City is author.iZed c o,,_A,n J5, a r 3 i 6 n t h e s a m e and t o a f -1.7 i x t h e VC i t y eat he -6 e t o '.Uit"L bonds when 3o e x,,. ou, tm'.,d shall be by said officers icers a' 011. v 0. i: to said for saf,-, keepin-, who sliniall 'ho'...d the Sairle" in hia official custody until ordered by this 73oard -15c deliver them to the -,curchasex o-,-- -)urchasso.rcsl thereof. S ao-tion The Poa."d of Trustees shall ae�ll said bonds 6. L J] and Jume at such tii�ues and Lt�' such amounts as it ma -\r deteDrmine) tu ,�rocecds arising any ouch Sa'a sha]" be placed in t- Tr -a i:y to the credit of the "City Hall Fund". which fund is here -by oreat,ed; and sl_,oh -rroceeds shall be used e.xcill,sively for that � ,urrlose for tvhich sr of 1 bonds were i,* sued. X, Ir T'urphy, 0-lerk of the -J-1-y of Dur"'inigaifie, do I ja kj L �J.I v L hezaby c;rt ify that the- foregoing ordinance war', di.-Lly and re rly rard of T-?'USt,4,%eS atU art adic-axred recnilar i..-eatinL of Ila 9 of -',aid Cit,on/at day cf May.1"A. 3, by tuh�^'.O v 0 v I'd 6 -03 4. T. J'. I rile • A P � -5- A-,pprcived thi day of 14ays 191"s c'Ib EY 01 e, —c"al-ti W 1 - -667 f of the City of Burlin�arne, Cal* m