HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0142O RDI N A Y C F Y C. / v 4 An Ordinance Creating a Residence District within the City of Burlingame. The Board of Trustees of th> City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby ordained and declared that all that certain territory in the City of Burlingame, included in and part and parcel of the land in the Subdivision:- Mentioned in Section 2 of this Ordinance, be and the same Whereby established and created a resident district of the City of Burlingame. Section 2. That the following is the territory mentioned in Section 1 of this Ordinance as a residence district of the City of Burlingame: All that land formeraly owned by the Burlingame. band Company and which appears on record according to a certain map entitled, "Subdivision of the property of the Burli.ngam% Land.Company; filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of California, *February 4, 1904, and of record therein in Book 3 of Diaps at page 22 thereof and, All ethat land commonly known as Burlingame Terrace and as appears on that certain map entitled "Plop of Burlingame Terrace, San Liateo County, Cal." filed for record and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County, California on June 4, 1906 In Book 4 of Mpps at page 23 and appears on that certain map entitled,"Map Yp 2 of Burlingame Terrace, Burlingame, California" filed for record and recorded therein January 3, 1911, in Book 7 of 1.4aps at page 38. Excepted from the territory as herein described is that territory of tha subdivisions herein mentioned which has already been declared a resident district under Ordinance No 109 1 the City of Burlingame, and which territory extends a distance of two hundred (200) feet easterly from the easterly property line of El Caminp Real, and all that territory upon which there are business structures and which is used at the time of the passage of this ordinance as j�USln .. e dC%c - —wl/ i/s $v//ir�ya-•--.�L :Psprop t A wi tl7:i'.��.r..>%A¢a:'tc..y �a of'af. Section 3. That/the territory ordained in this Ordinance as a resident section or district of the City of Bur1'ingame,-it is prohibited to erect, build, move or place within said residence district any building or structure othe tha3l that of a dwelling or home, flat or apartment house or such other structure as essentially pertains to the construction of a residential district, together with the appurtenances such as sheds, barns, stables or garages that ' are e part of such residential district; and it is further prohibited within said,4istrict to remodel any building or structure now within said resident district into any building or structure other than that as ified in this section, ' 1� , � Section 4 That within the territory ordained in this ordinance as a residence district, it is hereby prohibited to carry on or maintain in any building or structure already erected within said district or which may hereafter be erected moved or placed in said sistrict, any business of any kind or nature, except those of the known and accepted professions Section 5. This Ordinance shall be published IEs required by law and be in force and affect from and after the date of its passage; Section 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not to exceed Five Hundred ($500) Dollars or by imprisonment in the City Jail not to exceed six months, or by both fine and imprisonment. This Ordinance was introduced the /6 day of May, 1921 and duly and regularly passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Burlingame on the `day of June, 1921, by the �jfollowing vote: Ales, Trustees: Foes, Trustees: ilbsent, Trustees: �/; res den�ty of t e �3oard�` Alrustees of the City of :;urlingam 1�r' _Attest: •� � it Clerk. y FILED IN, THE OFFIi-F. -'- 'F`- G;-" OF THE I'I'Y QF "'IR' i' , U'nv rte op, IC`INAL'