HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0138ORDINANCE NO. 138 All ORDINANCE amending Sections 7 and 8 of Ordinance No. 54 of the City of Burlingame, entitled, "Providing for Mun- icipal Licenses for Regulation and Revenue and Establishing the License Tax Therefor". TEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows, to -wit: Section 1. Section 7 of Ordinance No. 54 of the City of Burlingame, entitled, "Providing for Municipal Licenses for Regulation and Revenue and Establishing the License Tax Therefor", is hereby amended to read as follows, to -wit: Section 7. Except as hereinafter otherwise provided, where more than one occupation or business as specified in See - tion 8 of Ordinance No. 54 of the City of Burlingame, is carried on or conducted by one person, firm or corporation at any one location, the license tax for such combined business shall be the tax hereinafter imposed on that one of occupations or businesses which is most heavily taxed. Section 2. Section 8 of Ordinance No. 54 of the City of Burlingame, entitled, "Providing for Municipal Licenses for Regulation and Revenue and Establishing the License Tax Therefor", is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 8. The rates for licenses and the objects licensed shall be as established hereinafter: Sub. 1. For every person engaged in the Hotel and Rooming House business, of ten rooms or more, the license tax shall be Sixteen ($16.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 2. For every person engaged in the Restaurant, Cafe or Cafeteria business, the license tax shall be Eight ($8.00) Dollars per year; 1. Sub. 3. For every person engaged in the business of con- ducting a Candy Store or Ice Cream Parlor, the license tax shall be Twenty Five ($25.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 4. For every person engaged in selling Men's and Ladies' Dry Goods the license tax shall be Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per ye ar; Sub. 5. For every person engaged in Men's Clothing and Furnishing, the license tax shall be Sixteen ($16.00)Dolla.rs per year; Sub. 6. For every person engaged in the Boot and Shoe bus- iness, the license tax shall be Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 7. For every person engaged in the Drug business where whiskey is sold on prescription, the license tax shall be Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per year; where whiskey is not sold the license tax shall be Twenty-five (w25.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 8. For every person engaged in the Florist business the license tax shall be Sixteen ($p16.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 9. For every person engaged in the Stationery and Mus- ical Instrument business, the license tax shall be Twenty-five 25.00) Dollars per year; stationery alone, the license tax shall be Eight ($8.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 10. For every person engaged in the Hardward business the license tax shall be Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 11. For every person engaged in the Creamery business the license tax shall be Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 12. For every person engaged in the Wood and Coal bus- iness the license tax shall be Sixteen ($16.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 13. For every person engaged in the Bakery business the license tax shall be Fifteen ($p15.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 14. For every person engaged in the Vegetable and Fruit business the license tax shall be Eight ($p8.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 40. For every person engaged in the Tailoring business the license tag shall be Eight ($8.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 41. For every person engaged in the Paint and Supply business the license tag shall be Twelve (8,12.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 42. For every person engaged in the business of a Peddler the license tax shall be Eight ($8.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 43. For every person engaged in the Job Printing business the license tax shall be Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 44; For every person engaged in the business of con- ducting or managing a Theater, Moving Picture Show or Museum, the license tax shall be Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 45. For every person managing, conducting or carrying on any mercantile business of any kind whatever, not herein spec- ifically designated, or conducting or taking care of any business in any store or place where goods, wares, or merchandise of any kind, nature or description are sold, the license tax shall be Ten ( $10.00) Dollars per year; Sub. 46. All ordinances in conflict with the herein spec- ified license taxes are hereby expressly repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall be published in the Burlingame Advance, as required by law, and be in force and effect from and after its passage. INTRODUCED the third (3rd) day of January, 1921, and duly and regularly passed the seventeenth (17th) day of January, 1921, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees: Douglas. Johnson. Lindsay. y Pearson. Noes, Trustees: None Pres dent of Vhe BoardofTrustees Absent,Trustees: Alone of the City of Burlingame. UIV UlerZ. 5.