HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0219ORDINANCE No. 2(I AN ORDINANCE regulating traffic upon the public streets and repealin all ordinances inconsistent herewith. The City Council of the City of Burlingame uo ordain as follows: ARTICLE I: Definitions. Section 1. Whenever in this ordinance the following terms are v,s9d, they shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section: STREET. Every way set apart for public travel except alley -ways, bridle paths and foot paths. ROADWAY. That portion of a st--et between the regularly established curb lines. AL1ZEY. A public highway which does not exceed 20 feet bet:+reen Droparty lines. SID�,T`iALI:. That portion of a .street bet:,;een the curb lines ane the adjacent prol-er.ty lines. IET,'P,SECTION. The area emtraced aaithin the prolongation of the i,rcperty lines of two or ;r.of.e streets-7hj_c1`, join at an an„le, ;ihether or not one such street crosses th' culler. CROSSWALK. That portion of the rcadway included within the pro�ongation of curb and property lines at street inter- sections. SAF1= ZONy, That Iniarr:ed portion of a roadway reserved for the exclusive use of pedestrians. LOADING ZONE. That space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loadinG or unload- ing of passengers or materials. V=4 ICLE. Every device or anir::al cy =rhich any 1,.rson or property is or ..ay be transported or drawn upon a street, ex- cepting devices ll ved by human power or used exclusively upon rails. For the purpose of this ordinance a bicycle shall be deemed a vehicle. STREET CAR. Every device traveling exclusiTely upon rg.ils ahen 1;pon or crossing a street other than devices pro- pelled by ste=tr_. PEDsSTRIAN. Any person afoot. OPERATOR. Any cerson .vho is in actual p_ysi.cal control of a vehicle or street car. TRAFFIC. Pedestrians, vehicles and street cars, either sinzly or together, while using any street for yurpoves of travel. rNSI1!�SS DISTRICT. The territory contiguous to a street when fifty per cent (50%) or Liore of the frontage tl-.ereon for a distance of three hundred (300) feet or more is occupied by -1- buildings in use for retail or wholesale ousiness;,also any territory contiguous to a street which is irrmeaiately adjacent to or a continuation of a street within a business district when s.�ch territory is so designated by the Chief of rolice. RIGHT OF TAY. The privile`e of the immediate use of the street. PARK. To stand a vehicle for a reriod of time greater than is reasona;ly nece,3sary for the actual loading or unload- ing of persons or materials. OFFICIAL i"ARNING and DIRTCTION SIGNS and SIGNALS. All warning and direction signs and signals not inconsistent with this ordinance heretofore or hereafter placed or erected under this ordinance or by authority of the City Council (Board of Tri�.stees) . :ARTICLE II: Authority of Police Traffic Signs and Signals. Section 2. OBF.DIEITCE TO POLICE. Officers of the Police Department are hereby authorized to direct all traffic by means of visible or audible signal, and it shall as unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to comply with any lawful order, sig- nal or direction of a traffic or police officer. It shall be unlawful for any minor to direct or attempt to direct traffic iunless authorized to do so by order of the Chief of Police. Section 3. SIGNS. The City Council shall by resolution determine and designate the character of all official warning and direction signs and signals. Subject to this selection, the Chief of Police is hereby authorized, and as to those signs required hereunder it shall be his duty, to place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained all official warning and direction signs and signals. All signs authorized and required hereunder for a particular purpose shall be uniform. No provision of thin ordinance for which signs are re- Lquire,. shall be enforceable against the alleged violator if at n <the time ad Mace of the alleged violation tY.e sign herein �reouired is not in pro_oer position and sufficiently legible to The seen by an ordinarily observant Marson. Section 4. 0BEDI:i,'NCE TO TRAFFIC ETIGNS. It shall be un- awiul for any operator or pedastrian to disobey the instructions f any mechanical or electrical traffic signal, tr�.ic sign r marks upon the utreet placed in accordance with the provisions f this ordinance, provided every sign or nark mane 'oy the uva f paint uNon the curb shall oear thereon the official emblem f the Police Department. No public utility or department in this city shall erect r place any barrier or sign unless of a type first ai,proved Py the Chief of Police. It shall be unlawful for any operator or pedestrian to disobey the instructions of any carrier or sign approved, as above provided, erected or ;laced by a public utility or by any department of this city. Section 5. TRAFFIC STOP and GO SIGYAL LEGEND. Whenever traffic at any intersection is relulateu by a stop anti go mech- anical or electrical signal, the following colors may oe used, and none other, and those colors herein authorized shall indi- cate as follows: -2- R: D, exces:t in flashinr, si`m ls, requires that traffic shall stop a.nd re^,ain st.anu.ing. GRE' 11 requires that traffic shall r-:ove and continue in motion, except n -het: ;_topped for the rurpose cf avoiding an accider:t :,r i„ the aver:it of other emergency or vhen stopped at the com.;iand of a ,.,olice officer. T R shall indicate,.,re aration for a, Clan_e in the t% direction of traffic movement. when annLer is shown no traffic shall enter the intersection until a Green or "GO" signal is shown. BELLS. The ringing of a bell in connection with _,ny mechanical or electric traffic ;;iCnal shall inuic--te preparation for a change in the direction of traffic movexi.ent. when such bell is sounded no traffic shall enter the intersection until a green or "GO" signal is shown. Section 6. TIE CHIEF OF FOLIC -S RWUIRSD TO ESTABLISH CROSS',7ALKS. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and re- quired to establish and maintain :arid to aesi;_nate upon the sur- face of the roauway, by ap ropriate Le✓ices, marks or white lines crosswalks approximately equal in width to the adjacent sidewalk at all intersection where in his opinion there is particular danger to pedestri,,ns corssing the roadway. ?hen crosswalks are established :�.nd. r;,aint .fined outside a b;isineas district, the Chief of Police shall by appropriate devica:,, rra.rkks or vr,;ite line:.-, mark and m�.Ant.in alonr, the sur- face of the rc;.u.vay an a,r cw not less t::_ln twelve (12) inches wide in ti.e shaft and not l ess t' an thirty (30) feet long, pointing in the uirection of :uch crosswalk, together with the word SL&V in 'clock letters net less than twenty-four (24) inches hi.dh ana not1 ess than lou (4) inches wide one '_ ndred (100) feet distant frc..i each crossna.lk so established. Section 7. DISPLAY OF UY!AHOYI'EIld P:OHIIT:uD. It :v shall be unlawful for any parson to place or r,-ainta.in or to display any device, other than an official •r:arninl,y cr direction sign or signal erected unser competent authority, upon or in view of a street, which purports to be, or is an imitation of, or resembles, an official -aa.rning or direction sign or signal, or vahich attempts to direct 'lie movement of traffic or the action: of operators, and any such prohibited Device shall be a public nuisance, and the Chief of Police :ay remove it, or cause it to be removed, without notice. It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully deface, injure, move or irterfsre with any official .yarning or direction sign or signal. Section 8. POLICE and FIRE VEHICLES E]ICEP]MPT FROM C,'RTkIN RU13S. The provisions of this ordinance regulating the move- mant, parking and standin7 of' vehicles shall not apply to emer- gency vehicles of the olice or sheriff's office or of the fire depart;i:ent or of a public utility ,.hile the driver of any such vehicle is en>aged in the necessary performance of public emergency duties. ARTICL;+ III: Pedestrians. -3- ' Section 9. PEMSTRIASd'S RIGHT OF 'c'4Y AT INTER i=IOAT. (a) It shall be unlawful for the operate. -r of any veh- icle or atreet car to drive into any crossvralk ivhich is marked as provided in Section 6 of this ordinance, while there is in such crosswalk uion the half of the roadway upon which such vehicle is travelin- any pedestrian en Lead in crossin= the roadway until s,ch r)edestrian :.hail �-�ave gassed beyond the path of said vehicle. (b) The operator of a vehicle shall stop before entering any crosswalk when any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction is stopped at such crosswalk. (c) The foregoing yjrovisions of this section shall not apply at intersections where traffic is bein- directed oy an officer or a Craffic stop and go sinal, at ;:hick intersections the mutual ria�hts of peaestrians and operators of vehicles shall oe exercised under the direction of the officer or traffic :signals. Section 10. P D.&STRIAN'S RI.X'HT to U':)E of ROADWAY. ?then within a business district, no pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than by a crosswalk. Outside of a business district no uedes,e.ria.n shall cross a roadway other than by a route at ri.-ht :gin:files to the curb and ,.-:hen crossing at any place other than a crosstivalk shall yield the ri ;ht of way to ail vehicles uy.on the roadway. I It shall be unlawft.il for any person to be in any roadway other than in a safety zone or crosswalk, provided that this provision sh9,11 not be construed to revent .he necessary use of a road•.vay by a pedestrian. It shall se unlawful for any ,arson to 3tanci in a roma-' ay for the p_zrlose of or whila soliciting a ride from the ap re,tor of airy private vehicle. Section 11, r'i:J_ETRIAIIS to t__ -EY SIGS'ALS. At intersec- tions c✓here traffic is luireci.ed oy trai'fic c,r y.o,ic.: fficer or by a traffic stop dna ;-:o signal, it shall be uniavful for any ed;stria.n to cross the rcad,,vay other than with ra-aased traffic. Section 12. Py`D TRIAcdS OT:=i,I;;Ti,G on `3IDL5vALiiS. In ,i7y uusiriess district it shall be unlet f',.1 firany i ede:;trian to stand on the siaewalk, except as near as in physicaiiy iossible to the ouiluin line or the euro line. ARTICLE IV: Rules for Driving. Section 13. 1 THOD OF APPROACH for LijFT TURN. The oper- ator of a vehicle intendin_- to turn to t_.s left at an inter- section or into an alley or uriveway shall apl;roach the point lOf turning in the line of tra,f+'ic neJrt to the center of the �r cra.dw.ay. Section 14. 1, ,Hr ?D of TURNING to L1;FT at INTr`<Si"TICNS. The oparator of a vehicle in turning left �,t an intersection shall pass to the -_-iIt of the _antar of the intersection ai:ore turning, except that ::=There markers have ceen placed upon me the intersection bounus.-ry lines to 1_„ crossed ')y the vehicle, the operator shai1 y:s. to the ri -'r._t of s, ch i:�a,rkers. Section 15. LGC"TIC'If F "LQ;I G T.:';Y RS, The Chief of Police is .'.ere"oy auth, r ized, ,,.nu as to those intersections entt:;ned in pa,r ,_r.,a.,h (1) of thi s secticr_ it ,h .lr e 1 -is duty, to place or c�.i.se tc be yL=1c :d t_r Ang .ear"::ars in intersections as folic"", -s: (1) IWL thin inters otiuns where either intersecting roadway is le --s than sixty (60) feet in width and in intersec- tions where ,:;treats meet at oti :r t}_ian ri ;la aii,fle:' 26rIu in intersec'tions where one street terminates in ano',.er, a i.arxer shall oe .laced at every intersection of the medial line of each street c^rich the irolcn,%a.Lion of the propart,y cr the caro iicie.s of the intersectii.L� street, or as near the intersecting point of said lines as way oe ,,ractical. (2) Intersections other than those ;_entioned iri,jara- graph (1) may be marked as provided in paragraph (1), or a. single uLarker iaay be placed •within such intersection at the intersection of the :aedial lines of the intersectin` streets. Section 16. LETHOD OF A-'PROACH FOR Ml;r FT TURIT. The operator of a, vehicle intendir,:, to turn to the ri__r,t a.t -,n intersection or into an -11ay or driveway shall aplsrcach the point of turning in the line of tr^.ffic nearest the ri_.t-hand edge or curb of the street. Section 17, DRIVING F7.0I-` ?LLLYS, The operator of a vehicle emergin:,z fror. _l.n alley, drivewLa.y or -a.raE,e s !a,l stop such vehicle immediately prior to ur.iving onto a siae-;alk or onto the side?eralk area extended across any alleyvray. Section 15, TRIC .35 '3I".L: 17-,T 3S >RIVyPT ON SIDE71ALFi. The operator of a ve- :cle shall not drive :,ii h.ir; rany side,raalk area except at a, per_.Pr)ent or temporary drivew—:y. Section 19, ARTS;::IAL ;'TOPS. The following streets and parts of streets are hereby declared to constitute traffic arteries for the l,urpose of this aci:iun: lst. That California Drive horn the intersection. of Peninsula Ave. to the inter.,. Cctlon of '�road7;ay Ce m -,de traff 1C artery', v;ith a,rts:rit:.l-i,_,nZ ,,:aintoinud 7.t a.,l laterals enterin-" tris treet. 2nd. That the Hi, h:�Tay from Peninsula Ave. to the inter- section of Adelir_e Drive be made a tr>.i'i'ic n.rtery ., t1 aster -,1 ,;i ns a.int..'.red on -.,.il l;a,tera.ls entari: _ he Hi_Y; ay "ems{C ei't "t;":G�B CrOS51n,'-�S 1�7i-i;re H.n a.lt;)nlatic si��nal CUntrolls the traffic". 3rd. T! at 3urlint,.a,:ie Ave, from California Dr. to th,: High- way be declared a traffic artery dvith arterial signs maintained at the lat;rals crossin,,-, or entering this R-,treet, 4th. That Broadway fro., Lhe Hi`hvvay to California Dr. be declared a traffic artery with arteri;a.l signs mainto.ined at all laterals entarin; this street. 5th, That Hillside Dr. from the intersection of the High- way to the intersection :;f Alvarado Street be declared a traffic artary caith arterial sibns maintained at all laterals enterinE this street. -5- Every operator of a vehicle or street err traversing any street intersecting; any traffic artery shall bring such vehicle or street car to a fulltop at the p lace Mlere such street meets the nearest property line of the traffic artery before entering such traffic artery, provided the pro.:erty line is clearly marked or sign -posted as required in this ordinance, except at intersections -aa^,are and when traffic is subject to stop and go signals or directions. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and required to place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained upon each and every street intcrsectin�- a traffic art=ery and at or noir the proarty line of the traffic :artery api,ropriate si=ns apon the street or devices or marks in the roadway, sick si,rns, devices or marks to bear the word "STOP" or the waords 'IT11AFFIC 3T'ERY STOP" in such position and 1.t„ lett— s of a size to e clearly legiule from a distance of fifty (50) feet alonf: the strset intersecting 'he tr-,ffic artery. ,ection 20, CROSSING FIRE HOSE, 1`,o street car or vehicle shall oe uriven ;ver any .;n;;;rotected hose of tr.e .Fire Department :vhen laid down on any street, private arivsway or street car track, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of tk:e Fire ,,Tarshal or the as-istant in command. Section 21. BICYCLZ RIDIEG RL; TRICTED. It shall be unlawful to ride a oicycle upon any sidewalk. The rider of a bicycle upon a roadw-,y shall ride as nearly as practicable within five (5) feet of the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except when passing a stan:iin.­ or other vehicle or making a left-hand turn at .an intersection. Section 22. RIDING ON H.4IDLE BARS P7LOHIiITBD. It _,hall be unlawful for the operator of any bicycle or motorcycle when upon a street to carry any other person u,on th- bar, handle or tank of any ouch vehicle or for any person to so rice upcn any such vehicle, Section 23. UIjLA7.7FUL TO D'+RI77E TAR'):iGE FUiE:iAL :rROCBSSION. It shell lae unlawful for t'_ -.e operator of miy veh.i ie to drive 'between the ve'rAcles comprising a fi.-n. ral ,,roceNsion, provided that s°:ch vehicles :-,,re conspicuously so desi,xnated. Section 24. CLINGIi'G TO =i:OVING ':r_IiiICLSS. It shall be unlawful for any person traveling upon any bicycle, r,otorcycle or any toy vehicle `,o clingy; to or at.ach himsolf or his vehicle to =,ny other movie_; vehicle or street car upon any roadway. ARTICLE. V: STOREING, 3TANDIN'G and PARKING. Section 25. STOPPING PROHI.3ITED II•F SPECIFIED PIA.CES. It shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to stop such vehicle in any of the following places except when necessary to avoid conflict with uther traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or traffic sign or signal: (1) In an intersection; (2) In a crosswalk; (3) 3etween a safety zone and the twenty (20) feet of a point on the curb the end of a safety zone; (4) Within thirty (30) feet of a,n except busses at a designated Vous stop. ac, jacent curb or within immediately opposite intersecting roadway L' O]a -all Ur ' ' r -11' "iiy r 1;i3, i�.triOt 'i.:',e Chief of ..police uria,ll u��7.; _Y:' : 1oJ:651 G11N of '`'f ^:Y'?.1. 1'_s (3) FY_d (') of 'Li. w >e":tion c_. nu:17.int_1L lr: r air.t 0117 o'th'er reo. a�-ri^.l u1cr, i -e re eur, .:.,.i,fa.ce :itiYin ucL. "e. viiii t l l.".ii'/ Crc_;G: Ci;r _)y yiucirl'; :arl_. air, tr-Al Ing 51:�'ns ull"eOGf d.; �..:. Clete Ls y'ror!loltad. 3ection 26. 'ST_ IiIDI'.-G "OR LOAi.)I^.G 0- LY IiT C.l'RTAIPI, PLACES. (a) It shall t a L:nla"'f'ul for the oper=-tui of a. v.ai.iCle to tol' v .,_c, ve,iicle for w r,eri.,d of ti. -Te lo..lar t?.... is neCe:is-..1"y for the 10 aQii._ or LlR1U.,o.l Y._: 01 'Jassen�crs Or L'.c.ter- i_,.Is, providad that t.e loading or .%nlo,;.Giir,_; of pabsen; ers si"lail !ILL COiisi:.!ue "i!Gre t -_an —iree (3) !iiinute;3, noi- tY-_e io^.d.in-- or uY11OP.uini" O1 i--Latarials Ilio Pe l.h-"n t'72Ylty .:. (2G ) ''r lmt;:::. erection 27. I T OF VI,;HICLuS. -Jo vehicle '-hall stand on or op. r'.t on any f 'the- streets, ia.nes, alleys or courts, ii, the City of Lurlinrauie, c•.rryin.L toi-nage inCludin� e .*er_iu1e: in exces�:. of 22,000 pounds, 1.d:en -i,;ch <, ver_icle is ec'uipped 11ith four -,-,,eels, st:,.ndinc or Nein o_;r^'teU On 2a.id streets, l,;nes, 3,jl-y,- or ccur'c:� of .-.,ia C ty; or h=,wing a tot,a-L .:ci ht il:cltiiiinr ti'e vehicle acid load of 34,000 pound., .„hen c=):id vehicle is equil_ped -ith three a.xels, .�[-cn r. front a.nd rer",r -,els n e l:c lag inert.-:ir_ 1.1c1t _ :r -.rt; ,nd l c ae..irl ,_., Ci. i1 'U:_t.-1 _ei ht i!lclud- ] n;; ” 1_O --.d thareon in _ 'C.; ;YS of 34,000 joLn (ls sh) ,11 lie vrer'' Gr _Ova0 ay ;lic <tr1CL, lane, alley, Co1.'rt i- -:id Cite, 1-riee:s u3on t t.cut. r2.ils cr __ .cks. `nl 1) .Ce officer, 'terformin_; police Oervice rvlthln City of '3U. rl In -)me !The drive, of `f - vel'_1Cli: rs,r ,.r .din ii.... -1_ion 1,!y _.;liu r=,treets, antes, o.11eys, or cr alts, ^r_y 1y _>>.0 ei t 'iu in viol .tion of i. Yie i7Pdceaing '_�,r?_ i ..JYi, tO :.-_110 ... :C: ..O Z'tl OYl c1 ti:.3 lU=.0 �....jeon a:, ,, ie _ _;- vo :eC 1fl:., i.: -.Lich ..If icer :;1'.._]. i--Ve C.5 of JOL'-1 Iter Or j% j't1u11C _C 1's ii s _ P ^..il in no '.;-iy li.teMre �.:'itil t -7- enforcement of the law for the violation of same, notwithstcnding a correction of the load as herein determined. Section 28. lA,r�YISIG TI,:LI LIiIIT,�D IN Sr�CIFIED 1 -LACES. The operator of a vehicle shall not park such vehicle for longer than two (2) hours within any business district between the hours of 10 A. T.i and 6 P. Id. of any aay except Sunday ane subject to the special restrictions imposed by Sectic,ns 25 and 26. That the parking lir it "oetween 10 A. 11. and 6 P:. Y. "Sundays and Holid..ys excepted" be limited to two (2) hours in the following districts: Burlingame Ave., Highway to California Dr. Primrose frcm the creek north to Burlingame Ave. Park Road from ti:e creek north to Burlingaane Ave. Lorton Ave. from tha creek north to Donnelly Ave. Nest nide Cali;ornia. Dr, from Lorton Ave. south to North lane. E-,:..st on North lane to ;vest li_ e of S. P. Depot south to South lane. nest to California Dr. south on California Dr to Howard Ave. last side of Highland Ave. Howard Ave. to California Drive. North on wast :.ide of California Dr. to Burling- ame Ave. Broadway, Highway to Laguna. 'Broadway S. P. Staticn certain district No parkiva to sign posted. Signs shall be erected and ::aintained not more than one hundreu fifty (150) feet apart in each block designating the provisions of this section. Section 29. EARLY 1COiU,iIlG PARKhidG LIiLIT D. It' shall oe unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park said vehicle on any street for a period of time lonrger than one (1) hour betwvean the hours of 2 A. 1. and 5 A. 1v. of any uay. Section 30. STANDIIIG OR 'Ai3YING CLOSE TO CURB. The operator of a vehicle shall not atop, stand or park such veh- icle in a roadway other than parallel with tY:.e curb arid with the two right-hand wheels of the vehicle within one (1) foot of the regularly established curb line, except that upon those streets vnhich Y°_ave been marked for angle 1,arkin6, as provided in t'^is section, vehicles shall be larked at the angle to the curb indicated :y such harks. The Chief of Police is hare -by authorized to dete=ine upon :That Streets anile r'arking shall ba p-rl:.itted and to indic_A-- such places �y tre paintin_, of �v'rite lin-,s upon the suzface of tl.e roadway to ii:dica.t,: the proper an,71e for parkin>>;, provided thl.t s..cl lines jh,ll not 'we i; laced upon, nor shall angle parking. ..e :ermitted upon, -any ::treat "here such parking Would dirninish the widtlh of the roadway available for travel to less than t'!anty (20) feet, nor uc.on any street where there is less than thirty (30 feet batween the curb and the nearest rail of any street car tr:.ck, nor upon any --treat :-hich is a continuation of or part of a county trunk line highway or a state highway unless a, clear s,idth of forty (40) feet is left for the moveiaent of vehicles .;-hen angle parking is permitted. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to prohibit the parking of vehicles, provided appropriate idgns are placed and maintained to give nonce thereof, on cane Nide of a street in any block where angle parking is permitted on the opposite ,side of the street in such block. -8- Y Section 31. PARKING VEi'ICI S FOR SALE. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park the sameupon any street for the purpose of displayin,- it for sale, or to park any vehicle upon a.ny ,3treet in any business district from, o.,hich said vehicle nerchandi,,e i s beim; sold. Section 32. TkYICABS. The Police Department shall have th3 control, regulation and directionf all licensed drivers, runners and a„ents at railroad depot, theatres, Public BuilaL-.ngs, and ali daces of pualic asser.2alag;e, and it shril _,e unlawful for any licensed runner, driver, or agent to fail refuse or neglect to obey the lawful ord3r of any Police officer in regard to the control, regulation and direction of soli- citing patronage for the transporta-,ion of persons. ARTICLE' VI: STFET CARS . Section 33. RULES APPLICABLE TO VEHICUES PAn"ING SMILT CARS. (a) The driver of a vehicle shall not :ivertake and pass upon the left any interurban or street car proceeding in the same direction, whether actually in motion or temporarily at rest when a travelable portion of the highway exists to the right of such street car. (b) The driver of a vehicle overta.:ing any r%-.ilti+ray, interurban or street car stopped or about to stop for the purpose of receiving or discharging any passenger, hall bring such vehicle to a full stop at least ten feet in the rear of such street coir and remain stationary until any such passenger has boarded such car or reached a place of s fety, except that yvhare a safety zone has been established, or at an intersection where traffic is controlled 'oy an officer or a. traffic stop and go signal, a vehicle need not be ;rought to a full stop before passing -,ny such railway, interurban or street car, but may proceed past such car at a speed not greater than is reac.on- a.ble or pro"er =tind in no event greater thta.n ten i,iiles an hour and ,:,ith due caution for t_e safety of pedestrians. 1. Section 34. DRIVING ON STFMu` C".R TRACKS. PASSING SAFETY ZONES. (a) It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle proceeding upon any street car tracks in front of a street car to fail to remove said vehicle from said tracks as soon as racticable after signal from tLe operator of said street car. (b) It shall be lawful for a vehicle to be driven on either .;ide of a safety zone. Section 35. 3011IUDI'vG OR ALIGHTINS FROG TREET CARS OR VEHICLES. It shall be unlawful for any r:erson to board or a,li,•ht from a street car or vehicle while said street car or vehicle is in motion. Section 36. RIDITiG 11 0 1ST 29. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride cpon the fender or running board of any street car or vehicle. Section 37. R1IG?TAY TRAINS BLOCK STREET. It shall be unlawful steam, interurb-m or street railway same in such a r.anner as to .rev.nt poses of travel for a period of time -9- AND STREET CARS NOT TO for the operator of any train or car to operate the the use of any vtreet for pur- lon er than five (5)minutes. f ARTICLE VII: PENALTIES. Section 38. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions of this oruinance, or any rule or regulation made by the City Council or Chief of Police pursuant thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, ana upon conviction thereof, shv,U l be unished f'cr the first offense 'by a fine not to exceed Fifty p(Q`50.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail for not more than five (5) days; for a second violation aithin a period of one (1) year by a fine not to ea_One Hundred ("$100.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the city ,jail for not more than ten (10) days, or by both such fine and impris- onment; for a third and each adaitional offense committed -Fithin one (1) year by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred (;300.00) Dollars, or by im risonment in the city jail for a period not to exceed three 3) months,'or by both such fine and impris=,ent. The foregoing penalti--s.shall govern in all infractions or violations of this ordinance, except in the following, specific inst,inces: Ir;iproper parking let offense X1.00 it 2nd if 2.UO " " 3rd it 5.00 Failing to obey arterial stop let offense &2.UO n n n n It 2nd " 5.00 It it if 1° it 3rd It 10.00 Section 39. DISPOSITION OF FIITES AM FORYBiTURES. All fines or forfeitures collected upon conviction or upon the for- feiture of basil of any person charged with a violation of =:ny of the provisions of this ordinance shall be aid into the city treasury and deposited in a special fund, which is here'oy created, to be known as the "Street Improven.ent Fund". There slay be appropriatea out of said fund such moneys as froir. time to time may oe au@Driseci by the Council for the purchsse ar_d maintenance of official traffic si,,n-ais, si?n�, li-:hts, and paint marks necessary to L.esi,.nate the provisions of this ordinance, and the balance of said fun, si .li ae used ex- clusively in the cons tr::.etio:., maintenance and i trove .eiit of .Iic streets within this city. Section 40. E=, CT 10F ORDIN!dSCE. If any section, sub- section, sentence, cl=,u:_e or phrase of this ordinance is for :any re --son held .o b- unconstitutional, s:.ici_ deci Acn shall not a.ff-act the validity cf the regaining portions i,f th.i; ordinance. The City Co:.xncil hereby declares tiat it mould 1 -ave passed this ordinance and each section, sub -section, sen- cence, clause a.nu phrase thereof, irrespective oi' ch.e fact t➢;at any one or more sections, .ob-sections, sentences, cisass.:s or phrases be declared unconstitutional Section 41. RPP: 4L. A11 crainances or parts of ordi- nances in .conflict ,,itl_ or inconsistent with tii.� l,rovisions of this ordinance Are hereby repealed, exc:pt that this reveal shall riot affect or .-revent the r,ros_,cution or punishment of iany person for any act done or coni.titted in violation of any !ordinance hereby repealed prior to the t_akin effect of this ordinance. Section 42. PUu,ICATION OF ORDINANCE. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the -10- same to be ruolished in tha 3urlingame Auvance Star for the time required 'ay law, and this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and aftertXe date of its -.sage. INTRODLC^D the(3� d:2U ���_, 19281 and duly and regularly Passethe day of 1928, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen: - J4tilt�'� _Ae6e_� Noes, Councilmen: GFA C. Absent, Councilmen: JW ATTJ&6T . 44 City Cleric. _