HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 02170 R _) I N A Y C E lio. 217. AlJCRDI d'Sl'C_' liI ,=C TYE FI I G CF - 3 Il, THE aELI ING of Ur- u ''JITi CF!".: 71hereaz, the City Council of the City of Burlin;alme believe that aasy and unretarded accessibility Sh- uld be afforded the Fire Departicent of the City of Burlic�.ar,t at all tiraes to the various .)arts of the City, and p-.rtioLiarly to 1)ros:osed light industrial sections, and whereas it appears that certain acerar�e property is beinS so -La ;rithout ,any 6ifinite pl€:,n of connection iith the hi_hways and :streets of the City of 3uriinE =a..e, and there is great need ..t this tir:_e to rovide for and reulate the avenues of tra:vei to and from said7 aceraJe iY. order that the life na rroperty of inhs,bit_,.nts of the City of 3uriin-�.ne :Liay be fully '.rotected, no,: therefore, The City Council of the City of Buriing^.me do ordain as follo,;s: Section 1,A..ny person, fir -,a or corporation sellinE or exchanging =.ny real ;t"ae in the City of 3urlie, other t1- -n the parcel, of real estate of a lot -and block natlzre, Bich are a. past of the auproved and recorded sub ivisien, of 2a,id City on file in the office of the County 3ecorder of San I-3,teo County, and which real ---tete is solu. in ,^__ e i,r_,rcels or fr ction_1 parts of an acre by metes and 'bOun_::_; da.�cription or by cny ,;cher measureilent, other than an tyl,roved and recorded siodivision snap reference, Shall efore i:.:in; sny ..,a.l s of L -id. real _.sate file ,:ritli the Count y Cl:;rk of the County of San 1i_;.teo and the Clerk of the City of Burlin.:c _e, :a. Waal ;:howinE the divided parcels or acera-e of the compete acera,,ue o;rnero' i, , to"it_.er :lith the proposeu streets, alley.-,, 1_.r<e ,nu courts therein, sno. rciative access to the i resent ce'iitiL`ulous hi.Y i'„ys -,,nu street-- of S .ld. City rection 2. Any i ervon, firm or cors .;ration viola.tin any of the y,rovisions of this ordinance shl 7.,11 upon ceiiv:ction fi thereof -0e Ellie l:U in !>. SLi.L not VO e_l'Ce�: U. q; 1U0, Or :,,, llilpr LSOYIl'lent in the Citi Jail Pict to exceed 10 days or t>y ooth raid f ilia and ir,.prisolLu3nt. Section 3. This Or-ina.nr.e shad be ,,ubli._hed in .;he Burlin -nne Advince St•.r in the iaai_ner provides, oy lay: _-,,nd tae in force =,nd effect frons and aftar the date of its pa;�sac7e. rewu1 sly vote. Introduced t'5 h d. ,,y of Yov liber, 1925, `a.nu duly and l)a:sed the�day of Piovelluer, 1928, 'ay the follo,,-inZ Ayes, Council-2en: roes, Courcil?_en: A'ii,ient, Councilm.:n: i City Clerk, Pr`_ay or . FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CITY OF BrU-R%/�/I��GXME, CAL.., rHtS._/ GAY OFY.C.._&-�l__... 192. G CLERK.