HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0214ORDINANCE NO. Z � An ordinance regulating plumbing in the City of Burlingame. The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: Sec. 1. The following rules and regulations respecting the plumb- ing and drainage of buildings in the City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, are hereby adopted, and all work in respect thereto shall be per- formed as herein required and not otherwise., and this Ordinance.shall be known and referred to as "The Plumbing Ordinance." . Sea. 2. REGISTRATION. Every master plumber doing business in this City shall register his name and address at the office of the Plumbing Inspector of the Oity, ouc before registering shall give a bond to the City in the sum of two hundred and fifty („200.00) dollars with two good and sufficient sureties or :iurety Co. for the faithful discharge of his duties as a master plumber, which said bond shall be approved and filed with the city 'Clerk. Sec. 3. DISPLAY OF SIGN. It shall be the duty of every licensed master plumber to display at his place of business, outside thereof, a sign with his full registered name, and no person other than a registered plumber shall be allowed to display any sign, carry on or engage in a plumbing business, or make any connections with any sewers, drain, soil or waste pipes or any pipe connected therewith. Seo. 4. LICENSE. Every person that engages in the business or oc- cupation of master Dlumber, or that contracts .to do or performs, plumbing or drainage work in the City of Burlingame, shall pay to the City of Burl- ingame, an annual license fee of twenty-five dollars (,p25.00); such pay- ment to be paid to the City and license issued in the same manner as other licenses are issued. No person shall receive a license as master plumber who has not attained the age of 21 years, and passed a satisfactory exam- ination. Tion resident plumbers doing business in this city, and not hav- ing a fixed place of business therein, may -receive certificates of regis- tration, on presenting certificates or licenses granted by a city or town having regulations equally strict as those herein provided, or in giving evidence to the Board of Health and Plumbing Inspector of their qualifi- cations for doing the.work of master plumber. No license as a master plum- ber shall be granted for more than one year or for the unexpired portion thereof. All licenses expire on the first day of July of each year, unless sooner revoked. Upon the expiration of the yearly license, every master plumber carrying on the business.of plumbing shall be required within thirty days to again be registered and pay his yearly license as provided for in the preceding sections of this Ordinance. Sea. 5. REQUIREMENTS. Every person, complying with the aforesaid regulations shall receive a certificate of registration from the Plumbing Inspector, and upon then obtaining a license shall be entitled to conduct a plumbing business. Sea. 6. PLUPvT}3IIG INSPECTOR. There is hereby created the office of Plumbing inspector. Such inspector shall be appointed by and hold office during the pleasure of the City Oouncil, of said City. The Inspector shall examine all plumbing work before the same is covered up or inclosed, and if the same be found to be done in accordance with this ordinance, he shall issue a certificate to that effect. Upon the completion of any work he shall again examine the same and if found to conform to the law and the provisions of this ordirance, he shall issue a final certificate, and deliver same to the Building Inspector. If on examination of any plumbing he finds any violation of this ordinance, he shall not issue a certificate until such necessary corrections are made as will make the work conform to this ordinance. Seo. 7. PERMIT. The installation of, and the alteration of or change in the plumbing work or fixtures in any.old or new building or buildings, shall not be done, until application shall have been made to the Plumbing Inspector and a permit issued as provided elsewhere in this Ordinance. Sea. 8. 13UILDI14G MOVED, RAISED, ETC. When a building is moved, raised, or when an addition or an alteration is made to and in a building, where new fixtures are to be put in the addition and old fixtures are to be altered and reset in the old portion of the building, then both the new fixtures put in and the old plumbing in the building must be placed in a sanitary condition and comply with these rules and requirements. Sec. 9. 0014DEMNATION. When a building has been inspected and the plumbing work condemned by the Plumbing Inspector as being in an unsanitary condition, then the Plumbing Inspector shall give a written notice to that effect, informing the agent or owner of said building to repair the de- fective plumbing therein so as to place the building in a sanitary condi- tion. Seo. 10. NOTICE We COMPLE`PION. Immediately upon the completion of the plumbing system of a building, notice must be given the Plumbing Inspeotor to that effect, and the work must be ready for the final in- spection of the Plumbing Inspector. Seo. 11. SUSPENSION, LIABILITY. The failure upon the part of a master plumber to make application for first and for final inspection, or the violation of any of the rules of the Ordinance as to the construction of the plumbing work, and failure to correct faults, after notification, shall be deemed sufficient cause to have his license suspended for such length of time as the City Council may deem proper. Sec. 12. SUSPENSION, PENALTY. No master plumber shall construct nor alter any system of plumbing during the period of his suspension. Sec. 13. CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION. When any registered master plumber ceases to carry on the business of master plumber, then ipso facto he ceases to be deemed a registered master plwnber and his registration therefore, is cancelled; and, before he can resume business as a regis- tered master plumber, he must comply with all the requirements of this Ordinance, just as if he had never been registered. Sec. 14. FEES. The Plumbing Inspector shall receive from the plumber for whom he renders service under the provisions of this Ordinance, the following Fees, to -wit: For the fixtures to be installed, (range boilers exoepted) the sum of seventy five cents (0.75) each, and this in addition to a fee of V72.00 for inspection of sewers connected with these fixtures. The minimum fee shall be gy2.00. Sec. 15. The plumbing and drainage work of all buildings both public and private, hereafter erected in this City, shall be constructed in strict accordance with the specifications and regulations set forth in this Ordinance, and it shall be unlawful to construct them, or any of them otherwise. Sea. 16. MATERIALS. All material must be of good quality and free from defeats. The work must be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner. 2. DEFINITIONS. Sea. 17. HOUSE. A "house or building" shall be defined as being an architectural structure covered by one roof and enclosing walls. Seo. 18. PORCH. Porches, or the continuation of porch roofs, from building to building, shall be considered as being a portion of the main structure. Seo. 19. FRONTAGE. Buildings situated upon the same,lot, which said lot has frontages upon different streets, or alleys or courts, the buildings having abutting orconnectingporches, shall not be construed as forming one main structure. Sea. 20. PLUMBING FIXTUR:aS. Plumbing fixtures are receptacles in- tended to receive and discharge water, liquid, or water -carried wastes into a drainage system with which they are connected. See. 21. TRAP. A trap is a fitting or device so constructed as to prevent the passage of air or gas through a pipe without materially af- fecting the -flow of sewage or waste water through it. Sec. 22. TRAP SEAL. The trap seal is the vertical distance be- tween the crown weir and the dip of the trap. Seo. 23. VENT PIPE. A vent pipe is any pipe provided to ventilate a house -drainage system and to prevent trap siphonage and back pressure. Seo. 24. BRANCH VENT. The term "Branch vent" as here applied, shall be construed to mean all that vent pipe located between the fixture served and the point where the vent joins and intersects with the main vertical vent. Sec. 25. LOCAL WENTILATING PIPE. A local ventilating pipe is a pipe through which foul air is removed from a room. Seo. 26. SOIL PIPE. A soil pipe is any pipe which conveys the dis- charge of water-olosets, with or without the discharges from other fix-. tures, to the house drain. Sea. 27. WASTE PIPE AND SPACIAL ';'TASTE. A waste pipe is any pipe which receives the discharge of any fixture, except water -closets, and conveys the same to the house drain, soil or waste stacks. V(hen such pipe does not connect directly with a house drain or soil stack it is termed a special waste. Sec. 28. MAIN. The main of any system of horizontal, vertical or continuous piping is that part of such system which receives the wastes, vent or back vents, from fixture outlets or traps, direct or through branhh pipes. Seo. 29. BRASCH. The branch of any system of piping is that part of the system which extends horizontally at a slight grade, with or with- out lateral or vertical extensions or vertical arms, from the :aain to receive fixture outlets not directly cormected to the main. Seo. 30. ':STACK. Stack is a general term for any vertical line of soil, waste, or vent piping. 3. Sec. 31. HOUSE DRAIN. The house drain is that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a house drainage system which receives the discharge for soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of any build- ing and conveys the same to the house sewer. Sea. 32. HOUSE SEWER. The house sewer is that part of the horizon- tal piping of a house drainage system extending from the house drain to its connection with the main sewer and conveying the drainage of but one building site. Sec. 33. DEAD END. A dead end is a branch leading from a soil, waste, vent, house drain or house sewer, which is terminated at a devel- oped distance of 2 feet or more by means of a crap, plug, or other ifitting not used for admitting water to the pipe. Sea. 34. ARRAK MIM:NT OF PIPES. The arrangement of sewer, drain, soil, waste and vent pipes must be as direct as possible. The sewer, soil, or waste.pipe, when it lies under or in a building, shall be of the quality known to the trade as standard cast iron pipe, except that in buildings of three stories or more in height, other than residences, lines of soil or waste must be extra heavy cast-iron pipes, or when the lines of vertical soil pipe reach a height of 36 feet or more, measuring from the first floor line to the highest fixture on such building, the entire soil or waste pipe shall be the quality known as extra heavy, and the fittings to the same shall be extra heavy, except the two top floors, which may be of the weight and thickness known as standard soil pipe. Sec. 35. SEWER, FRONT AND REAR. 411here there is a house in the rear of a lot, and there is to be an additional house built in front of the lot, then the same sewer may serve both buildings; this shall apply also to where the conditions are reversed, and the front building is built first or when both are built, provided that in all cases these rules are complied with. Sea. 36. SB?PERS, OLD. 'dJhere there is an old sewer serving a building, either front or rear, provided the sewer is in a sanitary con- dition, it may serve either front or rear premises, excepting that such portion of old sewer as is within the foundations or area of the new or additional structure, must comply with these rules as to quality and kind of material used, and boundaries and intermediate section rules. Sec. 37. SEWER OR DRAIN. Excepting as provided for in these rules for the use of wrought iron pipe, the sewer, when it lies under the building and beyond the rear, side or front wall, or any area wall, shall run in the most direct manner to main sewer; shall be of standard cast- iron pipe, cast-iron to run to City lateral with Sanitary Tee and clean- out brought to the surface; and all fittings to same, shall be of the same material. Seo. 38. PROVISIONS FOR SPECIAL FIXTURES. Wastage discharging from dental'ouspidors.shall be connected to drainage system by 1 1/2" galv. pipe and with 4" pot trap, trap to have 4" brass clean out and vented with 1 1/2" gals. pipe, the vent not to be further from trap than 15 feet. Sinks in restaurants, hotels, butcher shops, laundries, board- ing houses, etc., shall be provided with a suitable grease trap of not less than ten gallon capacity. Wastage discharging from fixtures where acids are used shall be "Duro-iron" or equal acid resisting materials. All vents for said fixtures shall be cast iron or lead. 4. Sec. 39. SUITS. All surface drains, soil and waste pipes dis- charging below the sewer line of any building and all sumps -receiving drainage or wastage must be connected in a sanitary manner satisfactory to the Plumbing Inspector, and receive the approval of said Inspector prior to use. Seo. 40. CAULKED JOINTS. All joints on cast iron pipe and on the fittings to same must be made with suitable packing of oakum, properly caulked and run full with molten lead, properly caulked. Sec. 41. FALL OF PIPES. All sewer, drain, soil, waste and leader pipes shall have a continuous fall of not less than 1J4 inch to the foot, and, if practicable, more. Sec. 42. HANGINu PIP293. Where practicable, all iron sewers, drains, soil and waste pipes, running in a cellar or lowest story of a building, shall run along the wall of the building, or, if this is not practicable be hung with iron hangers, o feet apart, with either wrought iron bands or hooks, securely fastened to the floor joists. when it is not praot- ieable to run and fasten the iron sewer, drain, soil and waste pipes as above directed, then they may be run in a trench out to a uniform grade. All outside horizontal and vertical lines or soil and waste pipes, shall be secured with heavy bands, wrought iron straps with 4 wood screws to each strap, and the straps placed at intervals not exceeding 5 feet. Sec. 43. CLEAN OUTS. Heavy brass, male threaded "clean. -outs" shall be placed at the end of each horizontal run of sewer or drain and its contributory laterals when 5 feet or more. waste lines above first floor Where clean outs are inaccessible, 90 degree elbows of long sweep pattern are to be used. Clean -.outs, the ferrule or body or which are made of oast iron, provided they comply with all other requirements as to brass cover, eto., may be used in lieu of all brass, and in wrought iron work. Seo. 44. CLEAN -OUTS. ACCESSIBLE. All clean outs shall be of the same size as the pipe they serve and must be so placed as to be accessible. Sec. 45. PIPES, KIND OF. All sewer, drain, soil, waste and vent pipes when under first floor or basement of any building, shall be of cast iron and cast iron fittings, including that part of said first floor that is raised to be used as garage or laundry and furnace room or mez- zanine floor. Bath and shower stall traps excepted. Seo. 46. LEAD PIPE, LENGTH. Waste pipes may be of lead, but only for branches not exceeding fixe feet in length. Sec. 47. LEAD, ANGLE OF. Nhenever practicable, and where under these rules and regulations lead wast pipe is used, it must intersect at the same angles as given by Y's 1/16, 1/6 or 1%8 bends. Seo..48. FSILiULES, WIPED. All connections of lead pipe with either cast iron or wrought iron pipe must be made with brass ferrules of the same size as the receiving opening, and be connected to same.by a wiped joint, and be properly caulked with oakum and molten lead. Seo. 49. SOIL PIPE, SIZE. No soil pipe of an inside diameter less than four inches shall be permitted. Seo. 50. OLD SEXIER ON.10T. 1,Vhen either an old or now building is placed upon a lot, or when an alteration is made in a building which has an old sewer or drain in a defective or insanitary condition lying with- in the lines of any part or the foundations, then the said sewer or drain must be replaced with cast iron pipe and be run in accordance with these rules and regulations. 5. Sea. 51. O,AI T IIJi.il _IAL �e1,D Yi ,lam i"ITTILvC '. 4hen p;alvanized brought iron pipe is used for soil, waste or 1:;ader pipes it shill be of the quality known as ,!standard' thickness, and all changes of direction shall be evade with Y's, 116, 1/6 or 1/8 fittings, threaded on the in- side, and so constructed as to form a bore uniform with the pipe, without any burrs or recesses. All fittings shall be either cast iron, hot tar dipped or galvanized, or galvanized malleable iron. Sec. 52. 7UR A0` DR=' -IN. Ifo opening; shall be provided in the sewer or drain pipe of any building for purpose of draina a unl.�)ss said open- ing be rroperly tra-oned and vented, (if waste pipe is 2") and if 3°' or 4" pipe is used, then trap need not be vented, but all surface drains must be supplied with clean water if possi'bla. IIo drain from any fixture is to be used for this purpose e;cept basin s,�aste. Sea. 53. ST2P1JE 11'iI113, Caj:' LPW II. All surface drains shall be of cast iron, have a suitable strainer gratingand be of such a make as will be satlsfactor37 to the Ylumbincr lns"rector and it s''all not be per- missable to use a cement or similar aL^sorber_t well ocl._etus a surface drain unless used for auto wash rack. All carrai:v.e Lind arage wash rooms, connected with the se'.ver t.;,stem, must be orovided "wilth the prop- er means for in"teraeotin4_; nlud, waste, not -less than 4" and provided with clean out. Sea. 514 BELT. 'T i Pa. Bell trays are strictly prohibited in every and all eases. uoo. 55. TE.lIal La HAU>'2. No steam exhaust shall connect with any sewer, drain, soil, leader or waste pipe. A steam condenser, however, may be pormitted to receive the steam exhaust and the condensation pipe be connected to the sever system, provided all arc done to the approval of the Plumbing Inspector. Sec. 56. 'gid'"IPv All sewers, drains, soil, waste, vent and leader pipes taxaeptin; sheet metal leaders 1, and whiah are not of iron- stone, must have all openinp<s stopped, and be filled wi th water to roof. Sea. 57 "1STITiG, S:CC`I�I' �l '.i"') r`IFiAT. :when a s_ast-m of plumbing has been tested in soc',ior,s, then there shall be another test made after the various lines have been connected together, and this last test shall be made •.vita a watar uresz=e ecual to a column ten feet above the lowest point o1' the sewer or drain logated !;ithin t':ie premises. 3oe. 58. 1'''d3'IU' _ZIIua. ;jooden plugs shall not be allowed in the testir t of a plurzbing system. Sea. J� 'I iJ L, v:�i_i I �I:ATI�' �I!:-; testin'; of & plumbing System must be made in tau, ares os of the i'lumbirr lns,)eotor, and if the test proves satisfactory to nil:, he shall issue a proper aertiftcate accordingly. Seo. 60. IP]a'sJ'P .?, IOrIJ In all cases notice must be given the r?lumbing 1nS7)aotor when the ,fork is sufficiently advance for inspection. Seo. 61. REWBAT3 AS'i) i'. Ou3S 3. ."t.xo®mina as provided for in the nexteC ti OT1, no Sewor, drain, soil, waste, loader or vent pipe pi' a"ilk:' kind shall be built in brie::, stoxle or oonarete v�ra_Lls. hen necessary to canceal ripes of this class, then they must be run in suitable reveals or reocsses, and excePtin;g that in horizontal falls where sewer pipe passing behind elevator shafts require that it be offset in, the Plumb- ing lnspector may, in his discretion,=)ermit it to be built in r,,all to prevent iNeakenin# the same. sea. 62. ''T's'.«IP; PL:r='Ji l'1'TVS. when and wl'Ylerever any sevder, !)rain, soil, waste, leader, vent or Supply pipe ,JaSses throu{h an.,� foandation, 6. wall or partition, and there is a surrounding space, then this space shall be satisfactorily covered with suitable metal flashing or collars so as to effectually prevent leaving an avenue for the entrance of ver- min into the premises. Sea. 63. REFRIGERATORS, FILTBRS. Water filters, ioe boxes or re- frigerators shall in no case be directly connected to or with the sew- erage or drainage system, but they may be indirectly,eonneoted, provid- ed the manner of connecting be approved by the Plumbing inspector. Sea. 64. BRICX FLUB RESTRICTIONS. No brick nor sheet metal, nor earthen flue, shall be used as a sewer or drain ventilator, nor shall any chimney flue be used for this purpose. Sea. 65. EXTRA HEAVY, 36 FEET. In every building, reckoning from the top of the first floor to the top of the floor that the highest fixture is located on, where the drop exceeds 36 feet, then the entire soil and waste pipe shall be of extra heavy oast iron pipe, and the fit- tings to same shall be extra heavy, or standard galvanized wrought iron pipe and cast iron tar dipped threaded fittings may be used, all as laid down in this Ordinance. Sec. 66. STANDARD S'T'ACKS. Soil pipe stacks continuing above the highest fixture and serving as a vent pipe, or 3 inch or larger cast iron serving.: as a vent, where under these rules they are allowable may be of standard cast iron pipe or of galvanized wrought iron pipe, but there shall not be intermediate sections of material or quality. Seo. 67. 'BASTE PIPE. The waste pipe, either vertical or horizon- tal, receiving the discharge of 16 or more fixtures, shall not be less than 3 inches in diameter. When it is required that the diameter of waste be increased, then, the entire line must be carried to above roof of the full bore of the inereased.size. Sec. 68. ANGLE OF FI'2TI11GS. Excepting as provided for in these rules, all changes in the direction of sewer, drain, soil, waste and leader pipes shall be made with Y branches, 116, 1/6 or 1/8 bends. Sec. 69. OFFSETS. Offsets may be used, provided the angle they present is not more acute than that presented by a 1/6 bend. Sea. 70. CROSSES, SADDLES, ETC. Straight crosses, bands and saddles are prohibited. Seo. 71. HEEL OUTLETS. Four by two, or any other heel outlet fit- ting, will not be allowed to act as a waste pipe through the 2 inch open- ing, excepting on vertical lines. On horizontal lines, 4" x 2" or any other heel outlet fitting will not be allowed to act as a waste pipe through a 2 inch opening, unless the bottom of the 2 inch opening is higher than the top level of the 4 inch receiving part of fitting. Seo. 72. ARCHITECTURAL T Y's. Excepting where under avahiteetural conditions, the space is limited, double T Y's will not be allowed to serve closets, and then only on vertical lines or stacks. Sea. 73. SUIiFACE D'_'�AINAGE. No opening shall be provided in the sewer or drain pipe of any building for the purpose of draining rain water. Sec. 74. LEADERS, RESTRICTIONS. Wxoepting as provided for in these rules, rain water leaders must never be used as a soil, waste or vent pipe nor shall a soil, waste or vent pipe be used as a rain water leader. 7 Sec. 75. LEADERS, INSIDE. when rain water leaders are placed in- side of a building, or when passing through a porch, they must be of oast iron or of galvanized wrought iron, and be properly caulked with the oakum and lead just as if they were to be used as soil or waste pipes. Sea. 76. LEADERS, OUTSIDE. Excepting galvanized wrought iron pipe leaders, all outside leaders shall be constructed of cast iron for a dis- tance of not less than five feet above the ground line at the foot of stack; the entire outside leader may, however, be of standard -cast iron pipe. Seo. 77. LEADER, CONNECTION. The connection between the cast iron and the sheet iron leader pipe must be made with a brass ferrule soldered to the sheet metal and caulked with oakum and molten lead into the cast iron. Brass sleeves are prohibited; if the leader connects to galvanized wrought iron, then a satisfactory soldered connection must be made. Sea. 78. URINAL AND CLOSET SAFES. Urinal and water closet floor drains may be connected to and with main waste, soil or sewer pipe, pro- vided said floor drain be properly trapped and vented; but no urinal waste shall act as the feed to any floor drain; all to be done to the satisfac- tion of the Plumbing Inspector. Sea. 79. CLOSET TANKS, FLUSHOMETERS. Excepting; flushometer closets all water closets within a building must be supplied from separate tanks or cisterns, the water of which should not be used for any other purpose. Sea. 80. CLOSETS, SUPPLY. Excepting flushometer, a group of water closets may be supplied from one tank, but water closets located on dif- ferent floors must not be supplied from one tank. Seo. 81. CLOSETS, PROHIBITED. Plug, pan, valve, washout and com- mon hopper closets are strictly prhhibited in any part of a building or premises. Seo. 82. CLOSET, FLUSH. when water closets are supplied from tanks the down or flush pipe shall in no case be less than one and one-quarter inches inside diameter. Seo. 83. CLOSET, ETC., CONNECTIONS. No rubber connections shall be allowed between water closets and vent pipes, nor shall any closet be set in plaster or. similar substance. Sea. 84. CLOSET LEAD BEND. 'd➢hen a water closet is connected to the soil pipe by and through a lead bend, then the outlet side of the bend must be properly wiped to a brass ferrule and the ferrule be properly caulked into receiving hub. Sea. 85. CLOSET LEAD CONNECTION. When a water closet is not con- nected to the soil pipe by a lead bend, then it may be connected by and through a lead pipe lengthening piece, which shall be properly wiped to a heavy brass ferrule, and the ferrule be properly caulked into receiv- ing hub. Sec. 86. SLEEVES PROHIBITED. In no case shall either brass or iron sleeves be allowed. Sec. 87. CLOSETS, MATERIALS OF. When water closets are so construc 4ed that the trap is a part of the closet, then they must be of all earthenware, or enamelled iron, or of a combination of those materials. G Sec. 88. CLOSET, POROUS, PROHIBITED. All water closet receivers must be of either earthenware or of enamelled iron; no stone, cement, brick, wooden or other porous substance will be permitted. Sec. 89. URINALS, MATERIAL AND SUPPLY. Urinals must be of either enamelled iron or of porcelain, and excepting flushometers, must be supplied from a tank or tanks or system, the water of which shall be used for no other purpose. Sec. 90. URINALS, GROUP. A group of urinals may be supplied from one tank, the capacity of which is to be proportionate to the number of urinals supplied, but in no case shall the capacity be less than one gallon for each urinal served. The flush pipes must be sufficiently large. Sea. 91. URINAL GROUP DEFINED. More than two urinals shall be construed as being a group of urinals, and the .flush pipe or pipes there- to must be so arranged as to provide an equalized pressure and volume of water to all and each urinal on the range. Sec. 92. URINAL SUPPLY, FLOORS. t oepting flushometer, urinals situated on different stories must be supplied by tanks located on the same story as that on which the urinals are. Sec. 93. HOPPERS. ETC., CONNECTION. Slop sink and scullery sinks, when set upon a floor, must be connected to the waste pipe with lead pSpe wiped on to a brass ferrule, the same to be caulked with molten lead; or they may be connected with an approved iron or brass connection. Sea. 94. HOPPER RESTRICTION. No hopper shall be allowed in any part of a building. Sec. 95. SLOP SINK, TRAP. All slop sinks shall be provided. with suitable traps of not less than two inches internal diameter, Seo. 96. SLOP SINK, INTERIOR. No scullery or slop sink located within the premises proper shall receive the discharge of any fixture. Sea. 97. BASIN WASTE. Two basins may be wasted by a 1 1/2 inch galvanized wrought iron pipe if on same floor. Sec. 98. 1900DEN FIXTURES, RESTRICTIONS. Excepting upon applica- tion to and upon the written permit from the Plumbing inspector, no wood- en sink nor wash tray shall be allowed on premises. Sea. 99. BATHS, WOOD PROHIBITED. Bath tubs, the frame of which is wooden, and which said frame is lined with sheet metal, are not allow- ed and all fixtures must be open to the free circulation of air, and not enclosed so as to harbor vermin. Sea. 100. TRAPS, GENERAL PROVISIONS. As provided for in these rules all fixtures must be effectively trapped and vented, and the traps and vents must be placed as near to the outlet of the fixtures served as practicable, all in conf=ormity with this Ordinance. Sea. 101. TRAP RESTRICTIONS. Exaeptingas specified in these.rules in no case shall the trap of one fixture oonneot with the trap of another fixture. Sea. 102. TRAPS RELATIVE TO VENT. Excepting as provided for in these rules, in no case shall the trap serving a fixture be placed at a distance greater than one foot from the outlet of the fixture it serves, nor shall the vent pipe serving a trap be placed at a distance greater than two feet from the trap it serves. 9 Sea. 103. ABUTTING SINK AND TRAY. When a sink and a wash tray or sectional basins abut one another, and they are practically one fixture and they are in the same room, then they or it may be served by one trap. Sea. 104. TRAPS. No fixture shall have a trap: of less than 1 1/2 inch diameter (internal), except drinking fountains. Sec. 105. BRASS TRAPS. Brass traps must be connected to a threaded waste pipe by means of a brass iron pipe size thread, the same to be soldered to trap end. Sec. 106. VENTAGE, GENERAL. To provide adequate circulation of air, prevent back pressure and to prevent s yphonage, special air pipes of gal- vanized wrought or cast iron shall be provided, and excepting as provided for in these rules, they shall be of a bore not less than that of the trap served, and if to serve a water closet or slop sink, not less than 2 inch bore. Seo. 107. VENTS TO ROOF. All vent or air pipes shall be run sep- arately or combined through the roof, and for one foot above, and to be left open. Sec. 108. COATING OF PIPES. All vent pipes, and the fittings to same, of an inside diameter less than 3 inches, shall be of galvanized. wrought iron, malleable iron or cast durham fitting, respectively, and shall comply with these rules as to angles and the precipitation of sediment. Sec. 109. VENTS DI13ECT AS PRACTICABLE. Ventilating pipes must be run with as few bends as possible, and excepting as provided for, must oonneot to and with the main vertical vent at an aggle of 45 degrees. Sea. 110. VENTS, REGULATING SIZE. '6'1hen combined, the vent pipe must be increased in size according to the following table. Branch vents serving water closets shall not be of.a size less than as defined in the following table: Table of size of vents --branch vents, size of vents and fixtures allowed: 1 to 3 water closets or 7 small fixtures into a 2 inch vent' 4 n 5 v IT r 10 It n n n 2 1/2 " gaiv. vent 6 n 8 n IT n 16 IT n it IT 3 r veilt 9 of more " `r 16 or more " `r It IT 4 `r is 1 1/2 inch vent pipes shall only be allowed as provided for in these rules. Seo. 111. CLOSET DOUBLE Y VENT. Vents serving two water closets discharging into a double branch Y, or its substitute, shall be not less than a 3 inch pipe. Sec. 112. VENT, 1 1/2 INCH. Two 1 1/2 inch traps may be vented with one 1 1/2 inch vent pipe. Sec. 113. SEDI1,00 T PROVISIONS. All vent pipes and the fittings to same must be so arranged that no sediment shall collect therein, but the sediment shall discharge into the wastage pipes so as to be carried off by the wastage discharge, and where architectural conditions require, then the bottom of the vent shall be carried to and connect below the lowest fixture on the line. 10. Sec. 114. 3 FEET 6 INCH INTERSECTION. In no case shall a vent pipe serving any fixture intersect with a main or branch vent at a point of intersection less than three feet six inches above the floor level of the fixture or fixtures served. Sec. 115. SOIL DROP, 10 FEET. Excepting water closets coming under Section 111, water closets, basins, baths or any other fixtures located either within the building or upon any portion of the premises, (except- ing as provided for yard fixtures) if the soil pipe drop does not exceed ten feet may be vented by a 2 inch vent pipe for a distance of 35 feet; if exceeding 35 feet, then the entire vent shall be 2 1/2 inches. Sec. 116. SOIL S`"L.CN, ' I: _i. P LITE. In each and every building; to be used as a residence or other,%,ise, and vahere a oats closet or closets is or are situated, either :it_ir, the building or upon any portion of the lot outside of said buildings, it shall be rec-uired, in any and all cases, that at least one 4 _inch vent pipe shall be continued to a point one foot above the -roof liz:e, and this irrespective of the location of the closet or closets or drop. Seo. 117. 1.1/2 VETTT 10 FELT LI11IP. .;'nen 1 1/2 inch branch vents are used on fixtures, then the branch vent sh_:ll not e.:ceed 10 feet horizontally. Seo. 116. _L3JILlITEJ21MAL T&YiTI17G, UITDER FLOOR. 'diere by architect- ural conditions it is not practicable to comply strictly with these -rules, and ventir.6 has to be done under the floor, and the available space is limited, then all rules shall be complied with as nearly as practicable. Seo. 119. A2,EI'T.&JTU1?4Z Y's, ETC., on vents. Vhere by architect- ural conditions it is not practicable to use Y's or to oomply strictly with the rules as to the manner of ventin;.,, then these rules must be oomplied with as nearly as practicable, and the e_,ca-otions meet the approval of the Plumbing inspector. Jee. 120. DDU 13 _=3, `J_25TS l.'1lY. .mere under these rules cast iron vent .pipe is allowed, then double hubs are allowed, but on the vent pie only. Sec. 121. 1'I1'TII:GS, C,'LT,11111.1'+iD, AiTC. "A11 vent pipes and fittings or drainage fittin;s silall be ±alvanized; 2 inch and larger may be of cast iron or of alvarii^ed mrour ht iron pipe, but in all erases all mal- leable iron fittin,r;s shall be _a17anized and all fitti?Li-s shall comply with these rr."_es as to an> -I -es, and t'_ie »reei'itation of sediment. Jom- bination waste and vent fittin;:s vhiah are tapped at all openings, or tapped and belled for caull;;r, are alloivab"Ie. See. 122. OAST I?:OT 'T 1tiT. It is allowable to use cast iron for vents as an extension of cast iron waste in lieu of ;galvanized tivrou;-ht iron. Sec. 128, K1121111M LL''sTi3IOT7 P,LD ROU33. fhen futures are located ithin kitchen eusten'sions and similar, r v,?hen a roof is used for yard purposes, or wren an openin,. in the main buildin is to be -yarded, then the 10 feet limit as pertains to the dischar;;e of vent ;-asses shall be enforced, and Lite vents must be either extended beyond the 10 feet limit or carried higher, as the case may deaand; but when it is not practicable to otherwise arevent ;=:asses ax_terinh t1.e premises, then the vent end shall be carried to a point not less t'jian one foot above the line of the main roof. 11. Sec. 124. I.2'Z3, 10 +'CC?'i' iIE=i . Pio soil or vent pipe shall termin- ate at a point vrithin ten feet of t e tcyj of any door or vrindow or house tank. Sec. 125. VEbiT A?307FL :SCO_„. U_1 JUPIrc. Every vertical soil, waste and vent pipe (unless otherwise .:-rovided for) must extend full bore to a point- not less than one foot above t"ne highest line of roof or coping and be continued to a ocint at least 10 feet from any opening of the house or of an adjoining building. Sec. 126. JAP 0 . `, JjS. i}o oap or cowls shall be affi.:ed to the topof any ventilatin:, _pipe, t}.ouch a strons vrire basl_et may be affixed. Sec. 127. AIB S.',TL: 'P tYE;TIn;i;' inti. Each and every compart;rert wherein a bath, ;eater closet, urinal or sl.o.p or scullery sink is situated shall be ventilatoO.. br means of a 1,ind,ow openir,,; directly to the exter- nal atmosphera, or ),'_T 1^,eans `)f an air 2iiaft havi.ni? an area of at least two square feet. This air shaft shall continue of undiminished sine to the roof, and at this point its openinsz shall ecual in area not _Less than that of the s}iaft. I VI Oi,. P_ I LJ D 23 t aec. 128.:21.GIa_ :z.:. l.iT`PY. Any re;i ere matter plumber lendin:; his re-;istration to any person or persons, or tal,_in' out cer.imits at the office of t'le 2lumbing Inspootor in his name, but for the u e of any pvisor or persons not re uiarly re,;?i.ste"red, Shall have his license suspended at the will of the Plumbing; Ins-oeotor, or the 21umbin;_ Inspector may cancel his license. ,Dec. 129. ''JIODL. IOTA, PEELLI TIES. Any pe:,.,son.violatinq the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars ( ,,'200.00) or i_Lprisonment in the Jity jail of the City of Burli.ntrame for not more than three months, or by both fine and imprisonment. Sec. 130. This Ordinance expi°essly repeals Ordinance No. 17 of the Jit-, ofBurlir_trame. Dec, 131. This Ordinance shall 'be ymblished in, the Burlin ame- Advance-Star for one publication and be in force and efj'ec'I from. and after its passage. c" ed t e / y of Caw 1928, and regularly passed this da ay dof bf by1928, bthe fQoll—oyvir.- voter AYES, Jouncilmen, NOES, Councilmen, i ABSENT, Councilmen, Att stt: ":'7 yor. 4a1 -n t i, Clerk. FILED IN THE OMCF. OF THE CLERK DF TH AAr OF "„GA-4E_IC9AZL, rHPSTvh 12. -A" CLUM.