HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0212OPDINAaYCE No. 1-/( 7- 0 1- TITUTC:3 R"GG1ATIt=11, 'PI%, S Al i iF 1,5: . ,_,D CRLAT:= UP) R0VIllIDG .FOR A Ir:h Il'SrLCTION STR- VIC F03 TLS; CI:CY OF BUR LING: SIE. The Council of the City of Burlin,arne do ordain as follows: Section 1. It sh-.ii be unlawful for any arson, firrl or corporation or aunt or employee of any parson, firm or corpora- tion, to sell, offer for sale, distribute or have in his or her possession, for sale or distribution any milk or cream for human concum.,Aion, as milk or cream, unless it conforms to the standards of grading and to the requiranents for the production of milk and cream established by the pure -Milk Law of California, and amendments thereto. In addition thereto *.-,,hole silk nu -_-t cont"f.An not 1e;s than 3.5 per cent milk fat. Section 2. It Nh�!.11 'oe unla,.,f'ul for ;,:ny person, firm or corporation to Nell, ex os or offer for sale „vithin the City of Burlin.�arne, any milk cr crea.,m un7a3s such perc;on, fire: or corporation shall have first obtained a pernit fro. th> =_ilk Inspection Depart:�ent of Sem P.,iatao Co.nty, to sell, expose or offer for sale a specified :_r=ule or _.-rates of .,,ilk or craam. Section 3. All „rocery store;, delicatessens and other retail ertablishrr_ent, handlint raw or pasteurizea .-;ilk cr Crew_ for _, human eonzuytion, nnust keep 211 miil< or creai in an ice chest or regrigerator of sufficient cap-,,ci.ty to hold the amount of Milk or crea_: handled in said ;;;remises, and said ice chest must be freely drained and must at :.11 iiave a capacity of ice or refrigeration =:a±.icii gill r,n:.int_.in a tenipsrat;,.re under fifty aegrees Fahreheit within the chest or refri�:erator. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for .,,ny parson, firm or corporation to sell, offer for sale, distribute or have in his, her or its possassion for sale or distribution, as a Nroducer, wholesaler, or dairy distributor of milk or cream other than as a local retail dealer, until a registration fee of twenty-five hundredth of a cent for each gallon of milk distributed or to be offered for �.istribution durit _, the calender month precec.ing be ;,aid into the county trey. ury. Section 5. The duly ap>ointed mil, and dairy inspector of the County of S -n I11ateo is here Dy empowered to perform the func- tions of milk and dairy inspector within tLe City of BuslinL�ame for the purpose of enforcing the jrovisions of this -ordinance. Section 6. .Any p,-rson, firsts or'corpor.,-Uion or any ag,nt or employee of any person. firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, sha.11 be deemed-_ui.lty of a, mis- ae`leanor a,nd ul,cn conviction t"-er-,of ::;hall i_e puniuii9,01e ;:;y o. fine of nut to a ceId Three Hundred (-,.-300.00) Dollars .r by irn;.risonment for J. per,oa cf not core than Ninety (30) days or 1_,y both sc�c'r, fine or i-r,rosin,.ent. Section 7. The Cite Clerk is __ereby ,.iracted to cauwe this cram@:;:nce to oa pLiCllshed G;).ce 111 lie Gtr 1111 E1me : dv .nce Star, a newspaper of general circulation published ':,nu oirci.; a,ted in said -1- city and hereby aesignated for tL at ...urpose, and that this Ordinance shall take effect from and aftar th; date of its passage. I1s1:30D OiD he 5th day of Nove,-.ber, passed the y t day oof Noveiab3r, 1928, Ayes, Councilmen: Noes, Councilmen: Absent, Councilmen: " " y� ATTE ity Clerk. 1928, and uuly and regularly by the following vote: 1,-6Ee- z /' Mayor. 1'1LED I THE OFFti;E Us- r L _: FHr,. OF THE CITY OF, ,fJGdE, CAL., CAV (UF��-�:b1 ....191: _— - - ----- — --- c cam -__