HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0234ORAIMICA No. 234. 4N ORDF.NANC J SUPPLERANTING C?JINUC ] To. 227 OF TITS CITY OF BUMISiGi. I ANTIThAD, " 1 URDI- NANal il_IGULATIM WD A;_ BLV T" G T": WCATI%i OF RV MR013, saleR .AUT;, I . MID M -3L Ir:iu;3` '.UTI, IT .,'ii AM !�T jU i . T}'_, 3OU1LD ARI M FOR "`Jj �-_ 4 TILE CRAATIPG OF A CITY PLY" T; PROVIUIM PAWLTIA3 FOR Ti PRCVI IOES, 3Y R. CLASOIdM" T r,T VICTS OR 70010 UD CRAITT G V RUPT M TN" 3Y A KI G R+ C S3IFICATInW to QV; T 15 R,M . --000-- The City Council of the City of 3urlin_;ame do ordain as follows, to -wit: Section 1, All iroperty or land non cla,s_ified as residence and facing upon hl Camino Real in the City of Burlingame may be used for apartment house jurpos:s <,hen tn.o extent or area of said land i.:a practicable for that purpose and upon a conformance with front yard area and side line yard area as prescribed by ordinance Pio, 211 of the City of 3urlin.;ame, regulating apartment house yard area as fifteen (15) feet front yard area and three (3) feet side yard area., with five (,) and fifteen (15) feet corner lot area, Section 2, 411 rempin&Z lots in 3locks 1, 2, 3, 4 :and 5 of Easton Addition to lurlinga,me lying 5etween ::l Camino ':seal and California Drive rand 3roadwa.y and Parmelita. ".venue, are hereby re-c1-.ssified and re -zoned no ?p^rtnent 'rouse land with the apart - lent uses ns pr.escrWed by oruinince No. 227 oi tie City of 2urlin- game. Section 3. The follo,-yin„ JercrKed Land in the City of 3urlinrame is re-clasrbifi.ed and re -zoned fro -.:apartment to cot-imercial with the uses as prescribed by ordinance to, 227 of the City of Wrl ingame : 1 All of _Lot 113 in block 2, Town. of 3urlingame 3ubdivisim, County'of 3an Knteo, State of California. 4 piece or parcel of land gitua.ted on the northeast line of Howard Avenue one hundred (100) feet and seven (7) inches southeast -1- from j1 Canino aeil, running thence east seventy five (75) met, thence norta two hundred sixty one feet (261) three (3) inches, thence west fifty (50) feet and seven(7) inches, thence south sixty one (61) feet and three (3) inches, and thence southeast two hundred twenty five (225) feet to the point of beginning --the same being the easterly portion of .Lot 11A, Block 1, 'Town of 3urlingame aubuivision, County of `pan Mateo, State of California,. All that piece or parcel of lznd situatea on the northeast line of Howard Avenue, one Wndred eelety five (175) feet seven (7) inches southeast from El Camino Real, thence east fifty (:50) feet, thence north one hundred seventy :;even (177) feet six (6) inches to tre point of beginning, i.e nn n portion of Tots one (11 amid two (2) , Alock 1, 'Town of Wrlinnnge 3ubdiviaion, County of pan Aa, teo, �ta,te of California.. Section 4. All termini of s commercial .ase of land on 31 Camino Real in the City of Burlingame shall oe suoject to the regulation of fifteen (15) feet yard area facing on Al Camino Real and with the condition that in the constructing of any structures for commercial purposes at said termini the entraices of said buildings bh,ali front on the street or avenue running at right angles to soil 11 Camino Renl, bection 5. This ordin rce Wall oe punlished in the "Wrlingame Xdva.nce it -r" in the inner a.nd for t; e ti: e required by la, and ae in Force and effect from an? ^.fter the date of its passage. section 6. Do building leer:it sholl be issued for the con- struction of a buildinE on nny of the Drope.rty herein desiEnated unless there is a full compliance of the L7w as herein set forth. 4th 1fITP�ODT'1CA1� this 4th of November, Ly,;:, unci uuly and regularly DasBed this 18th day of -2- November 1929, by the followinE vote: i 'Y3, CGU3dL"IlHunt. Jenkins. Peterson. Stone. 1"Q43 , CuLa, C I1, 11-1 A T T