HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0249ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance regulating the installation, maintenance and repair of Appliances designed to employ natural, mire or manufactured gas as a fuel medium, and/or House Gas Piping in the City of providing for the inspection of said Appliances and/or House Gas Piping; p oviding for the issuance of Permits for the installation and for repair of said Appliances and/cr House Gas Piping and the r collection of fees therefore; providing for the licensing of persons engaged in / installing and for repairing said Applianoos and/or House Gas �oy Ajp w Piping; providing for penalties for the violation of this Ordinance, and repealing all Or in conflict therewith. The City Council of the City of do ordt.in as follows: Section 1. For the interpretation of this ordinance, the words and terms referred to in Section 2-A to 2-L inclusive, shall be defined as follows: Section 2-A. Person shall include firm, corporation or co -partnership. Masculine gender shall include feminine gender. Sinjular shall include plural. Section 2-B. GAS APPLIi,NCE DEidER: One who maintains an established place of business for the installation, repair or sale of gas'appliances. Section 2-C. GAS APPLIANCE: A fixture or apparatus manufactured and designed to use natural, manufactured or mixed gas as a fuel medium for developing light, heat or power,.and shall include ranges, plates, gas space heaters, water heaters, steam and hot water boilers, ovens, furnaces, together with any attach- ment or apparatus designed to be attached to any gas appliance, such as solid tops, pilot lights, governors, regulators and safety devices, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to tubing, appliances, appurtenances or devices used for strictly experimental or scientific purposes. Section 2-D. VENT: A pipe designed to convey the products of combustion from a gas appliance to a flue. Section 2-E. FLUE: A conduit or pipe designed to convey the products of combustion to the outside atmosphere. Section 2-F. VENTED APPLIANCE: A gas appliance designed or installed in such manner that the products of combustion are conveyed to a flue. Section 2-G. UNVENTED APPLIANCE: A gas appliance designed or installed in such a.manner that the products of combustion are not conveyed to a flue. Section 2-H. COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL: Walls, floors, ceilings, shelves, or other parts of a building constructed of wood, composition, or paper, and including walls constructed of wooden studding, lath and plaster. Section 2-I. PROTECTED COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL: Combustible material protect- ed with a metal shield extending over an area exposed to the effects of heat from a gas appliance, so formed that an air space of not less than one (1) inch is created between such shield and the combustible material; provided, that in lieu of such air space, cellular asbestos not less than one-quarter (41) inch in thick- ness may be used between such metal shield and any combustible material. Section 2-J. HOUSE GAS PIPING: Any run of gas piping or fittings installed on any premises or in any building beginning within thirty (30) inches of the meter location and ending at the capped or plugged outlets ready to connect with the gas fixtures, gas appliances, and gas meter, but does not include the connection of the gas fixture, gas appliance or gas meter or any portion of the gas service piping from street mains. Section 2-K. GAS SPACE HEATER: An appliance designed to develop warm air for heating purposes, and installed above the level of the floor of room or other enclosure to be heated. Section 2-L. GAS FURNACE: A heating appliance designed to develop warm air for heating purposes, and installed below the level of the floor of room or enclosure to be heated. LICENSES, PERMITS, FEES. // �Iv jV Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person toll -install, majntain or repair any gas appliance and/or House Gas Piping in the City o until he shall have first obtained a "Gas Appliance Dealer's Liconse"'fron the City of Oa4O6w,aiauthorizing him to perform such work; provided, however, that any person d6irectly employed by such licensed Gas Appliance Dealer shall be permitted to perform such work by authority of his employer's license, in.which case said licensed employer shall be responsible for the work so performed; and provided further that no person licensed as a "Master Plumber" by the City of46w aoo shall be required to be licensed as a "Gas Appliance Dealer" in addition to®su:;h ";?aster Plumber's License", or post the bond hereinafter required. And further provided; that no person, fires or corporation licensed for any other bualnees by the City of Burlingame shall be required to pay the full fee for Gas Appliance Dealer license, but that amch person, firm or corporation skull only be rewired, to pay such an amount in sedition to his other license fee sufficient to make his to*al payments the amount of Gas Appliance ealeru licer:ae as hereinafter set forth. f ilicense shall thereupon become void and shall be ;ancelled. When any license shall have been suspended, no permit shall be is:::aed to the holder of such license and no new work for which a permit is reo")ired shall -be undertaken by such holder during the period of such suspension; but this shall not be construed to prohibit the performance of any work duly authorized under permits issued under such license prior to the date of suspension thereof. The penalties of revocation and suspension prescribed in this Section shall not be a bar to or affect any other remedy or penalty prescribed in this Ordinance, but shall be cumulative and in addition to such other remedies or penalties. 2, Section 6. A license fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year shall be paid in advance to the License Collector for every Gas Appliance Dealer's License, ,An* license issued to applicant shall expire on next succeeding June 30, and shall be issued only upon payment of full year's license fee, irrespective of when issued. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to install or cause to be installed any gas appliance and/or House Gas Piping in the City of�� ate, without obtaining a permit from the Plumbing Inspector so to do. // Section S. The Plumbing Inspector may issue to an individual not licensed hereunder a special owner's permit, authorizing said individual to install gas appliances in or about a building of which said individual is owner and occupant; provided, however, that no such installation authorized under such special permit shall be done except personally by such owner or by a member of his individual' family living and residing with him; and, if this or any other provision hereof shall be violated by the holder of such special permit, such permit shall be subject to immediate cancellation by the Inspector, and the holder thereof shall be liable to the penalty hereinafter provided for violation of this Ordinance. Section 9. Fees or as ppliance permits shall be paid in advance and shall be computed from the number of suchrappliances proposed to be installed, as follows: 0*Z(�o wr.cL For each .-as outlet--------------------- •2S For each gas appliance -----------------0' 0.60 illnimum P6e for ea3h !�ermit--------- -- 1.00 INSPECTORS, INSPECTIONS. Section 10. The Plumbing Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all of the provisions of this Ordinance, and he is hereby empowered to enter any building or premises for the purpose of making inspection or prevent- ing violation of this Ordinance; and any future reference in this Ordinance to the "Inspector" shall be deemed to refer to the Plumbing Inspector. Section 11. The Inspector is hereby authorized to disconnect any gas appliances and/or house gas piping which shall be found not to conform to the requirements of this Ordinance, or which may be found defective and in such condition as to endanger life or property. Where such disconnection has been made, a notice shall be attached to such appliance and/or house gas piping which shall state that the same has been disconnected, together with the reasons therefor, and such notice shall not be removed nor shall the appliance and/or house gas piping be reconnected until authorized by the Inspector to do so. Section 12. The Inspector shall make the following inspections and shall either approve that portion of the work as completed or shall notify the permit holder wherein the same fails to comply with the law. 3e Rough Inspection: To be made after all piping has been installed, and before any such piping has been covered or concealed or any fixture or gas appliances have been attached thereto. Final Pili Inss ection: To be made after all piping has been installed and after all portions thereof which are to be concealed by plastering or otherwise have been so concealed and before any fixtures or gas appliances have been attached thereto. This inspection shall include a pressure test at which time the pipingshall stand an air pressure equal to not less than a column of mercury eight 8) inches in height, and the piping shall hold this air pressure for a period of ten (10) minutes without any perceptible drop. All necessary apparatus for conducting said test shall be furnished by the permit holder. Final Appliance Inspection: To be made after all fixtures or gas appliances have been installed and after the house gas piping is connected with—tie meter and/or service gas piping of the Gas Company or other utility supplying or furnishing the gas which is to be used as fuel for the operation of said fixtures or gas appliances. In cases where the work consists of additional piping and/or fixtures or gas appliances to be installed on house gas piping which is already connected with the meter the foregoing inspections may be waived, in which event the Inspector shall inspect the work in such manner as he deems advisable in order to assure himself that the work has been performed in accord- ance with the intent of this Ordinance. Section 13. Upon completion of the installation of any gas appliance and//or house gas piping and prior to the use thereof, the Plumbing Inspector shall be notified that such gas appliance and/or house gas piping is ready for inspection. The Inspector shall make such inspection within twenty-four (24) hours, of such notice. If the installation is found correct, a certificate of inspection shall be issued. Section 14. In the case of rough inspections of house gas piping, the Inspector shall issue a rough inspection card which shall be posted at the meter location and kept there until after the final piping inspection, as in this Ordinance provided. When the final piping inspection has been made and approved, a copy of the certificate of such final piping inspection shall be issued to the Gas Company, or other utility supplying gas to the premises, notifying it that such house gas piping has been found satisfactory and ready for the setting of a gas meter or meters, and it shall be unlawful for any Gas Company, or other utility furnishing gas, or person to set or cause to be set or connected, any gas meter or meters with any gas pipe until such certificate of final inspection, as herein provided, shall have been given. Section 15. Gas ranges, plates, or water heaters may be installed and supplies with gas prior to the inspection thereof, provided a "Permit for Use" tag, which shall be supplied by the Inspector is attached thereto. This tag shall have written thereon the name of the Gas Appliance Dealer or Master Plumber making the installation, the date of installation, and the address where appliance is located. 4. I Section 16. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, exceptthg an authorized agent or employee of a person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of furnishing or supplying gas and whose service pipes supply or connect with the particular premises, to turn on or reconnect gas service in or on any premises where and when.gas service is not at the time being rendered. It shall further be unlawful to turn on or connect gas on or in any premises unless all outlets are properly and securely connected to appliances or capped, plugged or closed by hose -cocks, stop -cocks or valves capable of withstanding, without leaking, the gas piping test provided for in this ordinance. HOUSE GAS PIPING. Section 17. Only those licensed to do plumbing work in the City of A&aA'.f e may install house gas piping, except that a gas appliance dealer may install the necessary piping to connect gas appliances sold by himself, with gas pipe outlets of any building, provided the requirements of this Ordinance for the installation of the piping are complied with, the required permits secured, and the necessary fees paid. This is not to be construed as permitting a gas appliance dealer to install house gas piping systems in buildings, even if such a dealer should sell all the gas appliances to be installed therein, but only to permit the installation of the necessary piping to connect appliances sold by himself, with gas pipes in buildings where house gas piping exists, or after such a system has been installed therein. Section 18. Permits for house gas piping shall show the total number of gas outlets to be provided for and such other information as may be required by the Plumbing Inspector. Section 19. The following regulations shall be the standard for the con- struction and installation of house gas piping work. Section 20. For fuel and industrial purposes (including illumination, if any) the diameter of house gas piping installed in any building, the number of lineal feet and the number of openings allowed shall be in conformity with the following table: Capacity No, Openings Allowed in Cu.Ft. per Hr. Greatest Length Pipe Size 1/2" 1" 14" 12' 2" 22" 3" 4" Allowed 10' 1/2" 1 30 70' 314" 3 1 100 100' 1" 5 2 1 200 125' 11'" 8 4 2 1 350 150' lz" 10 7 4 2 1 500 200' 2" 18 14 7 3 2 1 800 250' 22" 28 22 12 5 3 2 1 1300 300' 3" 60 41 20 9 6 3 2 1 1750 350' 4" 140 86 43 20 12 6 4 2 1 3500 For a given size pipe 1/4 of length will deliver twice the discharge or 4 times the length 1/2 the discharge. 5. Section 21. The diameter of the supply pipe to any gas appliance shall not be of smaller size than the inlet connection of such gas appliance. Section 22. Except as specified below, all pipe used for the installation, extension, alteration and/or repair of any house gas piping shall be standard weight brass wrought iron or steel pipe, and such pipe shall either be new or shall previously have been used for no other purpose than for the conveying of gas. All such pipe shall be free from internal obstructions, splits, or other imperfections which would render it unfit for the purpose intended, and the ends thereof shall be properly reamed. Jointing compound shall be applied to male threads only. All fittings used in connection with the house gas piping shall be of malleable iron, or equal. Galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe and galvanized malleable fittings, or brass pipe and brass fittings shall be used for all house gas piping when said pipes are used on the exterior of a building, underground, when concealed in concrete or masonry, or when exposed to unusual damp conditions. Section 23. All gas pipes shall be well secured to the building and shall be graded toward the meter wherever possible. Vertical pipe risers shall have placed at the bottom of each riser a tee plugged with a long nipple and cap the same size as the vertical pipe to serve as a dirt pocket. Section 24. Piping trapped by a change of grade shall be provided with a suitable drip pipe, said drip pipe must be of the same size as the pipe it servas, the outlet of such drip pipe to be carried to an accessible location. Section 25. All Branches must be taken from sides or top of horizontal runs. Section 26. All gas piping must be rigidly supported by straps or hooks in such a manner as to prevent moving or sagging. Section 27. Where practicable all center outlets or drops must be square bent and securely fastened, and where straight drops are necessary straps must be soldered thereto and securely fastened. n,1Ar control of the person, firm or A quick closing heat actuated and hand opaerating shut— eoff valve operating at a temerature between 160 degrees F. j� and 170 degrees F. shall be installed at or near the burner on all gas and/or oil burning furnaces and industial gas and/or oil burning installations ion, reading and testing, and shutting cn gam rr- Section 30. tirien one building is in the rear of another building on an interior lot the to-ation of the meters will be determined by the Plumbing inspector or his dennties. 6. Section 31. The house gas piping must start within thirty inches (30") of the proposed location of the gas meter, and where it is necessary to set more than one gas meter, the ends of such house gas pipes must be eighteen inches (18") apart horizontally, at the meter location. If more than one horizontal line of meter openings be required then the vertical distance between such horizontal lines shall be not less than thirty inches (30") and the outlets shall be so arranged as to terminate at the right of the inlet location of gas meter. Section 32. Gas meters shall not be located under show windows or in engine, boiler, heater, electric meter rooms or under stairways. Access to all cos meters must be through an opening or door not less than 18" x 24" long. Section 33. House gas piping at the meter location shall be plainly marked with tags to designate the section of the building supplied. Section 34. On each house gas piping run of 29 outlets or less the opening at the meter location shall terminate at a height of not less than thirty inches (3�") above the floor, and when there are more than -29 outlets the said openir_g,, shall terminate at a height of not less than forty-eight inches (48") above the floor. Section 35. When a gas meter is located outside of a building or when the same is exposed, the same must be protected against the weather. Section 36. Before making any connection to supply gas to any building that has not already been supplied with gas prior to the taking effect of this Ordinance, the person, firm or corporation about to furnish gas thereto shall ascertain whether a certificate of inspection has been issued for the gas fittng cr gas piping to be supplied, and for that purpose may demand the production and exhibition of such certificate by the owner, tenant or occupant of the building in which such house gas piping or gas fitting is located before supplying gas roherefor. Section 37. When temporary use of gas is desired for experimental or exhibition purposes the Plumbingg Inspector may grant a permit for such use for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days, provided that the gas piping which it is desired to be used be given a test equal to that required as a final inspection. Section 38. It shall be unlawful to remove or disconnect any gas fixture or gas appliance without capping or plugging with a screwed joint fitting the outlet from which said fixture or gas appliance was removed. All outlets to which fixtures or gas appliances are not connected shall be left capped gas tight on any piping system being installed, altered, extended or repaired. Section 39. No gas piping shall be built in brick, stone, masonry, or concrete. When necessary to conceal pipe in this manner it must be run in suitable recesses. Section 40. No acid, cement or any other composition shall be used for the purpose of repairing or stopping leaks, nor shall water or acid be used to locate leaks. Soap and water, however, may be used on the outside of the house piping system for locating leaks. In no case is it permissible to repair defects in piping or fittings, but, having been located,; the defective pipe or fitting must be removed and replaced with perfect material and the test provided herein repeated. 7. Section 41. No running thread joints shall be used. Section 42. Where necessary, ground joint unions or right and left couplings may be used. Bushings or unions shall not be used in concealed work. GAS APPLIANCES - GENERAL Section 43. Except as provided for in Sections 45 and 55, all gas appliances hereafter installed shall be of a design and construction approved as to safety by the American Gas Association or similar recognized and dis- interested authority, except such apparatus as said Association or other similar recognized authority does not accept for test and approval as to safety. All such apparatus as may not be so accepted for test and approval as to safety by any recognized authority must be of a design and construction as set forth in the specifications of the Bureau of Standards of the Department of Commerce, or similar nationally recognized and disinterested authority, and must be installed in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and in a manner that will not endanger life, health or property. Provided, however, that the inspector may authorize the sale and use of any appliance that is in the stock of any gas appliance dealer or jobber on the date of the adoption of this ordinance by stenciling an approval upon such appliance. Section 44. Appliances installed hereafter shall be marked or labeled with a distinctive mark or name by the manufacturer or dealer. S Section 45. Used gas appliances may be reinstalled when, in the opinion of the inspector, such appliances may be used without danger to life or prope'.•ty. Section 46. Except as provided herein, and in Section;47, every appliance shall be rigidly connected to the house gas piping outlet with standard w®ight brass wrought iron or steel pipe and malleable iron fittings, and a ground -in valve and a union fitting shall be placed between the outlet and the appliance. Section 47. Flexible metal tubing approved by the American Gas Association May be used for connecting gas appliances designed for portable use, such as washing machines, ironers, or other appliances the location of which must be changed during operation; provided, however, that such flexible metal tubing shall not exceed six feet (61) in length. There shall not be any shut-off or gas cock between such tubing and the burner or burners. Where such tubing is used a shut-off valve or gas cock shall be installed at the point where tubing is connected to the gas supply pipe. Section 48. Appliances so constructed that the burners are not shielded by metal or other anproved insulating material shall not be located within twelve inches (12") of any combustible material. Appliances so constructed that metal shields or other approved insulating materials are an integral part of their construction shall not be located so as to permit the burners to be within six inches (6"( of combustible material nor within three inches (3") of protected combustible material. Section 49. Gas plates, ranges, or other appliances having open gas flames shall not be installed within three feet (31) of any ceiling of combust- ible material, 8.. A. The heating element must stand a test for gas tightness so that no products of combustion or gas may enter rooms or spaces to be heated. B. Vents and flues must be in good condition as to gas tightness and draft, or made so before converting any such apparatus. C. If refractory material is used as part of gas burner or burners, same must be supported above ports of burner a sufficient height to allow combustion before impingement upon said refractory material. . D. Burners must be equipped with continuous burning pilot lights controlled from the manifold of the burner and fixed to the burner in such a way as to provide a rigid relative position between the pilot tip and ports of the burner. Provisions must also be made for a simple means of lighting the pilot fight which will not make it necessary for the operator to reach into the fire pot. E. Burners using over 60,000 Btu or 50 cubic feet of natural gas per hour must be equipped with a partially opened check damper in the vent or by a draft hood. F. The manifold of the burner must be equipped with a main control valve of the plug type, with a metal handle which is cast integrally with the plug, and operated with stops at 90 degrees apart so as to indicate at a glance the "on" and "off" positions. G. The burner or burners shall be so located that no part of the flames impinge on the surfaces of the combustion chamber or heating elements, and shall be securely fastened in place to prevent twisting, sliding or dropping out of position, but so installed as to permit easy removal for cleaning and repair. H. The furnace or heater converted shall be checked for secondary air supply, and so regulated or altered that proper and complete combustion will be provided for. ILLUMINATING FIXTURES. Section 56. Every illuminating fixture installed in the City of 0- -+ — shall be of a design and construction approved by the Inspector or the American Gas Association. Illuminating fixtures shall not be located within three feet (3') of any gas meter, back of a door, in a closet, nor in any other location where, in the opinion of the Inspector, any fire hazard would be entailed. Swinging bracket fixtures are hereby prohibited. VENTILATION FOR GAS APPLIANCES. Section 57. No gas appliance shall be hereafter installed, or any gas appliance replaced, unless the room or place where such a gas appliance is located is ventilated so as to properly support combustion. Except as provided in Section 58, no gas appliance shall hereafter be installed, or any existing gas appliance replaced, unless the same shall be vented to a flue which shall be the full size of the vent outlet of the appliance to be vented. No damper shall be installed in any vent. 10, Section 58. Heating appliances designed by the manu.acturer to be used unvented shall not be installed in any room or enclosure unless permanent ventilation be provided for. For such appliances having a rated gas capacity of fifty (50) cubic feet or more per hour, there shall be two metal ventilating ducts or openings provided, with not less than one hundred and twenty (120) square inches of free area in each and which shall lead to an area where an uninterrupted supply 3f fresh air is assured. One such opening shall be located at a point not more than one foot (1') above the floor level, the other to be at a point not more than one foot (11) below the level of the ceiling. For such appliances having a rated capacity of less than fifty (50) cubic feet per hour, one only such ventilating duct or opening shall be required, which shall have not less than thirty-six (36) square inches of free area and which shall be located at a point not 199W than one foot (11) below the level of the ceiling. lywc+-e- Section 59. No appliance shall be installed or operated in any place viiere inflammable vapors are likely to be present, unless the design, operation and installation of said appliance is such as to eliminate the possible ignition of inflammable vapors. GAS FLUES. Section 60. Flues shall be constructed of terra cotta, cement, or approved gas flue pipe of the male and female type. Each joint shall be cemented to be gas and water tight with the male end pointing down. All flue pipe shall be cased in galvanized iron or steel of not less than No. 26 U. S. Standard Gauge; provided, however, that any chimney permitted under the building laws of the City of San Mateo may be used for gas flue purposes, subject to the requirements herein specified. Section 61. Flues may start at any desired level. When concealed they shall be securely supported between studding. When exposed, flues may be supported on the ground, a floor, or by means of a galvanized metal hanger not less in weight than No. 22 U. S. Standard Gauge. Starting sections of all flues shall be set upon a brick or concrete block not less in area than the size of the flue, and not less than two and one-half inches (22) in thickness. Section 62. The internal area of any flue shall not be less than the area of the largest vent connection inlet plus fifty (50) per cent of the area of all other additional inlets connected thereto; provided, however, that in the case of a rectangular flue the total internal area of such flue shall be increased not less than (10) ten per cent greater than the total area as figured above. The following table shall be used for the computation of flue areas in round flue pipe or vent inlets: 3" round pipe, 7.1 square inches 4" 11 1112.6 It " 5" " ,t 19.6 " It 6" it it 28.3 It It 811 It It 50.3 If " Section 63. Flues shall extend up to and above the roof line not less than twelve (12) inches. No flue shall terminate within a point three feet (31) above or ten feet (10') from any window or other opening designed to serve as a means of ventilation of any building or room therein, nor shall a flue terminate in any court or vent shaft vrhich is designed or may be used to serve as a source of air for the ventilation of any building or room therein. Flues emerging from any location in which down drafts would interfere with their proper functioning shall be extended above the level of the point of interference, and every such extension of any flue shall be securely braced every six feet (61) of its length. 11. VENT INLETS. Section 64. Vent inlets to gas flues shall in all cases be provided by means of branch fittings, constructed of like materials as such flues. Cutting of vent inlets into flues is prohibited. Vent connections made through a fireplace shall be made by means of a galvanized iron or steel plate set in the chimney throat, thoroughly cemented and to be air and gas tight. Section 65. Where two or more inlets are provided in any flue, such inlets shall be off -set in such a manner that no section of any inlet shall be opposite to other inlets in such flue. Section 66. The elbows of bends or off -sets in tile used in flues shall be of one piece, and shall not be in excess of 600 from the vertical. Section 67. Vent inlets not in use shall be tightly closed by means of an approved. cap. VENTS Section 68. Vents and vent fittings shall be constructed of copper not less in weight than sixteen (16) ounces per square foot, or of galvanized sheet iron or steel not lighter than No. 26 U. S. Standard Gauge, provided any such galvan- ized sheet iron or steel vent does not exceed ten feet (101) in length, and be easily accessible. Such pipe shall be formed by means of a locked seam and a rivet or other approved locking device shall be placed at the male end of the seam in each length of pipe or fitting used. Each joint shall be lapped not less than one and one-half (12") inches with the male end pointing down. Vents from gas ranges or plates shall be constructed of copper,sheet iron or steel not lighter than No. 28 U. S. Standard Gauge. Section 69. Vents shall be securely supported at intervals of not more than six feet (6'). Section 70. Horizontal vents shall not exceed twenty feet (201) in length and shall be graded up toward the flue not less than one inch (1") to each foot of length; provided, however, that no horizontal vent shall exceed the vertical length. Section 71. Vents shall not be installed within three inches (3") of any combustible material. They may be installed within one inch (1") of protected combustible material. When passing through walls, partitions, or floors of combustible material, approved ventilated and insulated sleeves shall be installed. Section 72. Vents from appliances having pilot lights and designed for automatic or remote control, shall be provided with an approved type of draft hood. No such vent shall be connected to any chimney serving a warm air heating furnace; steam or hot water heating system using fuel other than gas. Except as provided in this section such vents may be connected to a chimney serving apparatus using fuel other than gas, provided the pilot attachment is so con- structed as to automatically cut off the supply of gas to the main burner when combustion of gas is not taking place at the pilot light. Section 73. Vents from gas ranges or similar appliances having inciner- ators attached shall be connected to a chimney constructed under the require- ments of the Building Law of the City of 12. Section 74. All chimneys to which gas appliances are ven ed shall be con- structed in accordance with the Building Code of the City of Section 75. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction therefor, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty Five (025.00) Dollars nor more than Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars; in case such fine is not paid, then by imprisonment in the City Prison at the rate of one day for each Two ($2.00) Dollars of such fine, or by imprisonment in the City Prison for not more than ninety (90) days; or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 76. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason declared to be unconstitutional or void, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance. 'Section 77. This Ordinance shall not be construed as imposing upon the City of A"A any liability or responsibility for damages resulting from defective house gas piping, appliances, or the installation thereof; nor shall the City of San Mateo or any official or employee thereof be held as assuming any such liability or responsibility by reason of the inspection authorized thereunder. Section 78. All Ordinances in conflict herewith, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 79. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published in the San Mateo Times and Daily News Leader once and be enforced from and after thirty (30) days after the date of its passage. INTRODUCED: _ 4 1931 ��'' ��"" Passed and adopted as—in ordinance of the City ofAa A* at regular meeting of the City Council of said city, held the ��� day of V_f 1931, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES and in favor hereof, Councilmen: NOES, Councilmen: ABSENT, Councilme Attest: Mayor of the City of , t e4c.....e- City Clerk of the City o-faa,�rKrrCrti.,� I First publication in San Mateo Times and Daily News Leader ,193'.