HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0244follows: ORDINANCE No. 244 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUB -SECTIONS C AND E OF SECTION 2 AND SUB -SECTION F OF SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE No. 5 OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME, ENTITLED,"AN ORDI- NANCE PROVIDING A SYSTEM FOR THE COLLECTION OF CITY TARES IN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME." -o-o-o-o- The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as Section 1. Paragraph 1 of Sub -section c of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 5 of the City of Burlingame, entitled,"An Ordinance Providing a system for the collection of city taxes in the City of Burlingame" is hereby amended to read as follows: Paragraph 1, Sub -section C of Section 2: That the taxes on all personal property and one half of the taxes on all real property will be due and payable on November 1st and will be delinquent on December 5th next thereafter at six (6) o'clock P. M. and that unless paid prior thereto fifteen (15) per cent will be added to the amount thereof and that if said one half be not paid before the 20th day of April next at six (6) o'clock P. M. an additional five per cent will be added thereto. That the remaining one half of the taxes on all real property will be payable on and after the 20th day of January next thereafter and will be delinquent on the 20th day of April next thereafter at six (6) o'clock P. M.'and that unless paid prior thereto five per cent will be added to the amount thereof. Section 2. Paragraph E of sub -section C of Section 2 is hereby amended to read as follows: On the 5th day of December of each year at six (6) o'clock P. M. all taxes then unpaid, except the last installment of the real property taxes are delinquent, and thereafter the Tex Collector must collect for the use of the City of Burlingame an additional fifteen per cent (15") thereon, provided that if they be not paid before the 20th day of April next thereafter at six (6) o'clock P. M. he shall -1- collect an additonal five (5) per cent thereon, On the 20th day of April of each year at six (6) o'clock P.M. all the unpaid portion of the remaining one-half of the taxes on all real property are delinquent, and thereafter the Tax Collector must collect an add- ition of five (5) per cent thereon, provided that the entire tax on any real property may be paid at the time the first installment is due and payable as above provided. Section 3. Sub -section F of Section 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: In all cases where real estate has been or may hereafter be sold for delinquent taxes to the City of Burlingame, and the City has not disposed of the same, the person whose estate has been, or may hereafter be sold, his heirs, executors, or other successors in interest, shall at any time after the same has been sold to the City of Burlingame, and before the City shall have disposed of same, have the right to redeem such real estate by paying to the Treasurer of the City of Burlingame the amount of taxes, penalties and costs due thereon at the time of said sale, with interest on the aggregate amount of said taxes, penalties and costs at the rate of seven per cent (7%) per annum, and also all taxes that were a lien upon said real estate at the time said taxes became delinquent, and also all unpaid taxes of every description assessed against the property for each year since the sale, or if not so assessed, then upon the value of the property as assessed in the year nearest the time of such redemption with interest from the first day of July following each of said years, respectively at the same rate to the time of redemp- tion; and also all costs and expenses of such redemption and penalties as follows to -wit: ten per cent (10%) if redeemed within six months from the date of sale, twenty per cent (20%) if redeemed within one year therefrom, forty per cent (40%) if redeemed within two years there- from, sixty per cent (60%) if redeemed within three years therefrom, eighty per cent (80%) if redeemed within four years therefrom, and one hundred per cent (100%) if redeemed within five years therefrom, or at any greater number of years therefrom. -2- The penalty shall be computed upon the amount of each years taxes in like manner, reckoning from the time when the lands would have been sold for the taxes of that year if there had been no previous sale thereof. Section 4, This ordinance shall be published in the "Burlingame Advance Star" for the period required by law, and be in force and effect from and after the date of its passage. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. INTRODUCED this 6th day of April, 1931 and duly and regularly passed this 20th day of Aril 1931 by the following vote: AYES, Councilmen: Hunt - 2eterson - Stone - NOES, Councilmen: None - ABSENT, Councilmen; Buck - Jenkins - Mayor, pro -tem.