HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0258ORDINANCE - 2�8 ATT ORDI- ' ITCE PI�OHI-P,ITIYG G:4!M_IG 3Y I,'1.7CT__"-ITIC 1=T, DEVICIIS ITS TiiE CITY OF13UTRLIIjG-":.T.k] . -0-0-0-0-0- Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession or under his 'control, either as owner, lessee, agent, employee, mortgaEee, or otherwise, or who per- mits to be placed, or kept, in any room, space, inclo3ure or building, owned, lensed or occupied by him, or under his ml.nabei:ent or control, any slot or card machine, con- trivance, t_,,ppli-ante or sect-.nical device, upon the result or action of which money or other valuable thing is staked or hazarded, and which is oper�.ted, or played, by placid,,-° or depos- itinu therein any coins, checks, slugs, balls, or other articles or device, or a& any other manner and by -means l -hereof, or as a result of the operation of which any merchandise, money, representative or articles of ve.lue, checks, or token, redeemablel in, or exchangeable for mogAy, or any other thing of value, is won or lost, or taken fro-rn, or obtained from such when the result of action or oiler -,tion of such machine, contrivance, appli .nce, or mechanical deviGte is depended upon hazard or chs.nc e . Section 2. Any person viol= -,tin;; tie provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction tT.�.ereof, being guilty of a misdemeanor, sT;.�,ll be punishable by a fine not less than One hundred and 00/100 dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five hundred j I and 00/100 doll,-j.rs (j500.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding six (6) mont'r.,s, or by both such fine and impri soimient . Section 3. This ordinance shall be published in the "Burlingame �.fvance St�r.r" for the time and in the r.la,nner required by law, and be in force and effect from and after the date of its jDassage, -1- INTRODUCES this 21st day of ITove,,i'., -r , 1932, and duly and regul�,Lrly p .ssed this 19th day of December , 1932, by the follo,.:ino vote: AE3, Councilmen: Buck _® Hock _-_ Hunt - Bu��ell �t NOT33, Councilinen: None A 8S..]rT , C ounc i l -aa n : Hone ATT :�'T City Clerk. 01 T r, �.yor. tUP IN Tt9 4IFf$09 40 T009 fir# OF wjqw%�A TK L2 -- A.. 2 --