HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0263follows: ORDINANCE No, 263 AN 01�IlANCTP AMI�PIIIIDING SUB-SECTIO14S 1, 2, 4 and 5 of 37ECTIOIT 11; AND Mv hDINIG SECTION 81 OF ORIS I'I'ANCEP NO. 178 OF TI -0 CITY OF BUa- LIIT-G!� EI�TITLZD, "Ali CRDIIIIANGT_� PROIVIDIE`�'_T' FOR LIC EN6II,�AND RHI GULATTEG TIER CARRY TTTG Or' OF 3 C'j SRT 1'1 I PNR 0 1 1 33 � 03 10 11S T. LrIAIDES CALLING' A M .. _T OCCUPkTIOS: PROVIDING PEITALTIES FORTHF T VIOLATION OF THISORDIITkNC_,� AND ANY PROVISIONS AND PARTS ''t - 1 THEHE4X)F AND R-*EFKALI1--;t_T ALL OR OF ORDINANGES IN CONFLICT H;--,R7TW I TIT"# -0-0-0-0-0- The City Council of the City of Burlingame do orda-in as Section Section 1. Sub -sections 1, 2, 4 and 5 of Section 11 of Orrainance Eo. 178 of the City of Burlingame are amended to read as follows: Sub -section 1. Peddler. Any person who conciucts I the business of peddling or ,,-jho from place to plcace offers to or does sell, barter or exchange anything then in his, her or its possession in said City of Burlingame (except newspapers, periodicals and publications and excepting tY!ose who sell only to merchants and traders for sale) shall pay a, license tax for a year of One Hundred Twenty and 00/100 Dollars (o'120.00), or Thirty and 00/100 _Do.li.lrars 4p30.00) per quarter year, payable in advance. Sub -section 2. Definition of Peddler, Every person who not having within said City a fixed place of business, regularly kept open wit*11,1 someone in ch--.rge thereof for t'f-.-e transaction of the p,articular business engaged in durin,the hours customary, for .16-11e transaction of such busi-i--Less, travels fro:,.: pierce to place and offers to or does seA barter or exchange anything then in I -Lis, her or its possession in said City of Burlingame shall be deemed a peddler~ within t1 -Le r;.eaming of this ordinance; but this section does not apply to persons exempt under the n-ational or state 1,avi, the l of ' inter- state cotu!-,-terce, or under decisions of R. fin -al nature in state or federal courts. -1- Srl ub-section 4. Established Deliveries. Any person when not otherwise classified in this ordint-Ince LUaintaining a regular route of established deliveries of food products shr-t11 pay a license 50. 00) fee of Fifty Dollars (x' 50, per year, payable in advance. V Sub -section 4A. An estaolished Delivea Defined. An established delivery is herein defined as a delivery made by a person or his agents of an article or articles comt-rionly design=ated as food products, or coyrrrnon necessaries of life, and which are delivered over a definite route of travel, serving regular customers, and which route has been established and designated as a business route for at least a year. Sub -section 5. Solicitors and Agents. Any person or order agent who shall solicit or take orders for sale, barter, exchange or delivery of any goods, wares or merchandise not then in his actual possession is ,a solicitor (except newspapers, periodicals . and publications and excepting ti.ose who sell only to merchants and trades for resale, and except th.ose who have a fixed place of' business in said City) shall pay a license fee of One I-Tundred Twenty and 00/100 Dollars 0120.00), or Thirty and 00/100 Dollnnrs (1-00.00) per quarter year, payable in advance. Section 2. Section 81 of Ordinance No. 178 of the City of 3urlin.,Yame entitled, "An Ordinance providing for licensing and regulating the carrying on oft certain professions, trades, callings, U and occupations; provi(A-ing penaltier-I for the violation of this ordi- nance and any provisions thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict hLerewith", is hereby amended by adding new sub -sections to be known as 81A and 81B, and which. read as follows: Sub -section 81A. Every person, firm or corporation merely a ternporary resident or temporarily located in the City of Burlirigr,inii.e, who sells or offers for sale, or engages in the business L-7 of selling any kind of goods or wares whatever, where BIACi'. business is not pel.r.rw^nently located in said City, shall p,,�,y ca license fee of City, f -i ive and I if ty and 00/100 Joll!",rs A0.00) a quarter year,®r T"Al enty- I 00/100 Dollp.rs 0,25.00) a week, IAfhen out J['or P., week or less, p�Dvua-'-;--le in advance. "Y Su --section 813. '-`Avery person, or ccr_por^tion 11 PV wh.o co�-T,9.ences busi-ness �after tlie adoption oil t',As orkA'ir-iance desires to day 'U.-Cle license provided for -errytan-nt el.--.-sses of -o-�-isiness U sh.--11 file v,-it'Y- the Council of said City ;acrid;acridi-.. tl e pena 1 B U -.a of One T.Lt.-m,,,-1red and 00 1100 Doli@.rs (`-'100.00) in favor of' said City of 3urlin,-:-a.,.-ie, conditioned he will in ,,--ood faith be per-ma- yiently loc,-:-,.t--d in s,I,id city in s-L)ci�-1 busirles- `0 r he period of six 0 t h �vil.' forfe-it to said -----,.nct in aef au -L of wi,,ich conditioi ,-, " L IT �)oilars ( 1 }0. 0 0 air o bnd City the surn of One umdreol ,3-.nd 00/100, Iq T 2 e - o !:-4, p -prove - Y t?, e shall be in si-),c-j. four arid. of' stic'. -ecurity as y City Cour-I.cil. If such Uerson, or corporation s�l..�-,,Jl '11,11f ill the obligatiotis oit' such fond, ti-.;-e-r-1 sai-.N.e to be null '-I.nd void, oth.er- 21 wise to remairi in lull force an(j effect. Section 3. 'The word j)erE3oy-i as 11-ilerein usek] s"all inc..'Ll.ide lr.zr 1.--!,..s well !:-;.s anu tior, well -as in,U-ividu�).,l. th 6ection 4. TfAs orainance sl -tall �c pu-lislred ill e -i c r e -i d fo r t 3 e t ime in .,e �Pi.,a,nnor ai J. r e i -�r tLe dr-Ae of' its o v irs" a n d � D �� i, o r c e- n d e f c t f r or-� n rid a f I passage. -rid regularly t",,As 3rd d,�i..y o CL I p 1`)3':-, ar-d u 1 y pn,sseu of .April by t folloviing vot-e: A.YEiO, Councilmen: Buck Hock - Hunt - Rickard Stone C1,'oimcj-1.-.-en: None Cou-L--Licilmen: None -or Me 1% THE(Xf-ACf- (Pr -1-Off Cf-fft- ep tW Sam