HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0275ORDINAMCE No,, 275 Ali ORDIIIA14CE GRMITING PERM138101i TO MR, TOM4 Or HILLSBOROUGH IN TM S7 -1061:13R PROJXCT 11f TM CITY OF BUR1,`J1TGAUZ* *0000*00"040000"O" The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as Follows## Section Is, WHEREAS9 a resolution has beezreceived by the City of Burlingame from. the Town of Hillaborough pertaining to entering into a contract between said City of Burlingame and said Town of Hilly borough on the construation of a certain sewer project with said city# as not forth within Said resolution of that Town of Hillaborougho which was passed and adopted on the 6th day of arch, 1934, by,the Council of the Town of Hill4borough, and VMMAS# said resolution sets forth a *.on -tract progosed by the Town of Hillsborough to be executed by both the Town of rieSv Hilleborough and the City. of Burl i tlgame, and lahich relates to the construction of certain, ser eragel; i9ing through said City of Burlingame# whereby the Town of 11illsborough and the City of Burlingame will receive a Joint her iefit., and WRIMASO the City of Burlingame is satisfied with the resolution and agrearne-ent contained therein,, 110 W o T I M XE, P 0 118A 0 2 E -, i,' I T 0 R: D A I WEAD by the City of Burlingame that the CITY OF BURLING.AM grant permission to the T0711 OF ETILLSo 30ROUGH under Said resolution already submitted, to have and enjoy the use jointly with the City of of th.a sewer project as herein set forth in said resolution and aatd contract,, -%ndthat the mayor or the city of s-ur.ingame, on behalf of said City of Burlingame, and the it, Clerk of said it of Burliagavla, is authorized to execute said contract as set forth in avaid resolution in duplicate, Section 2, This ordinance shall be.published in the "Burine ame Advanocop Star" and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage* " 14 Introduced this 2nd day of July 1934, and duly and regularly passed this 6th day of August 1.934 by the following vote: AYES# COUNCIMMM: Buck - Handl os - Hives - Hunt - NOES, COUNCII"N: None ABSENT, COUECI124EM: High AT7?Z C Ity CMTF. Filed in the Of of the V, City Hurlingonie Itr Clerk of th" this . J. IZ P If 1'1 CitY' Cterk -2-