HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0282FOLLOWS: j." 0 RDI " " - %TCE No. 282 AN UR.DI*-"CEAIVI j ­ I G SE C;1 01K T 8 OF U:. -1 =BER 112 OF THE CITY OF R 1 `,AN'C E hI iL E BU_rd, I1, GY,11 C REGULATIi',yU T- (_J'ON6TZ,TTI ON L11,1D Ofk! '131LLB01&,RJ).8, FE-110ES, OR_L12K'i-ED OR UJISEL FOR A jjfjSj:,T�,' PURPOS 8 I14TT.LH'E ('J'I 'Y' 01" B 1j, RL I T(_;1 j Th' 0"ITY C0U1,4r(_.'IL OF TH-E-1 CITY DO ORi)AII,,T AS Section 1. Section 8 of Ordinance 1'Jo. 112 of t1le City of - " ti "An Ordinance regulatin;tree construction and Burlingame entitled, I maintenance of billboards, fences, signs, or other structures erected or used for advertising purposes in the City of Burlingame", is hereby amended to read as follows) to -wit -. Section 8. The i)rovisions of this ordinance shall not apply to signs, transparancies or other advertising devices con- structed a,.;a .maintained in or about an-,,,- regularly established store or office in the City of Burlin&irje by the ovTner or lessee of such store or off"Lce; nor Shall same ap-,ol-,,,- to any bona fide building real estate subdivision where persons are employed foa! the develop- ment of the tract or subdivision, and ,,,�_Viere actual construction of homes are being made or, a subdivision containing at least five (5) acres of land,, and a.diere the advertising on said subdivision shall not continue longer than a period of six (6' months frorii the initial development date of said subdivision. Ilixtension of ti ,,e r,,iay be given by the City Council of t-iie City - of B1,_,.rli.r,Lgar,-ie, Cit; Section 2. This ordinance shall be published in the 'Burl ineame Advance -Star" in the En.anner and for ti ­ie time e required by U laT,.,-, and be in full force and efi_'ect fronn and after tie date of its passage, !HT OG: CED this llth day of February, 1235, and duly and 4 �7 D regularly passed this 18th day o'--' Zebfuary, 193---), by the J`ollo,,,.ir ig vote: A­ZES, Councilmen,: Buck - Handlos - High - Hives - Hunt - None Councilmen: ABSE., 7T C,o u n c i 1 m, e n J- I .—,:�'T City �Lmf in The 0freek of th() (�. the +Cit of thiq day of Jf� 14 (JIj I City Clerlc