HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0280h ABIC Iwo ho 280 n ordl..-,J�.nce sfttlng up b nes achedule of ch&rgeu to be a!3aeuued agairt,jt property whos.. Vixei� tire i. J� if �O t - JC1 ori or bel:cr e date provided by ' he 'Gity 'k..#oartc 11 o -.L-* the city of onri ingtame, do ordn ir&,i fol.Lows n.rit', perz�ox,tl propertZ ection I 1,tJ te.xe, in tho .0-urlii.&-1.me which are riot ptAd shen due 6� de'uigj,,� it Ordinance no.5 of cjt-$. uf 14urlitg�jrie Fend amendmeLAO", theret-01, Shvill be aubject to the foliowiz-,L., additiotetl chargeu; The first itIztillvient Of tfiXG6 ix% any ye�ir riot po,,Jd or ��r befurc c ee.5, shall be subjecj-.1 t to aao.d,itiorlt-il hfciree of ofDit's tirrlourt; ..he seooz.Ad iristaliment of ttaxes irr an year vot phid or or Dief'o], Lpril LO, shall be subj epE. f Three,eat to ari additionrail cjprir� i o pereexit . ,t the tie of uo-,ic&tiO1: jj Oj liut 0deliliqumt tax( -,,,S. tua provid ,p.A. by l theresht�ll 6e ehtirged Oxie dollta- o4,1ag _,aj,ri._;t etch piece or p�..reel of mo e�A,:Ae, r ersor4ul.. propert,.y so advertised to cover Publicatiorl chp.rges. I 1 '.11 taxes rot ;.)ald on or before the IF,?,st itojia4y jr-, jarle XttXjj,z' which izs dtite Of Wile 'to CAte• of jOurlin&­,me for nonpaymAnt of taxc-s a2 provided 1,:% Ordix.F-.I.Ice .b Of City of uh11 be u#tkfect to & cht.rge of Orte, pereei,tt per morith uLtil paido Section �.. this o-rdiritirice repealz� ull ordinameu, or parts of ordinaneeLi thkA are Ii., CorSlict herewith, find shall be publiahad Y-. lli "iAur Ir the manzier wid ior the., tii-,,ie preserioed by l�w tired be Jpz. full f'orae tirat effect after the date of it,.,3 p sous,,.6e, Introduced the of "j"ecumber I if roemlttrly pac,-:-sed ThAs by the followirq- vote; ye s ours I lm end Buok - Handlos - ,High - Hives & Hunt lioes, vour cilinen None bse 0 U it None C�,.,L (At Y C Jerk Vi Mayor YF a tLe P-4. 4Y -(4 ff"e, Ci t da Vr 0 Ci ty clerk te G m