HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0301ORDINANCE No. 301 AN ORDINATICE Air �NDI%dG SECTIONS 4, 14, 37, 52, 53 and 63 OF O.;DINANCE No. 214 OF THE CITY OF BURLINGALM. -o-o-o-J-o- The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 4 of Ordinance Numbered 214 of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4: Every person that engages in the business or occupation of Master Plumber, or that contracts to do or perform plumbing or drainage work in the City of Burlingame shall pay to the City of Burlingame an annual license fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) according to Ordinance No. 256 of the City of Burlingame. No person shall receive a license as a Master Plumber who has not obtained the age of twenty-one years, and passed a satisfactory exami- nation. Each applicant for examination shall pay the sum of One Dollar (01.00) to each member of the Board of Plumber Examiners. Said :Board to consist of one each Journeyman Plumber, Laster Plumber and 'Plumbing Inspector. No license as a Master Plumber shall be granted for more than one year. All licenses expire on the first day of July of each year, unless sooner revoked. Upon the expiration of the yearly license, every Master Plumber carrying on the business of plumbing shall be required to, la,ithin thirty days, renew his yearly license as provided for in this section of this ordinance. Section 2. Section 14 of Ordinance numbered 214 of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 14: The Plumbing Inspector shall receive from the plumber for whom he renders service under the provisions of this ordinance the following fees, to -wit: -1- For the fixtures to be installed (range and boilers excepted) the scan of One Dollar (.1.00) each, and this in addition to a fee of Two Dollars (4"P2.00) for the inspection of sewers connected with these fixtures. The minimum fee shall be $2.00. Section 3. Section 37 of ordinance numbered 214 of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 37: Excepting as provided, in these rules for the use of wrought iron -pipe, the sewer, when it lies under the building and for three (3) feet beyond the rear or front wall, shall run in a most direct manner to main; and shall be of cast-iron pipe and fittings. It shall be continued to main sewer in street or alley with either cast- iron or vitrified stone pipe of the best qu--.lity. All joints on vitrified stone pipe must be made with an asphaltic cement. The use of intermediate section of cast-iron pipe between vitrified iron stone pipe shall not be allowed. It is further provided that there shall be constructed a clean-out at the end of the lateral which shall consist of a vitrified stone or cast iron "Y" and the branch thereof to be brought to the aurface and fitted with a loose cover and said cover shall be protected with a suitable perforated iron box set level with the surface. Said iron box to be protected with a concrete block. Section 4. Section 52 of Ordinance numbered 214 of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 52: FLOOR DRAINS. No refrigerator, cooling counter, compartment, water softener, receptacle, appurtenance or device which is used, designed or intended to be used for the manufacture, preparation, storage or handling of foods or drinks shall have any drain pipe in connection therewith directly connected to any waste or -2- vent pipe and all wastes drained by them shall discharge into an open enameled floor sink or hopper which in turn shall be properly trapped and vented (if waste pipe is two inch) and if three or four inch waste pipe is used, then trap need not be vented. Section 5. Section 53 of Ordinance numbered 214 of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 53: SURFACE DRAINS. All surface drain pipes shall be of cast-iron, have a suitable grating and be connected to sewer in the same manner as in Section #52 and be supplied with clean water if possible. No drain from any fixture is to be used for this purpose except basin waste. It shall not be permissable to use a cement or similar absorbent well pocket for a surface drain. Sumps or sand traps shall be constructed of concrete, with bottom and sides not less than four (4) inches in thickness. The inside shall be cement plastered not less than one-half (J-) inch in thickness. All settling tanks and sumps shall be provided with a trap, formed by turning down the outlet pipe on the inside with a ninety (90) degree bend so as to maintain a water seal not less than ten (10) inches, also install a four (4) inch tee with cleanout, said cleanout to be placed outside of and close to sump and level with floor. No settling tank or sump shall be less than two (2) feet deep, eighteen (18) inches wide and twenty-four (24) inches long, inside measurements, and shall be provided with heavy iron grates that may be removed for cleaning purposes. Section 6. Section 63 of Ordinance numbered 214 of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read as follows: -3- 0 Section 63: SUPPLY TO FIXTUMc3 AND D' -VICES. No water closet, urinal, or any other fixture, appliance, appurtenance, or device, shall be directly supplied from a water distribution system through a £lushometer, or other valve, faucet, bibb or device unless such valve, faucet, bibb or device, and outlet therefrom, is set above the extreme overflow rim of the water closet, urinal, fixture, appliance, appurtenance or device, in such a manner, or of such construction, as to prevent any possibility of polluting or contaminating the water supply, either by gravity flow, syphonage, back pressure, or by any means whatsoever. No plumoing fixture, device or construction, or pipe discharging therefrom, or connected therewith, shall be installed or maintained which will provide a cross - connection between a water distribution used for drinking and domestic purposes, and a drainage system. Section 7. This ordinance shall be published in the "Burlingame Advance -Star", in the manner and form and for the pedod required by law, and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage. INTRODUCED the 3rd day of August, 1936, and duly and regularly passed this 17th day of August, 1936, by the following vote: A ,S, Councilmen: Buck - High - Hives Hunt_ Ward - NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None ' Piayo'r City Clerk. Fi i, ip the ofiiee of the City Clerk of the City of urlingnni, t.hie.___ r, �_dmy of —4— ----- ---I9A( J R JNl Q 1i_ iY CA,lS «r