HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0300/4 ORDINANCE No. o AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGALIE; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUING OF ELECTRIC PER- L1ITS AND INSPECTIONS AND FIXING THE FEES THEREFORE; REGULATING THE INSTALLATION, ARRANGM21NT, ALTMkTION, RMPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF ELECTRIC ''1IRING, ELECTRIC FIXTURES, AND OTHER ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND EQUIPIuTENT ITT THE CITY OF BURLINGAreIE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE SAME AND REPEAL- ING ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE. The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: Section A. Every person, firm or corporation placing, in- stalling erecting or contracting to place, install or erect any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus or construe - tion shall, before commencing or performing any such work or in- stallation, pay such license fee as may be prescribed by ordi- nance and appear in person, or by duly authorized agent, at the office of the Department of Electricity, and upon presentation of his said license, where one is required by ordinance, be en- titled to the registration of his or their name and place of business in the said City of Burlingame, in the class to which his or their business entitles them, and to a certificate from said Department of Electricity to engage in the electrical business or work as above states; provided that no such certif- icate shall be granted by the City Electric Inspector for a longer period than the date of the expiration of aforesaid license; and provided further that no such certificate shall be granted by the Department of Electricity to any person, firm, or corporation whose certificate has been previously revoked under the requirements of this Ordinance within a period of one year from the date of such revocation; and provided further that no such certificate shall be granted by the Department of Electricity to any person, firm or corporation who diall be deemed by the Department of Electricity unfit or unable to properly perform the work or discharge the obligations imposed upon the holder of such certificate to do electrical work. Section B. Certificates to engage in the business of placing, installing, erecting or contracting to place, install or erect any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus or con- struction in or on buildings or other structures shall be issued upon the payment of the license fee wherever such license fee is required by Ordinance to 1st. "L4aster Electricians," which include every person, firm or corporation _placing, installing or erecting or contracting to place, install or erect any electrical wires, appliances, apparatus or construction for hire in the premises of another person, firm or corporation; excepting "Lester Fixture Electri- cians" as defined in this section. 2nd. "L:aster Fixture Electricians" shall include every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of hanging or in- stalling electrical or combination electrical and gas fixtures, and does not include the privilege of installing electrical work other than the connection of said fixtures to the wiring of a building or other structure. 3rd. "Owner Electrician" shall include every -person, who by his own labor in his own premises, places, installs or erects any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus or construc- tion. Section C. Every person, firm or corporation shall, before placing, installing or erecting any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus or conductors, or to electrically connect any electrical wires or conductors together or to any electrical machinery, in or on buildings or other structures, file with the Department of Electricity a written application for a permit to proceed with such work, the aforesaid application for permit shall be accompanied by a brief specification showing the kind and nature of the proposed electrical apparatus, wires, fixtures, annliances or construction and the location and description of III the premises wherein the work or installation is to be perform- ed. Said permit shall be conspicuously posted on the premises wherein said electrical work or installation is being done; pro- vided, however, that no such permit to proceed with such work or installation shall be issued by the Department of Electricity to any person, firm or corporation that has not received a certi- ficate to do business in conformity with the terms of this Ordinance. Provided further, that it shall not be necessary to obtain a permit for a minor repair or replacement, or extensions to exist- ing electrical installations where said extensions do not extend over six (6) feet in point of distance from the original outlet, and do not materially increase the load. .Yo person, firm or corporation registered as "Raster Electri- cian," or "Master Fixture Electrician" shall file an application for a permit to do electrical work with the Department of Electricity unless said person, firm, or corporation is in fact the contractor for such work. The Department of Electricity is empowered to cancel permits on which no work has been performed within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of said permit. Section D. It shall be unlawful to conceal, or cause to be concealed, any wires, apparatus, appliance or construction in or on any buildings or other structures before same has been in- spected by the City Electric Inspector, and his approval posted on the building or other structure wherein same is installed. Section E. Every person, firm or corporation placing, install- ing or erecting any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus or construction, or electrically connecting any electrical wires or conductors together, or to any electrical machinery, in or on buildings, or other structures, shall notify the City Electric Inspector when same is completed. The City Electric Inspector shall inspect the same, and if in compliance with all ordinances shall issue to the said person, firm or corporation a certificate of approval. Said certificate shall contain the dates of inspection and in concise terms specify the IV electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus or construc- tion thus approved. Said certificate of approval shall be issued for the installa- tion or erecting of the wires,.apparatus or fixtures for which a permit has been issued. No current shall be supplied to such installation until certificate be issued; nor shall any change, alteration or ex- tension be made in the wiring of the building without notifying the City Electric Inspector and securing a permit therefor. Section F. The failure, neglect or refusal on the part of any person, firm or corporation, for the period of ten (10) days after receipt of a notification so to do in writing by the City Electric Insuector, to correct, obviate or remove any fazlt, error or deficiency in placing, installing, or erecting any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus or construc- tion, or in electrically connecting any electric wires or con- ductors together or to any electrical machinery, appliances, apparatus or fixtures in or on any building or structure in the City of Burlingame to conform with the provisions of all Ordinances of this City of Burlingame and in all other respects to conform with the best-known general standard existing at such time, shall be deemed sufficient cause for the City �+lectric In- spector to cite him to show cause why his license should not be revoked. Section G. PER11ISSION TO COVER 'dOF.K. Pink card attached to the wore in a suitable place and which shall show the date, location, that such permission has been granted and signature of the inspector. APPROVAL (0. r.} TAG. Upon the completion and approval of a job there shall be a lead seal attached to the service switch granting permission to the power company or other service agency to connect the installation for use. CONNECTION. No Person, firm, corporation or branch or depart - meat of any city or other political subdivision shall furnish electrical service or connect or cause or allow connection to be made of any wires or other equipment over which electricity V may be conducted or electrical energy dissipated or utilized, to any source or wires or other equipment already connected to a source or to any distributing system of electrical energy, until said wires or other equipment shall have been inspected by the city electrician and certificate of inspection shall have i been issued. Provided, however, that the City Electric Inspect -i or may give temporary permission to furnish electric current to, or the use of the electric current through any wires or othe equipment for a length of time not exceeding thirty days, if it appears to the City Electric Inspector that such wires, etc., i may be used safely, and that there exists an urgent necessity for such use and special permission. THERtAL INSULATION. Where the walls and ceilings of buildings are treated for heat insulation, and the hollow spaces in the I walls and ceilings are filled with mineral wool, or other approved heat insulation, the electrical conductors installed j in said locations shall be enclosed in metal conduit. Section H. RIGHT OF ACCESS. Said city electrician shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter any building in the j discharge of his official duties, or for the purpose of making any inspection or test of the installation of electric wiring, electric devices and/or electrical material contained therein. I Section I. RE-INSPECTIOIT. The City Electric Inspector period- ically shall make a thorough reinspection of the installation in or on buildings and/or premises of all electric wiring elec- tric devices and electric material now installed or that.may hereafter be installed within the City of Burlingame, end when the installation of any such wiring, devices and/or material is found to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition, the persnn, firm,, corroration or political subdivision owning, using or operating the same shall be notified in writing and shall make the neces- sary repairs or changes required to place such wiring, devices and material in a safe condition and have such work completed within fifteen days, or other reasonable period specified by the city electrician in said notice and shall pay such fees as are required by this ordinance. The City Electric Inspector is VI hereby empowered to disconnect or order the discontinum ce of electrical service to such wiring, devices and/or material so found to be defectively installed until the installation of such wiring devices and material has been made safe as directed by the city electrician, and any person, firm or corporation or political subdivision ordered to discontinue such electrical service shall do so within twenty-four (24) hours and shall not reconnect or allow it to be reconnected until notified to do so by the city electrician. Provided, however, that no re-inspec- tion einspec- tion shall be made in any dwelling house, while the same is occupied as a dwelling, without the consent of the occupant thereof. !,To person or persons shall hinder or prevent the city electrician or his ddputies from making any electrical inspec- tion except in dwelling houses. The city electrician shall make monthly inspections of all theaters and motion picture houses and if the electrical equipment is in safe operating condition, shall issue an approval notice. ''o theater or motion picture house shall operate for more than ten (10) days without said approval notice. Section J. On and after the passage of this Ordinance, every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of installa- tion or repair of electrical apparatus, wiring or other electric- al appliances or connection work, whether original work or al- terations, within buildings in the register or cause to be registered, City of Burlingay.e, shall his or its name, location of place of business and business address at t -re office of the Department of Electricity, and it shall be the duty of every such person, firm or corporation, so engaged in such business to renew such registration hereunder; provided, however, that all who were licensed electricians in Burlingame on the let day of April, 1929, shall be exempt from any further examination, but shall be required to be re -registered upon the expiration of their present license and shall pay for the first year of registration a fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Section K. On or after the passage of this Ordinance, it Vii shall be unlawful for any person to do, ur attempt to do, ex- cept as hereinafter provided, any electrical installation, fix- ture or connection work, whether original wort, or alteration, within any building in the City of Burlingame, whether it be done as overseer, boss or foreman, without first undergoing be- fore. a Board of Examination as to his competency as an electri- cian or electrical worker and procuring from such Board certi- =irate thereof. Said Board of Examination shall consist of two Taster Elec- tricians, two Journeyman Electricians and the City Electric Inspector who will issue a certificate to applicant. Section L. The Board shall have the power and it shall be its duty to cancel and annual the certificate provided for in section K of this Ordinance, of any person holding the same, should it ascertain that such person or persons have done, or habitually do any work, whether as overseer, boss or foreman, not in strict accordance with approved electrical methods, or which said Board may regard as dangerous to property or life, and it shall be unlawful for any such person, whose certificate has been so canceled or annulled, to again engage in such work until he has been reinstated by the Board of Examination and a i new certificate issued to him. The action of this board must I be approved by the Councilmen -of the City of Burlingame. Section Y. Upon filing at the office of the Department of Electricity his application for an examination, he provided in Section h, the applicant shall pay a fee pf Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars and such examination shall be held by the Board of Examination not more than five days after the filing of the application, of which the applicant shall receive at least three days' notice. Section N. i4aster Electricians and Llaster Fixture Electricians Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of master electrician or of master fixture electrician, contracting to install, construct or repair electric wires, appliances or apparatus, in, or about buildings or other structures in the City of Burlingame, shall pay a license fee of Twenty-five VIII (` 5.00) Dollars per annum. All licenses issued under the provisions of this section shall be issued to the applicant to expire on the next succeeding June 30 and dhall be issued only upon the payment of the full year's license fee, irrespective of when issued. All licenses must be renewed on July 1 of each year by payment of the annual fee. Tax Collector shall not issue any license under this section unless applicant shall present a certificate of registration from the department of. Electricity. Section 0. FEES. The City Electrical Inspector shall collect from any person, firm, corporation or political subdivision to whom a .permit for doing electrical work has been granted. The following fees at the time the permit is granted, to -wit: (For sockets or outlets at which current is used or controlled.) Iinimum fee for one single inspection, 5 outlets or plugs or fixtures and under . . . . . . . . . .$ .75 All jobs over 5 lamp putlets or plugs or fixtures and under 20 lamp outlets, plugs or fixtures, for each job . . . . $1.50 All jobs over 20 lamp outlets, plugs or fixtures 51.50 for the first 20 lamp outlets, plugs or fixtures, and eve (5) cents for each additional lamp outlet, plug or fixture. Outline lighting, border lights and feet lights including outlets and sockets per circuit . . . . . . . . . . .75 For each are light (with other installation for which fee is chargeable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 For each wireless outfit . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 For each electric cooking range or heater over 660 watts .75 For each motor one H. P. and under where more than one motor will be installed at the same time . . . . . . . . .50 For one motor of not more than 1 H.P. single inspection .75 For each motor over 1, and not more than 3 H.P. . . . . . 1.00 For each motor over 3, and not more than 8 H.P. . . . . . 1.50 For each motor over 8, and not more than 15 H.P. . . . . 2.00 For each motor over 15 H.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 For each generator of more than 1 kilowatt and not more than 3 kilowatts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 10 For each generator of more than 3 kilowatts and not more than 8 kilowatts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V1.50 For each generator of more than 8 kilowatts and not more than 15 kilowatts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 For each generator over 15 kilowatts. . . . . . . . . 2.50 Bach Elevator Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 Temporary Working Lights 100 lamps or less . . . . . .50 101 lamps and not over 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 301 lamps and not over 600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00 601 lamps and not over 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 1001 lamps and over, each two mills (.002) For each electric sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 For electric sign, luminous gas type, with 1 to 4 trans- formers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 For electric sign, luminous gas type, with 5 or more transformers, per transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 For electric Welder, per K. W. . . . . . . . . . . . .25 For rectifier, per K. W. . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 For each inspection made necessary by defective workmanship or materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Section P. FIXTURES. 1. In order to properly support fixtures as required by Rule No. 1403, National Electrical Code, the following methods shall be observed in order to obtain this department's approval certificate: Fixtures both wall and ceiling, on new work, shall be support- ed from the outlet box by means of studs or by metal straps fastened to studs or lugs in the boxes. Special fixtures of a type which cannot be supported except by wood screws may be so installed by special permission. 2. !Lachine screws, shall be used to fasten fixtures to straps to permit inspection of finished work. 3. ALTERATIONS TO Ki=OB AND TUBE INSTALLATIONS. In existing buildings other than flats and dwellings, extensions I or alterations to existing knob and tube installations shall be made in accordance with the following rules: X 1. Where existing outlets are moved from one location to another, in the same room, the wiring to all said outlets shall be installed in knob and tube methods. 2. Where existing outlets are moved and additional outlets are installed, the wiring to all said outlets shall be installed in conduit or approved metal raceway. 4. Pans of large diameter may have wood screws fastened to laths in outer edge for the purpose of keeping edgeo£ pan close to ceiling, but not for the support of its weight. 5. All wires for bracket outlets in fished -in jobs shall be brought out between laths, cutting out as little lath as possible and not by boring holes through the lath. Plates shall be securely fastened to the uncut or unbroken laths by wood screws of proper length or by toggle bolts. 6. Insulating joints may be omitted on all fixtures except combination has and electric, connected to a gas piping system, and may be omitted on these if the gas piping system is effective 1y grounded to the water piping system. 7. Chain type fixtures will be approved in breakfast nooks. 8. In dwellings, flats and apartments, wherever any kitchen, breakfast room, or porch used as laundry, shall be provided with a convenience outlet. Section Q. SIGNS. 1. Shop inspection and certification of approval for signs in- tended for out-of-tavn use may be had by filing report indicat- ing such out-of-town use. Such signs shall comply in all partic- ulars with paragraph Ido. 1 above. 2. Signs constructed elsewhere than in this city may be erect- ed provided each such sign has been inspected and approved in the place of manufacture, either by the Underwriters' Labora- tories Inspection Bureaus and is so labeled, or by municipal inspection bureaus where the requirements are similar to those of this city, and who accept shop inspection certificates of this city. 3. Double face vertical ;electric signs, illumination nn both sides, the face of the sign set at right angles to the face of XI the building except that at a corner of the building which is also a street corner, the sign may be so set that the plane of the sign bisects the angle formed by the intersecting wall faces. All projecting signs hereafter erected must conform to the following requirements: (a) They must be constructed wholly of metal or of glass, must be firmly anchored with brackets and guys, and must meet with all reasonable requirements for public safety. (b) Small signs having an area of four (4) square feet or less, and not extending more than twenty-four (24) inches out over the property line, must have a clearance of not lees than seven (7) feet from the side -walk, and may be of wood or metal. Provided, however, that barber signs at the entrance of a barber shop may have a clearance of less than seven (7) feet from the from the sidewalk. All other projecting signs must have a clearance of at least ten (10) feet from the sidewalk. (c) If the vertical extension of the sign is greater than its lateral extension, the stem or body of the sign must not exceen three feet in width. The crown and/or base of this type of sign, however, if such crown or base does not exceed eighteen inches in height, may have a lateral extension not to exceed four W feet. (d) No sign whose lateral extension is greater than its verti- cal extension shall have a greater height than twenty-four (24) inches. (e) No part of any projecting sign shall extend out more than four feet six inches (41611) from the property line, nor shall the stem of any vertical sign extend out more than three feet six inches W-6"). 4. Sign feeds must not be smaller than No. 12 B. & S. Guage wire, and must be installed in a separate conduit. Section. R. MOTORS. No exposed wiring allowed at motors. Section. S. METHODS OF INSTALLATION. Z. Where conditions prevent the use of rigid or flexible con- duit in walls or ceilings, in alterations, individual extensions x1i or relocations, armored cable may be installed only by special permission of the electrical inspector. I'or,�pwet�;inata�®d udret�.ox=:iza=ccx�crete slabs or other masonry in direst contaot with earth, or in perrasnt= ..�q�,vt X��att� ar or wheve suUjogt to th&- aor enn, tic of moisture, the conductors shall be of the lead-covercd 't`vC or of other type specially approved for this purpose, Section T. SERVICES APTD HETERS. 1. Owing to the change in wattage limitations per circuit from 660 and 1320 watts to 1000 and 1500 watts: In Laking calculations for the proper size of service and sub -service wires, the following rule shall be observed; in all buildings or other structures, where 20 or less branch lighting circuits are installed, each circuit is assumed to be fully loaded. In all buildings, or other structures where more than 20 lighting circuits are installed the actual connected load shall determine the size of service, or sub - service wires only, but in no case shall the size be less than Ito. 2 B. & S. Guage with 100 ampere switch. 2. A 2 wire service will be installed for loads of 35 amperes and under. Over 35 amperes a 3 wire service must be installed. The load will be computed on a 115 and 230 volt basis. 3. The grounded conductor of all 2 wire, as well as all 3 wire :C services, must be grounded at the service switch. 4. -No service conductors shall be smaller than No. 10 B. & S. Guage. 5. Iio service conduit shall be smaller than 3/4 inch, and service conduits and fittings, where exposed, must be galvan- ized. 6. On 3 or 4 wire services an ap roved service switch with blades and fuses in the ungrounded conductors only, equipped with an approved strap to disconnect the neutral, will be allowed by this Department. {III 7, Where the load on 2 or more meters will cause an un- balanced condition on the service, the service conductors must be equal in size and of sufficient capacity to carry the larg- est of the two or more loads. S. all overhead services must be brought to either the extreme front or rear of a building. 9. This Department assumes full authority over all electrical installations within the property line. This refers especially to services regardless of whether they are overhead, under- ground from an underground source, or underground from an over- head source. The size of the services must comply v,Ath rules and regulations of this Department, within the building line. 10. The ungrounded legs of all underground services must be lead covered. The grounded leg need not be lead covered. (weatherproof or rubber covered). 11. ,here practicable, meters for private residences shall be installed in cabinets built into theeexterior wall and ac- cessible from the outside of the build.,'ng only. In this case the 2 foot minimum distance from meter to the permanent ground level may be reduced but the distance from the bottom of the cabinet to the permanent ground level shall not be less than eighteen inches. Section. U. OUTLETS AND BRANCH CIRCUITS. 1. In dwellings, flats, rooming houses and apartment houses, not more than 12 outlets and not more than 20 medium base lamp sockets shall be connected to any branch circuit supplying current for lighting, and no group of lamps or other devices requiring more than 1000 watts shall be connected to any such circuit. No special permission will be granted for lighting circuits of greater wattage. 2. The minimum total wattage, the minimum number of 1000 watts branch circuits required, and the distribution of outlets on the branch circuits, shall be determined by computing the various outlets as requiring not less than the following mini- mum wattages: (For certain exceptions, see sub -section, (2-a). Ceiling outlets, living rooms . . . 250 watts XIV Ceiling outlets, dining rooms . . . 250 watts Ceiling outlets, libraries . . . . 150 watts Ceiling outlets, parlors Ceiling outlets, dens . . . . . 250 watts . . . . . . 100 watts Ceiling outlets, breakfast rooms . 100 watts Ceiling outlets, breakfast nooks . 50 watts Ceiling outlets, kitchens with but I outlet in center, between kitchens and nooks . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 watts Ceiling outlets, kitchens . . . . . 100 watts Ceiling outlets, bedrooms . . . . . 100 watts In all other locations, 50 watts each. Above ceiling outlet ratings apply to the first ceiling outlet in the rooms specified. Extra or additional ceiling outlets in the same room may be rated at 50 watts each. In any room which is equipped with bracket outlets only, such out- lets shall be rated at and wired for a total wattage at least equal to that required by the above table for ceiling outlet in such room, but in no case for less than 50 watts per outlet. (For example, in a living room with no ceiling outlet, but j with two bracket outlets, the two bracket outlets must be rated at not less than 125 watts each.9 2-a-1. Exceptions to the above requirements are allowed as follows: 2-a-2. In three room apartments, one of the rooms used both as living room and bedroom, or both as dining room and bedroom, may be classed as a bedroom, and ceiling outlet in ors such room may be rated at a minimum of 100 watts. 2-a-3. In wiring old dwellings, the first ceiling ouM et in a living room, dining room or parlor having a floor area of not more than 200 sq. £t. may be rated at a minimum of 150 watts, and each additional ceiling outlet in the same room at 50 watts each. 2-a-4. Division of Load on Circuits: Where two or more cir- xv cults are instailed, the load carried by such circuits shall be divided among them as nearly equally as is practicable. 3. ';"then lights are installed in clothes closets, they shall be installed on the ceiling or on the wall above the door. Such lights shall be controlled by suitable approved wall, door or pendant switches or pull chain sockets. No drop cord light shall be installed in any clothes closet. 4. Four inch outlet boxes must be installed for all conduit work and must be equipped with plaster rings with taped ears for finished surface work. Plaster rings will not be neces- sary on rough or exposed work. All boxes and plates must be equipped with 3/8 inch fixture studs; and secured thereto by at least two stove bolts. 5. Where the wiring contractor files a report for fixtures at the same time of filing report for wiring, and said report states that the Fixtures are of such a nature, such as box receptacles or drop cords, fixtures studs may be omitted. 6. Outlets on rear or tradesmen's stairs or landings of apartments, if controlled by switches in tenants' apartments, may be connected to the respective tenant's meters. They will not be considered as emergency lights, and, therefore, need not be so installed. 7. In buildings having a store or stores on first floor and flats or apartments above, the circuit limitations will be as follows: Stores which have no rooms attached, 1000 and 1500 watts. Basements and all portions of buildings used as flats or apart- ments, 1000 watts, 8-a,. No group of receptacles exceeding 20 in number or con9 I suming .more than 1000 watts shall be dependent on one cut-out, eikcept in the following cases: 8-b. Paragraph lis changed to read as follows: Circuits for decorative lighting and border, foot, proscenium and side lights in theaters and marquise lights may have not more i1han 20 sockets on. 1000 watt and 30 sockets on 1500 watt circuits. XVI 8-c. In all buildings not more than i- outlets and no group of lamps or other devices consuming over 1000 watts, and not more than 20 medium base or 40 candelabra base sockets or lamp receptacles, whether grouped on one fixture or on several fix- tures or pendants, shall be installed or connected to any such 1000 watt circuit. In all buildings except dwellings, flats, apartments or rooming houses, as same are now or may hereafter be defined in the Building Law of the City of Burlingame, San Mateo Co., not more than 15 outlets, and no group of lamps or other devices consuming over 1500 watts, with not more than 30 medium base sockets or 60 candelabra base sockets or lamp re- ceptacles shall be installed or connected to any such 1500 watt circuit: Where 15.00 watt circuits are used, plug receptacles must be installed for every 400 sq. ft. of floor area or frac- tion thereof. Said floor receptacles must be evenly distribut- ed and on a separate circuit. 8-d. By special permission in advance where 4000 watt cir- cuits are used, not more than 8 outlets and 8 mogul sockets shall be installed on any such circuit, and subject to and in compliance with, all requirements given in State Safety Order No. 702-1 (d). 8-e. By special permission obtained in advance where the conditions are such as in theatre aisle lighting, where it is impossible to install lamps of greater capacity than 15 watts, the same number of medium base sockets will be allowed as in candelabra circuits. 9. Each side of a 3 wire circuit can only be used for out- lets of the same classification; i. e., either light, plug re- ceptacle, power or heat. Section V. PLUG RECEPTACLE CIRCUITS. 1. In dwellings, flats, apartment houses and hotels, a total of not more than 8 convenience outlets (receptacles for attach- ment plugs), and in any bailding for other uses or occupancies, not more than four may be installed on one two wire branch cir- cuit, provided all the following requirements are complied wiffi: 2. The nominal voltage of the circuit shall not exceed 250 XVII volts. 3. The conductors of the circuit shall be not smaller than sive No. 12 B. & S. Gauge and No. 12 B. & S. Gauge wire shall be carried into each receptacle. Circuit conductors may be larger than No. 12 if desired or necessary to reduce the voltage drop, but in such cases taps not smaller than No. 12 B. & S. Gauge must be carried into the re- ceptacles. 4. The circuit shall be protected by standard enclosed fuses rated at not more than 20 amperes, on 125 volt and 10 amperes 250 volt eircuitp. i Sizes of fuses must not be increased even though wire larger than Tdo. 12 B. & S. Gauge is used. 5. 31ug receptacles installed on special convenience outlet circuits shall have an approved rating of not more than 15 amperes and they shall be of approved concealed contact type, so designed and constructed that the plug may be removed without leaving any live parts exposed to accidental contact. No screw base receptacle shall be used for attachment plugs, and no screw base receptacle shall be installed within five feet of the floor. 6. Each duplex receptacle installed on the circuit shall be counted as one receptacle. j 7. No lighting fixtures or other equipment except attachment plug receptacles of the above specified type and rating shall be installed on such circuit; provided, however, that switches and pilot lights, or other approved signal or protective devices, may be installed with the individual receptacles if so desired. 8. For the purpose of determining the sizes of services, feed- ers, and sub -feeders supplying such circuits, the first such cir- cuit shall be figured as requiring not less than 1500 watts and each additional circuit supplied by the same service, feeder or sub -feeder as requiring not less than 1000 watts. 9. When installed in the wood floors of such rooms as dining rooms, living rooms, and libraries of dwellings, flats, and apartments, and when installed in the elevated floors or plat- forms of show windows in stores, plug receptacles may be in- xvI]1 stalled in the ordinary standard type of flush receptacle box; but such flush receptacles in floor shall be equipped with cover plates with flaps, and of not less than .060 inch metal. 10. Where boxes for floor receptacles are placed in locations where dampness or moisture is prevalent, both boxes and covers must be of a design and approved for such locations. In loca- tions where dampness or moisture may exist only on or above floors, boxes of the standard flush type may be installed, but the plate and cover for the box or floor receptacle must be of such a type and so attached that moisture cannot enter. As a general rule, receptacles which are installed in wood floors that are varnished, waxed, or carpeted will not be con- sidered as being subject to exposure to moisture. 11. In dwellings, flats, and apartr,eiits, if only one outlet is installed within a distance of four feet from an ironing board, such outlet shall be considered as being intended for attachment of an electric iron and shall be equipped with plug receptacle of the type and rating specified in paragraph 5 hereof; and if two or more outlets are installed wkthin said distance of four feet from an ironing board at least one of such outlets shall be equipped with such plug receptacle. In no case shall any outlet be installed inside of any ironing board cabi- net. 12. Tothing contained in any section of these rules shall be construed as authorizing or permitting the installation or use of any individual appliance or device consuming over 1000 watts on the same branch circuit with any additional load. Each such individual appliance or device consuming 1000 watts :h all be on a separate circuit protected by a separate cutout. Section W. RETAIL STORES AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDIFGS. 1. Iinimum number of lighting circuits: A sufficient num- ber of lighting circuits shall be installed and uniformly disp tr.ibuted to provide for a minimum of 1 watt per sq. ft. of floor area on the first floor, and any portion of any other floor used as retail stores, salesrooms, display rooms, or KOM eo, commercial or industrial „wilding, and a minimum j sq. ft. of floor area shall be provided in all 0o-,oe9 � as of buildings when not used as defined above. o� • Q4anine floors shall be included and wattage computed S oc,V cording to purpose for which such mezzanine floor 10, of ed. addition to the above, circuit capacity shall be pro - or exterior lighting and signs actually installed, In es sign feeds shall not be smaller than No. 12 wire and ad will be computed at 20 amperes. The above are the minimum requirements. If the actual ected load is in excess of the above requirements, wiring must be installed accordingly. 2. Maximum wattage and number of outlets per circuit: a. Not more than 10 outlets supplying show window and vesti- bule lighting only, and not more than 8 outlets supplying both show window and store lighting will be allowed on any 1000 watt circuit. b. Not more than 15 outlets supplying show, window and vesti- bule; lighting only, and not more than 10 outlets supplying both show window and store lighting will be allowed on any 1500 watt circuit, and in all such circuits the following re- quirements must be complied with. c. The window lighting outlets shall be equipped with key- less box lamp receptacles. wire at least equal in size and in- sulation to No. 14 B. & S. Gauge shall be carried and connected to each lamp receptacle. d. There shall be installed within the show window an average of not less than one plug receptacle for every 50 sq. ft. or fraction thereof, evenly distributed, of floor or platform area of the window enclosure, and to conform to all rules for plug receptacle circuit. e. By special permission obtained in advance, departure from the foregoing rules may be authorized, in cases where low wattage lamps are closely spaced for special. interior decorative lighting effects. Section X. RANGES AIM HEATERS. 1. vthen calculating the size of service in apartments or flats supplying three or more ranges, the foiling diversity factors will be allowed insofar as a range load is concerned: 1 to 2 ranges -- Full load. 3 to 6 ranges -- Largest range full load, balance 66 2-30. 7 to 10 ranges -- Largest range full load, balance 500. Over 10 ranges -- 50'/, full load. If the distance between outlet and range does not exceed six feet, one inch conduit may be used for three No. 6 B. & S. wires. 2. Heaters: For computing the heating load in dwellings, flats, and apartments which are separately metered, t1B largest heater of each circuit to be figured 1000 and each heater there- after at 50%. 3. Where rooming house or more than one apartment is supplied from one meter, 1000 of the largest heater and balance at 750. 4. It will be compulsory to run No. 8 wire to a 30 ampere receptacle unless the electrical contractor installing the wir- ing is to install the heater, in which case Ido. 10 wire and a 30 ampere receptacle may be installed for heater of 25 amperes or less, but the circuit fuses must not be greater than the capacity of the wiring. Section X. L'ISCELLANEOUS ORDERS. 1. The responsibility for the connection of a service to any electrical installation for which no Certificate of Inspection has been issued or permission given by this Department rests on the electrical contractor, and if so proven, said Contrac- tor's Registrations is automatically suspended. 2. Switches controlling pantry or porch outlets may be located in kitchen or immediately adjacent to said porch or pantry. AXI 3. Current coils or current transformars will not be approved in raceways except where isolated from feeder or circuit wires. 4. A separate circuit of No. 12 wire must be installed for each oil burner motor, and not less than Fo. 10 cadre for feeder I for more than one oil burner motor, but the load on same to be computed at the full load current of the motor or motors, if less than one horsepower, single phase. 5. Contractors desiring an inspection or any information re- garding a job, either over the telephone or at the office, must Pive the Permit No. in addition to the street number or street location, and contractor's name, Inspections must be called for at least twelve hours in advance and not later than 4:30 2, M. on week days and 11:30 A. TT. on Saturdays. .6. Feeders, sub -feeders or branch circuits running under- i ground --may be rubber covered, provided they are protected by the proper size fuse or automatic protection. Varnished cam - brio conductor will be permitted in lieu of rubber euvered in all sizes larger than No. 8, and where no dampness is prevalent. 7. Vfhen plug receptacles are installed for radio such recep- tacles must be of the type used exclusively for radio work, approved lighting or power receptacles will not be permitted for this class of work. 8. In mixed knob and tube and conduit work, all conduit work, all conduit fittings must be accessible. 9. There must be at least one inch clearance between any switch or cut-out base and conduit or fitting thereon, within the cabinet or cutout box. 10. A slab or panel of non-combustible non-absorptive mate- rial, such as slate, soapstone or marble, will not be required as a mounting for up-to-date standard rheostats used for start- ing only, or for transformers having proper overload protection, provided there is at least one inch of air space between t1m metal and the mounting. 11. The use of 2 or 3 pole switches with an improvised neutral lug or strap on three wire service will not be per- mitted; an approved switch must be used. XXII 12, cutters or raceways must be five ,imes the total area of all wires to be contained therein, and comply to all Sections of State Safety Order No. 703-7. 13. In or on all buildings or structures, on individual switch or other approved disconnecting means shall be installed i ahead of every cartridge type cut-out base, regardless of wattage or amperage. 14. Knobs at crossovers will be permitted in place of taped tubes. 15. All knob and tube work shall be bored throughout building.) 16. A neutral ground used as a common ground will be per- mitted in all classes of construction. 17. All stores, office buildings, apartment houses, bungalow court, duplex bungalow, or any commercial building must be wired in rigid conduit. Any and all buildings calling for an emergency circuit must be wired in rigid conduit. All conduit work outlet boxds must be at least four inches by one and one- half deep. Section Z. STATE SAFETY ORDERS. 1. Order 702-1 (b) will not apply to motors. 2. Identified grounded or grounding conductor single rubber - covered wires #6 and smaller intended for use as identified of circuits shall have the outer covering finished to show a white or natural gray color. Twin and twisted pair wires and three (3) conductor cables shall have at least one conductor identified in this manner. The coverings of the other conduc- tors shall be finished to show said colors other than white or natural gray. 3. Order 707-1 (C) Paragraph 1. This Department will allow the length of unprotected service to be raised from fifteen feet to twenty feet on horizontal runs. Section AA. PENALTIES. 1. Any person, firm or corporation found guilty of a viola- tion of this Ordinance, or of any section thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. 4. This Ordinance shall be published in the Burlingame Advance -Star for the period prescribed by law and be in force and effect from and iter the date of its passage. 2 Introduced the day of hand duly and regularly G� passed the�1 day o �y�d , y the foo/llowing vote: AYES: Councilmen: g e —� - /[�" "—Z'- � Roes: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen (SEAL) ATTEST: J. R. TVMPHY, City Clerk. &Ff� _ MI 9AM Filed in the office of the Cit g1gR>f of the City Burlingame this__1___ day of ___193_ J. R. MURPHY, City Clerk