HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 02992- � e�4 ORDINANCE No 017 AN ORDINANCS RELATIVE To FIRE DISTRICTS{ WITHIN THE CITY OF DRLING-AkMo. The City Council of the City of BurlingEme do ordain as follows$ Section 1* All districts or zones in the City of BurlingE.Me known as cornercial districto whether -connected or disc.O'nnected with one another shall be deemed to be fire districts and shall be covered by the laws of the City of Durlingazie pertain- ing to fire districts* Section 2. This ordinance shall be published in the "Burlingame Advance --Star" for the time and in the manner requ'red by law) end be in full fc ore and effect from and after :L the date of its Pasaage* INT1110DUCED this 7 Vi day of July 1 1936, and duly and regularly passed this .&Otbday of 1936, by the --F'olloiiiing votes AYES, CotincilmeBUCK - HIGH - HIVES --IMTT -WARD n% 46 :? NOES, Councilnenb� NONL AD -SENT, CouncilmenNONE ayCi ATTEST* city C1 by Depot y Clerk