HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0291AI ORDI1T,11-111. 29-1 i.; �-, .y USE AN ORDII-AITCE 1PBLOI-1 I B IT I'L' T1- S ALI"�' OR T OF FIREWORKS IK TEE CITY OF BTTRLIIiG.L-E. M-MME:,ASt the City Council of the City of Burlingwne deems it necessary for the protection and safety of its citizens as well as its property that the practice of possessing, selling fireworks in the City of Burlinga-�-rie is detriiiiental to and using the people at large, and M-111,1REIAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of 3urlinga.'f.le to protect its citizens and its property; 110111 Tlrj-'IEEFOR-12`111 BE IT ORDAI17-]-]D by the City Council of the City of Burlingeff-,ie, as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, fir-cja or corporation to possess, well, deliver or deal in any fore, of I fireworks in the City of Burlingame commonly used on Independence Day, or other celebration, except as hereinafter provided. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use or explode or fire, or cause to be used or exploded or fired in the City of Burlingame any fireworks com.monly used on Independence Day, or other celebration, except as hereinafter provided. SECTION 3. Vihenever P-. majority of the City Council of the City of Burlingame deer -.q-0 it advisable to permit the use of fireworks for the purpose of celebration of any kind, the City Council may grant a. permit, upon a proper application PA.ade at least ten (10) days before the proposed.useof fireworks, and Vhich application shall be in writing signed by the applicant and sponsored in said application 'by the presiding officer and secretary of a responsible organization of the city; and which application shall not be made for a longer period at one time than one (1) day, and the use of which fireworks shall be only -1- during the said day between eight o'clock a, m. to midnight. The permit, ho -lever, may be extended by the Council upon good and valid reasons shown, which in no event shall e-tl--ceed three additional days between the same hours.. The application afore- said shall be in triplicate, one to be filed with the Chief of Police of the City of 3urlingame; one to be filed �,vith the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of the City of Burlingame; and one to be filed with the City Clek of the City of Burlingame. Within five days of said filings with said Chief of Police and Chief P'-'Ingineer of the Fire Department, said officials shall forward to the City Council of the City of Burlingame their respective reports as to their recommendations. SECTIOUF 4. This ordinance shall not apply to the manufacture of fireworks, when made for possession, sale and use outside of the city, and when such manufacture is confined to the industrial district of, the city. SECTION 5. This ordinance expressly repeals all other ordinances pertainin,!f-L to the possession, sale, delivery, or use of fireworks within the city, except ordinances governing the use of dynamite, or other explosives used for blasting in public work, or used for commercial purposes in specific cases under permit from the City Council, SECTION 6. If any section, sub -section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such hol6ing shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordina:;nce, or of this ordinance as a whole, and the City Council of the City of Burlingame do hereby decleare that they would have passed this ordinance and each sect -ion, sub -section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub -sections, satences, causes or phrases thereof are or may hereafter be declared unconstitutional. S'I", -?CTION 7. Any person, firin' or cor CL I, poration viol..-tir)g any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor arld shall be punished by it fire of not less than 0 n e u n d re d ­Dollr-�.rs (.-100.0o) or more th�73'n Three I-Jundred DollG,rs ( ;1300.00), or by ipiprison-fnient in the Cj-ty Jail for a, period 4- not, to exceed ninety (90) days, or by both. s.-Iid'- fine and im-o, r i s o ni.o -.I n t . INTRODUCED this 16th day of March, 1936, and duly and regul^.rly passedthis 6th _ day of April . 1936, by tn- ' -.1 1 e h 1' o 11 cv; i n., vo- AY 03, Councilmen: %iCPE S, Council -men: A-33 I'T, Councilrtien: AT' -f ST : rw"M Bnok - Handlos - High Hint y Clerk. None Hives File� in tie OfficP Of the City Clerk of the City of PlorI.Ing.-f1mr ti'l, day of APR 6 - 193g J. III,. Al'u'Pil"ter, CRY Clerk 1"EaYo r.