HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0316ORDINANCE NO. l' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4, 5, 8 and 10 OF ORDINANCE 290 OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME CREATING AND ESTABLISH- ING A CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM FOR THE SELECTION, EMPLOYMENT, CLASSIFICATION, ADVANCEMENT, SUSPENSION, DISCHARGE AND RETIREMENT OF APPOINTIVE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY". The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4 of Ordinance 290 of the City of Burlingame as set forth in the title herein is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4. Civil Service Commission. The City Council does hereby create and appoint a Civil Service Commission to con- sist of three members, who shall be qualified electors of the City of Burlingame and each of whose term of office shall be for a period of three years. Upon the appointment of said members of said commission, the members shall meet and determine by lot the tenure of office of said first commission, so that one member's term shall end at the expiration of one year from the date of ap- pointment, a second member at the expiration of two years from the date of appointment and a third member at the expiration of three years from the date of appointment. Vacancies in the commission shall be filled from time to time by appointment by City Council to fill an expired or unexpired term. The commission shall elect one of its members as chairman and the City Clerk shall act as secretary. They shall meet at the City Hall, Burlingame, at such time as fixed by the commission, two members shall constitute a quorum and no of- ficial action shall be transacted by less than the votes of at least two members. The duties of the commission shall be to carry out the rules and regulations as laid down by the City Council of the City -1- 0 ORDINANCE NO - 5/6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4, 5, 8 and 10 OF ORDINANCE 290 OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME CREATING AND ESTABLISH- ING A CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM FOR THE SELECTION, EMPLOYMENT, CLASSIFICATION, ADVANCEMENT, SUSPENSION, DISCHARGE AND RETIREMENT OF APPOINTIVE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY". The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4 of Ordinance 290 of the City of Burlingame as set forth in the title herein is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4. Civil Service Commission. The City Council does hereby create and appoint a Civil Service Commission to con- sist of three members, who shall be qualified electors of the City of Burlingame and each of whose term of office shall be for a period of three years. Upon the appointment of said members of said commission, the members shall meet and determine by lot the tenure of office of said first commission, so that one member's term shall end at the expiration of one year from the date of ap- pointment, a second member at the expiration of two years from the date of appointment and a third member at the expiration of three years from the date of appointment. Vacancies in the commission shall be filled from time to time by appointment by City Council to fill an expired or unexpired term. The commission shall elect one of its members as chairman and the City Clerk shall act as secretary. They shall meet at the City Hall, Burlingame, at such time as fixed by the commission, two members shall constitute a quorum and no of- ficial action shall be transacted by less than the votes of at least two members. The duties of the commission shall be to carry out the rules and regulations as laid down by the City Council of the City -1- of Burlingame to 'ue formulated by virtue of Secticn 5 of this Ordinance, classify and arrange the requirements, minimum stand. ards, qualifications, to receive all applicLtions as well as pass- ing on sauce after which sarne to be submitted to City Council for approval and _i.ppointment, to establish and maintain in card index: form, a. roster of offiodre and employees in thu Classified Service. The roster shall show the officers or employees full name, address, marital status, citizenship status, date of uirth, length of ser. vice, title or position, salary rating, and such other data as may be necessary for a complete personnel record. It shall be the cus. todian of all personal applicatiuns, fi_es, anc, records of municipal employment of the City. SECTION 2. The first paragraph of Section 5 of Ordinance 290 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5. Adoption of Rules tnd Regulations. The city Council shall formulate an:a adopt rules and regulations for the Administration of said Civil Service Jystem under the Civil Service Commission. Any subsequent amendments to said rules and regulations may be adopted by the Council. All rules and regulations adopted shall be consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. much rules shall provide for the following matters in audition to such other matters as may be necessary and proper in carrying out the intent and purposes of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Section 6 of Ordinanea 290 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section &. Appointments to Yositions in the Classified Service. All appointments to positions or employments in the Classi- fied 4ervice shall be made by the City Council from the applications on file with the Civil Service Cornission in accord-hcc ith the rules and.regulations adopted under the authority of this Ordinance. Te,,:porary appointments may be made by the City Council of persons who do not possess the minimum standards or qualifications for office, or whose applications have not been filed, or who have not been certified on an eligible list as a result of an examination, or in the event those who are eligible are not immediately available. Such temporary appointments shall not continue for a longer period than three months and no person shall be eligible to serve as a temporary appointee in any one or more positions for more than an aggregate period of three (3) months in any one fiscal year. No credit shall be allowed upon an application, or in the giving of an examination, for service rendered under a temporary appointment. The said commission shall be advised at all times by the City Clerk of the City of Burlingame as to the beginning and ending of the terms of employment of all temporary employees. SECTION 4. Section 10 of Ordinance 290 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 10. Abolishment of Position. Whenever, in the judgment of the City Council, it becomes necessary in the interest of economy or because the necessity for the position involved no longer exists, the City Council may abolish any position or em- ployment in the Classified Service as provided by the State Law of the State of Californ ia, and discharge the employee holding such position or employment. Should such position or employment or any position involving all or any of the same duties be reinstated or created within two (2) years, the employee discharged shall be eligible to be appointed thereto in preference to any other qualified persons on the eligible list for such position. If the employee whose position is abolished was appointed from an eligible Dist, he shall be returned to his original position on the eligible list from which he was appointed. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be published in the Burlingame advance -State in the manner and for a period of time prescribed By Law and be in force and effect from and after its -3- passage. November INTRODUCED this 1st day o , 1937, and duly February 1938 and regularly passed this 7thday of XXXAjh�R, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Councilmen Buck- Hives - Hunt - McDonald - Ward NOES: Councilmen None ABSCNT: Councilmen None ATTEST: City Clerk -4- Mayor