HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0313ORDVANCE NO* ;13 �M GIADINAACR RUMULATING THJ� DISPOS1,1640 OF 9ASTR AMD RUBSISH on PURISS51 IN TH3 C ITY or BURAL I Z10TAU 0 Tho Clty 00090il of the Oltr'of Dwrlinooft :10 ord4vin an follows: 'A"'--"ection 1, ";&$to s nd, rubbish are defined as so% forth in Seotion of ordinw,400 ITT* of the city or Bur1ing'amt's ��eotlon 2* No person# firs or eorporation shall da mpt place or bury iz any lots law, or street or in. eny alley or in P" -, n tie IMP arly ;Vater"'Yay ult i orate llmlts of the City of curl in- gamot any vorastlwo or rubbish 0'r ObAoXioUs or hazardoas sixbstani6e coadeaned by Vile firs. oniet or lu,.alth inspector of the i,".Iotty of iiurj, game or eaiy other delaterious or offensive substanae,, section 3* 14* person voning or oao",Ying any buadin.as, lot or promises in the City, o"L" alinal suf'rors allow Or to oo'lleo;t and remain upon said lot or promiaes in the City of 'Burlingame, any waste material or ruh'biah or substances as s forth 1% the preceding soatioujprovidlDg however that this provision shall not be conotrued as luterfa ring w1th bulldi.'-119 Under a buildiap permit, or -mood aeatly piled foL kiteten or house.hold Lz.eetion 4# it after notice given to ova%ar or caoup.sat of the premises whore staid waste �:�r rubbish ao v(A forth In the preeeding section, t1lere heAs been no removal �,Athia 10 0ays there ter, the x"Irzalth InspectOr of the City of Burl, i. -n shell notify the Street 'Departam-ant of the City of Burlingame which shall prorAptly remove tlr;V colleoti�a of the raste ene rubbleft an -qdld a 'Wj* premises at the cost of said o-.-,zer or occupant. Section 5. The City council m,,: in its ciiscratiun fix a certain day or dlayH in each month when said 'waste or rubbish may be removed 'AtIaout costs to the ovner or occupant, and notice of such day or daye shall be by resolution IjaEj.,jed ani filed Naith the City Clerk and such owner or occupant is deomed to have been given same by virtue of the files of the CiV Clark and Notice in the local daily paper. Section 6. The removal by the City as above ordained shall not a-11"fect the liability of sai(t owner or occupant under this ordino;rce, whan much concession is not granted by the Cit Y. but in the event removal is made by the City, each owner or occupRnt sh,.11 see to it that *11 1yaste or rtitt)t.sh place * in front of his or h2r property or dwelling (not in the street, sidewalk, or parking), 'jut on the premises in a oonvenient pile at lea3t taienty four hours before the arrival of the City track or trucko for carrying same away. Section 7o All vlaste and ru'bolah and other substances, except garbage shall be removed to tho City Dumps, under the direction of the supe ribtendont cf the streets. 21ection S. Any pereon, firm or oorpor!Ftion violating any of the Provisions of thio ca- inane e shall ui�,on cowriction thereof be fined in a sum riot to exc©ed $50.00 or by imprisonment in the City jail not to exceed lk") days or both a;.,,.id fine and imjprisonmant/ ';section 9. This ordinance shall be Published in the .3urlinrs-ame Advance Star in the mamer and for the time required Ly lax!, and be in force and effect from and aft,.�•r its p*Lj a ag e 4r- -V Pr le) " -, INTRODUCED this Y Zqday of March, 1937, and duly and regularly pazsed this day of following vote: .Me$: Councilmen NOES: Councilmen ABSENT Councilmen AMOST: 17ty clerx� , 1937, by the