HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0328ORDINANCE NO* 34, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 227, PASSED JUNE 3, 1929, AND EiVTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND ES^1ABLISHING 'l HE LOCATION OF RESIDENCES, APARTMENTS, TRADES, INTDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS BUILDINGS AND ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES FOR SAID PURPOSES, PROVIDING FOR THE CREATING OF A CITY PLAITNING 00101, FISSION AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS." The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows; Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 227 of the City of Burlingame, passed June 3, 1929, and entitled,"An ordinance regulating and establishing the location of residences,apartments, trades, industries and business buildings and establishing the boundaries for said purposes, providing for the creating of a city planning commission and providing penalties for the violation of its provisions," is hereby amended to read. as follows: Section 1. The public health, comfort, convenience, safety and welfare require that the use of private property in the City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, State of California, be, and it is hereby regulated, and that di-stricts or zones be and they are hereby established throughout the City of Burlingame within some of which it shall be lawful and others un- lawful to erect, alter or maintain certain buildings or make uses of certain property, and that therefore the said City of Burlingame shall be and it is hereby divided into five classes of use districts, viz: (1) Commercial. (2) Apartment. (3) First Residential. (4) Second Residential. (5) Unrestricted• As provided by the act of the Legislature of California, entitled,"An Act to provide for the establish- ment viithin municipalities of districts or zones.within which the use of property, height of improvement and required open spaces for light and ventilation of such buildings may be regulated by ordinance," approved May 31st, 1917. Section 2. Section 4 of said Ordinance No. 227 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4. RESIDE1,=AL DISTRICTS. (a) The first residential district shall consist of all the lands in the City of Burlingame, other than those classified as commercial,apartment, second residential, and unrestricted. (b) The second residential. district shall consist of those certain lots in said City of Burlingame described ae Lots 1 to 28, both inclusive in what is commonly called and now known as Corbeit Subdivision, Section 3. Section 6 of said Ordinance No. 227 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6a. FIRST RESIDENTIAL DIu RICT. In the first residential district no piece, parcel, lot or premise, and no building thereon, shall be used, and no buildings shall be constructed or altered therein, which is arranged, intended or designated to be used for any purpose other t$an the following: 1. Single family dwelling. 2. School. 3. Church. 4. Community Club House. 5. Nurseries, farms, truck gardens and green houses. 6. Public buildings, parks and _playgrounds. 7. The usual accessories located on the sane lot with the above named buildings not involving the conduct of a business, but including (1) the office of a musician, architect, physician, artist, attorney or dentist, or other person authorized by law to practice medicine, when situated in the same dwelling, when used by such person as his or her place of residence. (2) A garage or group of garages containing space for not more than four automobiles; (3) a stable for not more than 2 cows or 2 horses; and (4) building to be used for pasltry for the use of the persons re- siding on the same lot, provided such garage, stable, and poultry buildings are situated on the rear half of the lot, but in no case shall they, or any of them, be located within fifteen feet of the street line. The City Council may issue permits for the erection 1 the residential district of a temporary building for commerce or ir..dustry incidental to the construction of a building or the development of a residential dis- trict. No permit shall be granted at any one time to exceed a period of ninety days, but may be re- newed by the City Council for a longer period. Section 4. .A new section shall be added to said Ordinance No. 2271 which section shall follow Section. 6a therein, as above set forth, and shall read as follows: Section 6b, SECOND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. In the second residential district no niece, parcel, lot or premise, and no building thereon, shall be used, and no buildings shall be constructed or altered therein, which is arranged, intended, or designated to be used for any purpose other than those permitted in first residential district, as set forth in the preceding paragraph, as amended. It is provided, nevertheless, that in said second residential district, duplex dwelling houses may be constructed, and also that on any lot within said second residential district, a second dwelling house may be constructed thereon for use of a second family, living independently of the other family on said.lot; provided, nevertheless, that not more than one dwelling house shall front the street in said district within any single fifty feet of front- age of any lot, and that not more than two families,living independently of.each other, shall reside on any lot with in such second residential district; and provided, further that no such second dwelling house shall be constructed on any such lot in the rear of any other dwelling house, unless the depth of the lot measured from the street front exceeds one hundred fifty feet, and provided, further, that in the case of such dwelling house erected in the rear of another dwelling house, the space between said two buildings shall be not less than twenty feet and that in the rear of the second dwelling house there shall be yard space of not less than twenty feet, measured from such rear dwelling house to the rear lot line; and provided, further, that in case such a dwelling house is erected in the rear of any such lot, there shall be a driveway leading from the street to the rear structure, having a width of not less than ten feet. It is further provided that in the second residential district the same setback provisiors shall prevail as are fixed for dwelling houses permitted in the first residential district. It is further provided that in said second residential dis- trict no permit shall be issued for the erection of any structure therein until the plans therefor have been first submitted to and passed upon by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame. Section 5. Section 7 of said Ordinance No. 227 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7. In order to secure safety from fire and other dangers and to promote the public health and welfare, including provision for adequate light, air, and convenience of access, the following rules and regulations shall govern buildings or structures erected or altered in said residential districts, viz: 1. No building or structure shall oe erecveu ur altered in said residential districts which is not de- tached at least three (3) feet from the side line of the adjoining property, provided that where a building or structure covers a portion of two or more lots it shall be treated as one lot for the purposes of this sect and provided further that the requirements hereof shall not apply to garages or other necessary buildings situated on the rear half of any lot- 9 ot. 2. No building or structure shall be erected or altered on any lot in said residential districts so that the aggregate area covered by all the buildings or structures on said lot shall exceed sixty (60) per cent of the total of said lot;and 3. 3. No building or structure shall be erected or altered, on any lot in said residential districts so that it shall be more than three (3) stories or forty feet in hei ht from the top of the curb to the finished railing Rne on the attic. Section 6a This ordinance shall be published in "The ingame Advance -Star" for the period prescribed by law, and e in force and effect thirty (30) days from and after the date f its passage, A INTRODUCED the day of Septembe , 1938, and duly nd regularly passed the daz� day of 19385 the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen: Noes, Councilmen: Absent, Councilmen: Mayor ATTEST• L- City Clerk , 'Pi ierl ❑ 'hr 'T1'p of thn ,<y ity jerk of ilif, P.d.UAPIIY:' City WtWj;. M