HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0339ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION AND USE OF BICYCLES IN THE CITY OF BURLINGAN'E. They Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: Section 1. License Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use a bicycle propelled wholly or in part by muscular power upon any of the streets, alleys, or public high- ways of the City of Burlingame, without first obtaining from the Police Department of said city a license so to do. Section 2. Issuance of License. Upon written application to the license collector of the city and payment to him of the license fee hereinafter specified, the Police Department of the city is authorized and directed to issue a license to the applicant, which license, when issued, shall entitle the licensee to operate and use the bicycle for which said license was obtained upon the streets, alleys, and public highways in the city, except as otherwise herein specified. Section 3. License Plates and Registration Cards. The city shall provide metallic license plates and seals, with registration cards and isinglass holders therefor; said plates and registration cards shall have corresponding numbers stamped thereon in numerical order, beginning with No. 1, also the name of the City. It shall be the duty of the Police Department to attach one such metallic plate to the frame of each bicycle so licensed, and to issue a registration card correspondingly numbered to the licensee upon proof of payment to the city's license collector of the fee herein- after specified. Such metallic plate shall remain attached to such bicycle during the existence of such license. The Police Department shall keep a record of the date and number of every such license, and the name of the person to whom issued. Section 4. Transferring Ownership. It shall be the duty of every person who sells or transfers ownership of any used or second- hand bicycle to report such sale or transfer to the Police Depart- ment within five days thereafter, returning the registration card theretofore issued to the seller as licensee, and giving the name and address of the person to whom such bicycle was sold or trans- ferred. It shall be the duty of the purchaser or transferee to apply to the Police Department for a transfer of the registration of such bicycle within five days after such sale or transfer. Section 5. Dealers in New or Second-hand Bicycles. It shall be the duty of all persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of buying or selling new or second-hand bicycles to make a report to the Police Department of every second-hand bicycle pur- chased by them, and every new or second-hand bicycle sold. Such report shall contain the name and address of the person from whom any second-hand bicycle has been purchased, a description of such bicycle, the frame number thereof and the number of the license plate thereon, if any. In the case of new bicycles sold, the report shall contain the name and address of the purchaser, and a descrip- tion and the frame number of the bicycle. All the foregoing reports shall be made to the Police Depart- ment within twenty-four hours after such purchase or sale. Section 6. Lost or Stolen Bicycles. In case any bicycle is lost or stolen the owner or person in control thereof shall imme- diately notify the Police Department. Section 7. Renting Out Bicycles. All persons who rent, hire out or loan bicycles shall first obtain a license tag or tags to be used on such bicycles by paying therefor the regular fee, which tag or tags shall be attached to the bicycle in a manner so that it may be transferred from one bicycle to another to suit the convenience of the owner of said bicycles. Persons requiring such tags may secure the same from the Police Department. -2- Section S. Removing; or Ivutilating License Plates. It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully or maliciously remove, des- troy, mutilate or alter any bicycle metallic plate, seal, registra- tion card, or the number thereon, during the time in which the same is operative; provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance shall prohibit the Police Department from stamping numbers on the frames of bicycles on Which no serial number can be found, or on which said number is illegible or insufficient for identification purposes. Section 9. License Fee. The license fee for the registration of each bicycle shall be Fifty Cents (41;.50). A fee of Twenty-five Cents ($.25) shall be paid for the registration of any transfer of ownership �lofee of Twenty-five Cents (x.25) shall be charged for replacing any license plate which has been lost. Section 10. Riding on Roadway or Sidewalk. Every person riding or operating a bicycle on any public street, alley or public place in the city shall keep to the extreme right of the traffic lane and it shall be unlawful for two or more bicycles to travel abreast. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or operate a bicycle on the sidewalk in any of the business districts of the city, and no bicycle shall be operated on the sidewalk in any of the residential districts when and where the sidewalk is being used by pedestrians. Section 11. One Person Only. Bicycles designed and constructed to carry only one person shall not be used to carry any additional person or persons either on the handle -bars thereof or elsewhere thereon. Section 12, Holding On or Pulling Other Vehicles. No person, while riding any bicycle shall hold on to or pull another moving vehicle. -3- Section 13. Traffic Signals and Signs. Every person riding and operating a bicycle shall obey all traffic signals and signs, and before making turns shall give the same signals as required of the operators of motor vehicles. Section 14. Lights at Night. No rider of a bicycle shall ride the same at night without an adequate white headlight on the front thereof and a red light or red reflector on the rear, as required by the "vehicle Code" of the State of California. Section 15. Parking in Racks. The Police Department shall provide and set up suitable racks adjacent to the curb or gutter at such places in the business districts of the city as may be deemed advisable for the parking of bicycles by persons who have occasion to stop temporarily in such districts. All bicycles found lying on the sidewalk may be taken up and impounded by the Police Department, from whence they may be recovered by proving property and obtaining an order from the Chief of Police. Section 16. Penalties. All persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail of not more than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and any person defaulting in the payment of any fine shall be imprisoned one day for each Two Dollars of said fine remaining unpaid. In addition to such penalty, the Court may either in lieu of or in addition to such fine and imprisonment, prohibit the operation upon the streets, alleys and public places of the City for a period of not to exceed thirty days, of the bicycle used in such violation, in which event the bicycle so used shall be impounded with the Police Department and retained there for the prohibited period. In such case the owner's license shall be suspended and his card held for the period during which the operation of the bicycle is prohibited. -4- Section 17. When effective. Bicycles may be registered and metallic license plates obtained at the Police Department at any time after December 1, 1939, and this Ordinance shall go into full force and effect January 1, 1940. Section 18. Repeal. All Ordinances and any parts of Ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. Section 19. This Ordinance shall be published in the Burlingame Advance -Star, a newspaper of general circulation as required by law. Introduced this 2nd day of October, 1939 and duly and regularly passed this 16th day of October, 1939 by the following vote to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Buck Hives Hunt McDonald Ward NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT:Councilmen None ATTEST City Clerk. �I 4.�u.1'Ih.II u_ e V � �u_ � U OCT 16 1939 IN OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ASSESSOR CITY OF BURLINGAME