HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0334ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE+° AlvMNDING ORDINANCE NO* 227 OF THL CITY OF BURLINGAME ENTITLED"AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND ESTABLISHING TIS LOCATION OF RESIDENCES) APARTYXI\ S, TRADES, INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS BUILDINGS AND ESTABLISHING THE BOUNDARIES FOR SAID PURPOSES, PROVIDING FOR THE CREATING OF A CITY PLANNING CONIIISSION AND PROVIDING PEN.A.LTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS," PASSED JUNE 3, 1927, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION THERETO TO BE NUMBERED SECTION 3-A AND TO APPEAR THEREIN INII44EDIATE- LY FOLLOWING SECTION 3 THEREOF. The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows; Sectior_ 1. Ordinance No. 227 of the City of Burlingame, entitled "An ordinance regulating and establishing the location of residence:, apartments, trades, industries and. business buildings and establishing the boundaries for said purposes, pro- viding for the creating of a city planning commission and pro- viding penalties for the violation of its provisions,"passed June .3, 1927) is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto to be numbered Section 3-a, and to appear therein immediately following Section 3 thereof, and vrhich nevi section 3-a shall reed as follows. "Section 3-a. In addition to any other property classified as apartment district in and by any other provision of this ordinance, that certain lot numbered and designated as Lot 11 in Block 6, as shown on that certain map entitled tMap of Subdivision No. 1, Burlingame Shore Land Co., Burling-ne, San Mateo County, California, and filed May 20, 1926, in Volume 13 of Snaps at pages 72 and 73, San Mateo County Records, shall be classified and zoned as apartment district. Section 2. This ordinance shall be published once in Burlingpme Advance -Star, a daily newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in said City, and shall take effect and be in force upon its passage. Section 3. This, ordinance is hereby declared to be an urgency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety within the meaning of the laws applicable thereto. The following is a statement of the facts constituting such necessity: The Division of Highways of the State of California, through its District Engineer, has informed this Board that it will require at least 30 feet additional land on the southwesterly side of the Bayshore Highway for the future development of said highway, and that the city, therefore, should enforce a setback line for buildings sufficient in extent to provide for such widening of said highway, and an application is now pending before the city officials of said city which con- templates the erection of an apartment building on Lots 1, 2 and 3, in Block 6, of the Burlingame Shore Land Co.'s Subdivision No. 1 above referred to, and the applicant in that case has agreed to purchase and use the above mentioned Lot 11 in that connection, but not to erect such apartments thereon; that in order to allow for the setback contemplated by said Division of Highways, it will be necessary to move such proposed buildings back so that they will encroach on said Lot 11, and said Lot ll,therefore, should be so zoned and classified that said buildings may be so located; and it further appears that said lot can be most beneficially use and will be so used if this ordinance be passed at once, in connection with the adjacent Lots 1 and 2 between it and said highway due to its peculiar shape and to the fact that standing alone it is not suitable for residence purposes; and 2. it further appears that the public interest requires that said city should recognize and conform to the plans of the Division of Highways, and should further comply with the request of its District Engineer; and it also appears that said Lot 11 should have been zoned the same as Lots 1 and 2 in the first place, and the fact that it was not so done was due to an inadvertence; and it further appears that it is necessary that action be had at once in order to prevent the erection of said buildings within said setback area contemplated by the Division of Highways, and that an emergency exists in that regard; and it further appears that the safety of persons using said Bayshore Highway requires that the said highway should be widened by adding to its present width the 30 foot strip along the westerly side thereof above referred to, and that the apartment zone should be extended west- erly, as in this ordinance provided in order to permit such widening. Introduced this ath day of January, 1939. Passed and regularly adopted the 19399 by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen: Buck - Hunt - Noes, Councilmen: Nohe _ _ Absent, Councilmen: Txivea_ 'PIPJ in flip offioa. �' t'1P Ot, nt tht Cii,p l r'I'n�,:me tlr.__-__-- .hey d� • J, It. SUlti':t Y, City Work ATTEST: i City Clerk 3„ 20th day of February ul �