HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0379ORDINANCE NO. 379 AN ORDINANCE Ai,,.ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 365 APPROVING 1=' ANTEXATION OF TIE UNINCOR- PORATED AREA 1,210M' AS RAY PARE TO THE CITY OF BURLINGAP+IE. The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows; Section One. Ordinance No. 365, An Ordinance Approv- ing the Annexation of the Unincorporated Area Known as Ray Park to the City of Burlingame, is hereby amended, so that as amended, the said Ordinance shall read as follows; "WHEREAS, a Petition duly executed by P:Zilton S. Ray and Rose Carolyn Ray, his wife, as owners, has been presented to and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, setting forth the boundaries of the unincorporated, uninhabited area contiguous to the northwesterly boundary of said City, and re- questing that said property be annexed to said City, and agree that upon the annexation thereof, said property shall be pro- portionately subject to all the burdens and obligations of the City of Burlingame, and to enjoy all the privileges and benefits of said City; and, WHEREAS, on the 20th day of January, 1941, the City Council of the City of Burlingame adopted a Resolution fixing February 10, 1941, at eight o'clock P.;vi., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City, as the time and place when and where any persons owning real property within such territory so proposed to be annexed and leaving any objections to the proposed annexation may appear and show cause why such territory, describ- ing the same, should not be annexed; which Resolution was published in the issues of the Burlingame Advance _ Star pub- lished and circulated on January 22nd, 1941, and January 29th, 1941; and, YuiRcAS, at said hearing no person interested, or at all, objected to said annexation, and the City Council now having, jurisdiction to order the same, IT IS ORDAINED AND ORDERED, as follows; 1. That the hereinafter described real property is unincorporated, uninhabited territory, contiguous to the north- westerly boundary of the City of Burlingame. 2. That said property, when annexed, shall be pro- portionately subject to all the burdens and obligations of said City and to enjoy all of the privileges and benefits now exist- ing at the date of said annexation. 3. That the said area shall be known as RAY PARK. 4. That the exterior boundaries of said area are herehy determined, established and defined as follows: All that certain real property situate in the County of San Mateo, State of California, and described as follows; PARCEL ONE: BEGINNING at a stone monument at the most northerly corner of Block 51, as said block is designated on the map entitled "MAP OF EASTON ADDITION TO BURLINGAME N7,,1BER 5", filed for record August 15, 1911, in Book 7 of Maps at page 46, Records of San Mateo County; thence in a general southwesterly direction, along the northwesterly line of said Subdivision, to the most norther- ly corner of Lot 15 in Block 1, as said lot and block are designated on the map entitled "MAP OF BURLINGHOME SUBDIVISION", filed for record September 27, 1915 in Book 9 of Maps at pages 49 and 50, Records of San Mateo County; thence in a westerly and southwesterly direction, along the northerly and north- westerly lines of said Block 1, to the most westerly corner of said block, which point is in a direct prolongation northwester- ly of the southwesterly line of Hoover (formerly Carlos) Avenue and is also in the northwesterly line of lands described in Deed from the Executors of the Estate of Frederick Kohl, Deceased, to Sisters of Mercy, a corporation, dated January 31, 1924, and recorded February 1, 1924, in Book 101 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 352; thence along the north- easterly and northwesterly line of said lands, the following courses and distances: North 540 551 00" West 57.75 feet; South 350 08} 00" West 78.96 feet; South 250 021 00" East 48.87 feet; South 510 19+ 00" West 73.11 feet;. South 400 021 00" East 36.15 feet; South 270 211 00" West 118.55 feet; South 70 421 00" East 55.80 feet; South 360 15, 00" West 43.78 feet; South 80 57t 00" East 68.24 feet; South 750 451 00" West 52.85 feet; and South 540 361 00" West 54.79 feet; thence leaving said north- westerly line, North 550 04, 49" West 1034.28 feet; North 370 201 54" East 534.25 feet; North 400 57T 50" East 466.10 feet; northeasterly on the are of a circular curve to the left, with a radius of 2000 feet, tangent to the preceding course and hav- ing a central angle of 120 57, 411r, an are distance of 452.44 feet; North 280 001 09" East 689.63 feet; North 370 491 36" East 855.20 feet and North 410 371 54" East 32.32 feet to the center line of the State Highway commonly known as El Camino Real; thence southeasterly along said center line, on the arc of a circular curve to the left, with a radius of 2220.02 feet, from a tangent which bears South 480 221 0611 East and having a central angle of 70 431 17", an arc distance of 299.17 feet; South 560 051 2311 East 1392.50 feet and southeasterly on the are of a curve to the right, with a radius of 10,556 feet, tangent to the pre- ceding course and having a central angle of 10 021 1811, an arc distance of 191.30 feet; thence leaving said center line, South 340 561 55" West 30.59 feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of the Mills Estate and containing 100.3 acres of which 1.4 acres lies within the westerly one-half of E1 Camino Real. PARCEL TWO: BEGINNING at a concrete monument at the most westerly corner of that certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by The Mills Estate Inc. to Milton S. Ray and Rose Carolyn Ray, his wife, by Deed recorded October 17, 1940, in Book 922 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 259 and running thence along the southwesterly line of said parcel, South 550 041 4911 East 1034.28 feet to the most southerly corner of said lands; thence leaving last said line and up the center of a canyon, along the north- westerly line of lands conveyed to Sisters of Mercy, a corpora- tion, by Deed dated January 31, 1924 and recorded February 1, 1924 in Book 101 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 352, South 540 361 West 4.63 feet; North 780 081 West 49.94 feet; North 730 291 West 121.86 feet; South 410 471 West 72.50 feet; South 380 241 West 66.50 feet; South 640 291 West 106.05 feet; South 370 321 West 54.52 feet; South 610 291 West 73.40 feet; South 300 051 West 84.73 feet and South 430 281 West 125.74 feet; thence leaving said canyon and along the northeasterly bank of an intersecting canyon, North 500 321 West 253.35 feet; South 760 181 West 36.0 feet; North 460 451 West 35.80 feet; North 870 591 West 72.0 feet; North 820 541 West 64.50 feet; North 700 371 West 66.30 feet; South 700 461 West 38.30 feet; North 700 351 'Vest 65.0 feet; North 550 231 West 41.32 feet; West 56.25 feet; thence leaving said canyon bank: North 40 431 50" East 340.0 feet and North 430 451 1511 East 503.52 feet to the point of he - ginning. Being a portion of the Mills Estate and containing 13.214 acres, more or less. PARCEL THREE: BEGINNING at a concrete monument at the most westerly corner of that certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by the Mills Estate Inc. to Milton S. Ray and Rose Carolyn Ray, by Deed re- corded October 17, 1940 in Book 922 of Official Records at page 259, Records of San Mateo County, California, and running from said point of beginning, North 330 331 East 687.00 feet; thence North 400 371 1011 East 805.00 feet to a point on the north- westerly line of the hereinabove mentioned parcel of land and thence along said northwesterly line South 280 011 10" West 40.00 feet to a concrete monument; thence 451.85 feet south- westerly on the are of a curve to the right, the radius of which curve is 2000 feet, to a concrete monument; thence South 400 571 5011 West 466.05 feet to a concrete monument and thence South 370 201 5411 West 534.25 feet to the point of beginning. Being portion of the lands of the Mills Estate and containing 1.210 acres, more or less. Total Area to be annexed: Parcel One......... 100.3 acres Parcel Two......... 13.214 acres Parcel Three....... 1.2.10 acres il�4acres 5. It is further ordained that the annexation of said territory be, and the same is hereby approved, and it is further ordained that this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon the expiration of thirty days from the date of passage hereof, and immediately upon its becoming effective, the Clerk of said City, she being the Clerk of this Council, shall make, under the Seal hereof, and transmit to the Secretary of State of the State of Calif omia, a certified copy of this Ordinance, giving the date of its passage, and that from and after the date of the filing of said document in the Office of the Secretary of State, the annexation of such territory so pro- posed to be annexed, and described herein, shall be deemed to be and shall be complete, end thenceforth such annexed territory shall be to all intents and purposes a part of the City of Burlingame, a municipal corporation." Section Two. This Ordinance shall be published once in the Burlingame Advance - Star, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Burlingame, and hereby designated by said Council for said purpose. Introduced the 20th day of October, 1941, and adopted by the City Council on November 3rd, 1941, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Burrows -Coleman -Hunt -McDonald Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: Buck VICE --PAYOR. ATTEST: CITY C1.i+1?