HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0361ai" f 1-w o=a1T1I0'CE :'O. 361 _JJ OpliI IT7' , , 1 llI- 0 3 9CTIC-- 3 02 C- C 1:O. 16 r .7 CITY OF 11Tr.. -I'C3, L.1;11,I, _... T L IC I1.1 I� ST_iT]-TS 01.' ;I ?' Lt:3 IJ ID CITY. The City Council of the City of nurling_une does ordain as follcvrs: Section 1. Section of Ordinance 'o. 16 of the Cit, o£ Hurlir.ga:ae is nerebr a:vended to read as follcvTs. Section It shall be unlawful to place, or cause to be placed, on any rnxblic-way, strut or sidewal:c, or for ' he person ovminc, occupying or ]is.vinr; control of an, r nra, .ises to place or suffer to remain upon the sdevrall:, next to such Premises, anything which shall obstruct the free passage of any portion of such street or sides=wall:; provided, however, that this regulation shall not apply to lighting fixtures er Yrater hydrants erected b/ permission of the City Council, or ormm ental trees planted along the outer line of the sidewallz and within the curb, and barriers for the protection of the sane, and other trees maintained by permission of the City Council, nor to materials used in the construction or repair of any building during the existence of any permit issued b/ the Building Inspector; and provided further that -the regulations of this Section shall not apply to the receipt, delivery or removal of Froods, wares or merc'Aandise bet+,veen the hours of six o'clock in the afternoon and nine o'clock on the following m.o rnin p: ; Section 2. This Ordinance shall be published in the Burlingmne Advarce-: tar in the ..canner and ti:: -ie prescribed by law. INT:,ODTTICED this 6th day of Januar,/, 1941, and adopted or. the 20th day of January, 1941, by the follovrin^ vote: AYT33: Councilmen: BUCK - BURROWS - COLEMAN - HUNT - MCDONAID roO?S: Councilmen 0, NONE ,MYT: Council_1en S NONE Z5 G ATT >sI : sK