HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0360ORDII+'i rC IIO. .3k k7J Ck'il,�i_-1`Ct i":`�ciC *SSIlm n: r_jiL.';,`iI01 � :0': 1^lE PH' 7`1'1TICI 0:' 1''lu_;S itl 1i1i1'� L'IT_ , LI1'.S «rill PI':OY'-1R^_Y: The Cit,, Council of the City of Burlingame d_ces ordain as ollcw7: Section 1. DT'I?dI'PIUi S. Por the purposes oi' t' is crdinruTc� rert�-in ter, -.,s t's.-rein used shall be defined ras follows: (a) AF?T:C)TTD. `fherever ap:roved ;,et-hcds or apparatus are provided for in this ordino.nce it shall mean approved b;; the Fire Chief. (b) Ii'FLii: A3LE' LInIIID. Any liquid 'Vit`, n `'ash point below 167 docre:s F,Zhrenheit closed cup tester. Ther- ..a1i be certain class- ifications oY' said liquid as follow-, to -crit: Class L .iny such liquid of s: flash point of 25 donor's rahroni:.eit or loss, closed cap tester. Class 2. Any such liquid with c. flash point above 25 degrees ani boloer 70 dogre.s Fahrenl.eit, closed cup tester. Class 3. Any such liquid ,+,-ith a flash point above that of class 2 and below 137 de�,rcen F -S renheit, closed cup tester. Class 3-A. Any such liquid with a flash point above that of class 2 .nd below 100 dagreos 1.'cLnreni>eit, closed cup tester. Class ..my such liquid with a, flc.s:i point above theao_^ class 3-A end b•nlow 1B7 dep;rces Fahrenheit cicsedz cu'n t,�st>r. Section. 2. «PYI,ICr.TICQ":'S FOR PF,i1._`ITS. (a) APPLIC;iT'I'CT. ETforc any person, fins or ooroorati.on shall ':eep, store or use an/ article or 5ubstr,nce for -.h:ich a pennit is required as specified in this ordinance, application to tine Fire Chief for e, perr..it the=refor si:all be trade. Such apolicstien shall be in trriting, and sh^.11 specif ✓ -the n;uno of %n,� ^n elicant, the location of the prcr,.ises, the quantity and char Iter of subst-races to be kept, stored or used, tho i.se to -c� _ ad^ of same, the size, cr.n city and construction of any t -uv: or t:.rics to be used, send withth, location thereof with reference to adjacent buildings or properly lines. All applications for ,ienaits 'or the construction of puinping or (;ravity type oil 'burninrr, sys=,,e:s and jnstullation systems (2) of Class 1, 2, and 3 ligt;ids, shall be accompanied by a ,,2.50 inspection fee. No fees shall be charged of the United States, the State of California, or the City, or any school district, but an application must be filed in all cases. The ner;aits referred to and required by this Ordinance shall be in addition to permits required b;; other city ordinances. Section 3. PE-Hi.IT REQMIRD. Excopt as heroinaft­r specified, a perr.:it shall be required for the storage and handling of aq_uanti y of Class 3-B liquid.;, in excess of twenty-five (25) gallons, inside any build- ing, and fifty (50) gallons outside any building; and for the storage and handlinrl of Classes 1, 2 and 3-A liquids in excess of one gallon, hll storage shall be in approved riet!`_1 containers, except when stored in original sos.led containers. All Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 liquids shall be stored in approved cont..iners. I?o Class 1, 2 or 3 liquids shall be kept or stored in any school house or building used for religious, amusement or other public assemblagcs. Permits shall be issued without a fee. (a) If the application is for a permit to keep or store Class 1, 2 or 3-.'; liquids in nuz�antities not pre -.ter t1ran eleven hm.dred (1.100) gallons, or Class 3-B liquids or crude oil, petroleuri or fuel oil in quantities not greater than fi;'te-^n. hundred (1500) gallons, the Fire Chief shall investi- gate the application and if on such investigation 49 shall find that the app7icart has complied with all the requirements im.00sed by this Code and that the.keeping, storing; and using of said articles or substznces or the erection, construction, installation, operation or maintenance of said system, plant, device or apparatus will be sc.fe for life and prq_,erty, he shall gr_nt a permit therefor to such apr,)licant. (b) If the application is for a penf;it to keep or store Class 1, 2 or 3-A liquids in quantities areo:ter than eleven hundred (1100) gallons or Class 3-B liquids or crude oil, )otroleuu or fuel oil in qurm" ities greater than fifteen hundred (1500) gcalons, the armlication shall be accompanied by plans showing the character anal location of the building, (J) and the size, capacity/ and construction of i:he t:.rd: to be used and the location thereof with respect to adjacent build ftgs, property lines, water or strecuns. ".Ther.- application ig for above ground t;. s, it shall also be accomnar.ied by plans and specifications for retaining, wells in connection rith said tame or t:nics, lill such plrxs and specifications shall be deemed an essential part of said application. Said application, to -other with a fall and complete report upon the Fire Chisffs investigations thereof �+nd any recoirn:_endations that he may deem necessar_f for the safety of life and property shall be presented to the City Planning. Conasission, which may rake further investigations or recorvnendations that it may deem necessr.ry for the safety of life <,nd property, and shall present said application, to- gether with att.;.cl.ed reports and recorunendations, to the City Council. If the Council shall Find that the application has complied with all -requirements imposed by this ordinance and that 'he heaping, storing or using of said articles or substances or the erection, con- struction, installation, operation or .maintenance of said system, plant, device or apparatus will be safe for life and property, it may grant �. permit therefor to such applicant, and raav ir..pose such conditions or restrictions upon the use thereof as it shall deem oxpedient. Section d. TANKS FGR TiNDr,?_GROTJ*?D STORAGE. Tanks buried under- ground shall fav- the top of the tank no less than t;vo feet below the surface of the ground, and below the level of any pining to which the tank may be connected, except that, in lieu of the tivo feet coverrage, tanks may be buried under ground with 12 inmhes of earth and cover of reinforcod concrete at least six inches in thickness provided, which shall extcrd at least one foot beyond the outline of tanlz in all directions, ^ucii concrete cover to be placed on e firn yell t.aaped eart'r! foundation. ':;here ecessary to prevent floating, tanks shall be securely anchored or weighted. (a) 71hero a t-Anh cornot be ntirely buried, it shall be covered over Or th e:.,._•+,h to a depth of at lrc.at tern _feet with a slope o:r. all sides not steeper than one and OY.e-:1O.1f feet horizontal to one foot Vertio-^I. Tanis shall be constructed of galvanized st"cl, open hearth steel or v�rour,i iron of a thickness not less than that specified in the follo-Vrin? table: Table -o. 4 C 2v.an pc' o lt'J ) (gallons) �U. S. Std 1 to 285 16 (U. S. Std.) 286 to 560 1'= (II. S. Std.) 561 to 1100 12 (ti. S. Std.) All tanks under 7 gauge shall be g .lv::nized. Sectio: E RnjJI- ,.77,.TS FOR PIP11TG, All piping^, used in syst r. s for storing infl2,,:,eO,le liquids snri.11 be of full -geight zvroui ht iron, steel or brass for worl.,.in. pressures less than 100 pounds per square inch, extra-. heav- pipe and fittings sh-all be inch internal diai.:eter shall be used. Out - used. 1Co pipe less than side piping shall be protected ag--inst mechanical in, -Try vrhen within five feet of ground level. Inside piping shall be rigidly supported. piping used in connections with self-me-tsurinr cmLps shall be galvan- ized. All joints shall be sing joints, connected with litl:art-e e.nd glycerine, orange shellac, or other approved materials. All pipes small lead out of th.e ton of the tr.nk and connections shall be throu,_h r. flar,go securely riveted, welded or bolted to the t-cnk. and made thoroughly tigrt. Section 6. PIPtt G SsU3T Di II: TO TAl?31 ' d a'? L?i; C'cOt.'.P'.L. 1 .ere underground tanks are used, all pipes carrying inflarmtable liquids, except in dry cla-nin(; establishments, sl -r-.11 pitch to'rmrd t�.niks '"dth- out any traps or pockets c;.nd shall enter t nl_s at the top. Section 7. PIP -s] ll7 CI :SS 1, 2 AliD 3 LIQUIDS I1. 00,"S C0I1- Tali:IfG OYF' ='Lli %S. Pipinm c&rr,in, Class 1, 2 ar.d 5 liquids, ui}less , ititout ,joints or connections, r all not e -tend throu c any roo;a which contains any open flame or li[rht. section 8. LEA, ly PIPI7G. Defective and le .1-inF� piping shall be (d) rruadc tight i:anediatoly or roplacod. J3C'1,317 9. 177"T '7-0ST07LL77_1 _.. KS. All storage tart:., shall be fitted -with a vent zine not less than one inch in ?i�c,:.etnr, -ckich shall e.fond uo outside an-" buil'.in- to c height not les- than ten feet above the adjoining- ground. Said vent gine shall be properly connected with such storage ts.n'_-s, :nd shall terminate not less thwn three feet, measured horizontally and vertically, .fro;a any windOV; or othor building opening or Leader, all tanks shall be separately vented. Such instal- lations shall also include a filling, pipe, which shall e-:t0n.d un to the ground level omd which shall be capped with a mater --tight scrow cap wade of brass andinc,-..sad in a sideTralk casing box. SECTIO-; 10. IT?SFrCTIT 13EF3H_E COVERING. Before any installa- tion is covered from si;-;ht, a notification in rariting shall be given the =ire Chief, ,rho shell, within forty-eight hours after the receipt of such notification, inspect the installation and gave his vrritten approval or disapproval thereof. Sr3CTI0P1 Il. :DOVrGHOL11TD STO1 i G^ T, YKS. Tanbcs for above (;round storage of inflanunable liquids shall be provided .Tith enclosing or diversion walls, dikes, curbs or drainaTe facilities -thioh grill effectively prevent flow of such inflammable liquids. Such walls, dikes, curbs or drainage facilities shall be designed to control up to 1000/o of the capacit-,r of the tank or tanks so protedted and shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. If the tan]-: or tanks contain or are intend -gid to contain crude oils or other liquids w1lich have a tendency to boil over,the space inside of the :galls, dikes or curbs s':imll have a capacity of not less than 1200/o of the volume, of such tank or tanks, and shall be constructed with a suitable coping or deflector projecting inward and properly constructed to rninirnize the effect of a "boilover" ,crave. '''alts surrounding crude oil t^.nks shall be of reinforced concrete not less than thirty (30) inches in height and in other respect must conform to the rules, regulations and specifications of the National 3oard of Fire Underariters. Tanks more than one foot abova the ground shall have foundations and supports of non-combustible :materials, except that wooden cushions rrzy be used. 1`io combustible r:.aterial shall be permitted under or ,Athir ten (10) (6) fest of any above ground storage tsnk. The loce.tion of all such above ground storage tanks, the specifications and material for their con- struction and for pipin and pumps, used in connection therewith, shall be such as is prescribed by the Fire Chief, or by the City Council. SECTION 12, STORc GiG, 'PASdKS _rjR GJ`JU.G.), 3PR�'IC'S' STATIONS, DAY - CL h^:I]'•;G ?>>Tr,'r: I3T-, =TTS ;d:D :°t PAiR ';_MPS. (a) Except as in this ordinance otherwise provided or speci- fied a nerrait shall be required for the storage of Class 1 and 2 liquids in excess of one gallon in approved metal container; and in excess of fifty (50) gallons in approved portable tank or buggy; and for the storage of Class 3 liquids in excess of five (5) g,%llcns vrhen in approved i,et,%l container. All other storage of Class 1, 2 and 3 liquids shall be in accordc,nce with this ordinance. (b) All storage tanks shall be placed in the spot designated by the Fire Chief. (c) Gasoline shall not be delivered into the tank of a motor vehicle -while the engine is running. (d) Sridcin? is prohibited in aiKr garage or service station and signs to that effect shall be conspi.euousl-.T posted and maintained. (e) It shall be unlawful to smoke or to light a match within ten feet of any gasoline nunp aa'r.ile, such pump is in operation. (£1 1''.o open flame or stove fire shall be alloyed. in. Amy room ;rhe re motor vehicle tanks or other containers are being filled 'rdth gasoline. (g) All waste and rubbish in any garc.re or service station shall be kept in rie a,1 r•^ceptacles :vith tight fitting covers. (h) The use of inflozMable liquids lrn+rer than 3-B for absorb- ing oil in any garage or service station is -prohibited. (i) Pdo artificial lights of any kind other than electricity shall be used for ill-aminatinr purposes in any garage or service station. S C^tI01? 13. G1�T3R%L STOPUGF. All Class 1, 2 and 3 liquids shall be stored at least tvro (2) fent frcri any- building, exc^nt that v:%nere the top of the 'ank is ajbove the lovrest floor, baseL,,ent, or cellar it shall (7) be locatod in accordance ,-dth the follovring table: Table NO. 5 Capacity 550 gallons, or less 2000 gallons, or less 5000 gallons, or less Distance 3 feet out 10 feet out 20 feet out Tanks shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 5 to 12 both ire hereof. To one tan!,: shall conto.in more than one thousand (1000) gallons except as hereinafter provided. Iiot more than five (5) tanks of Class 1, 2 and 3-A liquids aggregating five thousand (5000) gallons shall be stored for any one public garage, service station, dye urorks or clothes cleaning establishment. Not more than one tank of two hundred eighty (280) gallcns cap- acity shall be allovred as storage for any private garage. Said tank shall be installed only with the consent of the Fire Chief, except that vrhere any private garage is used by any person, fire: or corporation en- gaged in a commercial enterprise where the use of gasoline is necessary in such enterprise, storage tanks of more than two hundred eighty (280) gallons capacity shall be allowed, but not exceeding five hundred fifty (550) gallons capacity. here tyro or more tanks are inst�_lled they shall be separated by three (3) feet of earth or twelve (12) inches of brief: or concrete. No tank shall be connected to another so that gasoline can flow I rom one to the other. One storage tarIlc only may, vrith the consent of the Fire Chief, be installed for a private garage on private property. SnAd tank shall be at least tyro (2) feet from any building or structure or part there- of and be covered with at least taro (2) feet of earth. SECTION 14. STOPAGS Ti Ilii FT,3?3. All storage tc.nks shall be con- nected with an automatic closing valve pump vrhich may be insido the building not below the first floor. All pumps must be placed above the top o£ the i;c.nl:s. !;o grcvity, syphon or pressure systet:is shall be used for taking Class 1, 2, or 3-A liquids from a storage tank. A pump bearing the label of the Underwriters Laboratories and approved by the Fire Chief, shall be provided for each tank or series ive (8) .of inks for drawing Class 1, 2 and 3-A liquids from t m ks; and said pump may be located inside of the building, but not below; the ground floor level, and crhen located inside a building shall be near an exit or entrance. The class container type of pump shall not be installed inside a building or any type be inst&lled between curb line and property line. SECTION 15. OIL BURMIbiG 3YST�,P'S SFFCIFICATICES. Pao "person, firm or corporation shell construct, erect or maintain any plant or use any device or apparatus for burning crude oil, petroleum, or fuel oil for generating a gas therefrom for heating without first obtaining a permit in writing from the Fire Chief. All pumping oil burring systems shall be installed in accordance with the following, specifications: Tiziks shall be coat,,d with asphaltuu:, or other rust resisting material. All underground storage tanks shall be constructed of steel or wrought iron, of a minimum • auge (U. S. Strndard) in accordance with the following table: Capacity Minimum Gallons Gauge 1 to 285 16 gauge (U. `;. td.) 236 to 560 14 gauge U. 561 to 1100 12 gauge (U. S. Std.l 1101 to 4000 7 gauge (U. 3. Std.) All tan]cs shall be placed in D. location approved by the Fire Chief. The top of each tank located outside the walls of any building shall be at least two feet underground and the tan'_, shall be at least taro feet from the foundation vrall of the building; provided, however, that vrhere it is impossible to place a storage tan'_ under the sidowalk or in alley ways because of water ruins, sewers, concluits, or other obstructions, said tank, not in excess of 1500 gallor_s capacity, may be installed in the basement of buildings if the toP of s,.id tank be not less than two feet under the floor of the basement and covered with at least six inches of concrete. Every underground storage tank shall be at least one foot lower than the lowest pipe to which tho tank may be connected. All lines shall grade directly back from the burner to the tank. (g) All piping and pipe fittings shall be new galvanized. pine. Filling pipe not exceeding four inches in diameter shall be closed by a screw cap and must be ventilated by a pipe of not less than tiro inches in diameter extending not less than ten feet above the ground, pro- vided with returned vent. Tanks of 1000 gallons co.p^.city or less nay b e vented 1^with one inch pipe. All oil for fuel or gas purposes shall be pumped froy,: tkie storage tank to the burner. The suction pipe shall lead through the top of the tank and be provided with a shut-off valve nen.r the burning point in- dependent of any valve that is a past of the burner. The shells of the tanks shall be reinforced where connections are made s.nd all connections shall be tale through the ton of the tank. A manhole is to be provided for properl;r cleanine the tank :which must be closed above by a hinged and locked. cover and below at the top of the tank by a boiler plate cover, flanred ,nd screwed. The space thus formed must be filled -chile not in use with sacks of sand to prevent the accumulation of gas. The space between the retaining wall and tank must be filled with earth or sand so that no vapor can aocu':.ulatc. ""here the sidewalk is not escavataa. for basoraent use the top of all storage tanks roust be at least two feet below the sidewalk or ground level. The space between the top of then tank and the siduT,,lE= shall be filled with earth. '"Here the sidewalh is utilized for storage tank, shell be not less than two feet below the basemont floor. Space between the top of the tn.r1_ and basement floor shall be filled with earth, covered with a r.onerete floor not less than six inches in thickness. iiO storage tank shall be covered until an in- spection has been ,rade by the 'ire Chief. pipes supplying fuel oil to furnace or heating, device shall be equipped with a pressure Fuge and the ,yste- so arrrinF,^.d that fuel pressure does not qt any tine eacceed a safe'rror_in,2 pressure. K release valve shill 'oe provided to return the surplus fuel to the supply tank. (n) ;ranual operating electric tactors used in connection -with an in£larmiable liquid burning device should be controlled by a lover voltage manual operatin r,a7netic release s -::itch. A quick closing he%t actuated and k:1nd operating shut-off valve approved br the Fire Chief and operatin] at a temperature between 163 and 170 degre s Ta.hrenhoit shall be installed on the fuel lire near the burner, in a location ar_nroved b-✓ the Fire Chief. The burner and its appurtenances shall be of an ap_�roved type and shall be equipped with necessary safety devices, except that the hee,t actuatin<, valve may be elirairated when in the opinion of the Fire Chief it is not necessary. 370TIOP? 16, GRfiVI'_"- OIL 31MI-II?G SYS^_'?:°'S- (a) r1l2 ZOh?]S 1 n.nd 2. PFo gravity type oil burninE- systea shall be installed in Fire Zones 1 and 2 of the city except portable or unit type oil i=eaters approved by the ITationa.l Board of '''ire nderuriters; provided, also, that the fuel supply tants does not have a greater caoacitr than six (6) gallons, and that the fuel burned does not have a flash point belml, 135 decrees F. closed cup tester. (b) R✓SIDiIiTLIL DIS`11ICT. -, en located in a residential dis- trict, ;gravity type oil burning systems may be installed as follovrs: A 'written permit for said installation snall first be obtained from the Fire Chief. Galvanized oil tan' --s lint e:-coeding 300 gallons capacity con - strutted of not less t1 -An 15 gauge m'tal shall be used, said tanks to be placed rot lesa than rri.tilin Len fe'.-L- of g,Zy builu.ing when placed above ground. The supply pine of said tem]: to the burner shall not be larger than /o of a_n inch in dian^etcr. `Idhere the tan!: is located at a point i::ore than sixty i'ee from the burner, slirhtl: larger pipe :nar be used. Pipe shall Le 'i.tted ;itit shut—off valvo indeo-nd.ent of the )urner at the top and on both rid -.s of the building vial! through which it passes, and at the tank•. The tank ,stay be installod above or belo r ^,round and shall be placed on either brick, concrete or other non-combustible foundation. (a1) Provided, however, when possible to obtain a gravity flown the tank :hall be buried at least six inches underground and placed not less than thro^ feet from.the building. .The bottom of any tangy- shall not exceed 8 feet ahove the burner. if the tank is underground; valves at tank and outside the building gull shall :,ave an extension rod fasten- ed securely to the valve :nd emended up '.;o the ground surface with a handle ryewov:ed by the Fire Chief. Said rod to be protootod with at least a four inch casing; covered nith a metal cover above the valve. At the building =13 there s_"x:.11 be a .-.etal sign lettered "OIL ULM, such sign to hove 21 inch litters and be fastened securely to the building. A quiet closing heat e.ctuated hand oper Gine shut-off valve ap- proved by the sire Chief and onorating at a tomperoturn between. 150 and 170 degrees F. shall be installed on the fuel line near the burner in a location approved by the. :ire Chief. 3hCTIOIS 17. ELYMATIOP:i OF HAZARDS. 71-ionever any member of the fire department shall find in any building, or upon any proNises, combustible or explosive matter, or accumulations of waste paper, boxes or other in.£lammabls substances, which an- so situated or in such a condition as to constitute a lire menace, or shall Hind obstruc- tions to or on any _fire escape, exit, aisles. or stairs, passuFs xray, door or window liable to interfere with the onerations of the fire department or egress of occupants in case of fire, or shall find violations of this ordinance or other fire prevention ordinances of the city, he shall report some to the sire Chief without delay, and if found to be a represented, the Fire Chief shall case the owner or occupant to rnnovr the dangerous condition i_eedi-.tely. SECTIOU 18. DFr51CTIVS OR UPIA17 CUDIM07S. lenever, in the opinion of the sir* Chief, .ry building or stricture or portion there- of, or any appurtenance or 'i.xturc thereto, or any chir,oy, sa:oice stack, .stove, oven, incinerator, furnace or anything connected with, or upon, or in, any premises or buildinm, not suecifically mentioned in this ordinance which is doomed 0factive or unsafe so as to con- stituto a fire menace, the Fire Chief shall -iv; the owner or person having control of the property a notice of the requested alterations or renairs necessary -to render the s,ar.p safe from fire, and the said o..rer or person having control of the property must eor:-,ply therewith im'uediatoly. 3=1Z'1'I01, 19, 3TO %LG:E OF S;;iLA`;i?4_'3LT SIIBSTzHCFS. T o portion of any tenement 11OU81, aprLrt';nent T:oasc,=Lotel, lodTin,, house, roo4Ling house, t'hectre or Place of arausciaort or public assom.bly, nor the lot Or! r'iich the s•.rae is situated, shall ever be used as a Place of storing, keeping, or handling of any explosive inflammable oils, ha�r, straw, excelsior, paper stock, feathers, rags, acid, or inflanl'-r?.ble substance. SECTIO17 20. 03STY.tiCTIOP?S IT11ISo, =I1OF FASS G iiYS. I7.1 aisles, pass.eemrays, corridors and exits of all places of public sser olage shall be '_ept free from calm) stools, chairs, sofas, dra,aeries, and other obstructions, iind no 'oerson shall be allowod to stand in or occupy any of such aislos, passage ways, corridors, or exists during eny performance. T10 obstruction of ar_y hind that will hindor or block access or ep,ress of occupants or persons, or would interfere with the operation of the Fire Department, shall be permitted on any fire excape, or in any hallway, passa^e way, stairway, i.lrindow, doorway, alley or driveway, in or on any premises in the tits!. S3C'TICF 21. FL1311 LIC -HT P'_iOTOGRnPi1S. 110 flashliF,ht photograph shall be token in any theatre, '.':Lotion ricturo house or other plane of public assemblage, while persons are assembled therein, unless all such persons are first notified of the fact that such picture is about to be taken. 37CTI0T1 22. IEFU,i.! 10-I B V^sG71Td'"IOT1. 110 person, fir L or corporation ozrning, having, charge of or control of any lot or promises in the city either as owner, lessee, tenant or othenaiso small perinit or allow dry we �d.s, dry gross or othar in_lazrsble ve[;etation to remain or exist anon such lot or preeraises to a heieht of pore than three inches within ten fcet of any building, fent- or other structure composed of combustible -materials or of any hedge, trio or other like inflam^.,L%bTP substance. T;henever, in the oninion of the Fire Chief, any debris, crass, -ue•ds, brush or other plant mrowth on any property in the city constitutes a fire menace, he shall notify the ovmer, agent, or occupant or person havin,T control of such lot or premises to remove the same. S^CTIC-N 28. This ordinance sh^.11 be published in. the "BurlinEram_e Advance -Star" in the n nner and for the time prescribed by lair. Introduced this 6th_day of January, 1941, and duly and regularl'v passed this 20th day of .ra¢llaPy._,, 1941, by the following vote: Ay LS: Councilren: BUCK - BURROWS - COLMUN - HUNT - MODON= HOTS: Councilmen: NONE Council^iene NONE ATT ' T : Mayor jf, 2