HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0398ORDINANCE NO. .3 v/,f AN ORDINANCE AMEY ING SECTION 402 07 TUF ORDINANCE CODE OF TTIR CITY OF BUFLTNGAP.F, GIVING TO TATE CITY E?,TgT7 ER CONTFOL OF ALL PUBLIC WORKS; OUTLITTTATG HIS DTT7T S AS SUCu IAT RELATTON TO THE CITY RATER DFP,,=]1?E7T, THE DEP`hT1fFNT OF PUBLIC PARES, STREETS AND SEWERS DEPART11,7ENT, BUILDING INSPECTOR, PURCHASING AGENT; STATING HIS DUTIES AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS AND PARTS OF SEC- TIONS OF THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAIVIE IN CONFLICT T' FREWTTH The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: Section 1. Section No. 402 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended by making the City Engineer the head of the Department of Public "Yorks, giving him super- vision and control of the City 'dater Department, the Park nenart- ment, Streets and Sewers Department, Building Inspector, and Purchasing Agent, so that as amended said Section 402 Shall read as follows: SECTION NO. 402 CTTY ENGINEER The City Engineer shall attend to and carry out all duties appertaining to general municipal engineering, and shall attend to all special assessment proceedings and carry on in all work generally performed by a municipal engineer. He shall also be the supervisor and director of all Denart- ments of Public ',Yorks in the City as herein specified, to wit: A. He shall have supervision and direction of all work relating to grading, paving, cleaning, lighting and repairing of streets and sidewalks; the building and repairing of sewer and storm drains; the disposal of sewage, garbage and rubbish. He shall also act as the Superintend- ent of Streets of the City. B. He shall also have supervision and control of all work in connection with and relating to the Water Denartment of the City. C. He shall also have supervision and control of all work in connection with and relating to all City parks, squares, public grounds and buildings. - 2 - D. The office and duties of the Building Inspector as defined in this code shall be under the supervision and direction of the City Engineer. E. He shall act and perform the duties of Purchasing Agent for the City as the same are defined in the Ordinance Code of the City. F. He shall be the custodian of all City maps, plans, profiles, field notes and other City records apper- taining to his office with the indices thereof, and shall turn them over to his successor who shall. give a duplicate receipt therefor, one of which shall be filed with the City Clerk. A.11 work done or made by the City Engineer or under the direction of the City Engineer in connection with the duties of his office, including maps, plans, and memoranda shall be the property of the City. Section 2. The provisions of all ordinances or parts of or- dinances or of the Ordinance Code of the City now in effect re- lating to the matter set forth in Section T of this ordinance, inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are to that extent hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- aency measure and shall take effect immediately upon its adop- tion. The emergency consits in the fact that due to the war conditions existing at this time and the great lack and scarcity of labor and manpower to carry on the several functions of the City Government. it is necessary to co-ordinate public works departments under one control.. Section 4. This ordinance shall be published once, accord - inn to law in the Burlingame Advance - Star, a newspaper of general circulation published in this City. The foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on June 21, 1943, and was adop- ted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on July 6, 1943, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: BURROWS—COLEMAN—DAHL—HUNT—BOTH NOES: COUNCILMEN: Xing ?BSENT COUNCILMEN: NONE ATTEST CITY ��� :� Deputy idly G Ir JUL 7 1943 IN OFFICE OF C-liY OF UUALINGAME