HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0394ORDINANCE N0. _3Z'{ ORDINANCE DECLARING EMERGENCY AND MilENDING TAE ORDINANCE CODE OF TFE, CITY OF BURLINGAI;IE BY ADDING THERETO A Iv EW SECTION, TO BE NL11BERED 1276.1, NIAFIN G UNLAWFUL THE TRESPASS UPON, OR INTERFERING WITH, OR STEALING FROM ANY "VICTORY" GARDEN OR ORCTEARD. WHEREAS an emergency exists by reason of war -time con- ditions now prevailing which have diminished the national and local food supplies; and WEEREAS, as a part of the war program, the development, cultivation and maintenance of "Victory" or any other vegetable gardens or orchards is being encouraged and fostered as a means of increasing the national and local food supply; and WHEREAS the efficient operation, maintenance, and use of such "Victory" or other vegetable gardens or orchards located in the City of Burlingame will be impeded by unauthorized acts of persohs who steal from, damage, or trespass upon the same; NOW, ThEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain; Sec. 1. FINDING OF EMERGENCY. This ordinance is passed as an emergency measure, and the City Council does by the vote of the members by which this 9 ordinance is passed, hereby declare that an emergency exists, which makes it imperative that this ordinance shall become effect- ive forthwith, the nature of said emergency being as follows.. Wartime conditions have created not only a national but a local shortage of food for the residents of the City of Burlingame, so that it is necessary to protect the pub;ie health and promote the general welfare by encouraging and protecting the raising of vegetables and fruits by making this ordinance effective immediately. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be published once in the Burlingame Advance - Star, a newspaper of general circulation published in said city and shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Sec. 3. That the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended and revised by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 1276.1 which shall read and pro- vide as follows, to -wit: Sec. 1276.1 ®® DAMAGING GARDENS OR ORCHARDS. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter into or upon any enclosed or unenclosed "Victory" or other vegetable garden or orchard, or land under cultivation, without the consent of the owner or tenant thereof, or to out down, injure, damage, -f„OW destroy, eat or carry away ^any portion of any such garden or orchard or land under cultivation, any crop, tree, shrub, plant, grass, seed, soil, fertilizer, water supply, tool, implement, fence, or any protective device, or anything useful for the developments cultivations maintenance and use of the said garden or orchard, or land under cultivation. The foregoing ordinance was duly introduced at a regulars s meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame Held on April 13, 194'3, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Coleman - Burrows - Hunt - Dahl Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen Roth ATTEST: CIl CLERK