HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0417ORDINANCE NO. il'/ % AN ORDINANCE AMEEDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME BY REPEALING ARTICLE 28 THEREOF AND ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE 28 REGULATING THE USE AND OPERATION OF TAXICABS UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF BURLIIIGAME: PROVIDITdG FOR DRIVERS PERMITS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS AND TO GRANT OR DENY APPLICATIONS FOR 07NER'S PERMITS TO OPERATE TAXICABS: REGULATING THE RATES OF FARES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE USE OF TAXICABS: PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATING ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT BEREWITH. The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: Sbetion 1. Article 28 0£ the Ordinance Code of the City of. Burlingame is hereby repealed and a new Article 28 is hereby adopted, which said Article shall read as follows: ARTICLE 28 REGULATING TAXICABS SECTION 1437 - DEFINITIONS TAXICAB - A taxicab is hereby defined to be a motor -propelled passenger carrying vehicle of a distinctive color or colors and which is of such public appearance as is customary for taxicabs in common usage in this country, and which is operated at rates per mile or upon a waiting time basis or both, and which is equipped with a taximeter, and which motor -propelled vehicle is used for the transportation of passengers for hire over and along the public streets, not over a defined route, but as to route and destination, in accordance with, and under the direction of the person hiring such vehicle. TAXIMETER - A Taximeter is hereby defined to be a mechanical evice--aTtached to a vehicle for hire, by means of which device, the authorized charge for hire of such vehicle is mechanically calculated on the basis of distance traveled, or for waiting time, or a combination of both, which charges shall be indicated upon such mechanical device, by means of figures in dollars and cents. CITY - The term City as used herein is defined to be the City of urlingame. STAND - Stand is herein defined to be a place designated for the use, while awaiting employment, of the particular motor -propelled passenger -carrying vehicles authorized to utilize the same. - 1 - Article 28, Section 1437, Definitions, (continued) DRIVER Driver is herein defined to be every person in charge of, or operating, any passenger carrying motor -propelled vehicle as herein defined, either as owner or employee or under the direction of owners or employees. OYINER - Owner is herein defined to be every person who in any manner has the proprietary use, ownership or cnntrol of any passenger -carrying motor -propelled vehicle. - 2 - SECTION 1438 - CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC 0OAND NECESSITY REQUIRED. {a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business; of operating any taxicab in the City of Burlingame without first having obtained from the City Council a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. All persons applying for such certificate shall file with the Council a verified application which shall set forth: (1) Name and address of person making application. (2) If, at the time of making application, such person is actually operating a taxi service in the City of Burlingame, the number of taxicabs owned and operated therein by the applicant. (3) The number of vehicles for which a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity is desired. t4) The make, type, year of manufacture and passenger seat- ing capacity of each taxicab for which application for i a certificate is made. (5) The make and type of taximeter intended to be installed in each taxicab for which application for a certificate is made. (6) A description of the proposed color scheme, insignia, or any other distinguishing characteristics of the taxicab. (7) Such other information as the City Council may require. (b) Upon filing of the fully completed application for the Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience, the City Clerk shall fix the time for a public hearing thereon before the City Council for the purpose of determining whether the public convenience and necessity require the proposed taxicab i service. No certificate shall be granted until the Council shall, after the hearing, declare by resolution that the public convenience and necessity require the proposed taxicab service. - 3 - 3ection 1438, continued c) Notice of the time and place of the public hearing before the City Council shall be published twice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City; the second publication to be not more than five (5) days before the hearing; and the cost of the publication to be at the expense of the applicant. d) In determining whether public convenience and necessity require the taxicab service for which the application is made, the City Council shall investigate and consider: (1) The demand of the public for additional taxicab service. (2) The adequacy of the existing taxicab service. (3) The financial responsibility and experience of the applicant. (4) The number, make and type of the equipment and. the color scheme to be used. (5) The effect which additional taxicab service may have on traffic congestion and parking and whether it will result in a greater hazard to the public. e) If the City Council shall,'by liesolution, declare th9t public convenience and necessity require the additional taxicab service, a certificate to that effect shall be issued to the persons entitled thereto; provided the City Council may in its discretion determine the character and number of permits to be granted not exceeding ten; provided further that no certificate authorized hereunder shall be issued to any person who shall not have fully complied with all the necessary requirements of this Ordinance. f) The provisions of this section shall not affect the number of taxicabs operating with valid permits on the effective date hereof. 4 Section 14380 continued (g) Every owner operating a taxicab under permission of the City Council prior to the effective date of this Ordinance shall be presumed to have established prima facie evidence of publi convenience and necessity for the licensing of his taxicabs actually in operation, and the City Council, upon written application received by it not later than 15 days after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall grant a certificate to such owner for such taxicabs. (h) If the service permitted hereunder is for any reason dis- continued for a period of 45 days, the certificate granted shall be automatically cancelled and shall be restored only in accordance with the provisions of this section. 'i) If an owner sells or transfers title to a taxicab for which a certificate has been issued, or in the event a taxicab for which a certificate has been issued, has been destroyed, he isj entitled, as a matter of right, upon written application to the Council made within 15 days after such sale, transfer or destruction, to have a new certificate issued, but for no greater number than sold, transferred or destroyed, and provided such owner has complied with all the provisions off this Ordinance. i j) The City Council may at any time revoke or suspend the certificate granted: (1) If the owner's record is unsatisfactory. (2) If the owner fails to operate taxicabs in accordance with the provisions of this. Ordinance. (3) If the or,ner discontinues or suspends operation of taxicabs for a period of 45 days without permission first had and obtained. (4) If taxicabs are operated at a rate of fare other than that approved by the City Council. 5 -- Section 1438, continued (k) All certificates which shall have been suspended or revoked by the City Council, shall -be surrendered to the City Clerk, and the operation of all taxicabs covered by such certifi- cates shall cease and be unlawful. Any owner who shall retire and not replace any taxicab for a period of 45 days, shall immediately surrender to the City Clerk the certificate granted for such taxicab. - 6 - SECTIO; 1439 — PATES OF FARE (a) It shall be unlawful for any owner or driver to operate any taxicab in the City of Burlingame unless and until such vehicle is equipped with a taximeter of such type, otyle and design as may be approved by the Chief of 'Police, and it shall i be the duty of every owner operating a taxicab to maintain such taximeter in perfect condition so that it will at all times correctly and accurately indicate the correct charge for the distance traveled and westing time; and such taximeter shall be at all times subject to inspection of the Chief of Police; and he is hereby authorized at his instance or upon complaint of any person to investigate or cause the taximeter j to be investigated, and upon discovery of any inaccuracy in said taximeter, to remove or cause the same to be removed, and not be used until it shall have been correctly adjusted. (b) Taxicabs not equipped with meters operating in the City of Burlingame at the effective date of this Ordinance shall be equipped as soon as delivery can be obtained. tinder no condition shall the date of installation of said meters be more than 180 days from the effective date of this Ordinance. (c) Every taximeter shall be equipped so as to register the owt of transportation of passengers in the City and tYn taximeter shall be so placed in the taxicab that the reading dial showing the amount to be charged may be readily seen by the passengers in the taxicab. It shall be unlawful for any owner, d rive, or operator of a taxicab in the City to charge any sum in excess of the amount shown on said dial for conveyance in said taxicab. — 7 — Section 1439, continued I(d) It shall be unlawful for a taxicab driver while carrying passengers to display the flag or the device attachedto the taximeter in such position as to denote that the vehicle is for hire or to cause the taximeter to record when the vehicle is not actually employed or to fail to cause the device on the taximeter to be placed into a I, non -recording position at the termination of each and p every service. l(e) It shall be unlawful for the owner or driver of any taxicab i Oil in the City to fix, charge or collect for service a rateln.� it less than the following: (1) F'or the first mile and one-third of a mile - 50 cents. (2) For each additional one-third of a mile - 10 cents. !I (3) 6'hen carrying passengers whose point of destination is different, the meter shall be turned back to the "for hire" position each time a passenger is dis- charged and a fare collected. li (4) For each niece of luggage in excess of two average size traveling bags, or their equivalent in size, 10 cents each. (5) or waiting, ten cents for each two minutes of waiting time. (a) P SECTION 1440 - LUJJI TBJTI ,II CE All public passenger vehicles for hire shall be under tIB supervision and control of the Chief of -Police, and he shall not permit any driver to operate any taxicab in the City, while same or any equipment used thereon, or therewith, shall be unsafe, defective or unsanitary condition, and every taxicab shall be at all times subject to the inspection of any police officer of the City. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and directed to revoke and cancel, without rorevious notice, any roermit granted hereunder, whenever an owner or driver violates any of the provis;_ons of this Ordinance. The owner of th e permit thus revoked may, within 10 days thereafter, appeal from suc)s order of revocation to the City Council, who shall, after due notice to the owner, hear and determine the matter and their decision therein, shall thereupon become final. Any person whose permit is thus revoked shall not be eligible to apply for another for a period of one year from the date of such revocation. - 9 - SECTIO1r 1441 - OPEI;_ITI <G=;p,GULiTIOXS (a) Any driver employed to transport passengers to a definite point shall take the most direct route that will take the passengers to their destination safely and expeditiously. (b) If reouested, every driver shall give a receipt upon payment of the correct fare. In case of a dispute the matter shall be determined by the officer in charge at the Police Station. failure to comply with such determination shall subject the offending party to a charge of misdemeanor. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, except where credit is extended, to refuse to pay the lawful fare, as fixed herein, for the use of any taxicab, after hiring the same. (d) It shall be unlawful for any driver, operating under a permit issued pursuant to the terms of this Ordinance, to refuse, when the vehicle is in service and not otherwise engaged, to transport any person who presents himself for carriage in a sober and orderly manner and for a lawful purpose. - 10 - SECTION 1442 - TAXICAB DRIVERS - PERMITS (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive a taxicab in the City of Burlingame without having first obtained written permission to do so from the Chief of Police. To secure such permission, a written application must be filed with the Chief of Police and accompanied by a deposit of -Five Dollars 05.00) to cover the cost of a badge to be issued and conspicuously worn by the permittee during all working hours. Such badge shall not be transferab,-e. (b) The Chief of Police shall not issue a permit and must revoke a permit theretofore granted: (1) If the applicant is under 21 years o age; or (2) If the applicant is not a citizen of the United States; or (3) If the applicant has not resided in the City of Burlingame for 30 days immediately prior to filing his application; or (4) If the applicant does not possess a valid chauffeur°s license issued by the State of California; or (5) I£ the applicant is a reckless driver or has been convicted of reckless driving or driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquors or narcotics; cr (6) If the applicant is guilty or has been convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude; or (7) If the applicant is not a fit and proper person to drive a taxicab; ar (6) If the applicant violates any provisions of this Ordinance. (c) 'Upon satisfying the foregoing requirements, the applicant shall be finger -printed, and his record filed in the offiice of the Police Department, and thereupon a permit shall be issued which permit shall be fixed in a conspicuous place in the taxicab so as to be seed from the pa ssenger's compartment, and which said permit shall set forth the name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the taxicab. - 11 Section 1442, continued (d) If a driver changes his employment to a different owner, he shall, within 24 hours thereafter, notify the Chief of Police for the purpose of having his driver's certificate changed so as to properly designate the name of the new employer. (e) 'd;hen issued, the driver's permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance, unless the same has been revoked for any of the causes herein set forth. The driver, in making application for a renewal of his W rmit, shall follow the same procedure as set forth in making his original application, except he shall not be required to pay the badge deposit, be finger printed or furnish photographs. He shall pay'the fee of One Dollar (.1.00) for the issuance of the renewal permit. _12- SECTIOD! 1443 — PUBLIC LIABILITY (a) It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator to drive or operate a taxicab or cause the same to be driven or operated in the City of Burlingame, and no license for the operation thereof shall be granted unless and until there is on file with the City Clerk, and in full force and effect at all times while such taxicab is being operated, a policy of insurance approved by the City Attorney, with a solvent and responsible company authorized to do business in the ,State of California, insuring the owner of such taxicab (giving the manufacture number and state license number) against loss by reason of injury or damage that may result to persons or property from the negligent operation or defective construction of such taxicab, or for any other cause. Said policy may be limited to X5,000.00 for the injury or death of one person and $10,000.00 for the injury of two or more persons in the same accident and x1,000.00 for injury or destruction of property. (b) Said policy of insurance shall guarantee the payment to any and all persons suffering injury or damage to person or property, of any final judgment rendered against such owner or driver, within the limits above mentioned, irrespective of the financial condition or any acts or omissions of such owner or driver, and shall inure to the benefit of such persons. (c) If, at any time, such policy of insurance is cancelled by the company issuing the same, or the authority of the company to do business in the State of Californis shall be revoked, the City Clerk shall require the owner to replace such policy with another policy satisfactory to the City Attorney and in default thereof the owner°s license to operate shall be revoked. — 13 — SECTION 1444 - STAND FOR TAXICABS (a) The Chief of Police shall designate, in writing, stands upon public streets to be occupied by taxicabs, after the permit has been issued as in this Ordinance provided. (b) Before any designation of stands is made, the written consent must be obtained of the tenant of the ground floor fronting the space where such stand is to be located. In the event the ground floor is not occupied, the written consent of t1B owner must be first obtained. (c) The stand permit shall specify the name and address of the permittee and the number of vehicles authorized thereunder, and it shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any vehicle for hire, other than the permittee, to use the stand designated under such permit, and when such stand is occupied, no other vehicle shall loiter or wait nearby. (d) Any stand designated by the Chief of Police, asherein provided, may be revoked by him and it shall be unlawful i3r any taxicab to occupy the stand after such revocation. (e) It shall be unlawful for a taxicab, while awaiting employment, to stand on any street or place other than upon a designated stand, nor shall any operator of a taxicab, while awaiting employment,drive so as to interfere with Vehicular traffic. Section 2 - All Ordinances or parts -of Ordinances or any provisio of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame inconsistant with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3 - This Ordinance shall be published once in the Burlingame Advance -Star and be effective thirty days (30) days after its adoption. &AAZ-& eter Dahl Mayor - 14 - I. Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the Uity of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame held on December 3, 1945 and was there- after adopted at a regular meeting of the said Uouncil held on December 17, 1945, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIT IMN Dahl -Harris -Hunt -Roth -', hit sell NOEN: COUNCIIXI,d�j.Iq None ABE= COUNCILL-TEN None Herbert K. Uhite City Clerk