HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0428ORDINANCE NO. 428 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME BY ADDING TO PART 5, ARTICLE 12, A NEW DIVISION 5A RELATING TO TRAFFIC, AND REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGH`,vAYS IN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME, PRESCRIBING REGULATION RELATIVE TO THE PARKING OF VEHICLES UPON SUCH PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGH14AYS; PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE, ACQUIRING, IN- STALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTEISANCE, SUPERVISION, REGULATION AND CONTROL OF THE USE OF PARKING METERS; DEFINING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLIS1=NT OF PARK= ING METER ZONES UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS :AND HIGH'aAYS, PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF; rROVIDING FCR THE ENFORCEMENT HEREOF AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: Section 1: The Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended by adding to Part 5, Article 12, a new division 5A which shall read as follows: DIVISION SA Section 1835.1 For the purpose of this Ordinance: (a) The word "vehicle" shall mean any device in, upon or by which any person or property is, or may be transported upon a street or highway, except a device which is operated upon rails or tracks. (b) The word "street" shall mean any public street, avenue, road, boulevard, highway or other public place located in the City of Burlingame and established for the use of vehicles. (c) The word "person" shall mean and include any individual, firm, co -partnership or corporation. (d) The word "operator" shall mean and include every individual who shall operate a vehicle either as owner, agent, employee or permittee of the owner. Section 1235.2 The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to establish zones to be known as parking meter zones in such streets and avenues and during such hours as are selected by resolution by the City Council of the City of Burlingame for the location of such zones and establishment of such hours, and in said parking meter zones the Chief of Police shall cause parking meters to be installed and shall cause parking meter spaces to be designated as hereinafter provided, and shall fix the time limitations for legal parking in such zones and the hours during the day and night when the parking meter or meters must be used and when the time limitations shall be effective, in compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance; and shall indicate the time limitations by designating the same on the parking meter or meters by appropriate signs posted in proximity to said parking meter or meters in said zones. Section 1235.3 The Chief of Police is hereby directed to provide for the purchase, acquiring, installation, operation, maintenance, supervision, regulations and use of the parking meters provided for in this Ordinance and to maintain the said meters in good workable condition and the City Council shall enter into a contract of purchase therefor. Section 1235.4 Parking meters installed in the parking zones established as provided in Section 1235.2 hereof shall be placed upon the curb immediately adjacent to the individual parking places hereinafter described. Each parking meter shall be placed on the street in such manner as to show or display by a signal that the parking space adjacent to such meter is or is not legally in use. Each parking meter installed shall indicate by aproper legend the legal parking time established by the City Council and when operated shall indicate on or by its dial and pointer the duration of the period of legal park- ing, and on expiration of such period shall indicate illegal and overtime parking. Section 1235.5 The Chief of Police shall have lines or markings painted or placed along the curb or upon the street adjacent to each parking meter for the purpose of designating the parking space fo- which said meter is to be used and each vehicle parked adjacent or neat to any parking meter shall park within the lines or markings so established. It shall be un- lawful and a violation thereof to park any vehicle across any such mark or line or to park such vehicle in such position that the same shall not be entirely within the area so designated by such lines or markings. Section 1235.6 When a parking space in any parking meter zone is parallel with the adjacent curb or sidewalk any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be pari d with tile foremost part of such vehicle nearest to such meter. Section 1235.7 When a vehicle shall be parked in any space adjacent to which a parking meter is located in accordance with provisions hereof, the oerator of said vehicle shall, upon entering the parking space, immediately deposit or cause to be deposited a five cent or one cent coin in such parking meter, and put such meter in operation, and failure to deposit such coin of such specified value and put the meter into opeation shall constitute a breach hereof, and shall subject such person to the penalty hereinafter prescribed. Upon the deposit of such coin of such specified values and placing said meter in operation, the parking space may be lawfully occupied by such vehicle during the period of parking time which has been provided for the part of the street in which said parking space is located. If said vehicle shall remain parked in any such parking space beyond the period of legal parking time and the parking of a vehicle over- time or beyond the period of legal parking time in any such part of a street where any such meter is located shall be a violation hereof, and shall be punished as hereinafter provided. (a) Commercial trucks may park in parking zones to load or unload merchandise without depositing coins for a period not to exceed thirty minutes. Should any truck or delivery car be parked longer than thirty minutes, it shall be classed as a viola- tion hereof and the regular penalty herein provided imposed. Section 1235.8 It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of, or operated by such person to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal parking time e stablished for any parking meter zone as herein described. Section 1235.9 It shall be unlawful for any person to permit any vehicle to remain or placed in any parking space adjacent to any parking meter while said meter is displaying a signal indicating that the vehicle occupying such parking space has already been parked beyond the period of time pre- sTibed in such parking space. Section 1235.10 It shall be unlawful and a violation hereof, for any person to deface, injure, tamper with, open or will- fully break, destroy or impair the usefullness of any parking meter installed under the provisions hereof. Section 1235.11 It shall be unlawful and a violation hereof to deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any device or metallic substance or any other substitute for the coins herein specified. Section 1235.12 It shall be the duties of the Police Officers of the City acting in accordance with instructions issued by the Chief of Police to report: (a) The number of every parking meter which indicated that the Vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking meter is or has been parked in violation of any of the provisions hereof; (b) The State license number of such vehicles; (c) The time during which such vehicle is corking in violation hereof. (d) tiny other facts, a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such violation. Each such Police Officer shall also attach to such vehicle a notice to the owner or operator thereof that such vehicle has been parked in violation of a provision in violation hereof and instructing such owner or operator to re- port to the Office of the City Court of the City of Burlingame in regard to such violation. Each szch owner or operator may, within twenty four hours of the time when such notice was attached to such vehicle pay to the Judge of the City Court, as a penalty for such violation the sum of one dollar. The failure of such owner or operator to make such payment of one dollar penalty, within said twenty-four hours, shall render such owner or operator subject to further penalties as in this Code provided. Section 1235.13 &ny person who shall violate any of the provisions hereof, and any person who aids, abets, or assists therein, upon conviction thereof by the City Court shall be subject to the penalties provided in this Cdde. Section 1235.14 The specified coin or coins required to be deposited in parking meters as herein provided are hereby levied and assessed as fees to provide for the proper regulation and �I control of traffic upon the public streets, and also the cost of supervision and regulating the parking of vehicles in the park- ing meter zones hereby created and to cover the cost of purchase, acquiring, installation, operation, maintenance, supervision, regulation and control of the parking meters herein described, and to provide for off-street parking. Section 1235.15 The provisions of this Code beginning with Section 1235.1 to and including Section 1235.18= are deemed to be in addition and supplementary to, and not in conflict Lith, nor a repeal of any of the provisions of this Code but shall be in addition thereto for the regulation of traffic and parking in those zones herein provided; and if any section, part of section, sentence, clause or phrase of said Sections shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining pro- visions shall nevertheless remain in full force end -'effect. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be published once as re- quired by law and shall become Effective thirty days after its adoption. L. Herbert Harris, Mayor&-� I, HerberttK. Vvhite, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of July , 1946, and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of august , 1946, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dahl-Harris-FTnnt.—Simnndc—Vilhi+Qoll NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None erbert K. ite, City Clerk