HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0444ORDINANCE NO. 444 THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME IS HEREBY A1.2111DED BY ADDING THERETO A IMW AETICLE 43-A PROVIDING SEWER RENTAL CHARGES FOR DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE INTO OR THROUGiI THE. SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAI•E; AND PROVIDING FOR T11 � COLLECTION OF SUCH CHARGES; ESTABLISHING A FUND FOR SEWAGE OPERATION. The City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain: Section 1. The Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended by adding thereto a new article 43-A which shall read as follows: ARTICLE NO. 43-A SEWER RENTAL Section 1725. DEFINITIONS (a) As used herein the term "person" shall mean and include individuals, partnerships, associations and corporations. (b) The term "sewage" as used and referredto herein is de- fined as a combination of water or water borne. wastes conducted from residences, commercial buildings, and institutions, and which Is known as domestic sewage; also the liquid or water carried waste resulting from commercial manufacturing or indus- trial operation or process, which water or water borne wastes enter the system of sewerage or any part thereof of the City from any premises :Having a connection therewith or thereto. (c) The word "City" as used herein shall mean the City of Burlingame. (d) Council shall mean the City Council of the City of Burlingame. (e) Premise as used herein refers to and shall include a lot, parcel of land, building or establishment. Section 1725.1. SEWAGE SERVICE CHARGES. Every person whose premises in the City are served by a connec- tion with the system of sewerage of the City, whereby the sewage or industrial wastes, or either or both, are, disposed of b- City, either thru.a_`:: the facilities of the sewage treatment C_nd sewage .; sposal works of the City, or otherwise, shall pay a sewer rental charge based upon the qus.ntity of metered water used in or u:)on such premises of two (x:.02) cents per thousand gallons of Grater so measured, vhethor such water is derived from a source other than the City water supply or all or any part of such water is furnished to said premises without charges; provide , however, that a minimum monthly rate of ten 010.00) dollars shall be oh_rted and collected from all premises having a connection with the sewerage system of the City and not using City water. Section 1725.2 Ct i=:RGLS 1'nYAFLE i',jONTHLY The Sewer tiertal herein specified e_hall be charged, collected and enforced in the same manner, at the same time and by the same persons as are the charges for water furnished by the City, and the amount thereof shall be included in the total amount due for water. All provisions of the Ordinance Code of the City applic- able to the charge, collection and enfor•ceniert of rates for water furnished by the City are hereby made applicable to this article of the Code. Section 1725.3 SE-InLli ?LfL iT.&L FUND All moneys received from the collection of the Sewer Rental ch,-rges as hereby authorized shall be deposited with the City Treasurer, who shall keep a separate and distinct fund and account to be l.nown as "The 6e?uer Rental Fund". This fund shall be used, when appropriated by the Council, for the management, maintenance, caeration and repair of the se -.,=rage system, sewage pumping, trea.t,r_ent and _,isrosal .:orks and for the elan in*, e:.ten.sion and enlargement of said works. 2(12:t2� Mayor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council held on and adopted at a regular meeting held on by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILI,h N: Dahl- Harris- Hunt- Simonds NOES: COUNCITIIEN: None AB6EN^T COUNCILIdIEN: VVh.i-tsell