HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0441ORDINANCE ITO. 441 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTIIIG TI'_E 1946 -EDITION OF Tim PACT FIC COAST BUILDING OFFICIALS1 CONFERENCE UIiIbIORf, BUILDING+ CODE, WITH Aa 1H)LIENTS THERETO; REPEALING ARTICLE 55 OF T'M] ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGADIE The City Council of the City of Burlingame ordains as foll Section One, ARTICLE 55 - ADOPTION OF UNTIFORY BUILDING CODE AND LOCAL AMEIMMENTS THERETO SEC. 2400. ADOPTIOA OF CODE, EXCEPTIONS. The uniform Building Code, 1946 Edition, and appendix there- to, as adopted by the Pacific Coast Building Officialst Confer - once, and published January 1, 1946, is and shall be a part of this Ordinance Code and shall establish and declare the rules, regulations, and law of the City of Burlingame pertaining to and governing the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equip- ment, use, site, area, and maintenance of buildings and structures in the City, and the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefore, providing, however, that the following sections of said Uniform Building Code are not so adopted and are not and shall not be a part of this Ordinance Code, to wit: Paragraph E of Section 1602; Paragraph D of Section 1603; Paragraph (d) of Section 306; provided, further, that wrnerever in said Uniform Building Code the words "this Code" appear they shall be construed to i;iean the said Uniform Building Code only and not to mean or refer to the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlin-7ame as a oriole, excepting, however, that the definitions set forth and specified in Chapter 4, tart 2, of said Uniform Building Code shall be ep plicable to the entire Ordinance Code of the City; and provided, further, that the provisl_ons of said Uniform Building Code arc amended in ',-,he following particulars, to wit: (a) Section 303 of said Uniform Building Code shall read as follows: -1- Sec. 303. Any person desi_ri'ng a building permit shall, at the time of filing an application therefor, as provided in Sectio 301 of this Code, pay to the Building Inspector of the City a fee as required by this Section; Two Dollars (62.00) per thousand or fraction thereof, on all that portion of the estimated cost of the building up to and. including Twenty Thousand Dollars (120,000.00), and One Dollar (14.00) per thousand or fraction thereof, on all that portion of the estimated cost of the build- ing over Twenty Thousand Dollars (:;720,000.00), nor proposed construction in an amount less than Fifty Dollars (&40.00), no fee is required. No fee shall be charged to the united States; the State of California, or the City of Burlingame, but an application for a permit must be filed in all cases. Maen the m rk on any building is started without a permit therefor having been first obtained, the owner of the property and the contractor may be jointly and severally liable for pay- ment of double the fees above specified, but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person or persons from fully complying with the requirements of this Code in the execution of the work, or from any other penalties prescribed by the Ordinance Code. The Building Inspector shall keep a permanent, accurate account of all fees and other moneys collected and received as provided in this Code, and give the names of the persons upon Yhose account the same were paid, the date and amount thereof, to;gsther with the location of the buildings or premises to which they relate. (b) Section 1601A of said Uniform Building Code shall read as follows: Sec. 1601A, For the purposes of this Code the entire City shall constitute a fire district, which district shall be -2- divided into three zones to be mown and designated as Zone No. 1, Zone No. 4 and Zone No. 3, each of which shall include) respectively, the territory specified and delineated in Article 51 of the Ordinance Code. (c) Section 2206 of said Uniform. Building Code shall read as follows: - Sec. 2206. Interior partitions may be of any material permitted for exterior walls in this Code. If of wood, the interior partitions shall be constructed, fra;ed, and fire - stopped as required for exterior walls as specified in Chapter 25, except that interior non-bearing partitions shall have a double top place, and except that where non-bearing partitions are approximately parallel and not more than four (4) feet apart, tiro -inch by three-inch (2" x 3") studs sixteen (16) inches on centers, may be used, (d) Sub -section 6 of Section 3801 of said Uniform Building Code shall read as follows: 6. In Group B and C occupancies. In any enclosed occupied space below or over a stairway, except when the entire con- struction is as required for Type I buildings, and in all portions of basements or cellars used for storage or mainte- nance workrooms. Exception: The above provisionsshall not apply in the following places: Automatic sprinklers shall not be required in the cellars of dwellings or of apartment houses having four (4) or less apartments, nor in the cellars of Group C, D, E, H, G, and H occupancies When the ceiling of such cellar or basement is three (3) feet or more above grade. -3- SEC. 2401. ADDITIONAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION REQUIREPIENTS. In addition to those contained in said Uniform Building Code as provided in the preceding sections, the following rules, regulations, and laws are established and declared and may be deemed to be additions to or parts of said. Uniform Building Code and placed therein at the places indicated by the section numbers hereinafter applied to said provisions, to?rit: Section 302. Before issuing any building permit, except it be for a single fatn.ily dwelling, the Building Inspector shall first submit the application with the plans and specifi- cations, to the Fire Chief and to the Health Officer who shall examine the same and endorse thereon their approval or disap- proval thereof. No building permit shall ever be issued except it be for a single family dwelling without the approval of the Fire C''liof and the Health Officer. Section 207A. In the case of a proposed occupancy and use, except it be for a single family dwelling, the Building Inspector,b efore issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, shall I irst submit the application to the Fire Chief and to the Health Officer, who shall examine the same and endorse their approval or disapproval thereof. In such cases no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued, except it be for a single family dwelling, without the approval of the said Fire Chief and the Health Officer, Section 301A. The Fire Chief and the Health Officer shall have concurrent jurisdiction,. respectively, with the Building Inspector in the enforcement of all those provisions of this Code relating to or involving protection against fire or the ,maintenance of public health. The Building Inspector, are Chief, or Health Officer, or their authorized representatives, may enter any building or premises for the purpose of -4- inspection or enforcing the provisions of this Code. Whenever any building work is b eine; done contrary to the provisions of this Code, the Building Inspector, or his author- ized representative, may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on the contractor, or his representative, or on any pe_sons engaged in doing or causing such work to be done, and any such persons shall forthwith stop such work until authorized to resume the sane. In case the work is being done in such a manner as to increase the fire hazard or jeopardize the public health, the Fire Chief and the Health Officer shall have concurrent juris- diction with the Building Inspector to stop said work as in this section provided. Section 507A. Rat Proofing. Every building or portion thereof shall be made rat proof in accordance with the speci- fications set forth in Farmers Bulletin No. 1638, of the United States Department of Agriculture, which requires an earth cover of concrete a minimum of one and one-half inches thick within the foundation walls. Section 507B. Whenever any proposed use or occupancy is not specifically mentioned in any classification and the proper classification of such use is in doubt for any reason, the question of classification shall be referred to the Building Inspector, the Fire Chief, and the Health Officer, and the decision of any two of them shall be final and conclusive so far as the proper classification is concerned, Section 1509A. Garages for yultiple Dwellings. Accom- modations for parkiing, or storing automobiles and splice there- for on the premises for tenants or dwellers therein must be -5- provided for use in all apartment houses, flats, duplex apartments, bungalow courts, automobile hotels and other structures used for dwellings, single family dwellings, or commercial hotels excepted. Section 2204A„ Wood Nudsill. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing section, no building of any i.ind shall be designed or used vh ere the foundation consists of a wood mudsill resting directly on the ground. Section 2205A. Underpinning and Sheathing. T:otwithstand- ing any provisions of Section 2205 to the contrary or in con- flict herewith the following provisions shell control. Under- pinning shall not be less in size than two (2) inches by six. (6) inches or its equivalent. All such underpinning shall be effectively braced, All Type V buildings shall have the exterior walls thorough- ly covered with solid sheathing of wood not less than twenty- five thirty-seconds (2532) of an inch thick, of approved fibreboard not less than seven -sixteenths of an inch thick, or approved incombustible sheathing not less than one-half inch thick; provided where shingles or silakes are used the sheathing; shall be not more than six (6) inches apart. All exterior walls shall be covered on the outside with weatherboarding, shingled, stucco, or masonry as specified in this section or by other similar approved materials. STUCCO. Stucco shall be applied with sheathing or similar backing. In all cases except in back -plastered construction an approved waterproof paper or asphalt saturated felt weighing not less than fourteen (14) pounds per one hundred (100) -6- square feet or any substantial waterproof paper vdnich success- fully passes a 60 -pound Mullen test shall be applied weather- board fashion directly over the studs or sheathing. Horizontal joints shall be lapped not less than two (2) inches. Section 2523A. Clearance above Ground. The minimum clearance between the bottom of the floor joists and the ground beneath shall be twenty-four (24) inches, and access to the under side of all buildings shall be provided with an entrance not less than twenty-four (24) inches by thirty (30) inches in the exterior wall, CREOSOTE. Creosote must be used on the mud sills and for six (6) inches above the mud sills on the studding and under- pinizi ng. Section 3301A. Fire Escapes. Instead of smokeproof towers fire escapes may be provided. All b uildingshaving a height of forty (40) feet or more shall be equipped vi th a fire escape and a stand pipe. For such requirements the height of the building shall b e deter- mined by measuring from the adjoining ground level to the top of the roof, in case of a flat roof, and to the center of the gable, in case of a gable roof, FIRE ESCAPE REQUIRED (a) Every building that is occupied or so constructed as to be occupied by one (1) or more faiilies on the third story, not having proper and sufficient exitZ or facilities for es- capes in case of fire, and every building of four or more stories in height, and every building used or occupied or so constructed as to be used as a theatre, hospital, tenement house, apartment house, lodgino house, or for 9. factory, mill, or iaanufactory, or for offices, work shop or public entertain- ments or assemblages, above the second stody, and every building -7- of more than two (2) stories in height shall be provided and equipped with meta-lic fire escapes, combined vi th suitable metallic balconies, platforms, and railings; firmly secured to the outer galls and erected and arranged in such a way and in such proximity to one or more windows or to take as many windows of each story above the first as may be necessary to make and render satisfactory fire escapes readily accessible, safe, and adequate for the escape of the inmates in case of fire. (b) On every building that is occupied or so constructed as to be occupied by one or more families, that is more than two stories in height and used for the purposes mentioned in Section 19, there shall be provided at least one fire escape, and every building hereinbefore mentioned wherein the floor area exceeds four thousand (4000) square feet on any one floor above the second floor thereof shall be -provided one addition- al fire escape for each five thousand (5000) square feet of floor area or fraction of a part thereof in excess of the .first four thousand (4000) square feet of floor area hereinbefore provided. (c) Every de;elling house more than two stories in height hereafter erected shall have at least two means of egress, either by stairway or fire escapes leading from the topmost story to the second story. TYPE OF FIRE ESCAPE �a) Are escapes required by this Code shall be of the following type: It shall be metallic throughout and fastened securely to the exterior vialls of the building. With a balcony at every story above the first story thereof within inclined stairways, connecting all balconies, and a gooseneck ladder connecting; the topmost balcony to the roof, and said ladder also extending -8- downward from the uppermost balcony to the lowest balcony of such fire escape. The lowest balcony of such fire escape to be not more than fourteen (14) feet above the street level or ;_,round level directly under the same except it be equipped with a counterbalanced or permanent ladder ihich reaches the .-round. (b) All netallic balconies shall be not less than forty- four (44) inches in width nor less than thirty-three (33) square feet in area. The stairway openings therein shall be not less than twenty-one (21) inches wide and forty (40) inches in length. The balcony balustrade shall be not less than thirty-four (34) inches high, with no opening in such balustrade greater than eight (8) inches in horizontal dimension. There shall be no opening c_;reater than one (1) inch in width in a fire escape balcony platform, except the stair well opening. (c) Every balcony platform sh^1 1 be fastened to the out- side walls of the building by building in and anchoring to such walls the balcony platform anG the balustrade framing, or by securely bolting sante thereto. Every balcony shall be supported by brackets, braces or struts fastened to or built in and anchored to the walls, (d) The inclined stairways shall be no less than eighteen (18) inches in width end placed in no part nearer than twenty-one (21) inches from the face of the wall. Such inclined stairways shall have an inclination of not less than four (4) inches and not more than six (6) inches horizontally to each twelve (12) inches of vertical height. The treads shall be not less than four (4) inches wide, placed not more than twelve (12) inches apart. Each side of such stairway shall be provided va th a handrail not less than one (1) inch -9- in diameter fastened to the stair stringers a2d continued around the well hole openings of the balcony platforms, (e) The goose -neck ladder shall be not less than fifteen (15) inches wide for its entire length and extend vertically from the topmost balcony to three (3) feet above the fire wall or roof above and then be brought down and fastened to the inside :face of the fire wall or to the roof. The rungs of the goose -neck, ladder shall be not less than five-ei;hths (5/8) inch round inches apart. The goose -neck ladder shall be securely braced and fastened to the outside wall and in no case shall suc) ladder pass in front of any opening in the wall to the interior of the building. The cornice opening for the passage of such ladder shall be not less than twenty-four (24) inches in width and twenty-four (24) inches in the clear outside of the ladder, (f) Such fire escape s1lall be framed, and riveted, or bolted together in solid, substantial manner and property supported, braced, and fastened to the outside walls so as to be rigid, durable, and secure and carry the loads imposed., (g) All metallic fire escapes shall be galvanized. Section 3807A. Basement Pipes, No basement pipe inlet specified in Section 3807 shall ever be installed until its location and size have first been approved by the Aire Chief or his -authorized representative. Such inlets shall be kept readily accessible to the are Department at all times. Section 4702P. Wood Laths, All wood lath used in any building shall be equal to number One grade of Douglas Fir or Fine, and subject to the approval of the Building Inspector as to quality. -10- Section 4710A. Backing. Notwithstanding any conflicting or contrary provisions in Section 4712, in all cases where plastering or stucco is applied to the exterior of a wood frame building, the building paper required shall be applied on the sheathing or similar backing, and never on wires stretched horizontally across the stud frame, Section 2. All parts of Sections 2400, 2401, and 2402 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame, and any anend- ments thereto existing at the time of the adoption of'his Ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall b e published once as re- quired by law. I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame on the 3rd day of March , 1947, and was there - 17th after, on the Aay of March , 1947, adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUPiCIL& N: Dahl -Harris -Hunt -Simonds --hitsell NOES: COUNCILTaIEN: None ABSENT: COUNCIIIIEN: None Dated this day of 1947 -11