HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2015.04.20 Burlingame City Council April 20, 2015 Approved Minutes 1 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of April 20, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Nagel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG The pledge of allegiance was led by John Kevranian. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Brownrigg, Keighran, Nagel, Ortiz, Root MEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION CA Kane advised that Council met in Closed Session, direction was given, and there was no reportable action at this time. 5. UPCOMING EVENTS Mayor Nagel reviewed the upcoming events taking place in the City. 6. PRESENTATIONS a. PRESENTATION BY YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Recreation Coordinator Kari Guastella thanked the Mayor and Councilmembers for their support. The Burlingame Youth Advisory committee members Alex Lee and Kevin Taggert spoke about the YAC social they attended with YAC members from other cities. They also spoke about the charities they support and the upcoming spaghetti feed fundraiser that will take place on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at the Burlingame Recreation Center and the Streets Alive event at the Burlingame Fresh Market on Sunday, May 3, 2015. b. PRESENTATION BY PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY The presentation was postponed to the May 18, 2015 meeting. Burlingame City Council April 20, 2015 Approved Minutes 2 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Nagel asked the Councilmembers and the public if they wished to remove any items from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Root removed item 8c, Vice Mayor Keighran removed item 8b, and Councilmember Brownrigg removed item 8e. Vice Mayor Keighran made a motion to adopt items 8a, 8d, and 8f of the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilmember Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. a. APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 2015 CC Kearney requested Council approve the City Council meeting minutes of April 6, 2015. b. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT WITH ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES (ACMS) FOR CROSSING GUARD SERVICES PC Wollman requested Council adopt Resolution No. 35-2015. Vice Mayor Keighran commented that the cost for the two crossing guards, who were recently hired for Hillside Drive and for Rosedale Avenue, is split 50-50 with the Burlingame School District. Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to adopt item 8b; seconded by Councilmember Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. c. APPROVAL OF A FIELD SUBLETTING PENALTY P&RD Glomstad requested Council approve an administrative field subletting penalty for user organizations that violate the City’s prohibition on subletting of City fields. Councilmember Root requested some background information on this item. P&RD Glomstad said that this action was necessitated by the practice of some user organizations subletting their allocated field time to other organizations. Ms. Glomstad said that subletting the fields creates several problems for the City and the Burlingame School District in terms of insurance coverage, the fees that are charged, and subletting circumvents the fair and equitable process of ensuring that all validated user groups get the needed time on the fields for their organization. P&RD Glomstad advised that the Parks & Recreation Commission approved the penalties for violations and the policy will be added to the Field User Group application form that is completed by each user organization. Ms. Glomstad said she does not anticipate any further violations since the awareness has been raised among the user organizations through this process. Councilmember Ortiz commented that he has been involved with this issue quite a bit and the staff and Commissioners are to be commended for coming up with a solution that is totally equitable for everyone. Burlingame City Council April 20, 2015 Approved Minutes 3 Councilmember Root made a motion to adopt item 8c; seconded by Councilmember Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. d. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ABANDONING AN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT, ACCEPTING A NEW SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT AND APPROVING AN EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT AT 2202 SUMMIT DRIVE DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No.36-2015. e. AGREEMENT WITH TURBO DATA SYSTEMS, INC. FOR PARKING CITATION PROCESSING AND ADJUDICATION SERVICES FinDir Augustine requested Council adopt Resolution No. 37-2015. Councilmember Brownrigg asked that since we are now using electronic ticketing, would someone still receive a paper ticket as well, and FinDir Augustine said yes. Mayor Nagel commented that the City should save approximately $30,000 per year under the new agreement. Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to adopt item 8e; seconded by Vice Mayor Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. f. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO RENEW THE BROADWAY AVENUE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND LEVY ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 18, 2015, AND APPROVING THE DISTRICT’S ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2014-15 FinDir Augustine requested Council adopt Resolution No. 38-2015. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. CONTINUANCE OF A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S DENIAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, DESIGN REVIEW AND SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DECLINING HEIGHT ENVELOPE FOR A NEW TW0-STORY SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AND DETACHED GARAGE ON PROPERTY AT 1516 HOWARD AVENUE, LOCATED WITHIN A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) ZONE CDD Meeker advised that the applicant requested the public hearing be delayed until May 4, 2015 to permit her more time to prepare with legal counsel to present her case. Councilmember Root made a motion to postpone the appeal hearing until the May 4, 2015 Council meeting; seconded by Vice Mayor Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 10. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. DOGS OFF-LEASH PILOT PROGRAM UPDATE Recreation Supervisor Nicole Acquisti reviewed the staff report and advised that the Off-Leash Pilot Program was reviewed at two months, six months, and ten months, and has now reached the one-year mark. Burlingame City Council April 20, 2015 Approved Minutes 4 She said that the surveys resulted in overwhelming support for the program and much of the feedback was related to requesting additional hours and locations. Ms. Acquisti advised that on March 19th, the Parks & Recreation Commission voted unanimously to extend the program for another year based on the positive feedback from residents. Recreation Supervisor Acquisti requested the program be continued for another year, and extend the hours to include 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. on the ball fields. Councilmember Ortiz and Mayor Nagel both said they attended the Parks & Recreation meeting and they were surprised at the strong support for the program and how it has brought the community together. Mayor Nagel opened the item for public comment and Burlingame resident Vicky Boyd spoke and said taking her dog out every morning and meeting other dog owners has made a very positive impact on her life. Vice Mayor Keighran thanked Ms. Acquisti for her efforts in making this program so successful and made a motion to continue the program for another year, and extend the hours to include 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. on the ball fields. Councilmember Brownrigg seconded the motion and recommended that the word “pilot” be removed from the title; Vice Mayor Keighran agreed and amended her motion. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. UPDATE ON THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WATER SHORTAGE EMERGENCY CONDITIONS AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION IMPLEMENTING STAGE 3 OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME WATER SHORTAGE CONTINGENCY PLAN DPW Murtuza spoke and advised that since submitting the staff report, the State Water Resources Control Board released an update over the weekend regarding the proposed water restriction requirements. DPW Murtuza reviewed the following three updated regulations: • Burlingame is now in Tier 4 Category requiring 16% water use restrictions instead of the 20% reduction previously proposed and these reductions will be measured against the water consumption in 2013; • There are no requirements to adopt stage 3 of the water shortage contingency plan; and • Does not limit outdoor watering to two days a week at this time. DPW Murtuza said it was likely that further changes to the regulations may occur until its final adoption on May 5th or 6th. Mr. Murtuza introduced Matt Zucca of Erler-Kalinowski Engineers who provided a very thorough presentation on the State of California’s Water Shortage Emergency Conditions. Mr. Zucca’s overview highlighted recent executive orders and regulations; requirements for residents and businesses; Burlingame’s current water use and conservation efforts; and the fiscal impact associated with the new requirements. Mr. Zucca’s presentation indicated that the Burlingame residents are doing very well conserving water and there was an 18.7% reduction from June to February. Council discussion and questions followed and Vice Mayor Keighran commented that the community members are being asked to conserve but still getting a water rate increase. DPW Murtuza advised that the increase is s Prop 218 issue on how the rates are charged and there are fixed costs for maintaining the systems, and the increase subsidizes the fixed cost. The Councilmembers also said it would be helpful to know just how much water is used when taking a shower, doing laundry, outdoor watering, etc. DPW Burlingame City Council April 20, 2015 Approved Minutes 5 Murtuza said there will be information on the City’s website addressing that issue. DPW Murtuza said that the City has a consultant who went to the hotels and recommended how they can save water. CM Goldman said the regulations are changing rapidly and the City is planning to provide updates on our website and in the weekly e-news. DPW Murtuza said the Council can either adopt the resolution as proposed in the staff report or wait for the final regulations in May and bring the item back for adoption at the May 18, 2015 Council meeting with changes based on the final rules. Mayor Nagel opened the item for public comment and there were no comments. Council agreed to postpone adopting the Resolution at this meeting and DPW Murtuza said he will bring the item back at the May 18, 2015 Council meeting with a full plan of action in addition to any updates from the state. Vice Mayor Keighran would like the report to address time restrictions, such as how many minutes on each of the two days, for outside watering. c. FOLLOW UP TO THE CITY COUNCIL’S REQUEST TO CONSIDER INCREASIING THE FREQUENCY OF THE TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION (TSPC) MEETINGS DPW Murtuza reviewed the staff report and advised that it currently takes an average of 62 to 85 hours of staff time to prepare for the monthly TSPC meetings and if there are controversial items on the agenda, it can take more than 100 hours of staff time to prepare for the meeting. Mr. Murtuza said Exhibit A to the staff report shows the list of current projects and work load for the Engineering Program Manager and the Transportation Engineer. He said an additional meeting every month would greatly impact the staff’s time to handle their other ongoing projects and responsibilities. DPW Murtuza recommended that special TSPSC meetings be held for issues related to the General Plan Update. Councilmember Brownrigg asked what the Commissioners thought about an additional meeting and Engineering Program Manager Augustine Chou said the commissioners were comfortable with ad hoc subcommittees rather than an additional meeting every month. Mayor Nagel opened the item for public comment and there were no comments. Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to keep the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission meetings to once a month and to do ad hoc meetings as necessary; seconded by Vice Mayor Keighran who commented that there are a lot of big projects coming up and the City will need their expertise, and she emphasized that the ad hoc subcommittees be formed in the very near future and strongly utilized. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. d. PROCEDURE FOR APPOINTMENT OF COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) MEMBERS FOR GENERAL PLAN UPDATE CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and advised that the public outreach process for the General Plan Update will involve a broad range of individuals in the planning process. Mr. Meeker said the CAC will represent a range of community interests to advise the project team during the development of policies for the General Plan. The members will include representatives from a variety of organizations and perspectives including neighborhood groups, business groups, transportation and housing advocacy groups, and residents Burlingame City Council April 20, 2015 Approved Minutes 6 CDD Meeker said the CAC should consist of no more than 15 members and staff recommends that each of the City Councilmembers appoint one individual they would like to have serve as a CAC member. Mr. Meeker requested they let him know by May 8 who they recommend, and staff would appoint the other members. Council asked how long the meetings would last and Mr. Meeker said probably two to three hours each and they would probably be evening meetings. Council also asked about having alternates and it was decided that alternates would not be necessary since the meetings would only be scheduled when everyone is able to attend. CDD Meeker said the meetings will be very open and the public would be welcome. Mayor Nagel opened the item for public comment and there were no comments. 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no future agenda items. 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Nagel adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Mary Ellen Kearney City Clerk