HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2015.03.16 Burlingame City Council March 16, 2015 Approved Minutes 1 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of March 16, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Nagel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG The pledge of allegiance was led by Girl Scout Troop 61818. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Brownrigg, Keighran, Nagel, Ortiz, Root MEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION CA Kane advised that Council met in Closed Session, direction was given, and there was no reportable action at this time. 5. UPCOMING EVENTS Mayor Nagel reviewed the upcoming events taking place in the City. 6. PRESENTATIONS a. PRESENTATION OF A PROCLAMATION TO THE BURLINGAME MOTHERS’ CLUB Mayor Nagel presented a proclamation to the Burlingame Mothers’ Club in recognition of their generous donation of $14,000 to purchase a movie screen and equipment to be used for Movies in the Park during the summer months. b. UPDATE ON CENTRAL COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT BY INTERIM FIRE CHIEF JOHN KAMMEYER Interim Fire Chief John Kammeyer gave an update on the recent integration of the Millbrae Fire Department into the Central County Fire Department (CCFD) and said it was a smooth transition. Burlingame City Council March 16, 2015 Approved Minutes 2 Chief Kammeyer advised that CCFD plans to have a CERT summit this summer and numerous citywide disaster preparedness sessions. He further advised that CCFD also hopes to partner with the Burlingame Police Department and the Hillsborough Police Department on child safety seats training. The City Council thanked Chief Kammeyer for his professionalism when called upon earlier this year to lead the Fire Department, and for all his efforts with the recent merger of the Millbrae Fire Department becoming a part of Central County Fire Department. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Girl Scout Troop 61818 spoke about not allowing smoking in Burlingame and the cigarette butt litter. They also spoke about the need for more volunteer positions for children under the age of 13. Burlingame resident John Akin spoke about the need for a helipad at Peninsula Hospital. Burlingame resident Cynthia Cornell, Burlingame resident Mark, and an unidentified individual all spoke about the high cost of rents. Burlingame resident Pat Giorni spoke about high speed rail. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Nagel asked the Councilmembers and the public if they wished to remove any items from the Consent Calendar and there were no requests. Mayor Nagel commented that a corrected staff report for item 8c was at each Councilmember’s place on the dais. Vice Mayor Keighran said she would abstain from voting on the minutes of the March 4, 2015 meeting since she was not there. Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to adopt the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilmember Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. a. APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 2, AND MARCH 4, 2015 CC Kearney requested Council approve the City Council meeting minutes of March 2, and March 4, 2015. b. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. FOR THE BURLINGAME WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY’S MASTER PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No. 21-2015. c. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WILSEY HAM FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES RELATED TO THE SOUTH ROLLINS ROAD AND NEIGHBORHOOD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1, AND AUTHORZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No. 22-2015. Burlingame City Council March 16, 2015 Approved Minutes 3 d. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO D&D PIPELINES FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD STORM DRAIN PROJECT NO. 7, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUITE THE AGREEMENT DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution No.23-2015. e. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO JOIN MAYORS FOR THE FREEDOM TO MARRY CM Goldman requested Council adopt Resolution No. 24-2015. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings. 10. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENT OF A DIRECTOR TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ON THE BOARDS OF THE BAY AREA WATER CONSERVATION AGENCY (BAWSCA) AND THE BAY AREA REGIONAL WATER FINANCING AUTHORITY (RFA) DPW Murtuza reviewed the staff report and advised that former Mayor and Councilmember Rosalie O’Mahony has been representing the City as a founding member and director of the BAWSCA and RFA Boards for the past 11 years since their establishment in 2004. Mr. Murtuza said the appointment would be for a four-year term, expiring on June 30, 2019. DPW Murtuza further advised that to serve as a Director on both boards, the appointee must be a resident of the City and a registered voter in the City, but need not be a Councilmember. Mr. Murtuza said the appointment must be made at a public meeting by an action of the full City Council. Mayor Nagel opened the item for public comment and Burlingame resident Pat Giorni spoke. Former Mayor O’Mahony spoke and said she would be honored to continue to serve if the Council so wished. Vice Mayor Keighran made a motion to reappoint Rosalie O’Mahony to represent Burlingame on the BAWSCA and RFA Boards and commented that when Rosalie O’Mahony sat on the City Council, she was known as the Infrastructure Queen; seconded by Councilmember Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. ADOPTION OF THE FY 2015-2016 GOAL SETTING IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Assistant to the City Manager Nil Blackburn reviewed the staff report and briefly went through the five city goals that were first established during the FY2013-2014 goal-setting session and revised the following year. Ms. Blackburn advised that Exhibit C to the staff report is the Implementation Action Plan FY 2015-2016 and reflects staff’s recommendations for changes to the various strategies and tasks. Ms. Blackburn said as a Burlingame City Council March 16, 2015 Approved Minutes 4 next step in the goal-setting process, staff would like the Councilmembers to review and approve the 2015- 2016 Implementation Action Plan Mayor Nagel thanked Assistant to the City Manager Blackburn for an incredible job putting together the report and for all her efforts in making the goal setting meeting so successful. Mayor Nagel also commented on the impressive accomplishments of the City over the past year. Councilman Root commented that the list was very formidable and CM Goldman said staff was very judicious in prioritizing the items that could be accomplished in the next year or two. Councilman Root asked how the public is made aware of this and CM Goldman said it is posted on the website, included in the budget document, and it will be in the e-news. Vice Mayor Keighran requested a quarterly update as to where staff is with these items since there is so much to be accomplished. CM Goldman said she would like to reflect on whether to provide feedback quarterly or every six months, but definitely agreed that a report should be provided. Mayor Nagel opened the item for public comment and Burlingame residents Kathy Schmidt, Kirk Pessner, Mike McCord, and Pat Giorni spoke. There were no further comments. There was discussion by the Councilmembers concerning hiring a Community Outreach Coordinator for Central County Fire Department who would help inform residents about training opportunities and involve them in emergency preparedness efforts in order to build community resilience. The Council requested more information about the cost and benefits of increasing the hours for the current part-time emergency preparedness coordinator. Council also discussed hiring a part-time Public Information Officer (PIO), and not all the Councilmembers agreed that was a good idea and cautioned about adding positions since the financial impact needs to be considered. CM Goldman said she wasn’t planning on hiring a PIO at this time since she is hoping to handle those functions internally. CM Goldman advised that there was going to be a study session on May 18, 2015 to discuss these issues. At the conclusion of the Council discussion it was agreed that the following changes be made to the Implementation Action Plan: • the word resilient be added to goal I • consult with health care experts about adding a helipad at Mills-Peninsula Hospital • add to strategy E of goal I to make the Bayshore more pedestrian friendly • move strategy H4 of goal IV, facilitation of neighborhood groups, to goal IA Councilmember Root made a motion to adopt the 2015-2016 Goal Setting Implementation Action Plan, as revised; seconded by Councilmember Ortiz. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were not future agenda items. Burlingame City Council March 16, 2015 Approved Minutes 5 13. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Department Reports: Building, February 2015 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Nagel adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Mary Ellen Kearney City Clerk