HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0592ORDINANCE NO. 592 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF BURLINGAME OF THE UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SKY -VIEW TERRACE". The City Council of the City of Burlingame, do ordain as follows: WHEREAS, WALTER E. THOMPSON and SYLVIA THOMPSON, his wife, as owners of not less than one-fourth of the territory hereinafter described, heretofore initiated proceedings for the annexation of said territory to the City of Burlingame, pursuant to that certain Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939", and WHEREAS, said territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Burlingame is contiguous to the limits of the City of Burlingame and forms no part.of any other city and is unin- habited in that less than twelve registered voters reside therein, and is described as that property lying in the County of San Mateo, State of California and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the southwesterly line of a State Highway, commonly known as Skyline Boulevard, said point being opposite Engineers Station 634 Plus 32.50 P.C. as said Engineer's Station is shown on the maps of the State Division of Highways, Division IV, San Mateo County, Route 55, Section A. said point being also the most easterly corner of a strip of land 10 feet wide, said strip of land having beaen deeded to San Mateo County, as shown on that certain map entitled "TRACT NO. 522 SKYLINE MANOR SAN MATEO COUNTY CALIFORNIA", which map was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of California, on September 12, 1939 in Book 22 of Maps at page 25; running thence southeasterly along said line of Skyline Boulevard, on the are of a curve to the left tangent at said point of beginning to a course bearing south 34 deg. 12� East, said curve having -1- a radius of 4040 feet, a central angle of 4 deg. 13' and an are length of 297.32 feet and south 38 deg. 25t East 550.03 feet to the northwesterly line of the lands described in the Deed from Herbert A. Lebert and wife, to Robert D. Jones and wife, dated October 23, 1951 and recorded November 14, 1951 in Book 2159 of Official Records of San.Mateo County at Page 172, (71595-J); thence along said northwesterly line, South 51 deg. 35t West 264.38 feet to the line dividing the lands of Panama Realty Co. and the lands of the City and County of San Francisco; thence on and alon said dividing line, North 43 deg. 44, West 658.95 feet, North 12 deg. 25t 30" East 98.25 feet and North 34 deg. 129 West 54.18 feet to the most southerly corner of the 0.048 acre parcel of land described in the Deed from Panama Realty Co., to Frank J. Regan, dated September 22, 1939 and recorded September 26, 1939 in Book 854 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 442, (69984-D); thence along the southeasterly line of said lands and its northeasterly prolongation and continuing along the southeasterly line of said Skyline Manor, North 35 deg. 16t East 266.97 feet to the point of beginning; and WHEREAS, the San Mateo County Boundary Commission did by its Resolution No. 235 adopted prior to the initiation of said proceedings approve the boundaries of said territory proposed to be annexed, as above described, as to definitness and certainty; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Burlingame did, by Resolution, duly passed and adopted on the 18th day of April 1955, fix Monday the 6th day of June 1955, at the hour of eight o'clock P.M. at the Council Chambers of the City Council of said city in the City Hall in the City of Burlingame, California, said time being not less than fifteen nor more than fifty days after the passage of said resolution, as the date, time and place when and where all persons owning property within such territory so proposed to be annexed, and having any objections to the proposed annexation, could appear before the City Council and show cause why such territory should not be so annexed as proposed in and by said resolution; and -2- WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Burlingame has caused notice of said hearing to be given in accordance with said resolution and as required by law by causing a copy of said resolution to be published more than twenty days prior to the date of said hearing at least twice, not oftener than once a week in the "Advance Star" a newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Burlingame, and once in the "San Mateo Times" a newspaper of general circulation published outside of the City of Burlingame, in the County of San Mateo; and has further caused a notice of said proposed annexation to be mailed to each person to whom land within the said territory proposed to be annexed, is assessed in the last County of San Mateo equalized assessment roll available on the date these proceedings were initiated, at the address shown on said assessment roll or as known to said City Clerk and to any person who had filed with said City Clerk his name and address and the designation of the lands within said territory in which he has any interest, either legal or equitable. Affidavits of the giving of such notice are on file in the office of said City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the written consent of all of the owners of real property within said territory proposed to be annexed have prior to the date of said hearing been filed with the City Clerk of said city, stating that all property owned by them within said territory proposed to be annexed may be taxed by the City of Burlingame to pay a proportionate share of all indebtedness or liability of the City of Burlingame, contracted prior to or existing at the time of the annexation of said territory to said city; and WHEREAS, at the time and place set for said hearing, -3- to -wit: the 6th day of June, 1955, at the hour of eight otclock P.M. at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Burlingame, no objections of any kind were made to said proposed annexation and no owner of property within the territory proposed to be annexed filed or made any protest either in writing or orally against said proposed annexation, and said City Council has now acquired jurisdiction in said matter. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the annexation of the territory here- inabove described, which territory is contigious to the limits of the City of Burlingame, is hereby approved and said territory hereinabove described is hereby annexed to and declared to be a part and portion of the City of Burlingame, a City of the Sixth Class, situate in the County of San Mateo, State of California. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its passage and adoption. Section 3. Immediately upon the within Ordinance becoming effective, the City Clerk of the City of Burlingame shall make under seal a certified copy thereof, giving the date of its passage and transmit it to the Secretary of State and shall file in the office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, an affidavit stating that all requirements of law pertaining to such proceedings have been complied with, and shall accompany said affidavit by a certified copy of the boundary description set forth in such proceedings and by a map delineating the boundaries thereof. Section 4, That the City Clerk deliver a certified copy of said affidavit, together with the accompanying description and map to the County Assessor of the County of San Mateo, the Board of Equalization of the State of California and the City Assessor of the City of Burlingame. Section 5. That the City Clerk shall within fifteen days after the passage of this Ordinance publish the same in the "Advance Star" a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the City of Burlingame, and shall cause it to be posted in at least three public places in said City. Ordinance introduced, June 6, 01955. Passed and adopted, June 20, ,1955, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Johnson -Morgan -Rooth -Thayer NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Byrd Mayor ot the City -W—B-u—rlingame L. B. Morgan Clerk of�thei yt or Burlingame Herbert K. White -5-