HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0618follows: ORDINANCE N0. 618 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ARTICLE 29, PART V, OF THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME; ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE 49A, PART IX, REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, M_1INTENANCE AND USE OF SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY; AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OF THE ORDINANCE CODE IN CONFLICT THEREWITH The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as Section 1. The Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended by repealing Article 299 Part V, thereof and adopting a new Article 49A, Part IX, which shall read and provide as follows: Article 49.4 - Signs The intent and purpose of this Article is to provide a com- prehensive system of regulation of all signs which are displayed for any purpose in the city; to provide controls for the structural safety of signs and boards; to assure that signs do not interfere with. the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. It is recognized in this Article that the attractiveness of the community is an important factor of the general welfare of the citizens and that reasonable con.= trol of signs is in the public interest* Sect. 1850 Definitions Awning. An awning shall include any structure made of cloth or metal with a metal frame attached to a building and projecting over a thoroughfare, when the same is so erected as to permit it being raised to a position flat against the building when not in use. Canopy. A canopy shall include any structure, other than an awning, made of cloth or metal with metal frames attached to a building, projecting over a thoroughfare, and carried by a frame supported by immovable braces from the wall. Erect. Erect shall mean to build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend, affix, and shall also include the painting of wall signs and the painting of signs upon walls and upon the exterior of any building. Ground sign. A ground sign shall include any sign supported by uprights or braces placed upon the ground and not attached to any building, including all types of billboards. Marquee. A marquee includes any hood or awning of permanent con- struction projecting from the wall of a building and extend- ing over a thoroughfare. Pole -sign. A pole -sign is one, illuminated or not, permanently supported in or on the ground by a pole or poles without attachment to a building. Projecting sign. Projecting signs include any signs which are attached to the wall of a building or other structure and extend horizontally beyond the building or structure to which they are attached, Roof sign. A roof sign is any sign erected or constructed upon or over the roof of any building with the principal support on the roof structure. page 2. Temporary sign. Temporary signs include any signs banner., pennants valances or advertising display constructed of cloths canvass light fabrics cardboards wall -boards plastic, or other light materials$ with or without frames$ intended to be displayed for a short period of time only. Wall sign, Wall signs include all flat signs$ either of solid face construction or individual letters$ which are placed against the exterior wall of any building or structure, Sign. The term "sign" shall mean and Include every signs billboard, ground sign., wall signs roof signs illuminated sign, projecting signs "A"board, temporary sign$ marquee., canopy$ awning$ and street clocks and any announcements declaration., display$ illustration or insignia used to advertise or promote the interests of any person when the same is placed out-of-doors in the view of the general public. Person, Person shall mean and include any persons firms part- nership, associations corporations company or organization of any kind& Incombustible Material. Any material which will not ignite at or below a temperature of 12000 fahrenheit or will not con- tinue to burn or glow at that temperature will be termed "incombustible material". Approved Combustible Plastics, Approved combustible plastics mean only those combustible plastics which$ when tested in accordance with ASTM Standard Method of Test for Flammabi7.5•r of Plastics over 0.050" in thickness (D635-44) burn no faster than 205" per minute in sheets of 0&00' in thicknesa, Applications for permits to erect signs in which plastic materials will be employed shall certify that the plastic is noncombustible or that the material has been tested by a recognized testing laboratory and rated as an "approved combustible plastic'. Structural trim. Structural trim shall mean the moldings bat- tens$ cappings$ nailing strips$ latticing, and platforms which are attached to the sign structure. Sect. 1851 Permits a. Permit Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to ere: -t, relocate or maintain within the City of Burlingame any sign or other advertising structure as defined in this Article without first obtaining an erection permit from the Building Inspector and making payment of the fee required in Sect, 1852 hereof. 1111 illuminated signs shall, in addition, be subject to the provisions of the Electrical Code. b. Action by Building Inspector. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspectors upon the filing of an application for an erection permits to examine the plans and specifications and other data and the premises upon which it is proposed to erect the sign or other advertising structures and if it shall appear that the proposed structure is in compliance with all the requirements of this Article and all other laws and ordinances of the City of Burlingame., he shall then issue the erection permit. If the work authorized under an erection permit has not been completed within six (6) months after date of issuance$ the said permit shall become mull and void. C, Application for Permit. Application for erection permits shall be made upon blanks provided by the Building Inspector; and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information.-. 1, Name: address and telephone number of the applicant. 2. Location of buildings structure or lot to which or upon which the sign or advertising structure is to be attached or erected. page 3, 3. Position of the sign or other advertising structure in relation to nearby buildings or structures. 40 Two blueprints or ink drawings of the plans and spec- ifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or to the ground, 5. For free standing signs, pole signs, ground signs, roof signs and marquees, a copy of stress sheets and cal- culations showing that the structure is designed for dead load and wind pressure in any direction in the amount required by this and other ordinances of the City of Burlingame, when such calculations are re- quired by the Building Inspector. 6. Name of person, firm or corporation erecting the struc- ture. 7. written consent of the owner of the building, structure or land to which or on which the structure is to be erected. 8. Notice to owner of city requirements regarding tenure of sign for temporary permits. d. Electric Power Lines. No permit for any sign shall be issued and no sign shall be constructed, installed or erected vihic.a does not comply with all the provisions of this lxticle or which has loss horizontal or vertical clearance from ener- gized power lines than prescribed by the California Penal Code, section 385, the regulations of the Public Utilities Commission, and the orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, State of California. Sect, 1852 Fees a. Every applicant, before being granted a permit hereunder, shalt. pay to the Building Inspector the following permit fees: 1. Awning or canopy ..s.............e......,e 1000 2. Marquee.,.•.......e..................e..e 10.00 3. Temporary sign, each 60 sq.ft. or fraction thereof.........0..0................... 100C 4. Pole signs, ground signs, roof signs, projecting signs, per sq.ft. of sign ... .10 5. Nall signs ............................... 2.00 6. Painting signs on wall or exterior of any building 1000 b. Those fees shall be in addition to fees for electrical in- spection where such fees are required. c, Fees for those claws of signs listed under 4. above, shall be computed on the area of one face of the sign only, whether sign is single or multiple faced. d. In the event that any sign is erected before a permit for such sign is issued, the Building Inspector shall assess and collect twice the stated foe upon issuance of the permit. e. No sign permit shall be issued for less than a minimum foe of 01,00. Sect, 1853 Safety Requirements a. License by Council. All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this Article or any amendment thereto are more licenses revocable at any time by the City Council, and all permits shall carry this provision. b0 Unsafe Signs, If the Building Inspector shall find that any sign or advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the public, or has been con- structed or erected or is being maintained in violation of this Article, he shall give written notice to the permittoe or responsible person. If such person fails to remove, alter or repair the sign or structure within ten (10) days after such notice, such sign or structure may be removed or altered to comply by the Building Inspector at the ex- page 4, ponso of the permitteo or owner of the property upon which it is located. The Building Inspector may cause any sign or advertising structure which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed summarily and without notice. c. Wind Pressure. All signs and advertising structures, except- ing temporary signs, shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than the following intensity applied to the projected exposed area; less than 501 in height from ground to top of sign, 25 pounds per square foot of area; over 501 in height, 30 pounds per square foot of area. d. Removal of Obsolescent Signs. :my sign now or hereafter ex- isting which no longer advertises a bonafide business con- ductod or products sold, on the premises whore the sign exists, shall be taken dorm and removed by the owner or tenant of the building, structure or property upon which said sign may be located within thirty (30) days after written notification by the Building Inspector. Upon fail- ure to comply with such notice, the Building Inspector is hereby authorized to cause removal of such sign and any expense incident thereto shall be paid by the owner of the building, structure or land upon which the sign is located, e. Signs on Fire Escapes. No sign shall be erected, located or maintained so as to prevent free ingress to or ogress from any door, window or fire escape. No sign of any kind shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape. f. Traffic Hazards. No sign or other advertising structure shall be erected at the intersoction of any streets in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision; or at any location where, by.roason of the position, shape or color, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device; or which makes use of the words "Stop", "Look", "Danger", or any other word, phrase, symbol or character in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic. g. Pedestrian Hazards. 1,11 signs or other advertising structures which are constructed at any point where pedestrians might be endangered shall have a smooth surface and no nails, tacks or wires shall be permitted to protrude therefrom. Electrical reflectors and devices may extend over the top and in front of the sign or structure but not less than eight foot (81) above the sidewalk. h. Glaring Lights. On those signs where gooseneck reflectors and lights are permitted, such gooseneck reflectors and lights shall be provided with proper lenses and guards concentrat- ing the illumination upon the area of the sign so as to prevent glare upon the street or adjacent property. It shall be unlawful to illuminate any sign by floodlights or spot- lights where any portion of such illumination shall be a menace to traffic or a nuisance to adjacent property. Sect. 1854 Exemptions and Exceptions The provisions and regulations of this :article shall not apply to certain classes of signs which are designated in the followin" subsections; provided, however that all signs are subject to the provisiays of Section 1853, ;'Safety Requirements". a. Real Estate signs not exceeding three (3) square .feet in area pertaining to the sale or rental of the property on which they are displayed, but not more than one such sign to the lot. Such signs may be two-faced or be printed on both sides. b. Professional name plates and occupational signs donoting only the name and occupation of an occupant in a com- mercial building, public institutional building or dwelling and not exceeding two (2) square foot in area, provided page 5. that such sign is not prohibited or further regulated by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Burlingame. c. Identification name -plates or signs on q)artment houses, boarding or rooming houses or similar uses, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area. d. Bulletin boards not over fifteen (15) square feet in area for public, charitable and religious institutions when the same are located on the premises of said institutions, e. Signs denoting the architect, engineer or contractor when placed upon work under and during construction, and not exceeding thrity-two (32) square feet in area. f. Signs painted upon the walls or exterior of a building shall be limited in aroa to an amount not in excess of 20% of the area of the wall or frontage upon which it is painted. Such signs may advertise only the name, products and occupation of the occupant. VJ'here such signs have raised borders, letters, characters, decorations or lighting fixtures, they shall be subject to the applicabl provisions of this article. g. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings, and histor- ical monuments when such markers are constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. h. Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices, railroad crossing and danger signs, and such temporary, emergency or non -advertising signs as may be approved by the City Council. Sect. 1855 Prohibited Signs The following types of signs and structures are expressly prohibit- od; a. Real Estate directional signs and arrows. b. Placards, posters, announcements, poli0ttical signs posted or attached to any fence, pole, tree or any object in a public street or place. C, Signs, "A" boards, structures, or merchandise for sale placed upon or attached to the ground on any portion of the public street, sidewalk or right of way, excepting newspaper vending devices which may be permitted by action of the City Council. . d. Signs or structures carrying the advertising of a person, product or service othor than that of the occupant of the land on which it is placed or the building to which it is attached except signs for the sale or rental of the property. e. Signs of any kind in Residential Districts except those expressly permitted by this Article or Article 50 (Zoning) of this Code. f. Any signs expressly prohibited by article 50 (Zoning) of this Code. g, any sign which, because of flashing lights, brilliant lighting or reflected light, is a detriment to surrounding properties or prevents the peaceful onjoyment of residen- tial uses. For the purpose of enforcing this prohibition, the Build- ing Inspector is hereby authorized to withhold the issuance of an erection permit and refer such application to the Planning Commission, At its next regular meeting, the Planning Commission shall hear the applicant and thoroafter make such investigation and inquiry as it may doom neces- page 6.. sary . The Planning Commission may allow the erection as proposed, require modification, or deny the application, Sect, 1856 Ground Signs a. Construction. I:11 ground signs shall have a surface or facing of incombustible material; provided, however, that com- bustible trim may be used thereon. all letters, figures, characters or representations in cut-out or irregular form attached to or superimposed upon such signs shall be securely and safely built and attached to the sign structure and shall comply with the requiroments of Section 1853 g. b. Height Limitation. It shall be unalwful to erect any ground sign whose total height is greater than twelve feet (121) above the level of the street upon which the sign faces. C, Space Between Ground and Structure. Excepting signs located on lawful fences, all ground signs shall have an open space not loss than two feet (21) betiRroon the base line of said sign and the ground level. The open space may be filled with a decorative lattice work rhich does not close off more than one-half of any square foot of such open space. No ground sign shall be nearor than two feet (2t) to any other sign, building or structure. d. Setback Line. No ground sign shall be nearer the street than: the building setback established for the respective property, e. Bracing, Anchorage and Supports. All ground signs shall be securely built, constructed and erected upon posts and standards sunk at least three foot (31) below the surface of the ground, sot in concreted and shall be supported and braced by timbers or metal rods in the roar thereof, extend- ing from the top of the sign to a point on the ground at least a distance equal to one-half of the heiSht of such sign, measured along the ground, from the posts or standards upon which the same is erected. All portions of the postsa anchors and bracing of wood which is below the ground level shall be treated by creosoting of any other methods provided in the Uniform Building Code for protection against moisture., f. Wind Pressure Requirements, ill ground signs shall be erected to withstand a wind pressure of twenty-five (25) pounds per square foot of area. g. Premises To Be Kept Free of Weeds. ill ground signs and the premises surrounding the same shall be maintained by the ownor thereof in a clean, sanitary and inoffensive condition, and free and clean of all obnoxious substances, rubbish and woods. Sect. 1857 Signs on Lawful Fences Signs attached to or erected upon lawful fences shall meet the ro- quirements of Section 1856, subsections a. (Construction); b. (Height Limitation); and f. (Wind Pressure Requirements). Sect. 1858 Wall Signs a, Construction. Signs having an area of four (4) square foot or less and not more than one and one-half inches (12") in thickness may be affixed flatwise to any part of a. building and may be of wood. Signs which do not exceed two feet (21) in height, twenty foot (201) in length, and one and one-half inches (12") in thickness may be of wood, Lny wall sign illuminated by lights, tubes or fixtures or any combination thereof shall be constructed of metal or incombustible materials except that letters, decorations or facings thereof may be made of approved combustible Plastics. page 7. b. Height Limitation. Excepting those of four (4) square feet or less, no wall sign shall have a clearance of not less than ten feet (101) from the sidewalk or ground level. c. Projection Beyond Building Line. No wall sign shall be per- mittod to extend more than nine inches (9") beyond the building line, d. Supports and :attachments. .11 wall signs shall be safely and securoly attached to the building wall by means of metal anchors, bolts or expansion screws of not less than 3/8 inch in diameter properly embedded in said wall or shall be supported by or attached to metal brackets or saddles securely attached by similar methods. No wall sign shall be secured with wire, strips of wood, or nails. e. Obstructions to Doors or Windows. No wall signs shall be erected or maint a nod so as to prevent free ingress or ogre5v from any door, window or fire escape, nor cover wholly or partially any wall opening„ f. Size Limitation. No single wall sign shall exceed five hundred (500) square foot in area. Soot. 1859 Projecting Signs a. Construction. Every projecting sign, including the frame, braces, and supports theroof, shall be approved by the Building Inspector as in compliance ,+rith the Building and Electrical Codes of the City of Burlingame and shall be con- structed of incombustible materials, except that letters, decorations or ficins of such signs may be made of approved combustible plastics. Where externally illuminated, reflectors shall be provided with proper glass lenses concentrating the illumination upon the area of the sign. Floodlights$ spotlights and goose- neck reflectors shall not be permitted. Movable or remov- able parts shall be securely fastened. b. Projection Over Public Property. .Every projecting sign shall be placed at least ten feet (101) above the public sidewalk over which it is eroctod and shall not extend more than four feet (41) horizontally beyond the property line. Barber signs or barber poles may be placed at a height no less than four fent, six inches (416"), above the sidewalk level and may not extend more than one foot (11) beyond the property line. C, Supports and Attachment. Every projecting sign attached to masonry walls shall be properly and securely anchored by embedded studs or expansion bolts of not less than 3/8 inch in diameter. Every projecting sign attached to frame buildings shall be supported by bolts which extend completely through the wall with washors on plates on the inside of sufficient area to distribute the weiht to more than one stud of the framing. No projecting sign shall be secured with wire, strips of wood, or nails, now shall any projecting sign be hung from or secured to any other sign. d. Safety Requirements. Projecting signs shall meet every re- quirement of Section 1853, "Safety Requirements". Section 1860. Roof Signs a. Construction. Every roof sign, including the frame, braces ane. supports thereof, shall be approved by the Building Inspector as in compliance with the Building and Electrical Codes of the City of Burlingame and shall be constructed of incom- bustible materials, with the exception that letters,, decora- tions and facings may be made of approved combustible plastics. page G. b. Hoight and Area Limitations. No roof sign shall exceed 20 foot (20t) in hoight, measured from the roof level to the highest point of the sign. No roof sign shall be longer than sixty percent (60%) of the length of the frontage of the building upon which it faces. Roof signs which face on two frontages of a building may not be longer than sixty percent (60%) of the sum of the length of both frontages. Fin -type roof signs$ or signs which are an upward extension of the building creating a sign area above the roof line., shall not extend more than twenty feet (201) above the roof line. c. Special Regulations for Fin -type Signs, Fin -type signs shall be entiroly constructed of incombustible materials and the rigid framework shall be completoly within the sign itself. No external guy wires shall be permitted. Construction sha-12 be such as to withstand a wind pressure of thirty (30) pounds per square foot. Projection over the public property shall not e;;ceed four foot (41). No clear space between roof and sign shall be required as in other roof signs. d. Location of Roof Signs. No roof sign shall be erected with the face thereof nearer than five feet (5t) to the outside wall to which the sign faces. Such signs shall have a space at least five foot (51) in height between the base of the sign and the roof level., and shall have at least five feet (51) clearance between the vertical supports thereof. No roof sign shall be placed in such a manner as to prevent free passage from one part of the roof to any other part thereof or interfere with openings or fire escapes. e. Supports and Attachment. Every roof sign shall be thoroughly secured to the building by metal anchors, bolts$ supports, rods or braces. The load of such signs shall be upon metal bearing plates of sufficient size and area so as to dis- tribute the weight upon walls and intermediate columns of the building. Sect. 1861 The Building Inspector is hereby authorized to refuse a permit for any roof sign which$ in his opinion, will create a hazard because of excessive weight or insufficient support: Pole Signs a. Construction. Every polo sign and the supporting members thereof shall, be approved by the Building Inspector as in compliance with the Building and Electrical Codes of the City of Burlingame and shall be constructed of incombustible materials, provided that letters, facings and decorations may be of approved combustible plastics. Whore reflectors or floodlights are used, they shall be provided with proper lenses concentrating the illumination upon the sign. No goose -neck reflectors shall project over public property. b. Height Limitation. No pole sign shall exceed twenty feet (20t) in hoight, measured from the sidewalk level upon which the sign fronts to the highest point of the sign structure. c. Projection over Public Property. Pole signs may not project over public property more than four feet (4t) and there shall be at least ten foot (10t) between the level of the sidewalk and any portion of the sign so extending. d, Supports, Supporting members shall be entirely of metal and no pole sign shall be carried on wooden posts or structures;: Metal tubes or pipes or metal structures shall be anchored to concrete foundations by studs of not less than one-half inch (2°) diameter or embedded in such concrete foundation, page 9. Sect. 1862 Tem.)orary Signs a. Permits. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized to grant permits for temporary signs composed of com- bustible materials. Such permits shall be for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days; provided, that the Building Inspector may extend said period for an ad- ditional thirty (30) days upon payment of a fee in the same amount as that required for the original permit. The Building Inspector shall examinate the sign and its support to ascertain its safe attachment and condition before issuing a permit for an extended period. b. Support and Attachment. Temporary signs shall be safely attached to the wall or supporting structure by wire or cable. No such signs shall be so placed as to obstruct windows or fire escapes or be attached to standpipes. c. Advertising Permitted. The advertising presented on any temporary sign shall pertain only to the business, industry or pursuit conducted on or within the premises on which the sign is displayed. This provisions shall not apply to signs of a civic or political nature. d. The City Council may, upon written application to it, issue special permits upon such conditions as it may determine for temporary signs and banners of a civic, political, charitable, educational, municipal or religious nature and may waive the fee for such permits No such permit shall be issued unless the City Council finds that the City is held harmless for any act or omission of the applicant. Sect. 1863 Marquees a. Construction. All marquees, together with the anchors, bolts, supports, rods and braces thereof shall be con- structed of incombustible materials, except that letters, facings and decorations may be of approved combustible plastics. Marquees shall be designed by a licensed engineer or architect and must be approved by the Building Inspector as in compliance with the Building Code of the City of Burlingame. The roofs of all marquees shall be properly guttered and provided with down spouts so that water therefrom will not drip or flow onto the sidewalk. b. Projection Over Public Property.. No portion of a marquee shall be less than ton feet (101) above the level of the sidewalk or thoroughfare. No marquee shall extend beyond a point of one foot (11) inside the curb line. Go Anchorage and Supports. Marquees shall be supported sole- ly by the building to which they are attached and no columns or posts shall be permitted, as support there- for, which rest on any portion of the public way. No marquee shall be erected on any building of frame construction unless attached to masonry, concrete or steel supports of the building. d. Signs Upon Marquees. No sign or advertisement shall be placed upon a marquee beyond a point measured four feet (41) horizontally from the property line. Signs hung from a marquee shall be no lower than tan feet (101) above the sidewalk. No advertising material shall be placed upon the roof of a marquee. Sect. 1864 Awnings and Canopies a. Construction, Awnings and canopies may be constructed of cloth, metal or plastic; provided, however, that all frames and supports shall be of metal. page 10. b. Height and Location. Awnings and canopies shall be erected so that no portion shall be less than eight feet (81) above the sidewalk. No awning or canopy shall be permitted to extend beyond a point two feet (21) inside the curb line. c. Supports and Attachment• Awnings and canopies shall be securely attached to and supported by the building: The supporting members of canopies shall be attached to and supported by the building and no pipes or posts may rest on any portion of the sidewalk or public way. d. Advertising, Advertising on canopies and awnings shall be limited to the name of the occupant of the premises and the business, industry or occupation of the bus- iness conducted therein. Such wording shall bo within a space not exceeding eight inches (6") in height on the sides and front of the awning or canopy, Sect, 1866, Non -conforming Signs No sign or other advertising structure, awning, canopy or marquee, which is lawfully in existence on the effective date of this Article but which is not in accordance with the requirements of this Article may be altered or moved to other locations unless it be made to comply with the provisions of this Article. Soot. 1866 Variances F., Certain variances by City Council. In the event that compliance with the terms of this Article will work a hardship upon an applicant, the City Council is hereby authorized to grant certain variances. Variances may be granted only in matters of size and location of signs. b. Method of Application. Persons desiring a variance shall apply by written application to the City Council. Upon receipt of such application, the City Clerk shall place the matter upon the agenda of the Council and notify forthwith the owners or occupants of properties im- modia.tely adjoining the property for which the variance is requested. At the meeting to which the matter is referred, the City Council shall hear the applicant and all others and may grant, modify or reject the variance, The decision of the Council shall be final and con- clusive. Section 2. SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence,• clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court 4 competent juris- dictions such decision shdl not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinances The City Council of this City hereby declares that it vn uld have adopted this ordinance and each sections subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid oj� unconstitutional, Section 3. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. a L. B. MORG Mayor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of February, 1956, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of February, 1956, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Byrd-Johnson-Rooth-Thayer Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: Morgan Herbert K, White City Clerk 0 53j,U4 9-a7-55 WSIDK k'atecel "A" All that certain pweel at loud aritrasted in the City of Vis' C owty of Sm lOwbo s OWN at OsU ss ad som D +m1lwA$ described as follonaa mmm at tie most easterly ocammar 4* um U$ work 6i rr orcin Ut S" 5340 We aCWW oa tip OWWAS A" eat3U40dl "M' ilk. 3 MUMM= PARK SMNJN&= WT *A= CIMI # CALUNSWO ftuh meq► arra i'u" is vw sales 4t taut 31008alar Of IAW Comoft of sea slow# Staft Or ohllfkwesalrs on 111MMi11 30* 1955 in VOUM bl of *" at how ho we Vs homes t'hs �Mm+ly 11eae ad' harrrltll>Mrt�aw � Y �A.�. ihas8,w Nn �, ids arRal9y Liar at a err aro Oo wa mfr arr53 40al►�W f�asatre iMst rwr>Vt°� Liasi 3tS" S 53.E aced �6'"M� >t X60.55 twat to a mp+t ora 'lyda ha�nr� aMmu6>go�rd �r1y itae +ae' Lot 113 time 4=g Lut said line, 8 50%V93" E 9O.03 feet to Vo I= lomw Axogrm.