HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0615uRDalvCE No. GIs AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE, CITY OF BURLINGAME BY ADDING THERETO A NEW ARTICLE TO BE-IMTOWN AS ARTICLE 4-B ESTABLISHING THE CITY MANAGER FORM OF GOVI''RM ENT FOR THE CITY; DEFINING THE AUTHORITY3 POWERS AND D'OTTES OF THE CITY WAANAGERs AND REPEALING ALT, ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THERE07itH The City C-01mcil of the city Of E'u:'?11:ag=na a--pdains as foll.oas. 22RUon lA `'hes Ordinances Code oz .the City of Burlingame is hereby amended by adding thereto m new article to be 1x?oun as Aaxticle 4-B which shall read as follcros: F;T?CLFB G:iy"1 GEt Seei�icxn �2t�• City �:�r.�_,�n��< �a The office of City P ansger of the City Of Buy>'lingPme Is hereby crested and establishuds The City `tanager shall be appointed by the City Council solely on the basis of bits executive and administrative qualifications and abillty5 and shall hold office during the pleasure Of' the City Council. NO person elected to membership on. the City Council shallg subsequent to such election., be eligible for appointment as City Manager until one year has elapsed following the ter-mnation of the tenure for which he last was eleatede. Section 421: I3oa2d The City Manager shall furnish a corporate surety hosed to be approved by the City Council in such suns as may be determined by the City Council and shall be conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties im- posed on the City Manager as herein presoribed, Sec ion 422: Absence In ease of the absence or disability of the City Manager,, the City Council may designate some duly qualified person to perform the duties Of City Manager, section WN W ies The City 'Manager shall be the administrative head of the City Govern- ment under the direction and control of the City Council, except as o'thervise provided in this, Ordinance. He shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all affairs of the city Mich are under his control. In addition to htr gonop l porwenn as adadi1i5"4fiaa;Ieve hoad_,, and not as a limitation thereon, it hall be his duty and iso shall hevo the power., (a) To see that all :haw and ordinances of the City are duly enf orced.a (b) To control,, order and give directions to all heads of depart=- mentsy subordinate officers and employees of the C-ityp except the City Clatkq City Treasurer and. City Attorney; and to tr ant f av employees froYA one d.epartm.ent to another; and to consolidate or combine officese positions, departments or units under his direct song provide -d, hea„ever that nothing herein contained shell be construed to supersede � hr, authority of the Civil Scry ee Comfess:ion of the City in the matter of classification of City officers or amploybes., (e) To exercise control over all departments of the City government and over all a.ppoi,nt vs officers and employees thereof, (d.) To attend all moeting.s of the City Council unless excused therefrom by the Council, except when hire removal is under consideration by the Council., (6) `leo recommend to the City Council for adoption such measures and ordinances as he deems necessary or expedient, (f) To keep the City Council at all Imes fully advised was to the financial, conditions and needs of the City, MW (g) To prepare end submit to the City Council the annual budgetp (h) To purchase all supplies for all of the departments or divisions of the City. No expenditure shall be submitted or recommended to the City Council, except on report or approval of the City Msnager� ai To zsgFsa investigations into 't,Pae affairs of the t;iuy& and lany department or division they eofa and mny oontracty or the proper per- formance bormance oP any obligations runtIng to the City. (j) To :invicestigatesJ.1 complaints in relation to matters concerging the administration of the City government and in regard to the service maintained by publi e utilities in the City, and to ace that all f'rsancbisem permits and privileges granted by the City are falthfu ly performed end observede (h) To exercise general supervision over all public: buildings., public is pay ts and other public property which h a e under the control and jurisdiction of the City Council And not specifically delegated to s particular board or officers, (1) To devote his entire time to the duties of his office and the interests of the City of Burlingame, (m) To perform such other duties and exercise such oth�:r powers as may be delegated to him from time to time by Ordinance or resolution of the City Council, aS°ect3oifi 4� Cites G'cuncil The City Council and its me -ambers sFaall deal with the administrative services of the City only through the City Hanageno except for the purpose of Inquiry, and neither the City Council nor any members thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the City Manager, d Section 425: Conmensation The City Manager shall receive such compensation as the City Council shall from time to time determine and fisc by resolution, and he shall be paid at the same time and out of the saw; fund as other employees and officers of the City are paid. He shall also be aoipfbursod for all sums necessarily incurred or paid by him :in the prerforma;ace of his duties,, or when traveling on business pertaining to the City, provided that such reimbursement shall be made on Rn Itemized claim and presented to the City Counell for approval and by it approved and allowed. Section 426® Removal The removal of the City Manager shall be only on P four-fifths vote of the Whole Council* :fin case of his intended removal by the Cou_us11., the City Manager shall be furnished With a written notice stating the Councilvs intention to remove him and the reasons therefor$ at least thirty days before the effective date of his removal, Within seven days after the delivery to the City Manager of such notice, he may by written notification to the City Clerk,, request a public hearing before the Council. Thereafter the Council shall fix a time for the public hearing which shall be held at its usual meeting place,, but before the expiration of the thirty day pariod� and at which the City Manager shall appear and be heard, Lifter furnishing the City Manager with written notice of intended removal,, the City Council may suspend him from duty,, but his compensation shall continue until his removal by resolution of the Council passed subsequent to the aforesaid public hearing, In removing the City Manager the City Council shall use its un- controlled discretion and its action shall be final, and shall not depend upon any particular showing or degree of proof at the hearing; the 4 Pu:7 !7c.gSe 0' ✓v an'e, U7? the City Council his groiaids of opposition to removal prior to its act9.o,s<, Section 427. Election This Ordinanes shall In siibiritted to this :-zloctors of Iche City of Surllrgcv,,o a==. „J z 'the li...l .-� ._ :8_f ,i�:,.� .. ,Ct i... � ... :..!� .�. •.; ;_' .,,.__. _. 3.�,.-�;' id:G .... into full "once dt1°?.6 ef.,Loc � eGi5Ln. .. '?< ii -111 3part," of :in E:r»1.3'.lic�t li CiJ.i..� are he= f: eby 1'epe i eci, Section _.3. '1i't_.S `z _. .,.:.x„L,-,_ JG7 7'10.1_. t)t9. ;:16. ��,7a � a cl•�. 2.2., .95,`i „ I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on January 3, 1956 and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on January 16, 1956, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Byrd -Johnson -Morgan -Rooth -Thayer NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None 'moi r Herbert K. White City Clerk