HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 07014� ORDINANCE NO. 701 APPROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF BURLINGAME OF UNINHABITED CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY DESIGNATED "BELVEDERE HEIGHTS" The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, there has heretofore been filed with the City Council of the City of Burlingame a written petition signed by all the owners of all the land in the territory proposed to be annexed by area, and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assess- ment roll of the County of San Mateo, the county in which the said territory is situated, requesting that such territory be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of said City of Burlingame, a municipal corporation, and which territory is situated in the County of San Mateo, State of California, and is more specifically described herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council of said City on July 20, 19590 adopted a resolution giving notice of such proposed annexation, and said resolution specifically described the boundaries of said territory proposed to be annexed to said City, and contained a notice of the day, hour and place when and where any person owning real property within said territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexation might appear and protest against said proposed annexation; and WHEREAS, notice of said hearing was duly published and mailed as required by the provisions of Section 35311 of the Government Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, at the time of said hearing no person owning any real property within said territory appeared and objected to such proposed annexation or showed cause why such territory should not be so annexed; and WHEREAS, the persons signing said petition are hereby found r 1 e to be all of the owners of the real property proposed to be annexe and all said owners have consented in writing prior to the adoptio of this ordinance that the property within the annexed area may be taxed to pay its proportionate share of indebtedness and liability of the City of Burlingame contracted prior to, or existing at the time of, its annexation to the City of Burlingame. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that: 1. That certain uninhabited contiguous territory situated in the County of San Mateo, State of California, and more partic. ularly described herein, be, and it is hereby annexed to the City of Burlingame, and this Council does hereby approve of said annex- ation pursuant to the provisions of Title 4, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Government Code of the State of Calif.. ornia, entitled "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939", being sections 35300 to 35326 (both inclusive) of said Government Code. Said uninhabited contiguous territory is situated in the County of San Mateo, State of California, and is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the most easterly line of Lot 23 as said lot is shown on that certain map entitled "Kenmar Terrace, Burlingame, California119 dated January, 1953 and recorded in Book 36 of Maps, San Mateo County, California, at page 25, said point lying also on the corporate limit of the City of Burlingame as established by Ordinance No. 532 as adopted by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, said point lying thereon at the intersection of the courses South 3204814041 East 284.50 feet and South 2403892011 West 316.77 feet as shown on said map; running thence from said point of beginning along said easterly line and corporate limit North 24035930" East 316.77 feet (map bearing North 24038120'1 East); thence easterly along the southerly line of said Lot 23 along a curve to the left of radius 80.00 feet, whose center bears North 7043t3511 East, through a central angle of 10044t35T1 for an arc distance of 15.00 feet to the most westerly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Panama Realty Co. to Burlingame Elementary School District by deed dated March 10, 1930 and recorded March 27, 1930 in Book 458 of Official Records, San Mateo County at page 425 (57075«B); thence along the southerly and westerly line of said land conveyed to Burlingame Elementary School District South 640499 East 99.26 feet; thence North 43031130" East 51.84 feet; thence along a curve to the right of radius 120.00 feet tangent to the last preceding course through a central -2.. angle of 69006* for an arc distance of 144.72 feet; thence along a curve to the right of radius 195.00 feet tangent to the last preceding curve through a central angle of 670591 for an arc distance of 231.37 feet; thence tangent to the last preceding curve South 0036830" West 112.57 feet; thence along a curve to the right of radius 220.00 feet tangent to the last preceding course through a central angle of 17052830/1 for an arc distance of 68.63 feet; thence South 500461 East 48.66 feet to a point on the corporate limit of the Town of Hillsborough as established by Ordinance No. 148 as adopted by the City Council of the Town of Hillsborough on November 13, 1939; thence southerly along said corporate limit, Ordinance No. 148, along a curve to the left of radius 432.85 feet, whose center bears South 54004821" East from the last abovementioned point, through a central angle of 000484211 for an arc distance of 0.59 feet; thence along a curve to the left of radius 194.62 feet tangent to the last pre- ceding curve through a central angle of 3103984011 for an are distance of 102.02 feet; thence along a curve to the left of, radius 463.41 feet tangent to the last preceding curve through a central angle of 2500885811 for an arc distance of 203.41 feet to a point on the northerly line of Summit Drive as shown on that certain map entitled, '"Tract No. 508, Block 1 and Lots 1 - 4 Incl. Block 2, Burlingame Hills No. 4, in the County of San Mateo", recorded in Book 21 of Maps, San Mateo County Records, at pages 28 and 29, said point lying thereon North 8504985G" West 24.66 feet from the most northeasterly corner of Summit Drive as shown on said map; thence South 410308381" East 28.63 feet to the most easterly extremity of the center line of Summit Drive as shown on said map of Burlingame Hills No. 4; thence along said center line North 850498501" West 93.50; thence along a curve to the right of radius 200.00 feet tangent to the last preceding course through a central angle of 39032820'" for an arc distance of 138.02 feet; thence tangent to the last preceding curve North 46017830/8 West 66.08 feet; thence along a curve to the left of radius 150.00 feet tangent to the last preceding course through a central angle of 57011t4l" for an arc distance of 149.74 feet to a point on said corporate limit of the City of Burlingame, Ordinance No. 532, said point also being the most southeasterly corner of Kenmar Terrace as shown on said map of Kenmar Terrace; thence along said corporate limit, Ordinance No. 532, and the easterly lines of Summit Drive, Lot 22, and Lot 23 as shown on said map of Kenmar Terrace the following courses and distances: North 1302612011 West 20.00 feet (map bearing North 13023830" West), and North 3205183011 West 284.50 feet (map bearing North 320481401' West) to the point of beginning. CONTAINING an area of 6.430 acres, more or less. 2. In accordance with the consent in writing as aforesaid of all of the owners of the hereinbefore described territory, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 35319 of said Government Code, said territory shall be taxed for its proportionate share of all indebtedness of said City of Burlingame contracted prior to, or existing at the time of such annexation. - 3 - 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the Burlingame Advance -Star and shall be effective upon the expiration of thirty days after the date of its adoption. WI 9 MR - RENO 'y •iSON - Mayor I. Herbert K. Whiter City Clerk9 do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 8th I day of September 7 1959' and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 21st day of September ' 1959, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Byrd-Johnson-Pdlor an-RoothirThayer Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: done - 4 .. -Herbert Ka White - City Clerk - 4 ..