HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0699ORT PJANCE NO. b NN ORIdXNATdCE D-CHNING SWIU0,1n4G POOLS AORD REQUIRING PERMITS FOR ALL PGOL INSTALLATIONS, REQUIRYNG PERMANENT BnvlSTRAT%ON OF ALL POOLS, PRESCRIBING REf'FULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION. LOCATION UPON PROPERTY AND !7.q 'ETY FEATURES, AND PR(AFIDING METHODS Ot' ENFORCEMENT 1 e City Counci.! of '�i-e ^ity of B-urlingame, California, rocs as follows. SECTION 1. Article a"~ of the City U_` Burlingame Oy.d_na:nce Code is hereby amended is read as .follows- 19Sect. 2410. Definition of Swimming; Pool For the purpose of this Code, the term 1Swimming pool" shall a!ipzy to any artificially constructed spool, used for swimming or bathinv, , 24 inches or more in depth at any point, or with a surface .r <. exceeding 250 square feet. Sect, 2411, Permit to Install No person shall install, construct or .alter any swimming pool 11ithout first obtaining a permit from the Building Official, Applica® .:on for such permit shall be accompanied by plans in sufficient de- tFA.l to shoes: 1. Plot plan, showing location on property and relationship to all existing or proposed structures, 2; Pool dimensions, depth, volume in gallons. 3. Type and size of filter system. 4. fool piping layout with all sizes of pipe and type of material, 5. Waste disposal system, 6. Construction details. If any wall of a pool exceeds 4 feet, 6 inches in height, the plans must be prepared or approved by a registered structural engineer or licensed architect. Sect„ 2412. Registration of Pools The Building Official shall- keep a register of all swimming pools Within the city. Matters to be recorded shall include the address or legal description of the property, dire of the pool, a general des- cription of the improvements and accessories thereof and spaces for dates upon which inspections by any authority of the city are made, On or before J u L�.� , 19�1�Q every owner of a property upon which a pool is ocatea s�regi Rr such pool in the office of the Building Official, All pools constructed thereafter shall be li3ted in the register by the Building Official, I Sect. 2413. loton on Property Pools may be placed or constructed only at the side or in the rear of the principal building and shall not be constructed is :--hat portion of the property which is the front setback (Sects. 1353 et seq). There shall be a distance of at least v feet oatt--aeen :he pool and any side or rear property line and at least 5 feet be•",ween the pool and any other structure. No portion of a swimming pool may be constructed in any public utility easement or drainage easement. The swimming pool shall not be considered as lot coverage but bath -houses, bu'ild'ings for chlorinators or for other accessory pur- poses shall fall within t=,e provisions of Sections 1960, 1961 and 1962 of this Code. location of such accessory buildings shall be as provided in the zoning provisions of this Code. Sect. 2414. Safety A fence entirely enclosing the swimming pool or yard containing the swimming pool shall be erected and maintained. Such fence shall be not less than 4 feet 6 inches nor more than 6 feet in height, with no openings greater than 16 square- inches. All gates must be self-closing and self -latching and the latch or lock shall be located at least 4 feet, 6 inches above the surface of the underlying ground or floor, A space at least 4 feet in width shall be provided be- tween the line of the fence and the edge of the pool, Walks or decks surrounding the pool shall be finished so as to minimize slipping. Pools shall be so located that no electric power lines are above any portion of the surface of the pool and no electric power lines shall be installed in this area. No electric wires, unless in properly grounded conduit, shall be permanetly installed legs than 10 feet above the ground or closer than lg feet from the a.aterQs edge of the pool. Sect. 2415. ii�htinA No artificial lighting shall be maintained or operated in or about the swimming wool area in such a manner as to be a ;nuisance. Sect. 2416. Water Supply There shall be no inlet connection between ani, domestic water supply line and any circulating pump, filter, water softener, or other apparatus or device that comes in contact with the water in or from the pool. Recirculating system shall take the water supply to the pool from an open surge tank. The supply to the surge tank shall be above the extrem& overflow level in such a manner as to prevent water from tank entering the supply line. Any drain line or backwash lane for the pool shall be connected to the sanitary sewer with an air -gap separation. Construction of the pool shall be in such a manner that no splash or deck -water may return to the pool. Sect. 2417. None( s�YL�° zE•IY�aTEIIRl� Pools Every swimming pool in existence on adoration of this ordinance which violates or does not conform to the provisions of this Article shad be removed, or altered so as to conform i'i:3.th the "Tovisions of this ordinance within one year from the effective date of this Ordinance; provided, that no existing swimming pool shall be required to conform to any provisions of this Particle relating to location on property or to design of walls or floor. Sect. 2418. Enforcement The Director of Public Works and the Building Official shall enforce all provisions of this Article. Sect. 2419. Entry and Inspection (a) The enr:oscemen officers may enter and insect any buildings or premises whenever necessary to secure compliance with, or p"erest a viola,tiev of, £?nAy Provision of this Article which such Depa went of Public Woks, Building official or Department- of Health and Welfare has the power to enforce, (b) The owner, or authorized agent of any owner, of any building or premises may enter the building or premises whenever ?necessary to carry out any instructions, or perform any w.3n:k required to be gorse pursuant to this part, (c) No person authorized by this Article to enter buildings shall ester any dwelling between the hours of saxo'clock p.m. of any day and sins oOclock a.m. of the succeeding day, without the consent of the ower or of the occupants of the dwelling, ncrenter any dwell- ing in the absence of the occupants without a written order executed and issued by a court having jurisdiction to issue the order," SECTION 2, .any provisions of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame which is in conflict herewith is hereby repealer, SECTION 3. If any section, subsection] sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any .reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of this City hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clauGe, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrased., or portiones may be declared invalid or unconstitutional, 3 - SECTION 4s This Ordinance shall to published once as required by lase. -- 4mARLM 1, Herbest Ka White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a rQgular meeting of the city Council weld on the =34_ day of ° 1952, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ]7 A -.::— day of 29.591 by the following vote - Ayes: Councilmen: Morgan -Johnson -Rooth -Thayer Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Counc lm,_no Byrd Heibert K. White - City Clark