HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0696ORDINANCE NO. 696 AN ORDINANCE NAENDING ITIRI ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME TO REGULATE THE DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE, REFUSE AND WASTE, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF REFUSE AND REGUL�4TING THEIL�ZNG OF LANDS AND TYnELANDS The City Council of the City of Burlingame, California, does ordain as follows: SECTIMT 11. Article 39 of the City of Burlingame Ordinance Code is hereby amended to read as follows- fbARTICLE 39 GARBAGE, WASTE, AND REFUSE DISPOSAL Section 1602. Definitions. The teras used in this Article shall be defined as follows: Garbage. Kitchen waste from any source, refuse or offal from restaurants food markets or resulting from the preparation of food or food products and all organic substances of any kind which are subject to immediate decay or putrefaction. Refuse. Wood. garden rubbish, cuttings and greeds, paper cartons and paper products, cloth and leather products, refuse produced by building demolition or alteration, and Any organic material subject to rot, decay or combustion. Inorganic Waste. Soil or earthern materials, products of silica or clay9 firaces' sj cement. or concrete materials, metals, and other in- combustible materials. Person. Whenever the word person is used, It shall include person, °i m' corporation or partnership. Section 1603. Garbage Receptacles. a. Every owner, landlord, lessee or tenant of any building a„fhere foods are prepared or dispensed shall maintain, within the building or upon the same lot or parcel of land, a watertight receptacle with a tight- fitting cover for all garbage which accumu Utes upon the premises. Such garbage receptacles shall be readily accessible to collectors. b. No garbage receptacle shall be placed upon any street, alley or publs.c place, except that operators of commercial establishments may so place such receptacles for collection at such time as collections are to be made. c. No garbag shall be placed upon any g )lic or private place whatsoever, except in receptacles as herein described. d. No garbage shall be deposited in public litter cans placed upon the pub'iac way for the deposit of refuse. Section 1604. Certain Disposals Prohibited. ate. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or deposit any garbage, refuse or waste, or to cause the same to be thrown or deposited upon any street, way or place, upon any public or private property, or in any public or private watercourse or gate.-o;ay. This provision shall not be construed to prevent the proper filling of land with inorganic materials as hereinafter provided. b. Every owner of land within the city shall maintain such property in a clean, sightly and sanitary condition and shall remove therefrom any garbage or refuse deposited thereon. c. No Person shall fill in, on or about any property without a permit To do so from the City Engineer where the fill materials are trans ported to the; property. The application for such permit shall statee I. Nasse and address of the applicant. 2. Whether applicant is the owner of the property on which the filling is to be done and, if not, the name and address of the owner and written evidence of his consent. 3. legal description and address of the property on which the filling is to be done. 4. Name and address of the contractor or person doing the worts. 5. Type of material which is to be used. 6. Estimated starting and completion elates. 7. Such other "information as the City Engineer may require, A permit fee to defray the costs of inspection shall be charged by the City Engineer in the amount of $10.00 for the first acre or fraction thereof and $10.00 for each additional acre or fraction thereof. d. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to reclamation of rubblsh disposal sites operated by or for the City of Burlingame. ' Section 1605. Receptacles for taste Paper and Plammables. Every owner, landlord, lessee or tenant of any property where the business or use of such property creates or accumulates waste paper, cartons, cloth or flammable matter or materials must provide a box or container in Which such waste must be deposited. Such container shall be constructed of metal or covered with sheet metal and shall have a tightly fitted cover.. Section 1606. Garbage Collection. It shall be unlawful for any person except such collectors as may be authorized by contract -with the City of Burlingame to collect, dispose of, or carry garbage through the streets of the city, except that this provision shall not apply to persons who collect the residue of meat, fat and bones from butchering for further Processing and rendering. © 2 - Section 1607. Garden Refuse Collection. The city shall provide for the collection of dry rubbish and small, garden refuse and collections shall be mane at such intervals -Dd at such times as are designated by the City Engineer. Such materials shall be placed in containers or tied in bundles and no such container or bundle shall exceed 100 pounds in Freight. Refuse for collection shall be placed in front of the residence and be so placed not more than one day prior to the date designated for collection. Empty receptacles shell be removed from the public way 1LAthsn twenty-four hours after emptying., Section 1608, Incinerators. No garbage may be burned ~within the city. No refuse may be burned except in accordance with the provisions of Article 26A of this Code. Section 1609. Dumping on Tideland Areas. a. 11.- shell be unlawful for any person to throw or deposit, or cause t® be thro-,ai or de€sositede or permit to be thrown or deposited, or suffer, allow, or maintain, any garbage or refuse on or in any tideland area within the city. Every owner of tideland areas shall maintain such property in a clean, sanitary and sightly condition and remove therefrom any garbage or refuse deposited thereon. b. Before any waste is deposited in any tideland area, an applica- tion for ai permit as provided in Section 160/ c. hereof must be made to the City Engineer. No permit shall be for a period of more than one year from date of issuance. c. No materials of any kind may be deposited in any area used for the draaiage of stores graters or designated for such purpose on any drainage plan or tentative or final subdivision map approved by the City Council. d. All fills on property being, or intended to be subdivided under the SubWfvision Map Act or the subdivision ordinances of the City of Burlingame and all fills intended to support buildings or structures shall be made to a minimum compaction of eighty percent (80%) of maximum density throughout the fill as determined by the Compaction `Pest, Standard Specifications, department of Public Works, State of California. .11 fills intended to support public improvements shall be made to a minimum.compaction of ninety percent (90%). All tests requirr;�d by this section shall be provided by the owner or developer and .made at his expense, e. The City Engineer may require a. certificate frons an approved soils testing agency prior to the issuance of Barry building perydit for any structure upon filled tidelands and such building permit may be refused in the event that the City Engineer finds that such filled lased will not support the proposed structure. In such case,, alternative methods of support may be submitted to the City Engirieez who may accept or reject the same. 3 Section 1610. Disposal of Waste and Refuse from Demolished Buildings. Waste, refuse, or debris from demolished buildings or building alter- ations may be deposited only in areas operated by the city for such purposes except that separated inorganic waste way be used in fills as provided by Section 1609 hereof. No permit may be issued for depositing such refuse in any other area." SECTION 2. Sections 1610 to 1624, both inclusive, and all provisions of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame which are in conflict here- with erewith are hereby repealed. SECTICN 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of courts of jurisdiction, decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of this City hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases or portions may be declared invalid or unconstitutional.. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published once as required by lww. 4W.ARLM-TrE/' C� : ON - Mayor I, Herbert aim Fftite, City Cleric, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinauce was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of June 19599 and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council ?geld on the 6th day of_July.-.. 1959, by the following vote -- Ayes- Councilmen- Byrd - Johnson - Morgan - Rooth - Thayer Noes- Councilmen'. None Absent Councilmen: None ;�