HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0688NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 688 ADOPTING BY REFERENCE 1958 EDITION OF UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WITH AMEND- MENTS, AND FARMERTS BULLETIN NO. 1638 OF THE UNITED STATES DE- PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND AMENDING ARTICLE 22 OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ORDINANCE CODE ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on MONDAY, the 18th day of May, 1959, at the hour of 8:00 o°clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in the City of Burlingame, a hearing will be held on the proposed ordinance cited in the title above, providing that the rules, regulations and standards printed in two volumes and pub- lished in 1958 by International Conference of Building Officials, under the title "Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition", Volume I, in cluding appendix thereto, and Volume III, entitled "Uniform Buildin Code Standards, 1958 .Edition", and Farmer's Bulletin No. 1638 of th United States Department of Agriculture, published by the Departmen of Agriculture, be adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within the City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, State of California, as to all matters therein contained, except as other wise provided in said ordinance, and that said volumes of the Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition, Volume I, the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1958 Edition, Volume III, and Farmer's Bulletin No. 1638 of the United States Department of Agriculture, as so modified will become a part of the City of Burlingame Ordinance Code. Said Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition, Volume I, in- cluding the appendix thereto, and Volume III, Uniform Building Code Standards, 1958 Edition, were published in 1958 and provide rules, regulations and standards for building construction and the altera- tion of structures of various types, and provide requirements based on occupancy and types of construction for engineering regulations, quality and design. Said Farmer's Bulletin No. 1638 of the United States De- partment of Agriculture was published in pamphlet form in 1930, and provides rules, regulations and standards for ratproofing of structures. - 1 - That three copies of the Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition, Volume I, including the appendix thereto, and Volume III, Uniform Building Code Standards, 1958 Edition, are on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, three copies of said Farmer's Bulletin No. 1638 of the United States Department of Agriculture are also on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, that said City of Burlingame Ordinance Code was published in 1941 by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, and three copies thereof are on file in the Office of said City Clerk, and are open to public inspection. Dated: - 2 - City Clerk of the City of Burlingame ORDINANCE NO. 639 Adopting by reference 1958 Edition of Uniform Building Code with amendments and Farmerts Bulletin No. 1638 of the United States Department of Agriculture, and amending Article 55 of the City of Burlingame Ordinance Code and Article 22 of the City of Burlingame Ordinance Code establishing Rules, Regu- lations and Standards for building construction and the moving of buildings, and providing penalities for the violation thereof The Council of the City of Burlingame do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Article 55 of the City of Burlingame Ordinance Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Article 55 Adoption of Building Code and Local Amendments Thereto. Sect. 2400 Adoption of Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition. The rules, regulations and standards printed in two volumes and published by International Conference of Building Officials under the title 'Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition, Volume I', including the appendix thereto, and 'Volume III, Uniform Building Code Standards, 1958 Edition*, hereinafter collectively called 'Building Code', are adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this city as to all matters therein con- tained, except as hereinafter provided. The mandatory requirements of the Appendix to the Building Code shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the Building Code. Three copies of the Building Code, Volumes I and III, shall at all times be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk. Sect. 2400.1 Sect. 204 of the Building Code shall not be a part of this Article. Sect. 2400.2 Sect. 301(a) of the Building Code is amended to read as follows: (a) Permits required. No person, firm, corporation, or public body shall commence or proceed to erect, construct, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, enlarge, convert or demolish any building or structure, either public or private, municipal, county, state or federal in the City of Burlingame, without first obtaining a separate build- ing permit for each such structure or building from the Building Official. Sect. 2400.3 Sect. 301(b) is amended by adding the following item 8. 8. State that the grade of the land on which the propos- ed work is to be done has met with the approval of the City Engineer. Sect. 2400.4 Sect. 301 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following: (f) Before issuing any building permit, except a permit for an I or J occupancy, the Building Official shall first submit the application, with the plans and specifications, to the Fire Chief and to the Health Officer who shall examine the same and endorse thereon their approval or disapproval thereof. Sect. 2400.5 Sect. 302 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following: Sect. 302.1 Grade of Land. The Building Official shall issue no building permit hereunder unless the City Engin- eer shall have approved by endorsement on the plans the grade thereof, after finding that such grade meets the requirements of the public health, safety and welfare. The City Engineer may require the installation of drain tile or other adequate means of removing ground water from the site of the proposed building. Sect. 2400.6 Sect. 303(b) of the Building Code is amended to read as follows: (b) Plan -checking fees. when the valuation of the pro- posed construction exceeds One Thousand Dollars ($1000,00) and a plan is required to be submitted by subsection (c) of Sect. 301, a plan -checking fee must be paid to the Building Official at the time of submitting the plans and specifications for checking. Said plan -checking fee shall be equal to one-half of the building permit fee as set forth in Table No, 3-A. The plan -checking fee shall be waived by the Building Official for buildings of I or J occupancies and for any occupancy where the plans have been prepared by or checked by an architect or engineer, licensed by the State of California, and so endorsed on the prints by the said architect or engineer. Sect. 2400.7 Sect. 303 of the Building Code is amended by adding subsection (c) to read as follows: (c) Refund of Permit Fees. During the period for which a building permit continues in force, the applicant may surrender such permit to the Building Official and if no work has been performed thereunder, the Building Official shall authorize refund to such applicant of 75% of the fee, theretofore paid for such permit. Sect. 2400.8 Sect. 306 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following subsections (f) and (g), to read as follows: (f) Notice of New Business. Whenever any person, firm or corporation applies to the License Collector for a bus- iness license to conduct a kind of business which is not then being conducted at the place or premises for which the license is applied, the License Collector shall first refer the application to the Building Official, Fire Chief, and Health Officer, and it shall be the duty of said officials to prevent such use or occupancy of such place or premises in violation of any provision of the Burlingame Ordinance Code or in violation of any state or federal statute. (g) Approval of Other Officials Required, In Certain Cases. In the case of a proposed occupancy and use, except for an I or J occupancy, the Building Official, before issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, shall first submit the ap- plication to the Fire Chief and the Health Officer, who shall examine the same and endorse their approval or dis- approval thereof. In such case, no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued, except for an I or J occupancy, without the approval of the Fire Chief and the Health Officer. Sect. 2400.9 The Building Code is amended by adding a new Sect. 307 to read as follows: Sect. 307 Fire and Health Protection, The Chief of the Fire Department and the Health Officer shall have con- current jurisdiction, respectively, with the Building Official in the enforcement of all those provisions of this code relating to, or involving protection against, fire, or the maintenance of public health. The Building Offic- ial, Fire Chief, and/or Health Officer and/or their au- thorized representatives, may enter any building or premises for the purpose of inspection or enforcing the provisions of this code. - 2 - Whenever any building work is being done contrary to the provisions of this code, the Building Official or his au- thorized representative may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on the contractor, or his repre- sentative, or any persons engaged in doing or causing such work to be done, and any such person shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the Building Official to resume the same. In case the work is being done in such a manner as to in- crease the fire hazard or jeopardize the public health, the Fire Chief and the Health Officer shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Building Official to stop the work, or any portion thereof, as above provided. Sect. 2400.10 Sect. 408 of the Building Code is hereby amended by changing the definition of "Garage, Private" to read as follows: Garage, Private, is a building, or a portion of a building in which only motor vehicles used by the tenants of the building or buildings on the premises are stored or kept. Sect. 2400.11 Sect. 420 of the Building Code is hereby amended by changing the definition of "Story" to read as follows: Story, is that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above, except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly above a basement or cellar is more than six feet (61) above the grade establish- ed by the City Engineer for the street upon which the building fronts, such basement or cellar shall be consider- ed a story. Sect. 2400.12 The second paragraph of Sect.501 of the Building Code is amended to read as follows: Doubtful Classification. Whenever any proposed use or occupancy is not specifically mentioned in any classifica- tion and the proper classification of such use or occupancy is in doubt for any reason, the question of classification shall be referred to the Building Official, the Fire Chief and the Health Officer, and the decision of any two of them shall be final and conclusive insofar as the proposed classification is concerned. Sect. 2400.13 Sect. 1008 of the Building Code is amended by adding to "Exceptions", the following: In Division 3 occupancies under 3000 square feet in area, a two-hour fire resistive occupancy separation may be used. Sect. 2400.14 Sect. 1101, Division 1. of the Building Code is amend- ed to read as follows: Division 1. Gasoline service stations, private garages over 2000 square feet in area, storage garages where no repair work is done except exchange of parts and mainten- ance requiring no open flame, welding, or the use of highly flammable liquids. Sect. 2400.15 Sect. 1302 of the Building Code is amended by substi- tuting for subsection (b) Special Provisions, the following: (b) Special Provisions. Group H occupancies more than one story in height shall be of not less than one-hour fire resistive construction throughout. For attic space partitions and draft stops, see Sect. 3205. Sect. 2400.16 Sect. 1501, Division 1, of the Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: - 3 - Division 1. Private garages when not over two thousand square feet (2000 sq. ft.), sheds and agricultural build- ings when not over one thousand square feet (1000 sq. ft.) in area. Sect. 2400.17 Sect. 1503 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following: Exception. Exterior walls of any structure of any Group J occupancy in a residential zone, the area of which struc- ture is less than 300 square feet, and the use of which is not for garage or living quarters purposes, and which structure is located in the rear 30 percent of the lot, may be of any type of construction allowed by this code for exterior walls Proper means for roof drainage shall be installed. Sect. 2400.18 Sect. 1602 of the Building Code is amended by adding to Exceptions, the following: First floor walls fronting on a street having a width of at least 50 feet may have combustible frame work as ap- proved for one-hour construction provided the structural frame is protected as required by this code. This applies to Group F and G occupancies only. Sect. 2400.19 Sect. 1603 of the Building Code is amended by delet- ing all of subsection (c) "Occupancies Prohibited." Sect. 2400.20 Sect. 1603(b)3 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following: Exception: Roofs may be covered with wood shakes, provid- ed that the average butt thickness is not less than one inch, that five-eighths inch gypsum board or equal is laid between the shakes and the sheathing, and that the building is at least five feet from property lines. Sect. 2400.21 Sect. 1701 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following: The use of metal sheets or plates for the external cover- ing of roofs or walls is prohibited, anything in this code notwithstanding, with the following exceptions: 1. Metal or metallic shingles as roof coverings in I or J occupancies; 2, Prefabricated and prefinished modular siding or panels approved by and acceptable to the Fire Chief and the Building Official for a specific installation; 3. Gasoline service stations as provided in Sect. 2101 of this code. Sect. 2400.22 Sect. 2309 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following: Where retaining walls are required to protect adjoining property or structures and they are over four feet, six inches (4*611) in height, they shall be designed by a licensed architect or engineer and approved by the City Engineer. Sect. 2400.23 Sect. 2507(b)il is amended to read as follows: Bridging. All stud partitions or walls over seven feet (7r) in height shall have bridging, not less than two inches (211) in thickness and of the same width as the stud, fitted snugly and spiked into the studs at mid - height of stud or other means for giving equal lateral support to the studs. Bridging may serve as fire -stopping as required in Sect. 2508. Sect. 2400.24 Sect. 2507 of the Building Code is amended by repeal- ing subsection (f) 5. - 4 - Sect. 2400.25 Sect. 2507 of the Building Code is amended by adding to subsection (f), the following: 8. Stucco. Stucco shall be applied with sheathing or similar backing. In all cases, except in back -plastered construction, an approved waterproof paper or asphalt saturated felt weigh- ing not less than fourteen pounds per one hundred square feet or any substantial waterproof paper which success- fully passes a 60 pound Mullen test shall be applied weatherboard fashion directly over the sheathing. Horizon- tal joints shall be lapped not less than'two inches and vertical joints not less than six inches. Sect. 2400.26 Sect. 2516(a), second paragraph, is amended to read as follows: The minimum clearance between the bottom of floor joist or the bottom of floors without joist and the ground shall be twenty-four inches (2411). Minimum clearance under girders shall be eighteen inches (1811). Sect. 2400.27 Sect. 2516 of the Building Code is amended by adding subsection (d), as follows: (d) Wood Preservative Required. Creosote or other equal- ly effective material must be used on the mudsilis and for six inches above the mudsills on the studding and under- pinning. Sect. 2400.28 Sect. 2806 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following subsections (c) and (d): (c) Rat Proofing. Every building or portion thereof shall be made rat proof in accordance with the specifications set forth in Farmer's Bulletin No. 1638 of the United States Department of Agriculture, which is hereby adopted by reference, said bulletin being purblished in pamphlet form in 1930, and three copies thereof being on file in the office of the City Clerk. (d) Drainage on Sloping Lots. On hillside or sloping lots where the exterior grade.is higher than the rat proof grade, drainage must be provided to the satisfaction of the Building Official. In lieu of such drainage, some means of preventing water from collecting under the house may be provided, if authorized by the Building Official and subject to his approval. Sect. 2400.29 Sect. 2806 of the Building Code is amended by delet- ing the first and second paragraphs of "Exceptions":113". Sect. 2400.30 Sect. 3102 of the Building Code is amended by adding the following paragraph: Following are the requirements for concrete slabs on ground used as a finish floor or as a base for other floor finish in habitable rooms: A. Minimum thickness of reinforced concrete, three and one-half inches (3z"). B. Membrance water -proofing or water -proofing acceptable to the Building Official shall be provided. Extend to exterior walls or beyond the limits of habitable rooms and turn up to top of slab. C. A granular material shall be placed under concrete slabs and shall be of proper consistency and thickness to retard capillary action and shall be approved by Building Official. Sect. 2400.31 Sect. 3105 of the Building Code is amended by strik- ing the third paragraph and substituting the following: - 5 - The minimum access crawl hole in an exterior wall shall be eighteen inches (1811) by thirty inches (30), Sect. 2400.32 Sect. 3205 is amended by adding subsection (a) as follows: (a) Attic Ventilation. There shall be installed in the attic, or area under the roof in all buildings, sufficient vents properly to ventilate the area. The total area of attic vent openings shall be approximately one-half square inch per square foot of attic or roof area when the roof pitch is greater than a three inch rise on a twelve inch run, and double that when the pitch is flatter. The method of venting shall be approved by the Building Official. Sect. 2400.33 Sect. 3206 of the Building Code is amended to read as follows: Sect. 3206. The water from the roof of all buildings, except I or J occupancies, which would flow by gravity over a public sidewalk shall be carried by means of conductors under the sidewalk and through the curb into the gutter. Overflows shall be installed at each low point of the roof to which the water drains. Concealed roof drainage pipe shall be installed as required for soil, waste, or vent piping. No down spout on any building shall be drained into the sanitary sewer. On all buildings constructed on lots which slope downward to the rear, gutters and roof drain- age shall be arranged so that water will flow to the street or to a natural drain or drainage easement. Sect. 2400.34 Sect. 3302(b) of the Building Code is amended by adding the following: Where two or more exits are required, an approved fire escape may be substituted for one exit. Such fire escape shall comply with provisions of the State Housing Act of California as to type and construction. Sect. 2400.35 Sect. 3801 of the Building Code is amended by adding a third paragraph to subsection 1. to read as follows: Whenever in such storybasement or cellar of a buildin partitions are built r installed so that an area is °u�yre uAie�_+ created which is not accessible directly from thApenings in the exterior walls, any such area shall be protected with an approved automatic fire -extinguishing system. Sect. 2400.36 Sect. 4204 of the Building Code is amended by changing Table 42-B, referred to in that section, to read as follows: Table 42-B Minimum Interior -Finish Classifications Enclosed Rooms Occupancy Vertical Other or Group Exit -Ways Exit -Ways Areas A I IT YYI B I II IYI C I II III D Y II II** E I II III* F I II TII G I II III H I IY IIY* Y YIY ITY YII J N o r e s t r i c t i o n s * Over two stories shall be Class II ** In rooms in which personal liberties of inmates are forcibly restricted, Class I material only may be used. - 6 - Sect. 2400.37 Sect, 4710 of the Building Code is amended by adding subsection (e), to read as follows: (e) Sheathing Required. Anything in Sect, 4710 or else- where in this code to the contrary notwithstanding, in all cases where plastering or stucco is applied to the exter- ior of a wood frame building, the building paper required shall be applied on sheathing or similar backing. Sect. 2400.38 Sect. 5101 of the Building Code is amended by adding subsection (g), to read as follows: (g) Oil Burners for Heating. All stoves, furnaces and other heating or power apparatus in which oil burners are installed shall be constructed in accordance with the pro- visions of Sections 1419,1 and 1419.2 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code, Sect, 2400.39 Sect. 5101(e) "Fuel Connection" of the Building Code is amended. by deleting subsections 1, 21 3, and 4, and substituting for subsection 1, the following: 1. All gas and liquid fuel -burning heat -producing ap- pliances shall be rigidly connected to the fuel piping outlet with standard I.P.S. (iron pipe size) pipe, except that wall heaters may be installed within the wail area with copper tubing connections between the rigid pipe and the unit, where every portion of the installation is rigidly installed. Sect, 2400.40 Sect. 5109(c) "Kitchen Ventilation" is amended to read as follows: (c) Kitchen Ventilation, There shall be installed in the ceiling, approximately over the cooking facilities, a ventilating opening with a minimum area of eight inches by six inches (8" x 611), connected by an incombustible ventilating duct free to the outside of the building. The ventilating duct for each kitchen shall have a minimum cross-sectional area of twenty-eight square inches (28 sq. in, ), An approved forced -draft system, in either wall or ceiling, may be substituted for the natural -draft ventilating system. Combination -type gas and solid -fuel ranges and trash - burner ranges must be vented to a Type "A" chimney con- structed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for use by trash -burners. Solid -top -type gas ranges and built-in gas circulator -type ranges shall be vented to an approved Type "B" gas vent or Type "A" chimney. Gas ranges having a griddle and open -type burners are not classed as solid -top ranges. Gas ranges which are equip- ped for unvented use and approved for such use by an applicable nationally recognized testing agency may be installed without connection to a flue provided that the room in which the range is installed is ventilated in ac- cordance with this section and approved by the Building Official. Sect, 2400.41 Table No, 5-A of the Building Code is amended to read as follows: Group Description of Fire Fire Resistance Openings Occupancy Zone of Exterior in Exter- Walls for Walls H Hotels, apart- 1 2 hr. less than Not per- ment houses, 20 ft, mitted dormitories, 1 hr, elsewhere less than lodging houses, 3 ft, convents, Protected monasteries less than (each accommo- 10 ft, dating more than 10 persons) - 7 - 2 1 hour Not permitted less than 3 ft. Protected less than 5 ft. 3 1 hour Not permitted less than 3 ft. Protected less than 5 ft. Sect. 2400.42 Volume 111, Uniform Building Code Standards, 1958 edition is amended by deleting the following sections: Sect. 9.120 e Dikes and Walls 1. Crude Petroleum 2. Flammable liquids other than petroleum Sect. 9.121 a. Location; b. Depth and cover; c.4 Vent piping Sect. 9.119 b Unenclosed tanks inside of buildings Sect. 9.129 (a) General construction Sect. 9.132 Drainage and waste disposal Sect. 9.138 Drainage and waste disposal Sect. 9.142 a. Location; b. Design and construction of inside mixing and handling rooms y vq°aSect. 9.152 Sources of ignition Sect. 2440.43 It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any Provisions or fail to comply with any of the requirements of this Article 55, or of the Building Code incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. Any person violating any of such provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this Article, or of the Building Code as herein incorporated, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than 4500.00 or by imprisonment of not to exceed six months in the city jail of this city or in the county jail in the County of San liateo, or by both such fine and imprisonment. - 8 - Sect. 2400.43 Section 9A-IC4Volume III, Uniform Building Code Standards, 1958 edition is amended by adding the follow- ing paragraph: In addition to the foregoing requirement the capacity of each new tank installed shall be restricted to not more than 3,000 gallons. When installed but before backfilling, tank and fitting shall be tested for tightness at not less than 15 pounds per square inch. Greater test pressures may be required by the authority having jurisdiction when tanks are subject to submergence in excess of 30 feet. Sect. 2400.44 Appendix A, Volume III, Uniform Building Code Standards, 1958 edition is amended by adding a new Section 9A-108 to read as follows: Section 9A-108 Enforcement and Inseections The chief of the bureau of fire prevention or other enforcing official shall make periodic inspections of all plants where the storage of flammable liquids is such as to require compliance with the foregoing requirements, in order to assure the following: (1) That all flammable liquid storage tanks are in compliance with these requirements and so maintained. (2) That detailed printed instructions of what to do in flood emergencies are properly posted. (3) That station operators and other employees depended upon to carry out such instructions are thoroughly informed as to the location and operation of such valves and other equipment necessary to effect the intent of these requirements. - 9 - Sect, 2405 Moving Buildings, Permit Required. Before any building or structure is moved on or along any street within the city, a permit must be applied for and issued for such moving. The application shall describe the streets and route over which the building will travel, the location of final installation if within the city, and the hours during which building will be moved. The Building Official will collect a fee of Twenty -Five Dollars ($25) for required 'investigations and inspections. Prior to issuance of permit, the Building Official shall notify all affected city officials, and, in the event that any such officials object to route or time of travel, changes shall be made to meet such objection. Sect. 2406 Moving Buildings, Bond Required. In addition to all other requirements of the Building Code relating to the moving of buildings and structures, no permit for such moving shall be issued until the ap- plicant shall have filed with the Building Official a corporate surety bond in favor of the city or a cash deposit in lieu of such bond. The bond shall be con- ditioned that the applicant will strictly comply with all provisions of the Building Ordinance Code and the Building Code relating to the moving of buildings and structures and that the applicant will pay any and all damage which may result by reason of such moving to any fence, hedge, tree, pavement of streets or sidewalks, pipes, poles and wires, or to any public or private property, and to hold harmless the city against any costs or expense which may accrue in consequence of such moving.. The bond shall be in such amount as the Building Of- ficial shall determine but in no case less than One Thousand Dollars ($1000) and shall be approved by the City Attorney. At the option of the applicant, a cash deposit in the same amount may be deposited with the City Treasurer. Sect. 2407 Time Limited During Which Building May Be Left Standing on One Block. No person owning, or having charge of the removal of, any building being moved over any street shall permit such building to be, or stand, on any street within the limits of any one block for a period of more than twenty-four hours. Sect. 2408 Prevention of Injury to Street or Property. No person owning or having charge of the moving of any building or structure over any street shall allow or cause injury to any fence, hedge, tree, pavement, side- walk, gas pipe, water pipe, sewer pipe, electric wires or the poles supporting the same, or any other public or private property by reason of such removal. SECTION 2. Ordinances Nos. 506, 571, 638, and all provisions of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame which are in conflict here- with are hereby repealed.. Sections 1385, 1386 and 1387 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame relating to moving of build- ings are hereby repealed. r SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court or courts jurisdiction, decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of this city hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsections, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases or portions may be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published once as .required by law. Charlott Johnson Mayor I,. Herbert K. 71hite, '';ity Clerk, do hereby certify that the :orep;oinr, ordinance was introduced at a regul:,.r meeting of the City Council 'held on the 20th day of April, 1959, and adopted thereafter at a. regular meeting of the City Council held on the l8t;).day of May, 1959, by the following vote: Aye:,: Councilmen: Johnson -Morgan -.tooth -Thayer Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Counciimen: Byrd Herbert K. 1.7hite City Clerk