HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0709ORDINANCE NO. 709 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY CERTAIN PROPOSITIONS FOR INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS IN SEPARATE GROUPS, EACH GROUP INCLUDING ONLY ONE OBJECT; CONSOLIDATING SAID MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON APRIL 12, 1960; FIXING THE DATE OF SAID SPECIAL ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF HOLDING THE SAME; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Burlingame by resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council on January 18, 1960, by the affirmative vote of more than two—thirds of all its members, did determine that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition, construction and completion of municipal improvements hereinafter set forth in several groups, each group including only one object and purpose, and did further determine that the cost of said proposed municipal improvements and each of them, and each group thereof, will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said municipality and that said acquisitions and improve— ments and each of them will require an expenditure greater than the amount allowed for each thereof by the annual tax levy, and will necessitate the in— curring of a bonded indebtedness, which resolution was duly entered on the minutes of said meeting of said Council and is now on file and of record in the Office of the City Clerk of said City; and WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election will be held in said City of Burlingame on April 12, 1960; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That a Special Municipal Election be, and it is hereby ordered and directed to be, held in said City of Burlingame, on Tuesday, the twelfth day of April, 1960, at which election shall be submitted to the quali— fied electors of said City the question of incurring bonded indebtedness by said City for the objects and purposes set forth in the following propositions, Nos. 12 2, 3 and 4, respectively, as follows: — 1 — PROPOSTION N0. 1 Shall the City of Burlingame incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $65,000.00 in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of the construction and completion of a public works department building on property owned by the City of Burlingame; the purchase of furniture, fixtures and equipment necessary or convenient to furnish and equip the public works department building? PROPOSITION NO, 2 Shall the City of Burlingame incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $1750000.00 in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and completion thereon, or on real property owned by the City of Burlingame, of branch fire stations; the completion of grading, paving and site preparation of any such real property the purchase of furniture and equipment to furnish and equip the branch fire stations; the purchase of fire apparatus and its equipment; the extension of the fire alarm system to the branch fire stations; the construction and com— pletion of a drafting pit? PROPOSITION NO, 3 Shall the City of Burlingame incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $1901000.00 in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and completion thereon, or on real property owned by the City of Burlingame, of a building to be used as a municipal community art center, together with furniture, fixtures and equipment and other works, property, structures or facilities necessary or convenient to the maintenance and operation of a municipal community art center? PROPOSITION NO. 4 Shall the City of Burlingame incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $240,000.00 in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and completion thereon, or on real property owned by the City of Burlingame, of a police department — 2 — building; the purchase of furniture, fixtures and equipment and other works, property or structures necessary or convenient to furnish and equip the police department building and to shelter its automotive equipment? The estimated cost of the municipal acquisitions and improvements, in— cluding legal or other fees incidental to or connected with the authorization, issuance and sale of bonds, and also including the costs of printing bonds and other costs and expenses incidental to or connected with the issuance and sale of bonds, set forth in each of said propositions, is respectively as follows: Acguisitions and Improvements Estimated Costs Proposition No. 1 $ 65,000.00 Proposition No. 2 1751000.00 Proposition No. 3 1901000.00 Proposition No. 4 240,000.00 Total Estimated Cost of All the Foregoing (Propositions Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4) $6701000.00 That the amount of indebtedness proposed to be incurred for the improve— menta mentioned in each of the above—described propositions is the amount there— in stated, severally and respectively, which improvements are to be made for the objects and purposes therein stated, severally and respectively; and the total amount of indebtedness to be incurred at said special election is and will be the aggregate of the amounts stated in all of such proposals which are accepted by the voters at said election. SECTION 2. That said City Council does hereby submit to qualified electors of said City of Burlingame at said Special Municipal Election this Ordinance, and the said propositions and each of them set forth in Section I hereof, and designates and refers to this Ordinance and said propositions respectively in the form of ballot hereinafter prescribed for use at said election. Said City Council proposes to issue and sell said bonds of said City of Burlingame in the amounts and for the objects and purposes specified in such of said Propositions Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, upon which two—thirds of the qualified voters voting on said propositions, severally and respectively, shall vote at said Special Election in favor thereof; and it is further ordered that the pro— ceeds from the sale of said bonds so authorized by the voters shall be set aside in a special fund or funds, severally and respectively, and the funds so set aside shall be used solely for the payment of the cost of the improvements specified in each of the propositions so accepted and approved by the voters, — 3 — severally and respectively. The bonds so to be issued shall be negotiable in form, and of the character known as serial, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum payable semi—annually. SECTION 3. Said Municipal Election shall be held and conducted and the votes thereof canvassed, and the returns thereof made, and the result thereof ascertained and determined as herein provided; and in all particulars not described by the Ordinance, said election shall be held as provided by law for the holding of Municipal Elections in said City. SECTION 4. All persons qualified to vote at Municipal Elections in said City of Burlingame upon the date of the election herein provided for shall be qualified to vote upon the aforesaid propositions, and each of them, submitted at said Special Municipal Election. SECTION 5. That said Special Municipal Election hereby ordered and called shall be, and is hereby, consolidated with the general municipal election to be held in said City of Burlingame on April 12, 1960, as required by law and pur— suant to the resolution of the City Council of the City of Burlingame calling said election and consolidating the election precincts, and the notices given or to be given pursuant thereto. The precincts, polling places and officers of the election shall be the same as those set forth in that certain resolution entitled "Resolution No. 4-60 Ordering and Calling a Municipal Election to be held in the City of Burlingame on April 12, 1960, for the Purpose of Electing Three Members of the City Council; a.City Clerk and a:City Treasurer; Providing for the Consolidation of the Regular Election Precincts for Conducting said General Municipal Election; and Fixing Polling Places and Designating Officers of said General Municipal Election." The aforesaid resolution is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. SECTION 6. The total limit of indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds aforesaid shall not in the aggregate exceed fifteen per centum (15%) of the assessed value of all real and personal property in said City of Burlingame. SECTION 7. The ballots to be used at said Special Municipal Election shall, in addition to all other matter required by law, have printed thereon the following: — 4 — PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall the City of Burlingame incur a bonded indebtedness YES in the principal amount of $65,000,00 in accordance with the NO provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this I proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of the construction and completion of a public works department building on property owned by the City I of Burlingame; the purchase of furniture, fixtures and equipment necessary or i convenient to furnish and equip the public works department building? PROPOSTION NO, 2 Shall the City of Burlingame incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $175,000.00 in accordance with the YES provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this NO proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and completion thereon, or on real property owned by the City of Burlingame, of branch fire stations; the completion of grading, paving and site preparation of any such real property; the purchase of furniture and equipment to furnish and equip the branch fire stations; the purchase of fire apparatus and its equipment; the extension of the fire alarm system to I the branch fire stations; the construction and completion of a drafting pit? PROPOSITION NO, 3 Shall the City of Burlingame incur a bonded indebtedness ,, in the principal amount of $190,000.00 in accordance with the YES provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this NO proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and completion thereon, or on real property owned by the City of Burlingame, of a building to be used as a municipal community art,, center, together with furniture, fixtures and equipment and other works, propert,, structures or facilities necessary or convenient to the maintenance and operation of a municipal community art center? — 5 — PROPOSITION NO, 4 Shall the City of Burlingame incur a bonded indebtedness � YES in the principal amount of $240,000.00 in accordance with the NO provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and completion thereon, or on real property owned by the City of Burlingame, of a police department building; the purchase of furniture, fixtures and equipment and other works, property or structures necessary or convenient to furnish and equip the police department building and to shelter its automotive equipment? SECTION 8. Each voter may vote on any one, or any, or all of said propo— sitions herewith submitted. Each voter to vote on Proposition No. 1 hereby submitted and for incurring said bonded indebtedness shall stamp a cross M in the blank space opposite the word "YES" on the ballot to the right of said proposition and to vote against said proposition and against incurring said indebtedness shall stamp a cross M in the blank space opposite the word "NO" on the ballot to the right of said proposition. Each voter to vote on Proposition No. 2 hereby submitted and for incurring said bonded indebtedness shall stamp a cross M in the blank space opposite the word "YES" on the ballot to the right of said proposition, and to vote against said proposition and against incurring said indebtedness, shall stamp a cross M in the blank space opposite the word "NO" on the ballot to the right of said proposition. Each voter to vote on Proposition No. 3 hereby submitted and for incurring said bonded indebtedness shall stamp a cross M in the blank space opposite the word "YES" on the ballot to the right of said proposition and to vote against said proposition and against incurring said indebtedness shall stamp a cross M in the blank space opposite the word "NO" on the ballot to the right of said proposition. Each voter to vote on Proposition No. 4 hereby submitted and for incurring said bonded indebtedness shall stamp a cross M in the blank space opposite the word "YES" on the ballot to the right of said proposition, and to vote against said proposition and against incurring said indebtedness, shall stamp a cross M in the blank space opposite the word "NO" on the ballot to the right of said proposition. — 6 — SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall be published once a week for two weeks in the Burlingame Advance—Star which is a newspaper published less than six days a week in the City of Burlingame, and such publication shall constitute notice of said election. No other notice of the election hereby called need be given. SECTION 10. This Ordinance shall be entered upon the minutes of the Council and on the Ordinance Books of the City. This Ordinance, being an Ordinance calling and ordering an election, shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. CHARLOTTE JOHNSON — Mayor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 1st day of February , 1960, and adjourned adopted thereafter at a regular/meeting of the City Council held on the 25th day of February , 1960, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Byrd, T%Iorgan, Johnson, Rootki, Thayer Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: None _7_ Herbert K. White — City Clerk