HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0748DEFEATED ORDIJANCE :'C. AN ORDINANCE ADDI_du ARTICLE 9A TG PART III OF fI;E BURL I:d3A:+:E ORDINANCE CODE AND PRCVIDI_-,Jj FOR ME MAN :FER OF ME A83E331.:EN2 AND PAX CCLLEC- rION DU2IE3 OF ME CITY A3SE33CR AND OITY TAX CCLLECTCR TC TSE, A33E33CR AND TC Tt`E TAX COLLECTOR OF ME COUNTY CF' A.`i r,:AfEG AND REPEALI:dli ALL PROVI;V3 :3ICOF fhE ORDINANCE CGDE IN CCNFLICf LERE'dIr.: di:EREA39 the City of Qurlinga:ue, a-unicipal corp -oration, desires to transfer the assess:uenL and tax collection duties perfor::�ed b, the City Assessor and Cit, fax Collector to Lk.e Assessor and Tax Collectur of the County of San i:ateo pursuant Lu Sections 51500 to 51519 of the 3overn:.,er.L Code; The City Council of the Ci Ly of Burlinga-ue does ordain as follows: 3ECTICN I. The ordinance „oda Or the City of Surlingas:e is here - b,/ at.ended b; adding Article 9A to Part III which shall read as follows: "Article 9A "PRUIDI.NG FOR ME TRANJFER OF ME A33E33MENr AND TAX CCLLECTICN DUTIES OF Ti;E CITY A33E33OR AND CITY TAX COLLECTOR TO ME A33E33UR AAD TC fiiE TAX CCLLECTCR OF f:iE CCU7,12Y OF 3AN Y'APEG "Section 951.1 DEFINITICN3: The following words and expressions when used in this Article shall for the purpose of Lhis Article have the ,:.eanings respecLivaly ascribed to that: as follows: a. City: The worn "„i Ly" as used in this Article shall ::ean Lisa Ci L, of Burlinga_:ie, a ::.uaicipal corruration, situated in 6he County of San i•:a4au7 06aLo of Jalifurnia. b. County: The word "Joumy" as used in Lhis Aruicle shall can file CuunLy if Sari 3•:ateu, apolitical subdivision of uYie State of Calif ornia. 113ection 951.2 TRANSFER OF DLfIE3: The assass.;:enL and Lax collection duLies, and the cullecLiun of assesstuenLs levied for :::unicipal i.:;prove.uenLs, now perfor.ued Ly the Assessor and the Tax Collector of Lhe City, are hareby transferred to the Assassur and Lha fax Collector of Lhe CuunLyfbr Lhe purpose of assess.nent and collection of and for ad valore... property taxes that Leco.ue a lien after the adopLion of this hereby abolished as of the first day of July 1962. fhereafter all duties Lo i,e perfor::.ed bdr Lhe City Assessor uLher L'nan the assessing of pruperLy in Lhe City are hereby Lransfarred to and are to Le perforu;ed b,• Lhe City Cler.., and all duties perf=r.ed bd Lhe City fax Collector other than Article, and the cullection of assess�::ents fur .iunicipai i.uprove:..ents beco.:.i,:;g due a;id uayabie on and after July 1, 1962. "Section 951.3 ALCLITION OF OFFICE3 OF CITY A33933OR AND CITY PAX COLLECTOR: The offices of City Assessor and City Tax Collector are hereby abolished as of the first day of July 1962. fhereafter all duties Lo i,e perfor::.ed bdr Lhe City Assessor uLher L'nan the assessing of pruperLy in Lhe City are hereby Lransfarred to and are to Le perforu;ed b,• Lhe City Cler.., and all duties perf=r.ed bd Lhe City fax Collector other than -i'!C: G)f ad GaXe3 Ufl prcper Ly LhaL becoj;.e d. liell a1i.er the adLirLioa of LI.is Article and :.he eollecuion of assess.::enLs fur ::.unieipal i.:.;,ruva:::enLs uaeu..,ifig due and ua,•aL�le un and after July 11 1y62, are heron, Lransf:rred Lu aild are �u Le perfor::.ed L.,` Lhe Ci Ly Treasurar. 11 3ECTIo.; 2. riling of Certified Cop,': The Ci L,- Clerti shall cause a certified cors of this Drdinance Lo Le filed wi h the Auditor of the County on or before the first Monday of February, 1962, and i:i....ediately Lhereaf Ler shall notify Lite 3LaLe Board of Equalization. 3ECTION3 . Repealing: All provisions of Lhe Burlinaa;Le ordinance Code in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 3ECHON 4. Effective Date: This ordinance shall LeCUG.e effecLive Lhiruy (30) days fro;, and after Lhe d.a,,e of its final passage. 3rCTIQ:d 5. Publication: This Ordinance shall be publisaed as required b, law. I, I!erberL K. ,4hitel Cit,; Cler,�, do hereby cerLify LnaL the foregoing Ordinance was inLroduced at a City Council field on the adopted thereafter at a on the vote: day of Ayes: Council.::en: Noes: Council;nen: Absent Councilu.en: da,of of -,;he , 1962, and a.eeLing of ti1e Ci Ly Council Yield eeting , 1962, L,• Lhe following Johnson, Martin Byrd, Lorenz, Morgan None I:erberL Y. 'pate ._ CI.,, %:ger., ® 2