HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0736ORDINANCE NO. ;7-3 E AN ORDINANCE AMENDING DIVISION 3 OF PART VI OF THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR THE DIGGING, DRILLING, BORING OR DRIVING OF WELL CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows, SECTION 1, Division 3 of Part VI of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby repealed and a new Division 3 of Part V1 of said Ordinance Code, reading as follows, is hereby enacted, "DIVISION 3 — WELLS Section 1570.1, Well — Permit For, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, servant, agent or employe, to dig, drill, bore or drive a well whether the water from the well is to be used for domestic purposes or irrigation purposes, without first having obtained a permit to do so from the City Engineer. Section 1750 20 Definitions, (a) "Sewer" means a pipe carrying waste matter from any structure or being a part of any community sewerage system. (b) "Property Line" means the surveyed line separating one piece of property from another or separating public right—of—way from private properties, (c) "Approved Check Valve" means a check valve that seats readily and completely, It must be carefully machined to have free moving parts and assured watertightness, The face of the closure element and valve seat must be bronze, composition, or other non—corrodible material which will seat tightly under all pre— vailing conditions of field use, Pins and bushings shall be of bronze or other non— corrodible, non—sticking materials, machined for easy dependable operation. The closure element (e.g., clapper) shall be internally weighted or otherwise internally equipped to promote rapid and positive closure. (d) "Annular Space" means the space betr,,,een too objects, one of which is surrounded by the other, including the space between an excavation and the wall of a pit or the curbing of a well, or between two casings, (e) "Health Officer" means the Director of the San Mateo County Department of Public Health and Welfare or his authorized representative. MC M "Nater Superintendent" means the designated official in charge of a water distribution system serving water to two or more families, (g) "Sewage Disposal System" means a system of septic tank and drainage field and possibly a seepage pito handling the waste from any structure not served by a community sewerage system, Section1570�& Loeation< In any area subject to flooding, or Pun off from higher ground, or in any area where the method of sewage disposal is by the septic tank and seepage method, the following construction standards must be provided' (a) The annular space between two casings or between the drilled hole and a casing is to be filled with cement having a minimum thickness of two (2) inches, Example' Annular space between an eight (8) inch and twelve (12) inch casing or a twelve (12) inch drill bole and an eight (D) inch casing, (b) The cement shall extend to a sufficient depth to penetrate an im— pervious stratum below the first pervious or possible water bearing stratum, and in no event less than ten (10) feet, (c) The cement shall be introdued into the hole by pouring through a Pipe, using either gravity or grout pump, and commencing at the bottom of the hole and working up to the top, (d) These standards may be required any time or place when, in the opinion of the Health Officer, the protection of the underground water against pol— lution or contamination, or the protection of the public health may demand, (e) No well shall be located any closer than the following distances, unless circumstances are such that in the opinion of the Health Officer no danger to public health or safety will develop or the above standards are adhered to: From a septi, tank.,,,,,,,,,,,, , 50 feet From a drainage field,,,,,.,,,,,,,„ p,,,,,,,,, 75 feet From a seepage pita„ „ „ ,,,,, ,,,,,o„ ,100 feet From a cesspool„ ,,,,,,,,,o, „ ,,,,,,,,.100 feet From a seraer line 50 feet F?nq m ProPorty lirge (se�qeree arc;0" F f�-e� 14a PP0�jZYALY ..,^i", m�,., ,,._ .� ..- From a stream or creek bank,,,,'„ „ .,.,,,,o, 10 feet Sect, on 1570,4. Protection of Cemmnnity System' There shall be installed between the house or structure being served water and the meter box or distribution system a double check valve arrangement approved jointly by the Health Officer and City Engineer, SS Sinn 1570 5, S£andards All wells must be properly protected at the surface with an impervious slab extending at least 24 inches to all sides of the well opening, —2— In areas where dug wells are the main source of available water it will be necessary to have an impervious lining extending down at least ten (10) feet below the surface of the ground, Gravel packed wells shall be so constructed that surface contamination will not gain access to the well. Upon completion of a well, the drilling contractor shall be responsible for the placing of a secure well—cap orplug, such cap or plug being one which would ordinarily make the introduction of surface contamination remote, Sgction 1570.6. InsUgetionso (a) Upon application for permit to dig, drill, bore or drive a well, an inspection within a reasonable time shall be made of the proposed location by a representative of the San Mateo County Department of Public Health and Welfare, (b) Further inspections may be made during process of well construction, (c) After well construction has been completed a final inspection shall be made to determine that well is properly protected and that proper approved double check valves have been installed in the water line between the house or structure and the meter box or distribution system of the community water system. Section 1570.70 Requflationse The City Engineer may prepare and issue written regulations deemed neces— sary to obtain compliance with this ordinance and to clarify its relations with the Laws of the State of Californian Section 1570,0. Abandonment of Wells: When a well is abandoned, it shall be properly capped or plugged, if abandonment is of a temporary nature, and shall be completely sealed by filling with a mixture of one part cement to four parts sand or with neat cement if abandoned permanently, Upon determination that a well is polluted or contaminated and reasonable efforts to clear the pollution or contamination have been unsuccessful, the County liealth Officer shall have the authority to egfO.?ce the pernanent' abandonment as directed above, Section 1570.9. Fres, 6�7r„1, as Permit fees in the amount of $ki* shall be charged for each well permit to cover the cost of inspections and for the enforcement of this ordinance, One of all permit fees collected shall be remitted to the County of San Mateo, — 3 — Section 1570,10. Abatement: Any installation made in violation of the terms of this ordinance and standards established as provided for herein is hereby determined to constitute a public nuisance and its maintenance and operation may be abated in a civil action instituted by the City Attorney," SECTION 20 jEPkRAB1LITT: If any section, subsection, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinate. The City Council of this City hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, or portions may be deeXared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 3, This ordinance shall be published as required by law. Mayor 1, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the —70 day of , 1961, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 3 ' day of 1961, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: A7-.& - `- Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: _4_