HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0767ORDINANCE NO. 767 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE FIRE PREVENTION CODE, ED- ITION OF 1956, RECOMMENDED BY THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDER- WRITERS, AMENDING ARTICLE 26A OF THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION, ESTABLISHING A BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION AND PROVIDING OFFICERS THERETO, AND REPEALING INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS OF THE BURLINGAME ORDINANCE CODE The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Article 26A of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read as follows: "ARTICLE 26A FIRE PREVENTION CODE SECTION 1400 Adoption of Text of Fire Prevention Code. There is hereby adopted for the purpose of prescribing regulations governin conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Fire Prevention Code recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, being particularjr the 195 edition thereof, and the whole thereof, together with Appendix A thereto, save and except such portions as are hereinafter in this Article deleted, modified or amended, and save and except further Appendices B, C and D thereto, and the same is hereby incorporated in this ordinance and in the Ordinance Code of the City of Bur- lingame as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the City limits of the City of Burling SECTION 1401 Establishment of Bureau of Fire Prevention. a. The Fire Prevention Code shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City of Burlingame, which is hereby established, and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. b. The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be in charge of the Fire Inspector who shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Burlingame Ordinance Code relating to the appointment of employees in the classified service. (SECTION 1401.03 Section 1.03 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 1.03 AUTHORITY TO ENTER PREMISES: The Chief of the Fire Department, Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention or any Inspector thereof may, at all reasonable hours, enter any building or premises for the purpose of making any inspection or investigation which, under the provisions of this code, he or they may deem necessary to be made. The Chief of the Fire Department is authorized to establish fire lines and blockades during fires and control and command at fires all operations of the Fire Department, its apparatus and personnel, and of the hydrants and water supply. SECTION 1401.04 Section 1.04 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding subsection (c) which shall read as follows: c. Report of Inspections: A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually to the City Manager. It shall contain all proceedings under this code; with such statistics as the Chief of the Department may wish to include therein; the Chief of the Fire Department shall also recommend any amendments to the code which, in his judgment shall be desirable. SECTION 1401.07 Section 1.07 (c) of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: c. The City Attorney and the Police Department, upon request of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, shall assist the Inspectors in the investigating of any fire which, in their opinion, is of suspicious origin. iECTION 1401.13 Section 1.13 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding the following definitions: COMBUSTIBLE Capable of being burned. FIRE CHIEF Chief of the Fire Department or his deputy. 'SECTION 1101.15 Article 1 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 1.15 to read as follows: SECTION 1.15 UNOBSTRUCTED FIRE CURTAINS. No person shall cause, permit, or suffer the existence of any obstruction or condition which prevents or hinders the immediate raising or lowering of fireproof curtains required in theatres and other places of public assemblage. hi SECTION 1401.17 Article 1 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 1.17 to read as follows: SECTION 1.17 DEFECTIVE OR UNSAFE CONDITIONS. a. Whenever, in the opinion of the Chief of the Fire Department, any building or structure or portion thereof, or any appurtenance thereto or fixture thereon, or any chimney, smoke stack, stove, incinerator, furnace, or any- thing connected with, or upon, or in, any premises, or building, not specifically mentioned in this Article 26 which is deemed defective or unsafe, so as to constitute an immediate menace to the public health or safety, the Chief of the Fire Department shall give, or cause to be given, a notice to the owner or person having control of the property of the alterations, corrections, removals, or repairs necessary to render the same safe, and such owner, or person having control of the property shall forthwith comply with such notice. b. Such notice shall be delivered at the premises involved to the owner, or person having control. In the event neither of them can be immediately found at such premises, such notice shall be mailed by United States mail, postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope addressed to such owner at his address as shown upon the last equalized assessment roll for municipal taxes in the city. c. In the event of failure of such owner, or person having control, forthwith to comply with such notice, or in the event the Chief of the Fire Department is unable to 2. I locate such owner, or person in control, within sufficient time to eliminate the hazardous condition, or in the event that, in the opinion of the Chief of the Fire Department, such condition must be remedied, removed, corrected, or altered forthwith and without such notice in order that the public health and safety be protected, the Chief of the Fire Department may take such steps as he may deem necessary for the protection of the public health and safety. SECTION 1403.01 Section 3.01 to and including section 3,05 inclusive comprising Article 3 of the Fire Prevention Code shall not be a part of this Article 26. SECTION 1408.01 Section 8.01 to and including section 8.18 inclusive comprising Article 8 of the Fire Prevention Code shall not be a part of this Article 26. (SECTION 1410.05 Article 10 of the Fire Prevention Code is amender by adding section 10.05 to read as follows: SECTION 10.05. Every apartment house, hotel or rooming house two or more stories in height in which there are one or more apartments or guest room above the first floor, shall be so designed and constructed that each apartment or guest room shall have not less than two (2) means of egress. SECTION 1411.02 Section 11.02 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 11.02 PERMITS REQUIRED: a. Separate and distinct permits shall be required concerning explosives as follows, subject to the conditions specified in this Division. 1. Permits to be issued by Bureau of Fire Prevention: (a) To possess, stare, keep, sell or otherwise dispose of, but not use, any explosives except small arms ammunition. (b) To transport explosives, except small arms ammunition, on public highways within the municipality by 3. motor truck, or other vehicles. Possession of a permit or license from the Federal or State Government to transport explosives on the public highways shall be considered as meeting the requirements of this paragraph. 2. Permits to be issued by the City Manager: (a) To use any explosives, except small arms ammunition and construction devices such as explosive rivets and explosive driven pins or studs. b. Permits as required by section 11.02 a 1 (a) of this Division shall not be issued for any building or structure a that is occupied as/dwelling, school, theatre, or other place of assembly, or where the building or structure is lighted by any means other than electricity, or where any manufacturing processes are conducted, or where smoking material is sold. c. Permits required by section 11.02 a 1 (a) of this Divisic shall not be issued for the possession of: Liquid nitroglycerine. Dynamite (except gelatin dynamite) containing over 60% of liquid explosive ingredient. Dynamite having an unsatisfactory absorbent or one that permits leakage of a liquid explosive ingredient under any conditions liable to exist during storage. Nitrocellulose in a dry and uncompressed condition in quantity greater than ten pounds net weight in one package. Fulminate of mercury in bulk in a dry condition and fulminate of all other metals in any condition except as a component of manufactured articles not hereinafter forbidden. Explosive compositions that ignite spontaneously or undergo marked decomposition rendering the products or their use more hazardous, when subjected for forty-eight con- secutive hours or less to a temperature of 167 degrees F. New explosives until approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission. 4• Explosives condemned by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Explosives not packed or marked in accordance with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Explosives containing an ammonium salt and a chlorat d. Permits as required by section 11.02 a 2 (a) shall not be issued for a quantity of explosives in excess of 50 pounds, exclusive of blasting caps, unless a greater quantity is authorized by the City Manager as provided in section 11.02 e. e. Permits as required by section 11.02 a 2 (a) may be issued by the City Manager for quantities of explosives in excess of 50 pounds when blasting operations require greater amounts, but such permits shall not be issued for quantities in excess of the amount actually needed for one day1s operation and any unused explosives shall be returned to a Class A magazine. TION 1411.03 Section 11.03 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 11.91 BOND REQUIRED FOR BLASTING. Before a permit to do blasting, as required under secti 11.02 a 2 (a), shall be issued, the applicant for such a pe shall file with the City Manager a bond in an amount to his satisfaction, as a guarantee to save the City harmless in the case of injury to persons, or damage to property. SECTION 1412.01 Section 12.01 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 12.01 DANGEROUS FIREWORKS. No person shall possess, sell, deliver, deal in, use, explode or fire, or cause to be used, exploded or fired any form of fireworks designated as "dangerous fireworks" by section 12503 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. 5. TION 1412.02 Section 12.02 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 12.02 SAFE AND SANE FIREWORKS. The possession, sale, delivery, dealing in, use, expl or firing of any form of fireworks designated as "safe and sane fireworks" by section 12504 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California is expressly permitted. TION 1412.03 Section 12.03 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 12-03 PUBLIC DISPLAY. No person shall make a public display of fireworks without a permit authorizing him to do so issued by the City Council of the City of Burlingame after application made as provided in sections 12600 through 12609, inclusive, of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. TION 1412.04 Section 12.04 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 12.04 MANUFACTURE. The manufacture of fireworks is prohibited within the municipality. 1412.05 Section 12.05 of Article 12 of the Fire Pre- vention Code shall not be a part of this Article 26. 1413.01 Section 13.01 of Article 13 of the Fire Pre- vention Code shall not be a part of this Article 26. ON 1413.02 Section 13.02 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding the following sentence: All extinguishing appliances shall be located in an accessible and conspicuous place approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. ON 1413.04 Section 13.04 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 13.04 TYPE OF EXTINGUISHERS. All extinguishers must be of type approved by the Under- writers Laboratories, Inc., and conform to Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters as to installation, 6. maintenance and use. Soda and acid or foam type of extinguishers shall be re -charged at least once each year, and the date of such re -charge placed on an attached tag. TION 1413.05 Section 13.05 of Article 13 of the Fire Prevention Code shall not be a part of this Article 26, TION 1413.06 Section 13.06 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 13.06 SIGNS - LOCAL ALARM SYSTEMS. Whenever a local fire alarm system is installed and maintained in any building to warn its occupants in cases of emergency, a sign, no less than 4 inches by 6 inches shall be installed and maintained above each fire alarm station in the building reading as follows: LOCAL FIRE ALARM ONLY AFTER OPERATING NOTIFY BURLINGAME FIRE DEPARTMENT DI. 4-1900 SECTION 1414.22 Section 14.22 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 14.22 SPRAY ROOM, BOOTH OR TUNNEL. a. Every spray room shall be of at least one-hour fire - resistive construction. b. Spray booths or spray tunnels shall be of at least one-hour fire -resistive construction, or shall be of metal with an adequate metal frame. The interior surfaces shall be smooth and continuous without edges and otherwise designed to prevent pocketing of residues and facilitate cleaning and washing without injury. Exception: Spray booths and spray tunnels may be constructed of other non-combustible material provided the material used and the design and construction thereof shall have first been approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. 7s Glass used in the construction of a spray room, spray booth, or spray tunnel shall be wired glass, set in a metal frame or sash, but in no event shall the total square foot area of such wired glass in any one ceiling or side of any such room, booth or tunnel be more than twenty percent of the total area of such ceiling or side in which such glass is mounted. c. The floor of the spray room, spray booth, or spray tunnel and the operator's working area, if combustible, shall be covered with noncombustible, non -sparking material of such character as to facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of residues. d. Distribution or baffle plates, if installed in any spray room, spray booth, or spray tunnel to promote an even flow of air or cause the deposit of overspray before it enters exhaust duct, shall be of non-combustible material and readily removed or accessible on both sides for cleaning. Such plates shall not be located -in exhaust ducts. e. Each spray booth having a frontal area larger than nine square feet shall have a metal deflector or curtain not less than 22 inches deep installed at the upper outer edge of the booth, over the opening, f, Each spray booth shall be separated from other operations by not less than three feet, or by a greater distance, or by such partition or wall as the Bureau of Fire Prevention may require to reduce the danger from a position of hazardous operations. g. Spray rooms, booths or tunnels shall be so installed that all portions are readily accessible for cleaning. A clear space of not less than three feet on all sides shall be kept free from storage or combustible con- struction, h. When spraying areas are illuminated through glass panels or other transparent materials, only fixed n lighting units shall be used as a source of illumination. Panels shall effectively isolate the spraying area from the area in which the lighting unit is located, and shall be of non-combustible material of such a nature or so protected that breakage will be unlikely. Panels shall be so arranged that normal accumulations of residue on the exposed surface of the panel will not be raised to a dangerous temperature by radiation or conduction from the source of illumination. SECTION 141.5.103 Section 15.103 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding subsections e, through i, inclusive which shall read as follows respectively: e. Whenever a permit is granted as herein provided, to erect, construct or install any system, plant, device or apparatus specified in this Article 26, said permit shall carry with it the right to use, operate and maintain said system, plant, device or apparatus for the purpose specified in the application, but for no other purpose. f. The permits referred to and required by this Article 26 shall be in addition to permits, variances, exceptions, use permits or licenses required by other provisions of the Burlingame Ordinance Code. g. Before any person shall keep, store, handle, manufacture, process, blend, refine or use any flammable liquids for which a permit is required as specified in this division, application to the Bureau of Fire Prevention for a permit therefor shall be made. Such application shall be in writing and on such form, and shall set forth such in- formation as may be required by the Bureau of Fire Preventi The application shall be accompanied by plans showing the character and locations of building, and the size, capacity and construction of the tank to be used, and the location thereof with respect to adjacent buildings, proper 9. lines, water or streams. Where application is for above ground tanks, it shall also be accompanied by plans and specifications for retaining walls in connection with said tank or tanks. All such plans and specifications shall be deemed an essential part of said application. h. All applicants for permits for the construction of pumping or gravity type oil burning systems and installation systems of Class I, II and III liquids shall be accompanied by a $2.50 inspection fee. No fee shall be charged of the United States, the State of California, or any political subdivision thereof or of any Municipal Corporation, but an application must be filed in all cases. i. It shall be unlawful for any person, to deliver to any tank, drum or other receptacle that shall be above ground any Class I, II or III liquids or other liquid products that will flash or emit flammable vapors at a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or below, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Bureau of Fire Prevention, except it be for the delivery from a tank vehicle to storage tanks of dis- tributing plants or of gasoline service station licensed to engage in the service station business with the approval of the Fire Department. SECTION 1415.107 Article 15 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 15.107 to read as follows: SECTION 15.107 GLASS CONTAINERS. No person shall keep, offer for sale, sell or deliver any Class I or II flammable liquids in glass containers. No person shall keep, offer for sale, sell or deliver more than thirty-two (32) ounces of any Class III flammable liquid in any single glass container. No person shall dispense Class I and II flammable liquids, or• Class III flammable liquids in quantities in excess of thirty-two (32) ounces, except in metal containers 10. fitted with an airtight, tight -fitting replaceable top, cap or other device. This section shall not apply to glass containers in which food, drugs or medicines are packaged, except that when the capacity of such containers exceeds eight (8) ounces suitable protection to prevent breakage shall be provided. Nor shall this section apply to flammable liquids which are contaminated by metal containers, when it is found by the Bureau of Fire Prevention that contamination will result. 1415.206 Sub -sections 15.206 a and b of the Fire Prevention Code are amended to read as follows respectively: SECTION 15.206 DIKES AND WALLS. a. CRUDE PETROLEUM. Tanks or groups of tanks containing) crude petroleum or other liquid having similar boil -over characteristics, shall be diked or other suitable means taken to prevent discharge of liquid from endangering adjoining property or reaching waterways. Where a diked enclosure is required under this section, it shall have a capacity of not less than 110% of the tank or tanks served by the enclosui b. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS OTHER THAN CRUDE PETROLEUM. In- dividual tanks or groups of tanks, where deemed necessary by the Bureau of Fire Prevention on account of proximity to waterways, character of topography, or nearness to structure of high value, or to places of habitation or assembly, shall be diked or the yard shall be provided with a curb or other suitable means taken to prevent the spread of liquid onto other property or waterways. Where a diked enclosure is required under this section, it shall have a net capacity of not less than 100% of the tank or tanks served by the enclosure. ON 1415.210 Section 15.210 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 15.210 UNDERGROUND ,_ OUTSIDE OF OR UNDER BUILDINGS. 11. a. LOCATION. A flammable liquid storage tank may be located underground, outside of or under a building, if such installation meets the requirements of this section. The tank shall be so located with respect to existing building foundations and supports that the loads carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the tank. The distance from any part of a tank storing Class III liquid to the nearest wall of any basement, pit, cellar, or property line shall be not less than 2 feet. The distance from any part of a tank storing Class I or II liquids to the nearest wall or of any basement, pit, cellar shall be not less than 2 feet, and from any property line that may be built upon, not less than 3 feet. b. DEPTH AND COVER. Excavation for underground storage tanks shall be made with due care to avoid undermining of foundations of existing structures. Underground tanks shall be set on firm foundations and surrounded with sand well tamped in place. Tanks shall be covered with a minimum of 2 feet of earth, or shall be covered with not less than 1 foot of earth on top of which shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete not less than 6 inches thick. Top of tank shall be below the level of any piping to which the tank may be connected. When underground tanks are or are likely to be subjected to traffic; they shall be protected against damage from vehicles passing over them by at least 3 feet of earth cover, or 18 inches of well tamped earth, plus 6 inches of reinforced concrete or 8 inches of asphaltic concrete. When asphaltic or reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection, it shall extend at least 1 foot horizontally beyond the outline of the tank in all directions. c. ANCHORAGE. Where a tank may become buoyant due to a rise in the level of the water table or due to location in an area that may be subjected to flooding, suitable pre - 12. cautions shall be observed to anchor the tank in place. d. Where a tank cannot be entirely buried, it shall be covered over with earth to a depth of at least 2 feet with a slope on all sides not steeper than one and one-half feet horizontal to one foot vertical. e. GENERAL STORAGE. 1. In Retail Commercial Districts (C-1), Service Business Districts (C-2), Professional Business Districts (C-3:,, Light Industrial Districts (M-1), and Heavy Industrial Districts (M-2) as such districts are defined in Division 6, Part X, Article 50 of the Ordinance Code or in any other district, other than a residential district, which may be established hereafter, all Class I, II and III liquids shall be stored at least two (2) feet from any building. No one tank shall contain more than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) gallons with an aggregate of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) gallons. The City Council may, upon application for a permit therefor, and with the recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department, grant permission to store and keep Class I. II and III liquids in excess of the aggregate amount of twenty-two thousand five hundred (222500) gallons. Where two or more tanks are installed they shall be separated by three (3) feet of earth or twelve (12) inches of brick or concrete. No tank shall. be connected to another so the liquid can flow from one into another. 2. In First Residential Districts (R-1), Second Residential Districts (R-2), Third Residential Districts (Multi -family) (R-3) and Fourth Residential Districts (Multi -family) (R-4) all Class I, II and III liquids shall be stored at least two (2) feet from any building. 13. In any such residential district, a single storage tank of a capacity not to exceed five hundred and fifty (550) gallons may be installed; provided, that on any premises where any person is lawfully engaged in a commercial enterprise, a single tank having a capacity of not to exceed one thousand (1,000) gallons may be installed. Any such tank shall be at least two (2) feet from any building or structure or part thereof and be covered with at least two (2) feet of earth. f. ABANDONED TANKS. 1. The owner or person in charge of the premises shall remove all flammable liquid that can be pumped out with the service pump. The fill line, gauge hatch and pump suction shall be capped and secured against tampering. The vent line shall be left open. (Note: As an alternative to the above procedure, the tank may be rendered gas free, as determined by the Chief of the Fire Department, or his designee.) 2. The owner or person in charge of the premises shall remove all flammable liquid from tank and from all connecting lines. The suction, inlet, gauge and vent lines shall be disconnected. The tank and any remaining pipe stubs shall be filled with an inert, solid material as recommended by the Chief of the Fire Department. All connecting lines shall be capped or plugged below ground level. 3. Removal of Underground Tanks. The owner or person in charge of the premises shall remove all flammable liquid from tank and from connecting lines and disconnect the suction, inlet, gauge and vent lines. The tank shall be flushed with water and rendered gas free as indicated by combustible gas indicator. Inlets and outlets shall be capped or plugged during the transportation and storage of the tank. 14. If the tank is to be disposed of as junk, it should be retested by owner for explosive vapors, and, if necessary, rendered gas free. After junking and before releasing to junk dealer, a sufficient number of holes or openings should be made in it to render it unfit for further use. TION 1415.215 Section 15.215a (4) of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: (4) Vent Piping, Vent pipes shall be so laid as to drain toward the tank without sags or traps in which liquid can collect. They shall be located so that they will not be subjected to physical damage aboveground. All tanks shall be separately vented, The lower end of a vent pipe shall enter the tank through the top and shall not extend into the tank more than 1 inch. TION 1415,301 Section 15,301 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding thereto the following paragraphs to read as follows: All joints shall be swing joints. Where underground tanks are used, all pipes carrying flammable liquids shall pitch toward tanks without any traps or pockets and shall enter tanks at the top, Piping carrying Class I, II and III liquids, unless without joints or connections, shall not extend through any room which contains any open flame or light. Defective and leaking piping shall be made tight immediately or replaced. SECTION 1415.503 Section 15,503 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: b. Automatic Dispensing Devices. The installation and use of coin-operated dispensing devices for Class I flammable liquids is prohibited. Class I flammable liquids shall be delivered and dispensed from dispensing devices only by the owner or person entitled to possession or by his employees, or authorized representatives; and when unattended, all pump 15.., and other facilities for the delivering of Class I flammable liquids shall be locked or other effective precautions taken to prevent public access to flammable liquids. The use of any device which permits the dispensing of Class I flammable liquids when the hand of the operator of the discharging nozzle is removed from the nozzle control lever is hereby forbidden except when using an automatic nozzle as provided in Section 15.503 b (1). 1. Automatic Hose Nozzle Valves with Latch Open Devices. In lieu of being held open by hand, an approved auto- matic nozzle may be used for dispensing Class I flammable liquid into the fuel tank of a vehicle. Such a nozzle shall have the latch -open device as an integral part of the assembly and shall shut off the liquid reliably and positively when the gasoline tank is filled, when it falls from the filling neck of an automobile tank, when it is subject to rough usage such as dropping or lack of proper lubrication, or when an automobile is driven away while the nozzle is still in the tank. A competent attendant shall be in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle being filled by such an approved nozzle. No approved automatic nozzle shall be attached to or made a part of any such dispensing device or used without a written permit from the Chief of the Fire Department. SECTION 1415.505 Section 15.505 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding the following paragraph: All waste and rubbish in any service station shall be kept in metal receptacles with tight fitting covers. SECTION 1415.506 Section 15.506 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding the following paragraphs: No open flame or stove fire shall be allowed in any room where motor vehicle tanks or other containers are being filled with gasoline. The use of flammable liquids having a flash point below 100 degrees F. for removing grease, 16. dirt or oil is prohibited. No artificial lights other than electric lights shall be used for illuminating purposes in any service station. SECTION 1415.913 Section 15.913 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding subsection d which shall read as follows: d. Flammable liquids shall not be discharged from any tank vehicle while it is parked on a public street without a permit from the Bureau of Fire Prevention. At no time shall a tank truck and trailer combination be used for delivery of flammable liquids at any location other than a bulk plant. At no time shall a tank vehicle enter a building in order to discharge flammable liquids. SECTION 1117.05 Article 17 of the Fire Prevention Code is amend by adding section 17.05 to read as follows: SECTION 17.05 SAFETY RULES No open flame or stove fire shall be allowed in any room where motor vehicle tanks or other containers are being filled with gasoline. All waste and rubbish shall be kept in metal receptacles which shall be tightly covered except when being filled or emptied. No artificial lights other than electric lights shall be used for illuminating purposes in any garage. SECTION 1418.03 Section 18.03 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 18.03 PERMIT REQUIRED. A permit shall be required for the storage or handling of more than 25 gallons of corrosive liquid; or more than 100 pounds of oxidizing materials; or more than 500 milli- curies of radioactive material; or more than 30 gallons water capacity of flammable compressed gas; or 10 pounds or more of organic. peroxides; or 100 pounds or more of ammonium nitrate; 17. or any amount of highly toxic material or poisonous gas. :SECTION 1418.05 Section 18.05 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding subsections g and h which shall read as follows, respectively: g. Neither compressed gas systems nor compressed gas shall be installed or used for domestic purposes unless natural gas is not available. h. Cylinders or other containers containing compressed gas, except container of acetylene gas for welding or burning, shall be stored outside the walls of any building, and not less than ten (10) feet therefrom. They shall be installed in conformity with the regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, on the installation of compressed gas systems, and to the satisfaction of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. ON 1418.11 Article 18 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding Section 18.11 to read as follows: SECTION 18.11 ACID STORAGE. a. Not more than one carboy of nitric, muriatic or sulphuric acid, or a like acid, shall be kept or stored in any one place in the city unless the same be kept in a fire proof storage room of one (1) hour fire resistant construction as defined by Article 55 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code. The floor of such storage room shall be of concrete, and a sump shall be constructed at the lowest point thereon capable of containing at least two carboys of acid. There shall be a sill constructed of brick or concrete rising not less thanrine (9) inches from the floor. On the outside of each wall and door of the storage room there shall be a sign reading "ACID STORAGE" in letters not less than three (3) inches in height. All acid storage rooms shall be vented to outside air. V b. All acids mentioned in this section may be stored in an open lot or yard, provided that such lot or yard is j M enclosed by a fence. Signs reading "ACID STORAGE" in letters not less than three (3) inches in height shall be attached to such fence. SECTION 1419.03 Section 19.03 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 19.03 PERMCTS AND REPORTS OF INSTALLATIONS. a. A permit shall be obtained for each installation of liquefied petroleum gas employing a container or an aggregate of interconnected containers of over 30 gallons water capacity, I and for each permanent installation, irrespective of size of containers, made at building in which people congregate for civic, political, educational, religious, social or recrea- tional purposes. Such buildings shall include schools, 1 churches, hospitals, institutions, hotels, and restaurants, each having a capacity of 20 or more persons. Prior to making such an installation, an installer shall submit plans f to the Bureau of Fire Prevention and if compliance with the 4 requirements of this code is shown by said plans, a permit shall be issued. b. Installers shall maintain a record of all installs - tions for which a permit is not required by paragraph (a) above (but not including installation of gas burning appliances and replacing of portable cylinders) and have it available for inspection by the Bureau of Fire Pre- vention. SECTION 1420.02 Section 20.02 (a) of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: a. Lumber shall be piled with due regard to stability of piles and in no case higher than 15 feet. SECTION 1423.04 Section 23.04 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding subsections a and b reading as herein after set forth and by relettering the original subsections a, b, c, d, and e respectively: 19. SECTION 23.011 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. a. Permit Required. No person shall construct, erect or maintain any plant or use any device or apparatus for burning crude oil, petroleum, or fuel oil for generating a gas therefrom, without first obtaining a permit in writing from the Bureau of Fire Prevention. b. No gravity type oil burning system shall be install within Fire Zones I and II except portable or unit type oil heaters approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters; provided, also, that the fuel tank of any such oil heater does not have a greater capacity than six (6) gallons and that the fuel burned does not have a flash point below 135 degrees Fahrenheit closed cup tester. TION 1126.01 Section 26.01 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 26.01 OPEN OUTDOOR FIRE AND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL. a. It shall be unlawful for any person to ignite' kindle, light, or maintain, or cause, suffer, or allow to be ignited, kindled, lighted, or maintained any open outdoor fire, except as herein after provided in this article 26. b. Definitions: An "Open Outdoor Fire", as used in this article 26 means any combustion of combustible material of any kind outdoors, in the open, not in any enclosure, where the products of combustion are not directed through a flue. "Flue" means any duct or passage for air, gases, or the like, such as a stack or chimney. "Household Rubbish", means waste material and trash, normally accumulated by a family in a residence in the course of ordinary day to day living, but it shall not include rubber materials, wire insulation, or any materials creating excessive smoke or obnoxious odors, nor shall it include garbage as the word garbage is defined in Section 1602 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code. c. Exceptions: 20. Subject to the limitations and conditions specified and imposed under this section, the following outdoor fires may be started and maintained only after a permit to do so has been issued by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. 1. Fires used only for cooking food for human consump- tion or for recreation purposes. It shall be unlawful to construct or use any barbecue pit or other structure or device for cooking food without a permit issued by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. 2. Fires for the disposal of household rubbish origin- ating in one -and -two-family dwellings, which fires are maintained by the occupant of the dwelling at the dwelling. The permit shall include the following restrictions and such other restrictions as the Bureau of Fire Prevention may deem reasonably necessary in the interests of fire prevention, fire protection and fire spread control: (a) Burning only between the hours of 7 AM and 11 AM. (b) Burning only when fire extinguishing equipment, if required by the Bureau of Fire Prevention, is available for immediate use. (c) Burning only at a place, and within an incinerator approved by said Bureau, (d) Any fire set by any public officer, in the per- formance of official duty, with the consent of the Bureau of Fire Prevention or any fire permitted by said Bureau, if such fire is set or permission given for the purpose of weed abatement, the pre- vention of a fire hazard, including the disposal of dangerous materials where there is no safe alternate method of disposal, or in the instruction of public employees in the methods of fighting fires, which fire is necessary in the opinion of said Bureau. (e) Fires set for the purpose of instruction of in- dustrial employees in the methods of fighting fires 21.1 (f) Safety flares for the combustion of waste gases. (g) Any fire if it can be demonstrated that nothing but carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, or water vapor is emitted under all operating conditions. If the state law or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto requires permission from the state or any state body or agency before fires described in this section or any of them, may be started, permitted, or maintained, the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall require satisfactory proof of the procurement of such a permit before it issues a permit under the provisions of this article 26. Nothing in this article 26 shall be constru d as authorizing the starting or maintaining of any fire prohibited by any state law or rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto. The Bureau of Fire Prevention may deny any appli- cation for a permit hereunder if it deems such action necessary to protect persons or property from the pro- posed fire as a fire hazard, or it may grant the permit under such limitations and restrictions as it deems reasonably necessary to eliminate any such hazard. SECTION 1426.03 Section 26.03 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding the following paragraph: It shall be unlawful for any one to undertake the removal of paint from any building, structure or portion thereof, by the process of burning, without first having obtained a written permit therefor from the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Such a permit shall not be given where the surrounding conditions would make that method of removing paint particularly hazardous. SECTION 1426.06 Section 26.06 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to readi as follows: 22. SECTION 26.06 HANDLING READILY COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. No person making, using, storing or having in charge, or under his control any shaving, excelsior, rubbish, sacks, bags, litter, hay, straw or combustible waste materials shall fail or neglect at the close of each day to cause all such materials which is not compactly baled and stacked in any orderly manner to be removed from the building or stored in suitable vaults or in metal lined covered receptacles or bins. The Bureau of Fire Prevention may require suitable baling presses to be installed in stores, apartment build- ings, factories and similar places where accumulations of paper and waste materials are not removed at least every second day. SECTION 1426.07 Section 26.07 (b) of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: b. Storage Requirements. No packing cases, boxes, barrels or similar combustible containers shall be piled or stored on or in any premises in the city near heating pipe, stoves, furnaces or similar appliances, or in any place or manner that is not deemed safe to life and property. Storage in buildings shall be orderly, shall not be within two feet of the ceiling, and not so located as to endanger exit from the building. Storage in the open shall not be more than 15 feet in height, shall be so located, with respect to adjacent building, as not to constitute a hazard, and shall be compact and orderly. SECTION 1426.13 Article 26 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 26.13 to read as follows: SECTION 26.13 REFUSE CHUTE - SPRINKLER HEAD All refuse or garbage chutes in or on any building shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler head of a type, and installed in a location, approved by the Bureau of Fire 23• Prevention. A shut-off valve, easily accessible, shall be installed to control the sprinkler outlet. SECTION 1426.14 Article 26 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 26.14 to read as follows: SECTION 26.14 FLAMMABLE VEGETATION. No person, firm or corporation owning, or in possession or control of any lot or parcel of land, or portion thereof in the city either as owner, lessee, tenant or otherwise shall permit or allow dry weeds, dry grass or other flammable vegetation to remain or exist upon such lot or parcel. SECTION 1426.15 Article 26 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 26.15 to read as follows: SECTION 26.15 TAR POTS. No tar pot or portable fire box shall be transported through the city while any fire or flame is burning therein, and no tar pot shall be burnt out without first securing a permit therefor from the Bureau of Fire Prevention. SECTION 1426.16 Article 26 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 26.16 to read as follows: SECTION 26.16 FAT RENDERING. No person shall render or boil down any fatfor commerci purposes, unless he shall have first secured a permit therefor from the Bureau of Fire Prevention. SECTION 1426.17 Article 26 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 26.17 to read as follows: SECTION 26.17 CLOSING UNOCCUPIED BUILDINGS. Whenever any unoccupied building or structure is not properly closed, and vagrants or other unauthorized persons may enter the same and start a fire therein, the Bureau of Fire Prevention may notify the owner or person in control thereof in writing to close the same, which notice shall be complied with within forty-eight (48) hours after its receipt, 24. SECTION 1426.21 Article 26 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 26.21 to read as follows: SECTION 26.21 GRATINGS ON SIDEWALKS. The owner or tenant of any premises having a sidewalk grating shall install and maintain a metal catch basin under the grating which shall extend not less than 4" beyond each side and end of the grating. Said catch basin shall be kept free from all accumulations of dirt and refuse. Gratings in the walls of any building shall be covered with a fine screen to keep out lighted matches, cigars, or cigarettes, when such wall fronts upon any sidewalk. TION 1426.22 Article 26 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended by adding section 26.22 to read as follows: SECTION 26.22 SIDEWALK DEADLIGHTS. All sidewalk deadlights, shall be kept in good repair. Broken deadlights shall be replaced within twenty-four (24) hours after notice has been given by the Bureau of Fire Prevention to make necessary repairs. 1430.09 Section 30.09 of the Fire Prevention Code is amended to read as follows: SECTION 30.09 PERMIT REQUIRED FOR STORAGE OF CALCIUM CARBIDE. No calcium carbide shall be kept or stored without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Bureau of Fire ARTICLE 31 MISCELLANEOUS 1431.01 SECTIONS REMOVING DEBRIS AFTER FIRE. The owner or person having under his control or in his possession, upon any premises in the city any debris and personal property which has been partially destroyed or damaged by fire, smoke, or water and which is useless or 25. unmerchantable shall remove the same from the premises within such time as the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall direct. 1!31.02 SECTION DETAIL OF FIREMEN TO PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES. The Chief of the Fire Department may, whenever he deems it advisable, detail one or more firemen to any building or structure used as a place of public assemblage, to be present during the progress of any assembly therein. The firemen so detailed shall enforce all laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to the prevention and extinguishing of fires. SECTION 1431.03 PERMITS AND LICENSE& All applications for a permit required by this Article 26 shall be in such form and shall furnish such information as the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall require. Permits and licenses shall be kept on the premises designated therein at all times, and shall be subject to inspection by any officer of the fire, police, or building departments. Approval of any license or permit for any use or occupancy of any building shall be withheld until such build- ing has been inspected and approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. 1431. oi� SECTION OBSTRUCTING FIRE ALARM BOXES AND FIRE HYDRANTS. a. No person shall place, or cause to be placed, any article or thing so as to interfere with or obstruct free access and approach to or view of any fire alarm box or fire hydrant. b. No person shall place or deposit lumber, rock, sand, debris or other substance within fifteen (15) feet of any fire alarm box or fire hydrant on any public or private property in the city. Co No person shall plant or maintain shrubs, bushes, or other vegetation, or construct or maintain fences or poles, or any other structures on any public or private property, 26. any of which are a danger to the public health, safety or welfare, within fifteen (15) feet of any fire alarm box or fire hydrant. d. If any obstruction is maintained in violation of subparagraph (b) of this section, it shall be summarily removed on order of the City Manager, Chief of the Fire Department, or Chief of the Police Department. e. If any obstruction is maintained in violation of subparagraph (c) of this section, and the Chief of the Fire Department finds that it is dangerous to the public health, safety or welfare, he shall give notice in writing to the person maintaining such obstruction to remove it within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice. The notice herein prescribed shall be delivered in person or transmitted by United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the person maintaining such obstruction, or owning the premises, at his last known residence or business address. In the event that the obstruction shall not have been removed to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment within ten (10) days after giving the notice, the Chief of the Fire Department may forthwith cause the obstruction to be removed, provided as follows: 1. That within ten (10) days after giving such notice, the person maintaining the obstruction may appeal in writing to the City Council, and during the period of pendency of the appeal, and until final determination by the Council the Chief of the Fire Department shall not remove the obstruction; unless he shall determine its continuance is hazardous. 2. The appeal shall be filed in the office of the I City Clerk. 3. The appeal shall be set for hearing at the meeting of the Council next succeeding the receipt of notice thereof 27. by the City Clerk, if the notice of appeal is received five (5) or more days prior to such meeting; if the notice of appeal is received less than five (5) days prior to such meeting, the hearing shall be set for the second succeeding regular meeting of the Council after receipt of the notice. 4. Evidence may be submitted at the hearing in behalf of the appellant and the city, and the Council shall make finding thereon. The findings of the Council shall be final, conclusive and binding upon all parties. f. The use of any wrenches, other than approved fire department spanners, for the purpose of opening or shutting any fire hydrant is prohibited. No fire hydrant shall be used by any person other than a member of the fire depart- ment, or a city employee without first having secured a permit in writing from the fire department. The permit shall contain such conditions as may be specified by the Chief of the Fire Department, and may restrict the permittee to the use of specified hydrants. The Chief of the Fire Department may also require that the applicant for such permit post a cash security or a surety bond with the City Clerk in such form and amount as the Chief of the Fire Department shall determine, guarantee- ing to save the city harmless from any and all damage which may accrue by reason of the use of any fire hydrant. g. Not withstanding any other provision of this section, the violation of any portion hereof shall constitute a mis- demeanor and shall be punishable pursuant to the provisions of Section 101 of this ordinance code. 1431.05 SECTION :5 NOTIFYING OTHER DEPARTIUNTS. In case the Chief of the Fire Department shall have made any recommendations which involve structural, electrical or sanitary condition, he shall immediately notify the building, electrical or health department, as the case may be, of such conditions, and a copy of such notice shall be sent by the Chief of the Fire Department to the City Manager. 28. 1431.06 SECTION USE OF REGULATIONS OF NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS AND OTHER REGULATIONS. The Chief of the Fire Department or his duly authorized representative is hereby empowered and directed to invoke the existing requirements and regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriter, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Interstate Commerce Commission, United States Bureau of Standards, Industrial Accident Commission of the State of California, and other recognized authorities, in any and all cases of fire hazards not specifically covered in any section of this chapter or other ordinances, all of which have been published in code form and copies of which are on file with the Chief of the Fire Department and the City Clerk - 1431.07 SECTION APPEAL AND REVIEW. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be charged with the duty and responsibility of administering the provisions of this code. Whenever it is provided herein that certain things shall be done in accordance with the order, opinion or approval of the Chief of the Fire Department, such order, opinion or approval shall be complied with; provided, any person aggrieved thereby, or believing that such order, opinion or approval is erroneous or faulty, may appeal, except as other- wise provided in this code, to the City Manager in writing within forty-eight (48) hours after such order, opinion or approval shall have been given, and the City Manager shall affirm, modify or reverse the same within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter; provided further that if dissatisfied with the City Manager's ruling thereon, such person may appeal to the City Council at its next regular meeting thereafter, and the decision of the Council shall be final and conclusive. In the meantime, except in cases of immediate hazard, the order, opinion or approval shall be deemed suspended until such person shall have exhausted his right of appeal as herein provided. 29. 1431.o8 SECTION PUBLIC EDUCATION. The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall educate the public on the importance of fire prevention by various means including public lectures, suitably illustrated by pictures or moving picture films whenever thought advisable. SECTION 1431.09 APPLICABILITY. All sections of this chapter shall apply to buildings, structures and portions thereof, and to all appurtenances and fixtures thereto, and anything connected with, or by, or in, or on, any premises or building.,, SECTION 2. Repeals ordinances 434, 4769 509, 5189 5379 619, 645, 668, 672 and and Article 26 of the Ordinance Coae of the City of Burlingame and Sections 409, 1215, 1217, 1300 through 1302, inclusive, 1510 through 1513, inclusive, 1617 and 1713 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame and all other provisions of said Ordinance e which are in conflict with the provisions of the foregoing Article 26A of the Ordinance Coue of the City of Burlingame are by repealed. SECTION 3• Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or tion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or stitutional by the decision of any court or courts of juris- ction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the re - portions of this ordinance. The City Council of this City reby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each ction, subsection, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespecti the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, rases or portions may be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 30. SECTION 4. Publication This ordinance shall be published once as required by law. MI) I .).' MAYOR I, HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 767 of the City of Burlingame, entitled as above; that it was introduced on August 10, 1962; that after the intro- duction of the above -entitled ordinance, notice was duly given, as required by Section 50022.3 of the Government Code of the State of California, of a hearing to be held thereon; that a hearing was held thereon as required by said Government Coae; that 3 copies of the text of the Fire Prevention Code, 1956 Edition, and of the secondary codes therein referred to, incorporated by reference into said Ordinance No. 767, were on file with the City Clerk at least 15 days preceding the hearing of said ordinance; and that, after said hearing, said ordinance was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on September 1 t/—,, 1962 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: