HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0763ORD -LqA:;C^ p63 A )RDINAi,13T !V:71NDLIG DIVI3Ioid3 10, 11 AAD 129 ARTICLE 50, PART X iF C'fi7 BURLINTGAM. )RDIi'A 3.l CJD1], R'3GULIVTI..NG SET LACK LINE'S, L')" C i'4,"? tFiG?., ,":`rf iV'D REAR., YARDS AND AU TI )f'`}HIL PARK! -',1G SPAC' ' ';c:i.l of the City of Burlingame does ordain as 'Dhow%...,. Division 10, Article 507 Part X., of the Eurlingame )rdi.nance C, -)de is hereby amended to read and provide as follows- "D1'!I3I3N l0 SETBACK LINS2 Section 1951 General Provisions gxcept as prcvided in. this Division, no building shall be erected nearer the street Eines, or adjacent lot lines, than the distance there fr:;;� provided by setback lines heretofore or nereafter established. ;;rection 1952 Setback Established by trap Whenever a setback in any block is delineated on the suudivision ;nap the °eof; as approved by the Planning Coaaission and the City Council.; and recorded in the office of the County Recorder. the setback shown on such subdivision map shall be applicable, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary herein contained. The Planning Communion may require, as a condition Lo acceptant: of a tentative or final subdivision map, the delineation of setback lines in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Section 1953 Minimum Setbacks in R Districts In the event that no building has been erected in a block, the setback line shall be established in accordance with the procedure provide:; in this Division, but in no case shall the front setback of any proposed building in an R District be less than fifteen (15) feet from the front property line. Section 1954 Average Setback The fo'lowing shall apply to all R Districts' '..2 , rear, r,GceaT'ter Located, erected or i- buiit u;+.est be c.. T: back not less than fifteen (15) feet .from the fro.At pr;lperty line on which such buildings front. b. Aliere :bots comprising forty percent (40;..) or more of all the frontage on the same side of the street and within the same block are developed with buildings varying in set- back, the average of such front yards shall establish the minimum front yard depth for the entire frontage, but in no case: shall a front yard of more than thirty (30) feet be required. A Section 1955 Setback on Corner Lots Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Division, all single- family, two-family or multi -family dwellings, or buildings accessory there- to, of two stories or less in height, erected, located or rebuilt on corner lobs in R Districts shall be set back from the street which runs parallel with the length of the lot a distance of not less than seven and one-half (7-1/2) feet. For each additional story over two stories, the distance shall be increased one foot. Corner lots which are of such size that they could be subdivided, and whose length and width are approximately equal, must comply with the provisions of Section 1953 or Section 195+ on both streets, provided, however, that if it is intended to construct two or more buildings on such a lot, a resubdivision map thereof must be filed, and setback lines on each abutting street must be established, prior to the issuance of any building permit for either of such buildings. On corner lots of unequal frontages, one frontage of which is less than 100 feet, the side setback shall apply to the longer frontage and the front setback to the shorter frontage. Section 1956 Setbacks on Certain Streets There shall be a minimum front setback on all buildings constructed on lots which front on Park Road, between Howard and Peninsula Avenues, of five (5) feet. There shall be a minumum front setback on all buildings constructed on lots which front on Primrose Road, between Howard and Bayswater Avenues, of ten (10) feet. There shall be a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet on all buildings constructed on 21 Canino Real. Section 1958 Y easurement of Setback Lines All front setbacks shall be measured from the front property line to the front wall or any projection of the building; provided, however, that roof eaves may project a maximum distance of four (4) feet and front entrance stairs and stoops with no roof above them may project six (6) feet into the front yard setback area. Open balconies with a maximum length of sixteen (16) feet and a maximum depth of four (4) feet .nay be projected into a front yard. Where more than one such balcony is constructed as a projection on any one floor, a minimum horizontal distance of ten (10) feet shall separate such balconies. _ 2 _ Section 1954.1 Underground Garages in Setback Areas Garages may be constructed entirely Lelow ground level and such underground garages may project into any required yard or building setback area, subject to the following limitations: I. Plans for such underground garages, together with methods of access and egress for the vehicles, must be prepared and submitted for approval by the Planning Commission prior to the Issuance of a building permit; 2. The surface of the structure lying within an required yard or setback area shall be suitably landscaped in keeping with the general character of the surrounding neighborhood; 3. Plans for such landscaping and use of open space must be included in the submitted plans and must be approved by the Planning Commission; 4. Phe uppermost portion of any structure or attachment thereto within any required yard or setback area shall not extend above natural grade; 5. On lots abutting or fronting E1 Camino Real, underground garages may not be constructed in any portion of the property "line and the building setback line on such frontage but may be constructed in accordance with the foregoing regulations in other pori Lions of the property. Section 1959 Establishment of Front Yard Setback Lines Upon application of any property owner, or by action initiated by the Planning Commission or the City Council, front yard setbacks on any premises within the city shall be established or re-established at a hearing held and after a notice given in accordance with Sections 1910 through 1913 of this Code." SECTION 2. Division 11, Article 50, Part X of the Burlingame Ordinance Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: "DIVISIO,N 11 LOP COVERAG3, SIM YARDS A$D RSAR YARDS Section 1960 Lot Coverage All buildings, structures and improvements, or portions thereof a?hich are hereafter erected, constructed, established or enlarged for living purposes In any portion of The, city shalt. be limited in lot coverage In accordance with the following table: District Lot coverage in percent of total area of lot Interior Lot Corner Lot R-1 1+0 1+0 R-2 40 45 R-3 50 Ei0 R-4 50 60 - 3 - Section 1961 exceptions to LotCoverag( Table The lot coverage table shall include the area covered by all structures except the following: a. arbor b. Colonade c. Covered walk d. 3arden shelter, lanai or patio e. hothouse or glass house f. Lathe house g. Any garden enclosure having but three walls, one of which is a wall of the principal building h. awimming pools, but buildings for the storage or shelter of pumping, heating or filtering equipment and buildings for the accommodation of persons using the pool shall be included in computing or limiting lot coverage. These exceptions shall not be construed to include a garage or carport for the storage of automobiles. Section 1962 Additions to Existing Bui.ldin.�s No building may be altered or expanded to form additional living quarters if the total area of the building and the addition would exceed the permitted coverage. Section 1964 Lot Coverage where One Story is Used for Comiercial Purposes and a atory Above is Used for Residential Purposes Where living quarters are constructed or situated in any story abova a story used for commercial or industrial purposes, that portion used for living quarters shall be constructed within the side, front and rear setback lines required for residential uses as otherwise prescribed in this Code. Section 1966 Measuremient of aide Yards and Rear Yards All buildings, structures, improve.aents, or portions thereof, which are used or hereafter erected for dwelling purposes .in any portion. of 'Le city shall provide side yards and rear yards in accordance witk: the following table, except as herein provided: 5 G'J The sine yard require;aents set forth are the .ainimuai requirements for single story buildings and shall be increased one foot for each additional story above the first story. rection 1967 Exceptions a. Additions to an existing structure or building may be constructed as an extension of the side wall of the existing structure, proviaed that in no case shall the distance from the wall of the added structure to tiie. side lol, :i.i; `s_.- 1_ s feet. -4 aide Yards (in feet)--P,Rear Yards (in feet) i.ois 42' wide LDLS over 421 & Lots 51' 1 & 2 More tt,a kir under h less than 51' wide 6 over story 2 s 5 G'J The sine yard require;aents set forth are the .ainimuai requirements for single story buildings and shall be increased one foot for each additional story above the first story. rection 1967 Exceptions a. Additions to an existing structure or building may be constructed as an extension of the side wall of the existing structure, proviaed that in no case shall the distance from the wall of the added structure to tiie. side lol, :i.i; `s_.- 1_ s feet. -4 b. .Fireplace chimneys may project into the side yard to a distance not to exceed two (2) feet, provided that there shall be a minimum distance of two feet six inches (21611) between the chimney and the side lot line. c. Cornice or eave projections may extend into the side yard area but may not extend a greater distance than 50," of such, required side yard. d. A detached garage or other permitted one-story accessory building located within the rear 30;,: of the lot may be built to the rear or side lot lines, disregarding the require,nents of this Division. This exception shall not be construed to allow additional coverage or to permit construction over or upon easements deeded or dedicated for other purposes. e. Where fire escapes are required by law as an additional means of egress, suspended metal fire escapes may be con- structed in the side yard area but not to exceed three (3) feet in width. Such fire escapes shall be so constructed as to leave a clear area of at least seven (7) feet between the ground and the lowest point of the fire escape. Section 190 Yard Area Regulations No lot area shall be so reduced or diirinished that the yards or other open spaces shall be smaller than prescribed in this code. No yard or other open space maintained about any building for the Purpose of complying with the provisions of these regulations shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building. No yard or open space maintained on an adjoining lot shall be con- sidered as providing a yard or open space on a lot whereon a building is to be erected. Section 1970 Yards for Churches and F-ublic Buildings In all R Districts, no building shall be erected, enlarged or used as a public building, church, library, museum or other similar use, either governmental or private, permitted under the use regulations of this Code, unless such structure or use is located at least ten O3 feet from the lot or boundary line of adjoining property in an R District." SECTION 3. Division 12, Article 50, Part X, of the Burlingame Ordinance Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows. "DIVISION lit AUT-k!HEli.FPARJKI:dG SPACE Section 1`)71 Provision of Parking Space At the time of erection of any building or structure, or at tree time any building or structure is enlarged or increased in capacity, there shall be provided off-street parking space with adequate and proper pro- vision for ingress and egress by standard size automobiles. When any building is remodeled, reconstructed or changed in use by the addition of dwelling units, gross floor area, seating capacity, or other intensified use, such additional garage or parking facilities as .nay be 'required 6u§£ be hi+ovided? K The regulations which follow are the minimum requirements and additional spaces may be provided, Section 1971.1 Dimensions of Spaces, Access '.Che minimum dimensions for open parking spaces or for garages or carports, except in single-family dwellings, shall be nine (9) feet in width and twenty 0) feet in length with a vertical clearance of seven (7) feet, exclusive of access drives. The minimum inside dimension for garages or carports in single-family dwellings shall be ten (10) feet in width and twenty (20) feet in length. Single-family dwellings hereafter constructed which contain three or more bedrooms shall provide garage or carport space for at least two vehicles. Required open spaces or garages or carports shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway or such width and design as to provide safe and convenient access or egress for the vehicle. Section 1971.2 Requirements for Particular Uses a. Dwellings, apartments, apartment hotels There shall be at least one permanently maintained parking space in a garage or covered carport on the same lot with the building for each dwelling unit in the building. In any building con- taining more than six () dwelling units, there shall be pro- vided at least one additional parking space for each two dwelling units in excess of six (6) units. Such additional parking spaces need not be covered or within a garage or carport, Parking spaces shall not be situated in the front or side setback areas, b. Lodging houses, rooming house, homes for aged or infirm There shall be provided one parking space for each two lodging rooms plus one parking space for each two persons employed on the premises,, including the owner or manager. c. motels. There shall be provided one parking space for each dwelling unit or lodging room. d. Hotels, private clubs with resident facilities There shall be provided one, parking space for each of the first t4gexl'y ind$ `W ".dual gues-t z_ ooSim - nit ono aadd1.J. e 4,-,A :, 1 Churches, high suhCoo-L and "v'u"'Lo e eudlto i'ia is, general._udito,-iuws., and similar places of public assembly shall provide one parking space for each tea (10) ;.eats; or; if there are no fixed seat. one space for euc%a one huad.red (100) square feet of floo2' spaeo within the assembly area.. f. Commercis,l and industrial_ uses Parking spaces on the same lot or on contiguous proper -by shall be provided .fair corwiercia.l buildings as set forth in the follcw— Ing table of requirementse 6 Medical or dental offices, clinics or similar uses Business offices, real estate offices, banks, office buil'-Ungs Retail stores Furniture stores, appliance stores, bulk merchandise Service or repair shops engaged in repairing, testing, cleaning or processing materials or products Industrial buildings, wholesale establishments Warehouses for storage of bulk materials 3 spaces for each office or suite provided for the practice of one doctor or practitioner 1 space for each 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area 1 space for each 500 sq. ft. of floor area 1 space for each. 600 sq. ft. of floor area 1 space for each 300 sq. ft. of floor area 1 space for each 1000 sq. ft. of floor area 1 space for each 2500 sq. ft. of floor area The ratio of required spaces to floor area shall be computed by measuring and including all of the floor area within the building. Where a building is used or intended to be used for a combination of purposes, the parking spacessbhll be provided in relation to the proportion of the building assigned to each use and shall be the total of all of the com- bination of uses. Section 1971.3 r= eptions and Izxemptions 3xisting commercial buildings nor, within a parking district shall be excepted rom the foregoing provisions; provided, however, that :najor changes or reconstruction shall cause such buildings to come within the requirements hereof. For the purpose of this section, a major cnange shall be one which changes the structural design of the building and where the cost of such change shall be 100;, or more of the assessed valuation Dt the existing building. Property within an assessment district formed for the purct.ase and operation of publicly owned parking lots or areas shall be exempt from tte cequirernents of Section 1971.2 f., except t.tat suet, walk (:' la L:i d S':Ca EeO �tFi G..i.c I,6saL1-' sv'Lstitute parking facilities w�iici. .r:eet the require.tients of this _ode irl ai .respects stave been provluad t'_)r tc�e property, ;da building or other structure shall be erected nor shall ally improvements be constructed upon such parking spaces, or any access thereto, unless substitute facilities have been provided. -7d SSC TI DV 4. 3'W13RABILI If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court or courts of jurisdiction, suck' decision ,hall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of this City hereby declares that it would have adopted this .ordinance and each section, subsection,clause, phrase or portion teae-eof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub- sections, clauses, phrases or portions may be declared invalid or u constitutional- SECTIn 5. REP GALS All ordinances and all sections or parts of sections of this Code conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. S,CTIDN 6- PUBLICATION '-his Ordinance shall be published as required by law. I. Herbert R. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foreoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council meld on the 16th day of July , 1962, and adopted Thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 1st day of October Ayes: Councilmen: Aloes: Councilmen: , 1962, by the following vote: Crosby - Martin - Morgan None Absent Councilmen: None Abstaining Councilmen: Johnson - Lorenzo - 8 -