HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0754ORDItiA:XE NO, 754 A:v ORDIwA: C3 A:,:E__JDI:;O C^JCPIO:i 1227 OF P}iE ORDINAACE CODE OF 2HE CITY OF EURLINJ-X,:E; DELCARI`IG Ii TO BE L.ZAWFUL TO PARC ANY V�E11ICLE ON tudY JTREEZ !,FNEJ.d Z --,E iOUAS OF 2:00 A.M. AND o:GU A.::. 'dIT OL'T A PER -,If; AND PROVIDI'dG FOR .11LE I33)LA1Cc OF. FEE FOR N:'iD REVOCC IO_ OF SJC', P .R;'IP Tne City Council of the City of _:urlinoa••e does ordain as follows: 3)3CTIU:; 1. dectio.a 1227 of ti,a Furlinga::,e Ordinance Cote is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1227•_- Overnight Permit Parking: (a) It shall be unlawful for the owner or driver of any vehicle to iiar4 such vehicle upon any street or alley in the City between the Yours of 2:00 A.:. and 6:00 A.M. without a permit Lherefor, provided, nowever, that this section shall not apply to veaicles of any regularly licensed physician when actually engaged in .raking profes- sional calls. (b) In cases of hardsnip where ti,e owners of vehicles cannot obtain suitable storage or parklinn facilities, per- mits for parking between 2:OJ A.::. and 6:00 A.Y. may be issued by the Chief of Police. Tne application for a peryiL shall c.e signed by the applicant, shall state the aa&e, model and license numoer of the vehicle and stall contain a state_aent of the necessity and reasons for Lihe permit. If, upon investigatiJn, it is found that the necessity exists Lnorafor and that tine applicar.L has no reasonable means for night sLoraga of the vehicle dur.ino the above stated hours, Lie Chiaf of police siiall issue era per_..i.t for a Period not to exceed sir. (&) ,:.onihs• L'efore using sucfi par.:iiL, Lna er.:.i tea stall pay t_he City Clerk or Financa Officer a fee Of 2.03 fir sin (6) : onti.s•The perWit siiall not ra trans- farable and shall be displayed on tiie left side window to the rear of trie driver of t_le vehicle for wiiicih it is issued at all tic,es during waicn tlia vehicle is h;arzed upon Lue street between the iiours of 2:00 A.,:. and 6:OU A.:i. Tae Chief of Police s:ia11 revoke tt., per;:it ',nen the necessity under wrier it was issued and the reasons therefor cease to exist or nh.y renew such per.:.iL if the nardsnip stil.1 exists, :r�" 0 JECfION 2. Re easing. All provisions of tiie Eurlinga:e Ordinance Code in conflict h. rewith are nereby repealed. 05'C1PI0:; 3.• .iJVeraLLI, any 5:9Ct,JI1, ,1L5,iC1L].iJS?5 Se7it,,:3:1.Cr?, .la"e, Ll"rise, uc (iorti)fl Jf this ordinai,ca is for any reason 1.eld tJ be invalid or unconstiLutional iy the decision of any court or courts such of Iurisdiction,/decision shall no, affect t•iie validiLy of the rearaining :.Jrt.Jns of i.aiS•JrQlaalt C.® "Ge i;.li,j (1(-)L.nc1 ;.r ,,is - _ sill.: e. is 1. i. ScC G1Ji1, section, clause, pi,rase Or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases or portions may be C.&clar.8,^. '!.'i.i;,jjiG or linconsti LUtion SEC2107F 4. Effective- Date: This ordinance shall becoc,e effective �nirLy (3J) days fro::. and after L;ha date of its final passage. "CTION 5. Publication: This ordinance stall be puolishad as required Ly law. Mayo r I, Hertert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that Lhe fore- going ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Citj Council held on the 23rd day of April , 1962, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 7th day of May , 19629 ty the following vote: Ayes: Council:aen: CrosbT;r, Johnson, Lore:rz, "Zertin, 'Tor -an .Toes: Councilwen: None Absent Couacilffien: None Lerbert K. White - Cit; Clerk