HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0749ORDINANCE NO. 749 AN ORDINANCE A;IENDING SECTION 1926 OF THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME REGULATING PERMISSIVE USES AND PROVIDING FOR BUILDING REGULATIONS, LOT LIMITATIONS AND LOT REQUIREMENTS AND HEIGHT LIMITATIONS IN R-1 (FIRST RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICTS, The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: "SECTION 1, Section 1926 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read and provide as follows. Section 1926 - Regulations For R-1 Districts. (First Residential) No building or land in this District shall be used and no build- ing shall be hereafter erected, altered, or enlarged except as pro- vided in the following regulations, exceptions and provisions: A. Permitted Uses, 1. Single family dwellings. 2. Public buildings, public parks and playgrounds. 3, Accessory buildings, structures or uses including private garages, parking spaces, greenhouses, lath - houses, playhouses, sheds, swimming pools and ac- cessory buildings to serve such swimming pools, but not including group pools or swimming pool clubs. 4. Home occupations as defined in this Article. 5. Letting of rooms, with or without meals, to not more than three persons. 6. StoraEe of any trailer; provided that no trailer shall be stored or permitted 'to be stored on that part of any lot or parcel of land upon which the construction of buildings is prohibited; and pro- vided, further, that no person shall use or per- mit to be used any trailer for the purpose of sleeping or as living quarters. -lm 7. Real Estate signs as regulated in Article 49A of the Ordinance Code. 8. Church bulletin boards as an accessory use to per- mitted churches. 9. Fallout and protective shelters, subject to the ap- propriate provisions of the Building Code and to the site regulations of subsection G of this section. Such shelters may not be used or intended to be used for any purpose other than human habitation during nuclear radiation fallout or any threatened or actual enemy attack. B. Conditional Uses Requiring A Special Permit. 1. Churches, convents, parish houseso 2. Schools, public and private' including religious or parochial schools; but not including trade, music, dancing, business or similar schools and private schools operated for profit. 3. Living rooms, sleeping rooms, rumpus rooms or hobby rooms in garages or accessory buildings provided that such rooms shall not contain a kitchen and shall not become a separate rental property, and provided that such rooms shall not be constructed above or as a second story to such garage or access- ory buildings. 4. Plant nurseries and truck gardening; provided that the produce therefrom shall not be retailed and delivered on the premises but may be delivered there- from,a 5. Public utility and public service structures or in- stallations when found by the Commission to be necessary for the public health, safety, convenience and welfare. -2® C. Prohibited Uses. 1. It shall be unlawful to utilize any yard, lot or portion thereof, in an R District for the storing of lumber, lime, cement, plaster, building materi- als, machinery, or other equipment used in or for business. D. Building Regulations. 1. Only one building designed or used as a residence for one family shall be erected, located or main- tained on one lot. 2. No detached building; accessory to a main building shall occupy the portion of any lot in front of the main building; provided that where conditions of terrain make it impossible or impractical to construct a garage as part of,.or in the rear of, the main structure, the Planning Commission may issue a permit to build such garage in front of the main building. No accessory building shall be erected closer than 4 feet to any other building on the same lot or parcel of land. 3. Where a dwelling has been erected on the rear 60% of the lot prior to January 15, 1954s a garage may be erected in front of the main building but not in any portion of the front setback. 4• All buildings shall be subject to height, area and garage limitations as provided otherwise here- in. E. Lot Limitations and Lot Requirements. 1. Lots must have an avera; )n the map attaG ed hereto, all lots shown '$n wh. td shall have an area of not less than 5,000 square feet; all Lots shown within a border, of horizontal cross- hatching shall hav-, an area of not less than 7000 square feet; and all lots shown, within a border of vertical crosshatching shall have an area of not less than 10,000 square feet, 3. Where frontage on a public street is impossible or impractical, the Planning Commission may recommend an easement or easements providing ingress from and egress to a public street in lieu of such street frontage. In any such case, the City of Burlingame shall be made an owner of such easement. An offer of grant or dedication of any such easement made to the City Council shall be referred by it to the Planning Commission which shall recommend the ac- ceptance or denial of such offer to the City Council, Recommendations of acceptance may be conditional, The City Council shall not accept or refuse to accept any such offer until it has received and considered the recommendations of the Planning Commission, The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to Public Service Easements as such easements are de- fined by Section 50432 of the Califo^nia Government Code, 4- Variances may be granted to the provisions of sub- sections 1, and 20 above in accordance with the pro- visions oi.' ArtiE*le 5'0,, 'Division 8 of th7.w tic,;;o , ,. The avera;-e width, lot frontage,, and minimum areas provided for in subsections 1. and 2. above shall not apply to any lot or parcel of land of smaller di- mensions appearing of record in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Mateo, or of the City Engineer of the City of Burlingame, prior to June 18,, 1958. No building permit shall be issued after said date for the construction of any building on any lot divided or subdivided which does not comply with the minimum requirements set forth above, except as varied by subsections 3. or !go of this section, 6. The provisions of subsections D1 through D4, inclusive, shall apply to lands hereafter subdivided in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California; provided, however, that the Planning Commission and the City Council may, in the consideration and acceptance of any tentative or final map submitted pursuant to the provisions of said,Subdivision Map Act, approve or accept any such tentative or final map where- in one or more lots or parcels of land do not conform to all of the provisions of subsections D1 through D4, when the Planning Commission and the City Council find that by reason of exceptional or extraordinary circumstances the approval or acceptance of such maps will not adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city. 7. No lands annexed to the City of Burlingame after May 310 19609 which are thereupon classified for residential uses, shall be divided into lots having an area of less than 10,000 square feet each, F. .Height Limitations. No building shall be constructed, altered, or maintained in an R-1 District which exceeds 21 stories or 35 feet in height, with the following exceptions: ')II 1 oto ! t173f; Pi,downward. toward j he street line, the maximum height of the structure shall be 2' stories or 35 feet above the existing or future curb level, irrespective of the number of stories at the rear of the structure. 2. On lots that slope upward toward the rear from the street line, the maximum height of the structure M5- shall be 2- stories or 35 feet above grade at the setback line and the same number of stories or height at any point of the structure measured vertically from ground level at that point. G. Fallout and Protective Shelters. Detac`ied above -ground shelters may be constructed on any portion of a property where accessory buildings may be located. Buried shelters may be constructed in the rear yard of the principal building but may not be constructed in any re- quired side yard or in any portion of a property burdened by an underground easement. No person shall construct a buried shelter in a front yard without first obtaining a permit from the Planning Com- mission which is authorized to issue such permits if it finds construction of a buried shelter in the rear yard to be im- possible or impracticable. Such permits, when issued® shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Driveways➢ walks and suitable landscaping shall be installed or re -installed in those portions of the front yard normally used for these purposes; 2. Existing underground sewers, water pipes and water meters shall be re -installed in accordance with the specifications of the City Engineer and at the entire expense of the person to whom the permit is issued; 3, No portion of the shelter except-rantilatior. vF '4a.L3s � 33 a tress entry not exceeding three feet in height may be oarmitted. Any person desiring to construct an underground shelter in the front yard shall make a written application to the Planning Commission. The application shall show the location -6- on the property of the proposed shelter and shall set forth rea- sons why such shelter cannot be constructed in the rear yard;, A fee of x$10.00 shall be paid. At its next regular meeting following receipt of the appli- cation, the Planning Commission shall hear the applicant and all others who wish to be heard and may *rant or deny the rsquest� Notice of the hearing shall be mailed to all owners of property contiguous to that for which the permit is sought„ SECTION 2. If any section, sub"otion., sentence, clause., phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held in- valid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions. SECTION 1. Any section, part of a section, of this Code in conflict herewith is hereby repealed. SECTION 4, This Ordinance shall be published once as re- quired by kw. A R� DRyor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the third day of January, 19629 and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the fifteenth day of January, 1962, by the ACa..i: 1;➢41 a3 F?.. Ayes: Councilmen Byrd, Johnson, Martin, Morgan Noes: Councilmen' None Absent: Councilmen: Lorenz Herbert K. -White - CityC=8 ®70