HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0773ORDI,ASCE `;). 773 A d )RDI=;A ;CE APPR )VI'JG f`:E A:i[�EXAfI'):d OF CERTAL1 UNI"EALI rE'D fERRIfORY, DESICi'TAfED 'TILLERAE STRIP" 'TJ L: E CITY OF Hi;'RLIVGAYE fhe Cit, Council Of Lhe City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: W _EREAS, oii trio l9l,ii uay of nove.iiLer, 1962, Lt.a Council of Lhe City of L"rllaga.ue did pass and adopt Resolution `lo. 74-62 giving notice Jf the proposal Lo annex cartaih ianiahabited territory tJ Lne City of Lurlinga.ae, said territory Leing Liierain d,�signatad as 'T'ILL:;RAE STRIP", and said resolution describing the Louadaries of tae territory ;rop.3sed tJ Le annexed; and W_iEREAS, said Resolution :Io. 74-62 did contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the Council of the Ci Ly would 'near protests made Ly any person owning real property within the territory proposed to Le anriexea, the Li:ie of saia hearing being not less than 4o nor more ti.an 60 days fro:i, the date of passage of said resolution; and W'EREAS, on Lne 7th dart of January, 1963, at Lne hour of 8:00 o' cloc't p -il. , is Lire Council Cha;r.bers in the Ci Ly _fall of t_re City of L:irlinga.::e, County if Sari N.aLeo, State of California, said ti -..e and place teing the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution 'T 74-62 for nearing protests to Lne said annexation, Lha said City Council did 'near aha pass upon all t,rotests L,aae to une proposad annexation and did dater..,ine Ghat protests :fad noL been iaae Ly tr.e owners of one-half of rice value of Lne privaLaly Jwned Lerritory propJsed LJ Le ainexea as sirowri Ly ti,e last equalized assessa.,3at roll nor Ly .u�lic owners if one-half of Lne value of erre puLlicly owned territory proposed to be annexed as datemined Ly said legislative Lody; and WiERTAS, said territory is situated within Lice City of Millbrae, County of San Mateo, State of California, and all of the owners of said territory holding all of the value of tiie real property therein of the City of Yillbrae did, on Septe%fiber 19, 1961, adopt its resolution en LiLled "RES)LUPIOP; NO. 1518 CO:.SEXTING TO fHE DEfACIY..EP:f OF CERTAIN TERRITORY FOR A?;NEXATIOTvI TO THE CITY OF BURLIVGAYE" and did therein consent to ti,e detachment of said territory from Lire Ci Ly of Millbrae, pursuant Lo Section 353J4 of Lire Govern.nenL Code of Lne State of California; and i%W, Said LarriuUry is. contiguous LU t_,e Cinj of PaL d IS Ua1nanu! LACI i, 0riLOry in L"O CiLy Of Wilrae, CJUnLy of 6aL Eu u8U. Waw of California; nw, runmas, we Said Council of the Ci Ly' of L urliag aoa does "ero bj approve L"a annaXation if Lha Lorri Lory hereinafter de SCri Led to Lhe Ci Ly of Eurlingawo, and floes fur Kyr ordain that the Said terrUiry be and is hereLy annexed to We Cit, Of E'uriingane. The said territory, the annexation of waica to L"e City of Burlingame is herein approved, is all that territory situated in t;,c City of Yil.lLraa, County of Can Yateo, State of California. _Lure particulariy described in Exhibit A attached hereto, incorporated ne'ein and :rade a part of this ordinance. I, her&rt K. White, City ay0 hereby certify that tae foregoing ordinance was inLrjaacad at a regular meeting of the Ci L, Council held on the 7th da; of January , 1963, and adopted Lnerea£tar at a _regular _ ::seting of Lae City Council held on the 21st _ day of January-_____, 1963, by the following Vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Crosby, Johnson, Lorenz, Martin, Morgan :does: Councilzan: None Ausent Councilmen: None -7 Ci Ly Cleric -- WIIBIT A DEDCRIPrION A strip or parcel of land situate in the City of Millbrae, County of San Mateo, DtaLe of Califurnia, particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most westerly corner of Unit No. 1, Yillsdale Industrial Park, filed for record August 16, 1954, and recorded in Volu.::e 39 of raps at pages 49 and 50, records of San N.ateo Count,,, California, said point being also the inLersection of the northeasLorly right -of -way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. with the southeastarly boundary of the City of Yillbrae. Thence southeasterly along aforesaid northeasterly right-of-way line the following courses and distances, S 39000'24" E 147.54 feet thence continuing on a curve concave to the northeast tangent Lu last described course with a radius of 2753.59 feet, an are length of 1118.35 feet and a central angle of 23016'13", thence tangent to aforedescribed curve S 62016'37" E 1397.17 feet, then D 59055'50" E 610.46 feet thence S 62016'37" E 1264.06 feet to the :_:ost southerly corner of Unit No. 59 Millsdale Industrial Parc, filed for record May 18, 1955 and recorded in Volume 42, of Maps, at pages 21, 22 and 23, records of San Mateo County, California, said corner being at Lhe intersection of aafiresaid northeasterly right-of-way line with the northwesterly line of the property of R. P. Etienne Properties Inc. Thence along aforesaid northwesterly property line extended S 36041128" west across the lands of the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. and the Citj and County of San Francisco 182.23 feet to a point on the northeasterly lane of California Drive in the City of Burlingame, San Mateo County, ;;Late of California, said northeasterly line being also the southwesterly line of the lands of the City and County of San Francisco. Thence northwesterly along last described line the following courses and distances, N 62016'37" W 1883.43 feet thence .'1 59042110" W 1002.00 feet thence 7-1 62016'37" W 358.35 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northeast with a radius of 2913.59 feet, an arc length of 1183.33 feet and a central angle of 23°16°13" thence tangent to last described curve N 39°00'24" W 94.40 feel thence N 44041124" W 42.69 feet to the ..lost northerly corner of :.ills Estate No. 1, filed for record i.ay 5, 1954 and recorded in Vol- 38 of I.,aps at pagus 48 and 49, Rocords of San Mateo County, California, said point oeing the intersection of the southwesterly property line of the City and C°un Ly of Dan Francisco with the northeasterly prolongation of the center line of ,•:urchison Drive. Thence A 47016142" E across the lands of the Douthern Pacific Railroad Co. and the City and County of San Francisco 164.57 feet to point of beginning and containing an area of 18.3 acres MOL.